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Messages - sally100

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Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:01:15 pm »
That's a very bad move. Why would you do such things, you only ruin other people their experience. Also towards Van_Hulstein.

Mack you KNOW i would never do such a thing

to me 84e are family....

i loved them and their server..

i have been framed, and also.....  when they banned me under grandma yesturday that was downright fucking pathetic when i wasnt harming anyone and i wasnt even in as emma...

fucking pricks

i know one of them did this on purpose just to give them an excuse to ban me perm

theyve been looking for an excuse for months... they hate my guts

for the hundreds of times ive been harrased or teamwounded or teamkilled on their servers, only once or twice has an admin EVER reacted and done anything to help me.... but they are always more than happy to slay me or ban me
fucking pieces of shit the lot of them

and you know what.. they know it

ps they are more than happy to cry to the forum mods now to give me another warning... but to answer to the fact that they are two faced ****   they cant do because they KNOW its true

or was this their game all along, to piss me off to the point that im like this and then to have reason to ban me......

i swear now every NW player knows you guys are two faced pieces of ***

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 28, 2013, 02:25:34 am »
Just went in with a different key as grandma grendel not under the betty name until the investigation is over.

There is a clear message here that if you buy a new key, change your persona and behave you are allowed to stay
says so here


New User Corollary

When a person is banned, for whatever reason, I regard their persona as banned and do not expect to see them frequenting our servers or teamspeak any longer. However, as Napoleonic Wars is quite a fun game, I abide by a simple maxim when it comes to buying a new copy of it. That is, if you buy a new copy of the game, with a new name, no ties to your previous persona, you will not be pursued for any actions you committed previously - only the most egregious violations being exempt from this. In short, if you get permanently banned, buy a new CD-Key, get a new name and don't dwell on what you did previously.


Yet simply for dancing with the admin presidente  i got perm banned on the spot by a guy i considered a friend  cruz volt!!!
there was no need for it at all i did not go in there and say `hi im emma`..... i simply BOUGHT a key paying GOOD MONEY FOR IT.. went on there to play causing no grieve for anyone.....  what cause whatsoever was there to ban me!!

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:19:45 am »
Holy shit i have just been told on steam that somebody used the admin pass under my name and knocked off the server?

It was not me i have not been on all day since i had that issue earlier which i posted on her.

I am ill with hayfever at the moment.

I am shocked and very angry that somebody would use my name.
Also i was told theres people on there going on my with a fake emma shouting racist slurs too.

This is not me, i know all the admin very well and behave and would never do that.

Your friend, Emma
PS i am happy to stay removed from server whilst this issue is sorted

Forum & Website / Re: Give us the Shoutbox back.
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:42:53 pm »
That shoutbox was as playground fro the community trolls. So many times I logged into FSE Forum and see loads of idiots spamming useless shit at each other in that thing. It was also a loophole for banned and muted members to remain within the community and continue the stuff they were doing. If it is going to be re-added, at least make it so the banned and muted people can't talk, and have some sort of filter over the shoutbox.

Well as much as people dont like me i never spammed anything in it but there again im NOT a troll....
also i liked that shoutbox because if u had a question like is a server up or something

you could ask it there and get immediate response and wouldnt have to just create a thread for it

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 27, 2013, 07:49:17 pm »
Jesus, you're really complaining over not getting general unit?

First klick, first serve. So are the unit given out. You can't claim a unit. Fin!

I can only get high score when i am commander

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:44:45 pm »

mrstfan the person who likes to kick people for no reason removed me from the server for complaining that i had waited the entire last game (20 minutes x 3 rounds) to go commander.. and some other jerk took it

with no warning he kicked me...

i came back and said look im just pissed i shud wait that long

i didnt use any names because i dont KNOW who took commander.. no racist or homosexual slurs... nor was i warned to `stop moaning`...   so i do not see where i have broken any rules....   unless being frustrated is against rules!!?

does that really warrant ANOTHER removal from the server?

this (along with demon), is the same admin who when i call out.. `help im being tkd`..  will ignore me and not give a flying shit each time
in fact i can only count twice on all the hundreds of hours that ive spent on your server, that a admin has reacted when ive been tkd (blamecanada and volt have once  each)

im so sick of this shit i really am!

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:09:26 pm »
I would like to make a complaint about 1 off your admins   Presidente today I was playing as arty and someone steals my mortor I asked presidente to tell him to go he told us to share that did not happen and presidente watched him kick me and teamhit me when I tried to have a shot and did nothing.  Before that me and presidente were in teamspeak and I tested his admin and said some things he did not know it was me and he still done nothing and he usually does nothing as long as he knows them he turns a blind eye to a lot of people.

