Author Topic: Let's define a troll.  (Read 6361 times)

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Offline Bucken

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Let's define a troll.
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:12:27 pm »
General thread where we in a civilized matter discuss, the ongoing witch-hunt on so called trolls.

Let us start by defining what a troll is:

The oxford dictionary describes the word troll in the following ways: verb

1: carefully and systematically search an area for something:
a group of companies trolling for partnership opportunities
[with object]:
I spent tonight trolling the Internet for expensive lighting gear
 fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat:
we trolled for mackerel

2: informal submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response:
if people are obviously trolling then I’ll delete your posts and do my best to ban you
[with object]:
you folks taking this opportunity to troll me, you really need to reassess your values in your life

3: [no object, with adverbial of direction] chiefly British walk in a leisurely way; stroll:
we all trolled into town

4: [with object] sing (something) in a happy and carefree way:
he trolled a note or two

I think we can all agree that the relevant definition would be the second one. Also, it is reasonable to assume that the noun troll, derives from that verb. So what does this mean?

 (To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response.

In NW:s case, we need to extract the essence from the word, so that we may apply it to the gaming community. 

  (To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response.

I went ahead and bolded the essence of the word: Provoking to incite an angry response.

Now let's go ahead and see what that would apply to, let's look at examples.

1. A fights in what B considers an irritating way. - No. ( I am aware that you could spam feigns ridonculously just to provoke, however that's far fetched)

2. Person A has a funny face ingame, (sliders to the max etc.). - No

3. A person is building a weird thing with the build points. - Situational, it depends on if other builders are in need of the BP etc.

4. Typing in CAPS. - Most of the time, typing in caps is a way to express strong emotion, not to troll.

5. Teamkilling/Teamhitting/Horsekilling. - Sometimes, could also be unintentional or as vengeance.

For the sake of healthy argument, please suggest more examples. My fantasy has it's limits. :(
What I want to say is, before we all start calling people trolls, remember what a troll is. Someone who deliberately tries to provoke. Things can provoke without being intentional, therefore not trolling. Things can try to provoke without succeeding, therefore still not trolling.

So remember kids, before calling someone a troll, make sure you have a case. Otherwise, you mite be the troll yourself!
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 10:22:04 pm by Bucken »

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Re: Witch-hunt on "trolls"
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 10:18:40 pm »
It would be better if you changed the title of the thread to something like "What is a troll?" instead of "Witch-hunt on 'trolls'" because the latter could give some people false first impressions, not to mention a title similar to the former makes more sense to what the thread is speaking about. I was definitely prepared to read something much more hostile than what your thread actually is.


Offline Roald Hoffmann

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Re: Witch-hunt on "trolls"
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 10:20:15 pm »
I do not like the signature either. Atleast spell my name right.

Offline Bucken

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Re: Witch-hunt on "trolls"
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2013, 10:21:45 pm »
Irrelevant to topic.

Offline Bucken

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Re: Witch-hunt on "trolls"
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2013, 10:22:30 pm »
It would be better if you changed the title of the thread to something like "What is a troll?" instead of "Witch-hunt on 'trolls'" because the latter could give some people false first impressions, not to mention a title similar to the former makes more sense to what the thread is speaking about. I was definitely prepared to read something much more hostile than what your thread actually is.

Changed name :D

Offline McEwan

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2013, 10:27:43 pm »
Very nice, thank you. And, though it is off-topic, please do as Hoffman wishes and change your signature to something that does not concern him.

Edit: Thank you again.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 10:45:00 pm by McEwanMaster »


Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2013, 10:44:54 pm »
I agree with you. A troll is not a person starting an argument or flaming someone for the sake of doing that. A troll is also not someone engaging in an angry discussion. A troll is someone pretending to be angry or purposefully putting themselves in a situation where they garner negative attention for their own satisfaction. Often a troll will know exactly how to make a certain group angry and will use that knowledge to his advantage, often to devastating effect. For instance, on NW public servers I used to type "I sure wish this game wasn't about the civil war, I don't really like that era", and then I would receive several angry responses along the lines of "You fucking retard this is the Napoleonic wars, not the civil war". One time someone said "Lol fail troll, ignore him", after I had just infuriated ten or so people and made the chat explode. By definition, this was not a "fail troll", but on the contrary it was about as successful as a troll can get, as I achieved my goal exactly how I wanted it.

