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Messages - Alatriste1234

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The Mess Hall / Re: World Cup
« on: November 23, 2022, 11:28:40 pm »
Why is the world cup being played yet?, give the cup to spain already tbh

The Mess Hall / Re: How to become a tier 1 NW PLAYER!! wow!
« on: September 27, 2022, 05:21:29 pm »
Wtf is this shit. 10 years im playing in 800x600 resolution, a 10 euros mouse, and 50fps, a setup of poor and im still better than you.

I don't know if what you're saying is shit or just me being a genius.

that not a tutorial to be a tier 1 but just to be a good cheater. That funny how in 2022 some players are shit the monday and tier 1 thusday, really amazing, that surely many hours of trainning.

u will always be the best ever man

Looking for a team to play this tournament.

Steam ID:
GUID: 495512
Nationality/Languages: Spanish / English

M.Tournaments Board / Re: M. Tournaments | TRT III | 19th June
« on: June 15, 2022, 11:04:30 pm »
Nickname: Alatriste
Steam Link (required):
Where you from (Country): ESP

if someone needs an INV call me

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2022 | Teams
« on: May 05, 2022, 11:00:43 am »
python casted the NWWC and he wanted to play again

Talking probably as ESP captain for the last time, about the match vs France, we tried our best, we did eveything that was in our hands to win and to achieve victory, we used all of our cards and we fought well having an even match until the last rounds of the match. But it is what it is, we lost even tho we tried, probably we reached our 100% tonight and theres nothing to blame to anyone in this team, france was the better team tonight, good luck for them for what they are going to face from now on

I say thanks to the people who believed that we could win when we were ahead, we tried, and thanks to the hosts and casters of the tournament, gl guys

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2022 | Teams
« on: March 27, 2022, 12:37:21 am »
Nation: Spain
Player(s) to add:
@1595572? #Pedro
Player(s) to remove:
@1683642? #Alex

Napoleonic Wars World Cup / Re: NWWC 2022 | Teams
« on: March 13, 2022, 07:03:42 pm »
Nation: Spain
@1363614? #Termito
@495512? #Alatriste
@1091418? #Maskman
@651079? #Mrt
@8768? #Márquez
@1347805? #Padawan
@1418311? #Ribazz
@1637911? #Kong
@940383? #Brujo
@1683642? #Alex

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Discussion
« on: February 07, 2022, 10:22:50 pm »

wursti the guy that says "alatriste is doing nothing" in a match where he didnt stab a single time, the hypocrisy at its peak and the best thing is that he doesnt notice, and cries when playing dumb doesnt work with 0 self-criticism and instead of playing calmly he stops trying just because "its boring", ah but when he bores the ppl he doesnt mind, great hypocrisy from one of the biggest retards of the scene

European Groupfighting Series / Re: EGS | Discussion
« on: February 07, 2022, 10:19:01 pm »
really nice to see how many of you actually are making their minds on how to improve the EGS/general competetive NW rn

I totall agree with many of you
EGS was for the last two seasons quite boring, especially this one.
envy/Amaterasu winning every time
Of course Poosy/10C was up for a fight, Enigma in the beginning beat them in semis, but still not consistent enough to really do this on a regular base.
Then we have some contenders for the top 3, but most of the time you can tell who will play against each other and how it will end.
Furthermore with teams like Animals, who are literally doing nothing and winning with this strategy, it isn't enjoyable at all, from a players perspective.
Animals obv not the only one doing it, but simply doing it "best".

Last but not least, I want to share my organizers/HA view on this season
It is really devastating to see on which low level of sportmanship we are having here, on a dead game. Ruining the fun of the last few players playing, and also the organizers.

Everyone of the admin team is giving his free time to make sure this huge project is a positive contribution to the community and there are still some people who keep arguing and insulting after they broke rules or doesn't get what they want. I can tell you all, that everyone of the admin team sacrificed several hours into this, doesn't matter if former admins, or now admins.

I really think it's devastating to see how League 2 is run perfectly smooth, with players who have less experience in the competetive community, and still don't whine so much, or have the feeling they have to share their unasked opinion on an issue.

Witht his alltogether I'm looking forward to the playoffs, with surely some changes in the final placement, compared to the standing rn.
But besides that I'm also looking forward to the break of EGS, and focusing afterwards on the part of the community which appreciates the hard work done by the organizers.

a guy from enigma saying that animals wins cause we dont do anything (when in our match we were all the rounds doing 2v1s in mid, is not our problem that some of ur guys doesnt have enough gamesense) such an irony coming from a player from enigma with the german style always known for being the most passive ever in the game, next time maybe play the match smart like enigma usually does instead of diving in and launching random and dumb stabs with 0 game sense and stop crying

Thanks to everyone involved in the making of this edition of the EGS. Our group was closer than I would have expected it to be but that made for a better show in the end and although we (EyeFuckers) can share some regrets about the CCCP & Invictus matches, Animals was just one or two level(s) above us last night. Props to them for their excellent showing by the way (regardless of the Barro's incident) and congratulations to Envy for winning the tournament.

Personally, I didn't enjoy myself as much as I expected to and putting some thinking into it, this had nothing to do with the quality of the hosting (which was pretty much in line with most of the EGS tournaments I have attended in the past) or the performance of my team, which although disappointing, was still as intense as it gets. I was genuinely really looking forward to playing in the EGS again, spent some time getting back in form on MM or playing practices with my team the week prior but eventually, I didn't find the same fun I previously had once on the server.

It is very likely that it is I who has lost the spark and I certainly do not wish to apply my personal case to the remainder of the scene but as I see the fact that more and more people are 'leaving' the game to be made more evident (some bound, just like to me, to come back eventually) I wondered if it's not also the right timing to re-consider the tournament environment we live in. The EGS was initially thought of as a tool to encourage the highest and most 'professional' level of competitive groupfighting but for a community that was also equally highly competitive. If the latter changes, maybe it is worth to atleast reconsider how we approach the whole thing.

Again, it's probably just myself not finding the same enjoyement and it should not mean others cannot enjoy the system as it currently is offered to the community. But I am curious to hear other opinions about it.

i agree 100%

Player Application
Name: Alatriste

The Mess Hall / Re: Keybindings
« on: December 09, 2021, 11:57:54 pm »
that means that u cant go back and left and then block at the same time

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