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Messages - vtz

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There pretty neat :)
Looks good man. Nice. :)
:) I had a break from making them, but I'm planning to make 10 Confeds and 10 Yanks by 14th February

Events / Re: *3° Alpini Sunday Event* 8 gmt (weekly)
« on: January 22, 2016, 02:51:15 pm »
Sorry I'm doubleposting, but I'd like to reserve 1 sniper for GGnr3 in case there are empty sniper slots (I've seen only 2 snipers in Germany on the last event)
Also, could you please refresh attendants of the event? And change my reg's name to the new one?  :P

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 26 - Alpha Announcement!
« on: January 20, 2016, 05:00:33 pm »
I mostly meant that M&B players will probably make a big part of the community. And players of this game tend to own worse computers. For example, mine used to be a really good one, but it was back when I was given it 7 years ago :D I'm personally going to get a better computer soon, but still, I can't imagine a line of "far than 500" characters with a detailed graphics and all other stuff you're planning in an online game, where ping and fps matter a lot; but hey, who knows what future can bring?  ;)
That'll surely be increadible if you can make it! Best of luck with this

News & Announcements / Re: Developer Blog 26 - Alpha Announcement!
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:29:31 pm »
How are you going to get great graphics, many players and big maps at once? Will the game simply require a great PC to be run? Or maybe you have something great that will allow big battles on typical-Warband-player's PC?

Events / Re: *3° Alpini Sunday Event* 8 gmt (weekly)
« on: January 18, 2016, 09:01:30 pm »
The event was great as always, but surprisingly low amount of players attended, especially from 3Rgt. I mean, you usually have 20, not 12  :o

Regiments / Re: Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 3 (active&recruiting)
« on: January 18, 2016, 08:12:21 pm »
How are we doing?
It's been over 2 months since we started the regiment. Although there were some problems at one point when many new members joined and we didn't know one another, now it's gone! We got used to each other and we also started playing other mods together.
What's more, we've finally introduced ranks. They aren't very complicated but they're an important step towards better organization of the group. We also changed the tag to a more 'German' one - now we're GGnr3.
On the last Alpini event, we were succesfully led by our new korporal from Ireland, Murphster.

Desperate defence of a small trench in the woods has been succesfull.

I know, and I will  :)


I guess they aren't impressive alone but they could be good in a plasticine animation. I just need something for musket smoke... And also muskets themselves :D

Thanks  ;D I've also made a bunch of Confederates. And I need to figure out how to make a good musket with plasticine ;)

North & South: First Manassas / I've made a civil war plasticine figure
« on: January 15, 2016, 06:40:33 pm »
Thanks to this mod I became interested in the Civil War and I decided to find my old plasticine box and I made a Yankee :D
It's not very good as I'm not any kind of an artist, I just wanted to share it, maybe someone likes it .
Sorry for the bad quality but it was made with my old Nokia 3310 or so, also the figure is less than 4 cm tall.


thanks for all of the hard work, devs!  just passed 2 hours playing 1.0 and i haven't even noticed the time go by, something that NW hasn't done in a long time.

i love the unique regiments (especially ours), by the way!  can't wait to get them out of CB!

NSFW images of czapkas

I fell like saying that DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT the right name for this is rogatywka not czapka. :D But I love this skin too.

Yeah, I've done that again and it works.... Must've edit something accidentally previous time. Thanks for your replies anyway guys :)

Aw really?  :'(
Then maybe I accidentally removed a number or space or something... I'll try to edit it once again, maybe I'll start with editing just one name to check if it works.

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