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The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by RedFeu on Today at 09:20:00 am »
idk dude, he's kinda weird even still imo, don't know much the guy but i could get why he would get bullied

get back inside
laisse les jeunes prendre la relève l'ancêtre
The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by Zeyden 狼 on Today at 08:23:07 am »
lache ça vieux pére

50 ans ça tient encore le rainté sur FSE  :P
 Hi 84thers
28 attendance with ARTILLERY, SKIRMISHERS, and LINE!
This week, our new 🎖️ | @Player of the week  is Pleb with his first map artillery performance!



Screenshot by Rule: The 84th in action!

Also, we beat the 95th, 15-4 in a friendly groupfight tonight after the event!
The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by FrenchTouch GF Team -FSE- on Today at 12:55:22 am »
idk dude, he's kinda weird even still imo, don't know much the guy but i could get why he would get bullied

get back inside
do u have a slot for one canon ?
1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied, lead by Louis Doguereau

Regiment Name:1er Régiment d'Artillerie à Pied
Preferred class:Arty
Estimated Attendance:3-6
Once or Weekly?: weekly
Contact Steam ID: [1erArt] Doguereau // Urzuglu // [1erArt] Goldi le Grand
Read the Rules and Accept them?: yes Sir


News & Announcements / Re: Over The Top: WWI Announced!
« Last post by YS23 on June 01, 2024, 04:03:34 pm »
You guys should make another Napoleonic Wars game, this is really what poeple are into, i hope to see in the near future something that will be as active as napoleonic wars while respecting the core of the game such as the mechanics.

Good luck on this project though, i don't really believe in it but i hope it will succeed.
I have to agree with Zeyden here. The World War era is super interesting with all its historical events and drama. But honestly, it’s been done to death in movies and games. The World War era is so milked out that it’s tough to come up with something new and creative in that setting.

I do wish you the best of luck with your game, but I think your talents and time could have been better spent on a different period that hasn't been explored as much. Take the Victorian era, for example. It could offer a fresh and captivating experience for players, making your game stand out from the usual World War II and Napoleonic titles. Even though, we don't have THAT many Napoleonic games.

While I appreciate your passion for the World War period, diving into less-explored eras like the Victorian or Napoleonic period might lead to more innovative and engaging games. Just my 2 cents.
Community / Re: Cheaters - The Final Clampdown.
« Last post by YS23 on June 01, 2024, 03:53:44 pm »
What is Wemans?
It's a type of mod that enables you to perform weird animations and it displays the name of the players above their head, teammate and enemy alike. You can also mess with it in melee. And a bunch of other features I believe.
My man had to legally add the I believe at the end
Hehe  ;D. I must admit, I used it initially when it first came out because the creator begged me to install it. However, after an hour, I didn't see the point in keeping it, so I removed it. I've been playing with WSE2 ever since. It's been a long time, so I don't remember all the features.
The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by Zeyden 狼 on June 01, 2024, 03:16:26 pm »
idk dude, he's kinda weird even still imo, don't know much the guy but i could get why he would get bullied
The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by DoubleBread on June 01, 2024, 01:47:23 pm »
Sure, your previous answer is also so mature, but whatever makes you happy <3
Don't make it sound like this is our first interaction. Tried to be mature with you, never worked before, never will, so what else should I say to a bs like "wOmEn PlEaSe" anyway? You probably used to be something but all I can see now is a troll sitting at his PC 24/7 waiting for every opportunity to bring someone down. Sorry if that's not impressive.

bro what are you on about, wursti is brain-damaged af and participated in the hate and flaming for years, he made himself a lot of enemies cuz he's a total weirdo, even his own countrymen friends agree he is, it's just about recently that he started acted normally and then excepted poeple to behave normally towards him, bro this is NW nobody cares about his little redemption, if you behaved like a ape for years poeple are gonna treat you like one.
I might be a noname 'cause I joined the game in 2019 and never was much of the competitive type but at least that gives me some chance to see people as they are now and not judge them by some past self. People can change. You said he started acting normally recently yourself. And honestly every interaction I had with him or seen him have was nothing but kind. If he really was such an a-hole, isn't that progress, then? How is it any better to bring him back down? Idk, this community just seems to be so toxic for years. If someone finally steps up to be a better person, it's only a good thing for everyone is what I'm saying. It's my point of view so you are of course entitled to have yours.

Now leaving this for real. Just thought I should have added that before.
The Mess Hall / Re: 2012-2023 Statistics of NW
« Last post by Vegi. on June 01, 2024, 11:14:48 am »
when are you guys going to grow up
Gotta leave the thread with this here. Just having a laugh at this guy who probably thinks he's got me mad and raging every time. No matter what I'd say he'd still answer like a 10 year old anyway 🤣
Sure, your previous answer is also so mature, but whatever makes you happy <3
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