I was on server before.. there was a lot of trolling and tking by guys especaially around the art.
i did see him kick and temp ban at LEAST two people.. so he wasnt exactly doing `nothing`...
presidente is one of the best admins there 
but ill in terms of bious i feel demon is real bious .. case in point :
`help im being tkd... help` .......  20 seconds later  `emma has been teamkilled by....`
demon....  (totally ignoring me and to somebody else)  `dont troll artilery`

I still think going musician could be a genius strategy for good melee fighters to psycho-out opponents thinking they're going to get an easy prey.

And you know what? Players go brain-dead stupid when they see a weaponless man or a musician running around. I can't possibly remember the number of team-assist kills I've caused while practicing my fist-chambering. It's like they see me and suddenly forget that they had 3 of my guys with bayonets surrounding them. And you know what else? Those people never learn, as I repeatedly distract the same guys over and over with my "harmless" appearance, causing many team-assist kills. Turn on tha brain, whoever you are, doing that!  :O

Yeh ive been ambushed a few times before... because i followed the musician.. and he leads me right back to his spawn :(

Yesturday on siege server i see a musician lookin all cute with his flute playing a song... he saw me and surrendered (i was commander on horse).

I let him live and ride away, and the fucker picked up a musket and shot me in the head, dead off my horse :(


General Discussion / Getting a high score counts for nothing
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:58:05 pm »
I find one aspect about nw and the mount and blade game unfulfilling.

That is the fact that you can have a brilliant game where you are like 40-0 up and you won the game for your team.. at the end of the map the score is erased and its back to square one.. nobody cares or praises you and its basicaly forgotten history.

In a sense this is good as it doesnt give that game divide like some games have where you get this `level 1 to level 100 .... ` as that can be very daunting say if i play fifa as a level 1 and im up again somebody with a level 50 score..

At the same time, dont you feel some sense of unappreciation that absolutly nobody in game gives a shit how well you do.. or if you single handedly saved the flag by rambo -ing 8 enemy atttackers at spawn etc... it all counts for nothing the next round its just rinse and repeat really.

Im not saying have a `level 1.. level 2` etc system.

But when you get a high number of kills or something itd be nice to get some kind of recognition... like a server message  `so and so has killed 6 enemy in a row` or something.

And no, this isnt just a useless thread ranting about anything at random, i just think its silly sometimes how you can do really well in a game, and it all counts for absolutly nothing next round.... it seems a bit pointless

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:08:21 pm »
Emma, if you're talking about the incorrect authorization key, that was not a ban. That's just an error that's happened to many people. Look in the tech support section if you need help with that.

its all good now, everything sorted

can we lock this thread now?

Did you seriously just ask for the official server thread to be locked?

By the way there was a fake blamecanada on before about 30 min ago..  the admin on at the time was demon so he can confirm it
the guy was trolling and asking `can i join 84e`
he had tags but some other reg tags
anyway he even spelt his name like you do
was a direct attempt at trolling admin

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 25, 2013, 06:26:39 pm »
Emma, if you're talking about the incorrect authorization key, that was not a ban. That's just an error that's happened to many people. Look in the tech support section if you need help with that.

its all good now, everything sorted

can we lock this thread now?

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:51:36 pm »
You got now many responses Emma. Now please be quiet, just stop this useless spam in this thread. Thanks!

Best regards,

EDIT: Just to please you, Emma: THIS is a official response from 84e!

dude it was a seperate unban request about an incident yesturday

there had been one a day before it

so no.. i was NOT pointing useless spam...

have a nice week anyway :)

Technical Support / Re: Incorrect authorization key
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:32:51 am »
i HAD this problem thought id been perm banned from servers

is ok now

Servers / Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:04:47 am »
oh and here in the uk it means a piece of sugar

...Here in my part of the UK it means Piece of shit...

Anyway, telling someone to shut up, is aggressive. Requesting that someone please use less Purple Chat, polite and reasonable.
Its all about method. I would say that clarification would be welcome but broadly the ethos of the rule I would fully agree with.

ps, private messages don't often stay private between co-workers. It was a Temp ban, so try re-connecting. If you can't then its a wider problem with the server everyone has been having for all of NW.

Okay commando but i suppose its partly down to the fact that.. (and this isnt asking for special treatment)
but i make a MASSIVE effort to behave on the server.. ask any admin im always amongst the top scorers of the 84e siege constantly.

also when im tk or teamwounded (which happens often)
i never retaliate

also i loged on a few hours later and got this error message

inccorect authorise key,  -- i thought that might mean im perm banned i dont know.. i dont get banned from servers now for a long time

anway back on track

i consider you, volt, canada, angel, gizmo etc like family

please dont break up the family  :(

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