Author Topic: The Star Wars Thread  (Read 112256 times)

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #165 on: January 20, 2014, 08:50:45 pm »

Offline stylish

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #166 on: January 20, 2014, 08:52:24 pm »
I don't think its a exclusive thing that you have to be into the... well, let's say opposite sex and Star Wrs.
Former Lieutenant of the 3rdFG || Captain of Team Netherlands NWEC 2014 || Primus <3 Stylish


Offline Racoon

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #167 on: January 20, 2014, 08:55:32 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Remember, an education is important but big biceps are importanter


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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #168 on: January 20, 2014, 08:59:00 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Your own story? It's nice man :D

Offline Racoon

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #169 on: January 20, 2014, 08:59:47 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Your own story? It's nice man :D
Yeah, did it a while ago!, back when i was into star wars alot lol
Remember, an education is important but big biceps are importanter

Offline stylish

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #170 on: January 20, 2014, 09:00:52 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Your own story? It's nice man :D
Yeah, did it a while ago!, back when i was into star wars alot lol

the 70s when it was actually cool?
Former Lieutenant of the 3rdFG || Captain of Team Netherlands NWEC 2014 || Primus <3 Stylish



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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #171 on: January 20, 2014, 09:02:28 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Your own story? It's nice man :D
Yeah, did it a while ago!, back when i was into star wars alot lol

the 70s when it was actually cool?
Really, it's a nice story you made there. :D

Offline Racoon

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #172 on: January 20, 2014, 09:04:11 pm »
here is my ster wars fan fiction story! :D hope you like!
The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master stared out into space. Chiss Star Destroyers had moved to the Herald of Death's flanks in a wedge formation. His students prepared their ships for war.

War... I have been witness to far too many wars. I have stood by and watched the galaxy tear itself apart, taking a passive stance of helping one side over the other when the answer is right in front of me.

The galaxy will be plagued by wars for all time so long as a weak government and corrupt Jedi Order are all that stand to protect it. I will change that. The galaxy needs to change.

I am that change.

The holoprojector on the armrest of The Master's throne sparked to life, projecting the pale blue image of The Brain.

"Master. The connection is established."

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

Luke Skywalker entered the reception area of the Mental Ward of Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital. There were no visitors to be seen, only a lone receptionist stood behind a desk in the pristine white room.

The receptionist was a beautiful young woman, who must have just been hired. She was of slight build, though she was nearly Luke's height. Her black hair was tied back by a ribbon, and her blue eyes looked over to him through rounded glasses.

"Master Skywalker!" She said waving him over. "I heard that you may be on your way."

Luke approached the desk, placing his hands on the warm durasteel. "Yes, I am here to see Nek Bwua'tu."

The receptionist typed something in on the small datapad she was holding, while she stepped out from behind the desk. "Of course. The transmission from the Chief of State's office said that you were here to see him. Before we go, I should warn you that his mind is severely damaged, but remains intact enough for him to ramble about some sort of dagger and Coruscant." The receptionist turned toward the door at the far end of the waiting area, waving for him to follow.

Luke followed her through the door labeled 'Mental Ward.' He had been sent by Chief of State Wynn Dorvan to help the Admiral recover from his experience with The Master. Luke had told him that other Jedi were better Jedi healers than he, but Dorvan insisted.

The receptionist stopped at a silver door labeled 'Bwua'tu' on her left. "He's in there. If you can, please help him. No one else has been able to."

Luke knew it was no coincidence that Bwua'tu would be untreatable. The Master had used his dark powers to remove a powerful obstacle from his path, no medicine could cure the shadow that had fallen over him. Luke only hoped that he could salvage the Admiral's mind.

Luke entered the chamber. There was only a flat bed to speak of, with the Admiral cowering behind it, shaking in fear. The Admiral's graying fur was thinning, his eyes darkened, but wide with perpetual terror. Images were scrawled on the wall, all of them resembling some sort of dagger.

Nek quickly leapt up, waving Luke over with his left hand and pointing at the largest image with his right. "The dagger! Black as the void! It will stab into Coruscant, and destroy everything." The Admiral's ramblings were ineligible to some, but Luke knew what it was.

The Master planned to strike Coruscant and possibly destroy the planet.

Nek Bwua'tu traced the outline of the dagger image with his index finger. "Black as the Void." He whispered. "It heralds the coming darkness."

Luke reached out with his right hand, reaching out to the Admiral's mind with the Force. He touched Nek's surface thoughts. His mind was fragmented, but intact enough to support his insane ramblings. Luke reached in deeper, following the darkness to its source. He found a swirling storm of darkness and, hiding behind it, a menacing shadow.

Luke pulled away, detaching himself from the Admiral's mind. This darkness was unlike anything he had ever seen. It had taken Nek Bwua'tu's mind and dominated it, but it had a possible unintended side-effect. Bwua'tu's ramblings had given Luke a glimpse into The Master's plans.

