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Messages - Blitz_craig

Pages: 1 2 3 4 ... 14
Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Brunswickers in British Service 1810-14
« on: January 17, 2016, 02:40:21 am »
The hussar shakos should have brass chin scales according to the way I configured the brf files for the mini mod. This is the way the Brunswick hussars were uniformed while in British service on the peninsula from 1810-14. Black leather chin straps were worn only by the infantry battalion and rifle companies at this time per the source I used for research. Men at Arms #167, Brunswick Troops 1809 - 1815, color plate C.

Servers / War of 1812 Current Servers
« on: December 07, 2015, 05:56:56 am »

The War of 1812 Mod is currently in need of public servers.

The detached Rifle Company and the Hussar Regiment have now been added to the download. See the pictures of these new units on the heading post.

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Brunswickers in British Service
« on: November 24, 2015, 06:03:37 pm »
Since this replaces the King's German Legion; Did you spend time to add those gray rolled up pants to the jackets for the units that share the same pants as the KGL?

Either way, good looking stuff! Just like always, Craig! :D

Yes. the pants were added back manually to all British, French, Prussian, and Russian units who use the grey rolled up pants and the grey cavalry overalls since they had to be blocked in the BRF resource files in order to get the correct pants onto the Brunswickers.

*Also, I just noticed that I forgot to add them to the character unit in the mmfrench_uniforms.brf. You can redownload and paste the corrected mmfrench_uniforms.brf onto the Resource folder of your Napoleonic Wars module to correct this or simply add pants to the character_uniform set in mmfrench_uniforms.brf if you have the open BRF software.

Skins & OSP Resources / Re: Brunswickers in British Service
« on: November 24, 2015, 02:20:10 am »
What troops are replaced?
5th King"s German Legion

Skins & OSP Resources / Brunswickers in British Service 1810-14
« on: November 24, 2015, 01:01:10 am »
Brunswickers in British Service 1810-14
After their famous fight to the sea during the 1809 campaign in Austrian service, the Brunswick Black Corps were taken into the British Service and reorganized into a battalion of infantry and a regiment of Hussars. The Hussars were sent to serve on the Mediterranean coast of Spain but the newly reformed Braunschweig Lauenburg'sche Jagers or Brunswick Oels Jagers served with Wellington's main army and took part in many of the major battles of the Peninsula War. Originally composed of good troops, the Brunswick Oels Jagers were forced to take on enemy deserters and prisoners to make up for their losses and developed a somewhat motley character. They were derisively nicknamed the "Owls" by their British comrades and were one of the regiments accused by the 95th Rifles of eating their mascot dog when it went missing. In spite of the dubious replacements, the Brunswickers managed to leave the British service with a credible combat record. Many of the Brunswick soldiers who served in the Peninsula formed a cadre of experienced troops around which a new corps was formed for service in the Waterloo campaign of 1815.

Braunschweig Lauenberg'sche Jagers
Braunschweig Lauenberg'sche Jagers (Rifle Company)
Brunswick Hussars

Download: (Replaces KGL 5th Battalion Infantry, 95th Rifles, and 1st KGL Hussars)

  • Make a back-up of your Napoleonic Wars module before implementing this package in order to preserve any modifications you have already done and want to keep from being overwritten by the downloaded files.
  • Extract the package from the zip file after download.
  • Copy the Textures inside the Textures folder from the extracted download and place them on the Textures folder in your Napoleonic Wars module located at the path. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules\Napoleonic Wars
  • Copy the BRF resource files from the extracted download and paste them onto the Resources folder of your Napoleonic Wars module. Replace the destination files when prompted.
  • Copy the text document files troops and item_kinds1 and paste them onto your Napoleonic Wars module folder. Replace the destination files when prompted. Installation complete. Enjoy the new skins.

Known Historical Compromises
  • The Brunswickers in British service were equipped as a light infantry regiment with sabers for officers instead of the straight swords.
  • The Brunswickers in the Peninsula were not issued with colours. The colours in the package are combinations of various battalion colours used in 1815

War of 1812 / Re: [NW][M] War of 1812: Final Version [Downloads Released]
« on: November 09, 2015, 08:32:57 pm »
Would be nice if there were servers for this.

The following servers are running the mod:


Although they are currently not populated at the moment, I suggest you join the steam group (MOV) Men of Valor Gaming and be on the lookout for event announcements concerning War of 1812 events. The (MOV) events are usually open to the public.

War of 1812 / Re: [NW][M] War of 1812: Final Version Downloads Released!
« on: November 08, 2015, 06:08:49 am »
Download links for the new final version of the War of 1812 Mod for Warband Napoleonic Wars have been released. See the first post in this thread for the url's or click on the signature link at the bottom of this post to get there.

