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Messages - Ri0T

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Events: EU / Re: HLI Tuesday Flag Spawn Event "LF Lines"
« on: May 22, 2024, 09:46:54 am »
insane to be banned because of saying the n word while i have the free pass for it since i'm from niger. Here's a pic of me to prove my point. Cya.

Can confirm

Strong line-up regards from classroom number 10 on first floor

Thanks bro regards from classroom number 34 on 2nd floor

Team name: V1bers
Captain Steam link (required):
Ri0T - 2086845
Krembit - 663095
Ingram - 350611
Flo - 16811762
Drake - 335479
sHype - 1472629
R1bazZz - 1418311
Ilypa - 1704636

Nickname: Ri0T
Steam Link (required):
Your previous experience as referee? (At least one valid reason): NWWC + NWMC + Akatsuki Tournaments.

event soon guys!!! dw!!
Don't forget your historical names or its an instant demotion

Dont worry we are prepared!

Team name: V1bers
Captain Steam link (required):
Ri0T - 2086845
Ingram - 350611
R1bazZz - 1418311
Sennii - 1696213

Nickname: Ri0T
Steam Link (required):
Your previous experience as referee? (At least one valid reason): NWWC, NWMC + Smaller tournaments.


Just trying to educate Riot here dogwing, you should let me, maybe he will actually learn something usefull today


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« on: April 16, 2024, 02:05:43 pm »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))
Just remember that this 45e played matches in this tournament with 3 guys not or added too late to their roster, but the same guy you are accusing to be biased against them said it's fine xd
just having a 96y member being the referee in the final is biased, but the participating regiments do what they want, I just pointed it out.

Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))

Not even a fallacy, but ye you are right, if i even slay one of their members during the match it will look biased asf


Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« on: April 16, 2024, 11:53:44 am »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))
Just remember that this 45e played matches in this tournament with 3 guys not or added too late to their roster, but the same guy you are accusing to be biased against them said it's fine xd

Biased or not, this whole tournament has been a shit show from what I have heard or seen. This might be your first tournament hosted by yourself and as much as I like to see people stepping up and hosting stuff for this community after all those years, it is save to say that you desperately need to critical reflect your decision/actions during this tournament. From not giving signed up admins the admin pw of the server to questionable groupstage brackets, controversial roster changes, a lot of disputed match decisions from the refs (with a problematic/unclear rule set?), an unbearable delay and last but not least the inconsistency from the admin team.

I'm not saying you should never host anything again, it's quite the opposite. I hope you alone or with this team will host something again for this community. Just as an advise you should maybe rethink some of the things which happend in the tournament and use that gained knowledge for your next hosted tournament. I'm sure it will be way better then, not only for you and your nerves  :D

Cant disagree, i even admit i made misstakes during some matches but always made up for it.

Also wanting to point out that i never said its fine they used the 3 guys which werent signed up. I told Foster that he shouldnt be letting them play and he told me he wouldnt.

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« on: April 15, 2024, 08:03:51 pm »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.
"We all know" nice fallacy xD, I'm just saying that if you make a harsh decision against 45e it will look biased af :))

Not even a fallacy, but ye you are right, if i even slay one of their members during the match it will look biased asf

Competitive EU Events/Tournaments / Re: Infantry Battle Tournament
« on: April 15, 2024, 07:55:07 pm »
Vegi we all know i wont be a one siding referee lol, during 33rd matches i also slayed 33rd members if they broke a rule for example.
BUT if everyone feels the same way then maybe someone like lvov can referee IF he wants to.

Just not to play the final match...
And it is still the 96y the one who doesn't want to show up and the one who gets the default win. Can you see how absurd that is??

Me personally likes too see the final match between 96y and 45e but its Foster who made this decision not me

96y decided to NOT to play their last match vs 45e so this tournament is over.

Ye Foster told me something about that the servers would run out on the 14th. I mean i know that 45e is ready for the match its up to 96y now if they wanna play it yes or not. Looking for a server will be no problem and ill be free to ref it.
Then you can actually referee it and while not playing (and slaying) at the same time ;))

Vegay when are you ever gonna stop crying about everything and besides that you weren't even there like you dont know what happend.
I'm a professional at shitposting...? I'm akin to the individual who writes poorly thought-out comments on news articles without actually reading the articles themselves :)))

Fair enough my bad

Ye Foster told me something about that the servers would run out on the 14th. I mean i know that 45e is ready for the match its up to 96y now if they wanna play it yes or not. Looking for a server will be no problem and ill be free to ref it.
Then you can actually referee it and while not playing (and slaying) at the same time ;))

Vegay when are you ever gonna stop crying about everything and besides that you weren't even there like you dont know what happend.

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