Also I've been wanting to post this image for a while:


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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2013, 10:46:26 pm »
A great idea!  Will help some users greatly! 10/10.


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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2013, 10:56:46 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 11:04:39 pm by MagicTeatowel »

Offline Duke_Mustard

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2013, 11:10:06 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

  "(To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

Are you trying to cause an argument in this discussion?  This discussion is to not know who you think is a "troll".  If you have a problem, please inform the staff through other means rather than stirring the pot in a civilised discussion as was stated on here first post.


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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2013, 11:13:15 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

  "(To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

Are you trying to cause an argument in this discussion?  This discussion is to not know who you think is a "troll".  If you have a problem, please inform the staff through other means rather than stirring the pot in a civilised discussion as was stated on here first post.

I do sincerely apologize to anyone who I have offended.

Bucken provided me with a definition and asked for examples. I just simply provided one.

Offline Duke_Mustard

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 2013, 11:18:51 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

  "(To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

Are you trying to cause an argument in this discussion?  This discussion is to not know who you think is a "troll".  If you have a problem, please inform the staff through other means rather than stirring the pot in a civilised discussion as was stated on here first post.

I do sincerely apologize to anyone who I have offended.

Bucken provided me with a definition and asked for examples. I just simply provided one.

In future, please provide examples which are not targeted at specific people to prevent arguments :)


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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2013, 11:23:20 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

  "(To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

Are you trying to cause an argument in this discussion?  This discussion is to not know who you think is a "troll".  If you have a problem, please inform the staff through other means rather than stirring the pot in a civilised discussion as was stated on here first post.

I do sincerely apologize to anyone who I have offended.

Bucken provided me with a definition and asked for examples. I just simply provided one.

In future, please provide examples which are not targeted at specific people to prevent arguments :)

Of couse :D

I was only trying to challenge the integrity of this thread. The poster has a recent history of "trolling" in game via TK's and trolling on the forums so to me this threads seems like him trying to avoid his ban from EU1. That is all..
I aint carrying this convo on anymore, just raising a point.

Offline Duke_Mustard

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2013, 11:25:36 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

  "(To) submit a deliberately provocative posting to an online message board with the aim of inciting an angry response."

Are you trying to cause an argument in this discussion?  This discussion is to not know who you think is a "troll".  If you have a problem, please inform the staff through other means rather than stirring the pot in a civilised discussion as was stated on here first post.

I do sincerely apologize to anyone who I have offended.

Bucken provided me with a definition and asked for examples. I just simply provided one.

In future, please provide examples which are not targeted at specific people to prevent arguments :)

Of couse :D

I was only trying to challenge the integrity of this thread. The poster has a recent history of "trolling" in game via TK's and trolling on the forums so to me this threads seems like him trying to avoid his ban from EU1. That is all..
I aint carrying this convo on anymore, just raising a point.

I hate to be rude, but the spoiler is obviously trying to provoke an argument by stating they are doing this to stop them from being "banned".   As described, such provocation is trolling behaviour.  Act civilised or don't get involved.

Offline Bucken

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Re: Let's define a troll.
« Reply #14 on: October 20, 2013, 11:28:42 pm »
So when you called a Hoffman a prick and told him to stop "selfbumming" himself on your unban request because he had evidence of you team killing = I think that is a fine example of you trying to flare up an angry response on a message board = trolling

gg, good Sir.

Good, a very fresh example. Let me explain to you how this is not trolling.  I'm pretty sure i wrote selfbump, that refers to somebody trying to keep a post high up on a board.
If you read the post, you will see why I called him a prick. Not to deliberately troll him, but to show my discontent with his ban-request.  In the future, try to keep the examples more general, not case specific.

Edit: Avoid this "I was only trying to challenge the integrity of this thread. The poster has a recent history of "trolling" in game via TK's and trolling on the forums so to me this threads seems like him trying to avoid his ban from EU1. That is all.."
« Last Edit: October 20, 2013, 11:48:16 pm by Bucken »