In Development / Re: War of 1812 Mod: Final Version Downloads Released!
« on: November 06, 2015, 10:42:26 pm »
The new download links for the final version of the War of 1812 Mod have been released. See below:

War of 1812
Full and Final Version
The War of 1812 module in this download is the full and final version of the mod. You should delete any older versions of the mod in your Warband Napoleonic Wars modules folder located at the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules such as Warof1812V2 Version 2 as it is no longer supported by any servers and there will be no upcoming patch to convert it to the War of 1812 module, full and final version.

Download Links:

Optional Major Update Download
Extract files then copy and paste the files in the BRF folder onto the Resource folder and the files in the DDS folder onto the Textures folder of the War of 1812 module. Replace destination files when promted. Text file description of updates included in download.


Final Version Features for War of 1812 Mod

This post contains a preview of some of the new features that are being worked on for the final version of War of 1812. We can not give an estimate of a release date at this time because some of these are works in process and and haven't been completed.

New textures for the white building set - This was formerly a stucco texture. We changed it to wood clapboards to give the buildings more of a North American look. See the pictures below of how the new textures will look on the Bladensburg map. The interior of these walls will continue to have the stucco texture because it simulates plaster well. A new set of whitewashed walls from the old unpainted woodwall set is also planned. There are still some bugs on the damaged wall progression that we are working on to get this feature done.

Faction specific Cannons - The current field guns used in the War of 1812 mod are the Gribeauval or French style guns that were used by the US Army during the war. The barrel of the cannon was made of iron and it was mounted on a double bracketed carriage. The British cannon, however, differed a great deal in appearance since they had a different, block and trail style carriage, were brass instead of iron, and had equipment boxes mounted on the axel between the gun and the wheels. Since the cannons are a prop that spawns accessories like ammo boxes, adding them is more complex than an ordinary scene prop and may involve scripting. We are attempting to resolve this last issue but the new British cannon models and ammo boxes are complete.
Current US cannon
New British cannon

A couple new naval inspired banners - These will be US banners with a couple of famous slogans that came form the war. "DONT GIVE UP THE SHIP" were the dying words of Captain Lawrence on the frigate Chesapeake during his ill fated duel with the Shannon outside Boston harbor in 1813. Commander Oliver Hazard Perry flew a banner with these words on his flag ship the USS Niagara during the battle of Lake Erie. The white banner "FREE TRADE AND SAILOR'S RIGHTS' trumpeted one of the primary reasons for the war and was flown as a swallow tailed pennant on some US ships during the war.  Although, one of these ships just happened to be the unfortunate Chesapeake mentioned above. See pictures in spoiler below.

New Naval Weapons - We have completed models and textures for new naval cutlasses and boarding axes to replace the hodgepodge of weapons currently used by sailors.
British Figure Eight Cutlass and US Starr Cutlass
US Boarding Axe and Royal Navy Boarding Axe

Mac Linux Version - Our coder US Navy will provide a version compatible with the Mac operating system, Linux.

I love this modification...bump :P
Ok why in hell does this replace the British as opposed to the French? Where is the logic in that. The American people were more sympathetic of the French cause and they fought the British in the war of 1812 for gods sake!

If you want something with more historical accuracy, I suggest you try the full conversion War of 1812 mod.   It has far more US units and uniforms and you can kill British, Canadians, and their Native allies to your hearts content. I was going to replace another faction instead of the British initially, but the full conversion War of 1812 mod effort came back to life and replacing the UK was an easier faction reskin mini-mod fit in terms of the way it is structured in the Brf resource files.

Mapping / Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [30 Total]
« on: April 16, 2015, 10:20:04 pm »
Hi Blitz,
Would it be ok for me to use the Papellote (Waterloo) map as a base for a Jailbreak map for 59th JB? I'll wanted to make some additions like a river, a win point, some cells and showers, etc. I'll make sure your work will be referenced with a link to this thread on the relevant JB threads when it is completed.

Yes, it is OK to use any of the maps that have download links on this thread. That is what they are there for. The only thing that I ask is that you state that the map is a modified version of an original one of mine when listing credit.

Mapping / Re: Blitz_craig 's Historical Maps [30 Total]
« on: April 16, 2015, 07:40:05 am »
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to use one of your map in order to my French mapping tutorial.
I already made one episode.

I added you on steam.


War of 1812 / War of 1812: Map Section
« on: April 14, 2015, 09:19:49 pm »
War of 1812
Map Section

This section is being created as a place that players of the War of 1812 mod can post their map creations. For those of you who are not familiar with the map editor function of the module, here is a link to tutorials that can help get you started.

Please use the following format for your posts:

Map Name:
Map Author/s:
Game Modes the map is prepared for:
Download Link/s:
A Brief Description of the map:
Images of the Map:

Insert Images Here

Scene Props Exclusive to War of 1812
Scene props that are exclusive to the War of 1812 modification are listed below so that those who wish to adapt a War of 1812 map to Warband Napoleonic Wars will know what mapping resources do not transfer over to the standard DLC.

mm_ship_canoe (movable)
mm_ship_schooner2 (Schooner without sails and anchors down. This is designed to be a stationary prop.)
mm_ship_frigate2 (Frigate with sails. This is still not a movable prop.)

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