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Messages - Parrot

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there's one big thing which is going to happen this week during the testing: an event, to make sure everything's okay on that end. then i'll fix the small amount of bugs that have cropped up, when i start fixing them i'll have a release date

well the response from the testing so far has been overwhelmingly positive :P

Blood & Iron / Re: Total Black Screen
« on: July 12, 2016, 12:43:15 am »
usually it's because of low graphics settings, there was a similar problem with NaS that some people had. copy the postfx.fx file from NW's main module folder, and paste it into the b&i one and overwrite the file.

And the release date is *dum dum dum* ...  ;D

i'll tell you the release date soon... :P

we've started what should be the final stages of beta testing... keep your eyes pealed for a release date!

tell your friends, your grandmother, your dog, get your nw/nas regiment excited. it'll be easier to bring existing/old regiments rather than trying to form new ones specifically for the mod.

looking good, finished and tidied up the animations today

moddb has a download for the full version and the update patch

i ended up getting a lot of the stuff on that list done today, so i'm expecting full-blown beta testing to start in the next week or so (if nothing happens, like nuclear war, or britain leaving the eu... wait...)

for everyone asking about a release date, i'm still saying soon, but i don't know when...

this is my list of items that i need to do, there could be things that are not on the list, but it's a general guide for me... it'll be done when it's done.


i'm sure i've showcased a lot of that stuff, what kind of things do you guys want to see?

Blood & Iron / Re: Blood and Iron in ROBLOX
« on: June 14, 2016, 01:43:32 pm »
"set in the legendary napoleonic wars" XD

probably one to test for any last minute bugs and to make sure events can be a thing without any problems, it's already been tested a bit which helped a lot


so these salutes are activated with the p key, which is nice and easy to remember since it's the same one as nw's surrender

edit: bandages will now restore some health as well as stopping bleeding

erm.... apart from the boring stuff (ui textures and bug fixes) i've made some new animations, and i'm currently adding a small check so that when you press p (the surrender button) you'll salute, but if you're hurt you'll call for a medic. this will also recognise if you have a sword, so it will perform a different salute

there are also some nice maps in the works...

it wasn't hard at all, but because i'm lazy it only switches to winter uniforms for predefined maps at the moment

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