He will strike Coruscant, and he will strike it hard.

Luke heard footsteps rushing towards him. He could feel the receptionist's distress.

"Master Skywalker, you need to see this!"

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master righted himself in his chair. The Brain had hacked into the galactic communications network of the Galactic Alliance, allowing The Master to broadcast a transmission to every planet in the Galactic Alliance.

It was time for the next step in The Master's plan. The final move before his war began.

*** *** *** ***

Coruscant- Gilad Pellaeon Memorial Hospital- Mental Ward

The receptionist pointed to the wall-mounted vidscreen on the right wall of the waiting area. The vidscreen displayed The Master's image in full color.

"Citizens of the Galactic Alliance. You know who I am, so I will not bother with introductions. I have a message for you." The Master coughed once before clearing his throat. "Many of you have been witness to wars. Many of you know of people who have lost loved ones because of war."

"I tell you now, that the fault lies in your leaders. They are responsible for your loss. When the Vong invaded, the poor leadership of New Republic leaders led to inaction and uncoordinated military responses, which, in turn, led to unnecessary deaths." The Master coughed again, louder this time. He shifted in his seat before continuing.

"But your leaders are only a single part of the problem. Look to your Guardians of Peace- the proud Order of the Jedi. They are corrupt as well. Their actions and their arrogance have caused even more deaths."

The Master coughed again. "The Jedi have become arrogant, believing themselves to be all-powerful. When an entity of unimaginable power struck the galaxy, the Jedi considered her just another foe to defeat. Their foolishness allowed the entity to create chaos on Coruscant."

"They believed the Second Galactic Civil War to be just another war for them to fight in, just another crisis for them to deal with. Their arrogance and flawed ideals has led them to make impossibly foolish decisions. They allowed the Sith- sworn enemies of peace and freedom- to continue their foul existence."

"The collective foolishness and arrogance of your leaders and the Jedi Order has allowed the Imperial Remnant to grow into a full-fledged Empire."

"Even now the Sith, and the new Empire under the leadership of Jagged Fel plan to overthrow the Galactic Alliance and return the galaxy to the darkness it felt under the reign of Emperor Palpatine."

The Master coughed again, bending over in his seat as his lungs spasmed. He cleared his throat and returned to an upright position. "But this does not have to be your future. You can do something about it. Join me in my fight to unseat your corrupt leaders and cleanse the corruption of the Jedi Order."

"I will put an end to war. I will unite the galaxy under one rule. The new Empire and the Sith will be defeated, and the galaxy will be at peace."

The Master's voice rose, compelling Luke to join him. The Master's voice was eloquent, alluring. Luke knew many would fall prey to his words.

"If you believe as I do, then join me. Bringing peace will not be easy. It will take one final war, but, together, we can unite the galaxy. United, we will defeat the Sith and this new Empire. Together, we will finally save the galaxy!"

The Master's image vanished from the vidscreen, leaving static in his place.

Luke placed a hand on the receptionist's shoulder, pouring some of his energy into her. "Don't listen to him. He's lying. This is a ruse."

She swallowed and nodded. "You'll stop him, won't you?"

Luke didn't answer. He knew it wouldn't be so simple.

*** *** *** ***

The Herald of Death- Bridge

The Master fell into a fit of coughing. He cupped his mouth over his hands. He pulled his hands away, and saw blood spots on them. "Why is this happening to me?"

"Because you're dying." A voice from behind him answered.
Your own story? It's nice man :D
Yeah, did it a while ago!, back when i was into star wars alot lol

the 70s when it was actually cool?
Really, it's a nice story you made there. :D
Thanks man
Remember, an education is important but big biceps are importanter

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #173 on: January 20, 2014, 11:16:37 pm »
Already got the comic books for that.

Also Disney have dropped the 1313 trademark/copyright, looks like we aint getting that any time soon.

Link plz.
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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #174 on: January 23, 2014, 11:12:16 pm »
So. Who of you has a star wars poster in your room?

I got 2 of them. And both of them are completely ripped into pieces and you can barely read whats on them. But they are hanging on my walls.

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #175 on: January 23, 2014, 11:41:47 pm »
So. Who of you has a star wars poster in your room?

I got 2 of them. And both of them are completely ripped into pieces and you can barely read whats on them. But they are hanging on my walls.

I myself am waiting to find one I can really like. Currently thinking of getting the ones in my signature in poster form, then framed and put on my wall.
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #176 on: June 11, 2015, 02:27:30 pm »
Count Dooku is dead. RIP.

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #177 on: June 11, 2015, 02:56:09 pm »
RIP Christopher Lee

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #178 on: June 11, 2015, 05:54:30 pm »
Like if u sad
Cazasar interacting with the boys
me and cazasar interacting

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Re: The Star Wars Thread
« Reply #179 on: July 30, 2015, 10:39:08 pm »
I heard Harrison Ford will be doing in the new star wars movie.