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Messages - Herishey

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Events: EU / Re: The Foot Guards [FG] 1vs1 forum.
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:58:44 pm »
Prove it

Events: EU / Re: The Foot Guards [FG] 1vs1 forum.
« on: August 26, 2013, 06:56:54 pm »
Most days we will only be able to have events at 8pm-8:30pm (UK time) but Tuesdays and sometimes Mondays we can manage earlier :)

Events: EU / The Foot Guards [FG] 1vs1 forum.
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:58:20 pm »
A Brief Overview

The Foot Guards (And maybe some friends ;P) are looking for opponents for 1 vs 1s on certain days. We currently have every day available for hosting events, times may vary from 7-8:30pm GMT. We would look to have 20 vs 20 and room for substitutes in spectators. It may also be pointed out that we may record this and put it onto youtube. As the Foot Guards are the elite of a mixture of different regiments. We would look to play maybe 1 vs 1 as a linebattle overall or even 1 vs 1 in melee or just shooting. I am open to all variants of 1 vs 1 as I see linebattles as fun as a community but the pings within events are questionable and me and a lot of the other Foot Guards would prefer to attend competitions which it actually takes skill to win with low pings and not the average run of the mill spammer who gets a ridiculous amount of kills without having any particular skill. This is the issue I have with having over 100 people in events. I am open to suggestions from other regimental organisers and would welcome your suggestions.

Also the rules of 1 vs 1s can be debated and are open to discussion. However some rules maybe put in place before they are debated. This includes: No officer aiming, even in the charge,  firing in charge IS allowed, substitutes are available on stand-by in spectators in case any drop out. There maybe two officers in the line one on each side of the line or however the regiment would like it to be set out!

Hopefully this is a chance for the Foot Guards to get a name for themselves in terms of reputation and where I stand as the elite part of the Community and how we can improve as a unit! A few regiments have put forward a few suggestions to 1 vs 1 and even offered us 1 vs 1, this is your chance to play us!

My steam: [8e] Herishey
Our teamspeak:
Or reply on this thread for when you would like to do a 1 vs 1 on either Tuesday, Friday or Sunday (Other days may be possible on request)  and how many men you are bringing (Ideally 15-20 however this may change in the future as we grow.)

Contact me at either source and we can arrange dates and times!

Many Thanks and good luck. 


Regiments / Re: 17e RĂ©giment d'Infanterie de Ligne [EU/NA]
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:44:11 pm »    Everyone should leave 17e for this!

Regiments / Re: 9e RĂ©giment d'Cats
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:37:39 pm »
Porkins will be signing up soon.  ;)

Servers / Re: Revolution Groupfighting Server [tournament]
« on: August 24, 2013, 01:11:56 am »
Steam group been made for admins if you are an admin and need an invite talk to Tango.

Servers / Re: Revolution Groupfighting Server [tournament]
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:28:33 pm »
Name of Team: The Kilt Lifters
Name of the people in the team: Herishey, Eddie and a reserve TBC.
Team Leaders Steam: [17e] Herishey

Good luck to everyone who competes.

Regiments / Re: 1st Royal Nigerian Artillery [Recruiting EU]
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:17:11 pm »
Bad news, no more African regiments, we disbanded.
Noooooooooooo D:

Servers / Re: Revolution Groupfighting Server [tournament]
« on: August 23, 2013, 11:14:49 pm »
Name in Game: 17e_Cpl_Herishey
Steam: [17e] Herishey
Why do you want to be an admin: I would like to be an admin so i can deal with any trolling that occurs on your server.
Why should you become an admin: I have been admin on Melee Groupfighting for a while now and played on it alot, so i understand the rules and how to apply them and punish those who break it.
Any other info:I was also an admin on other games such a Call of Duty:2 as well. I was also an admin on a Full Invasion 2 server and the IIIe_Official Server for a while.

Thank you for considering this even if it is not accepted, Herishey.

Servers / Re: Melee_Groupfighting W.I.P
« on: August 22, 2013, 12:04:16 am »
Steam Name: [17e] Josh

In-game Name: 17e_SoD_SexyJosh

Why you should be an administrator?: I should be admin because I am a regular player on the server and I always see people trolling around and some of the times there are no admins present to deal with these trolls, so I would make sure I am active as possible to deal with these trolls. Also I am familiar with the server rules so I know if punishment is necessary.

Previous Experience(If Any): I have no previous admin experiences.
  +1 best sister ever and active on the server, sure she will make a great admin :3

Servers / Re: Melee_Groupfighting W.I.P
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:18:41 pm »
Presidente already has admin so be silent wenches! Anyway, the server's official teamspeak is which you can come to if you wish to speak with Racoon or myself about :)
Oh no my wife has more power than me then :/

Servers / Re: Melee_Groupfighting W.I.P
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:13:41 pm »
Steam name: NORWAY1997
Ingame name: 59th_Fus_Michel_Ney
Why should i be admin?: i'm on the server allot, i'm using diffrent names but i'm on there every day and there has been so many times there havent been an admin and people have been breaking rules and trolling and i wont to be able to do something about that  :P
experience: The only experience i have as admin is the 4e training server :P so i'm very new to the whole admin thing.
+1 Good guy and active on the server.

Servers / Re: Melee_Groupfighting W.I.P
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:12:35 pm »
Steam Name: El_Presidente
In-game Name: 54e_Gren_Grd_Presidente
Why you should be an administrator?: Your server must be brought under the protection of Presidente as it is no longer safe from Betty Reg. I am responsible for banning 45 Betty keys and would be great at spotting more Bettys to ban on your server.
Previous Experience(If Any): 33rd Siege, 54e Event, 84e siege.
-1 He is a bad wife and didn't avenge me in the 91st event so don't do it.

Servers / Re: ClewFighting Server [New]
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:38:11 pm »
Admin Application

Community name: 17e_Cpl_Herishey
Steam Name: [17e] Herishey
Age: 16
Location/Timezone: UK (GMT)
Regiments: 17e
About yourself: I started playing the game about 3 months ago and from the start decided to join the 17e and never left. I hate trolls on groupfighting servers it just ruins the whole idea of them and would like to help deal with any your server may encounter. Also as its still my summer holidays I'm pretty active on M&B.
Why you would be a good administrator: I have been an admin on a couple servers before and on a few other games and would like to help keep your server fun for everyone :D.
Previous Experience: Melee groupfighting server and also IIIe Corps Server. Also Full Invasion 2 server and on a few Call of Duty 2 servers.

Final team for The Kilt Lifters (update):Team Name: The Kilt Lifters
Team Captain: Herishey
Team members: Herishey, Caskie, Eddie, Kai, Jinx, Matt, Will, Callum

Update, should be the final one.

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