Author Topic: • 12ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne • (Recruiting North Americans and others)  (Read 82756 times)

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Offline TheKaiser

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the weather is nice i wonder if it is nice but if it is nice then it might be nice

Offline Ser Thomas

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Moar DayZ logs.

Now that my group within the 5e finally had some things established we figured we would start playing today and get some things ready. We are currently at a strength of 3 geared men, with 1 guy buying the game sometime this week or next.

The day started off normal, we all spawned near electro and went into the city to loot and hopefully find some people to help. Things we're going on as usual and no-one really expected much, we just wanted to get some loot and mess around; only issue is, we happened to find a certain survivor who scared the shit out of me and my guys. Now I really do hope this guy was roleplay because he was literally acting like a completely insane person. It started off with us hearing some weird mumbling coming from the church in electro so we went in to check it out, to our delight we found a player! on the other note we we all wondering why in the hell he was making weird noises. I turned on my in-game mic and try'ed talking to the guys in hopes of we could see what was going on; but he just sat there being weird as hell and making noises. So, sadly I figured I would handcuff him and lockdown the church just insane it were a trap, and to get a more indepth talk with the guy. After I threatened to but a sack over his head and leave him to the zombies he stopped making noises and started talking. I will try to post a somewhat accurate chat log. Bolded is him.

How you doing man? need anything?
I need...flesh....
I'm sorry what did you say ni**a?
Yeah..i'll keep that in mind. Anything else?
I had to kill my whole family yesterday, they all turned into those things..
The doctors always said I was a bit off, mabey I was just seeing things but I could have sworn they were turnt.
It went on like that for about 15 minutes, at which point I left him. Thinking over it I thing that guy was just really fucked up, because he was not joking when he told us some of the truly spine shaking stuff, it was mental. He was not giggling, laughing or really even joking in any way at all;

Anyways, other then that we tried making contact with other survivors that needed help. We managed to find a walkie-talkie and try'ed a few different channels but to no avail. Since we had tags on we figured we would try to act somewhat serious when talking on the radio so it would go along the lines of this. "Hello, this is the United States National Guard taskforce 1, we have come to this area to help supply any friendly survivors. If you are in need of food, clothing,weapons or friends visit the factory on the outskirts of electro. There we can supply you and help you live out in this hellhole." And then repeated the message a few times on all of the channels. We once again had no luck, so after about 20 minutes of doing some last minute checking/looting, we figured we would get off and get onto a larger server tomorrow for some more fun. 
going to bed, moar tommorow -Ranger Thomas pls excuse grammar mistakes pls its late

Offline TheKaiser

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Jameson is nice, except when he isn't

Offline Jameson

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ᄊノキㄎЦЦÐㄎ Щム尺 尺ԾԾᄊ
There mifsud your crap is fine lol

Offline Milton

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.

Offline Jameson

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Sorry bud, we don't allow 2e/IG into our server or Teamspeak due to the problems you guys have caused us. I don't recognize your name as a troll but you can never be too safe.

Offline Jameson

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Oh nevermind, after looking at your past posts you definitely are a troll, good thing i have such good admins :)

Offline Milton

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Sorry bud, we don't allow 2e/IG into our server or Teamspeak due to the problems you guys have caused us. I don't recognize your name as a troll but you can never be too safe.

Okay. I mean, I don't see why these hostilities exist imo. Seeing as we're all here to play the same game and have fun it just doesn't make sense. Anyhoo, the 12e are permitted to use any of the 2eme servers, so long as they follow the rules.

I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Oh nevermind, after looking at your past posts you definitely are a troll, good thing i have such good admins :)

And by the way, my "trolls" are me wondering why I was banned from the teamspeak by you for "Having autism"

Anyhow, I'm off to play Native Mount and Blade~

Offline Jameson

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Sorry bud, we don't allow 2e/IG into our server or Teamspeak due to the problems you guys have caused us. I don't recognize your name as a troll but you can never be too safe.

Okay. I mean, I don't see why these hostilities exist imo. Seeing as we're all here to play the same game and have fun it just doesn't make sense. Anyhoo, the 12e are permitted to use any of the 2eme servers, so long as they follow the rules.

I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.
Oh nevermind, after looking at your past posts you definitely are a troll, good thing i have such good admins :)

And by the way, my "trolls" are me wondering why I was banned from the teamspeak by you for "Having autism"

Anyhow, I'm off to play Native Mount and Blade~
Cause as many problems all you want lol it's all you guys are good for :P In the end no one cares

Offline Furrnox

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Moar DayZ logs.

Now that my group within the 5e finally had some things established we figured we would start playing today and get some things ready. We are currently at a strength of 3 geared men, with 1 guy buying the game sometime this week or next.

The day started off normal, we all spawned near electro and went into the city to loot and hopefully find some people to help. Things we're going on as usual and no-one really expected much, we just wanted to get some loot and mess around; only issue is, we happened to find a certain survivor who scared the shit out of me and my guys. Now I really do hope this guy was roleplay because he was literally acting like a completely insane person. It started off with us hearing some weird mumbling coming from the church in electro so we went in to check it out, to our delight we found a player! on the other note we we all wondering why in the hell he was making weird noises. I turned on my in-game mic and try'ed talking to the guys in hopes of we could see what was going on; but he just sat there being weird as hell and making noises. So, sadly I figured I would handcuff him and lockdown the church just insane it were a trap, and to get a more indepth talk with the guy. After I threatened to but a sack over his head and leave him to the zombies he stopped making noises and started talking. I will try to post a somewhat accurate chat log. Bolded is him.

How you doing man? need anything?
I need...flesh....
I'm sorry what did you say ni**a?
Yeah..i'll keep that in mind. Anything else?
I had to kill my whole family yesterday, they all turned into those things..
The doctors always said I was a bit off, mabey I was just seeing things but I could have sworn they were turnt.
It went on like that for about 15 minutes, at which point I left him. Thinking over it I thing that guy was just really fucked up, because he was not joking when he told us some of the truly spine shaking stuff, it was mental. He was not giggling, laughing or really even joking in any way at all;

Anyways, other then that we tried making contact with other survivors that needed help. We managed to find a walkie-talkie and try'ed a few different channels but to no avail. Since we had tags on we figured we would try to act somewhat serious when talking on the radio so it would go along the lines of this. "Hello, this is the United States National Guard taskforce 1, we have come to this area to help supply any friendly survivors. If you are in need of food, clothing,weapons or friends visit the factory on the outskirts of electro. There we can supply you and help you live out in this hellhole." And then repeated the message a few times on all of the channels. We once again had no luck, so after about 20 minutes of doing some last minute checking/looting, we figured we would get off and get onto a larger server tomorrow for some more fun. 
going to bed, moar tommorow -Ranger Thomas pls excuse grammar mistakes pls its late
Well he could have been giggling/laughing when not holding down the talk button or he might have had a really good poker face or he was mental..

Offline Triplexx66

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dis page iz poo poo

Offline Jameson

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Offline Triplexx66

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Offline KDzombiekiller

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I would just like to quickly ask why I was banned from the groupfighting server.
I was waiting for event info for the 2eme regiment, and I hopped into the groupfighting server to practice melee before the event.
After the first round of playtime I got, I was immediately banned, for no reason.
Picture in the spoiler, because it's a large screen capture.

Sorry m8 it is the rules I just follow them

Offline KDzombiekiller

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ᄊノキㄎЦЦÐㄎ Щム尺 尺ԾԾᄊ
There mifsud your crap is fine lol

Took me along time to make that xD
feel bad you had to tell jaffa you burned his home down and killed everyone in his village