Author Topic: The Tale Of Your RP Character  (Read 2665 times)

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Offline Odysseus

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The Tale Of Your RP Character
« on: November 17, 2012, 11:23:08 pm »
tell us the life story of the character you roleplay in NW

The Tale Of Norman Adriaan
Norman Adriaan was born July 1st, 1769 in Amsterdam. He spent his young life living amongst the middle class, he recieved a small education and learned to read. In the year 1798 he enlisted in the army of the Batavian Republic.
In 1799, he participated in the Battle of Castricum where he was promoted to Korporal for his bravery. He was then stationed at Fort Bourtange until 1806. While stationed at Bourtange he bought a house in town in 1802 and married a local women named Laila in 1804. In 1805 they had a son, Jacob. In 1806 the Batavian Republic dissolved and the Kingdom of Holland was formed. Leaving his family behind he went to Amsterdam where he enlisted in the marines. The fighting was constant and brutal out at sea. He served bravely in the marines until 1810 when the Kingdom of Holland dissolved and merged with the French Empire. Norman refused to serve Napoleon any longer and raced back to Bourtange where he took his family on a boat from Amsterdam to Rostock. In Rostock he enlisted in the Prussian army to have his revenge upon Napoleon. He moved around through Prussia spending small amounts of time in each one until 1814 when he had finally achieved the rank of Gefrieter he planned to retire from the military 1817 at age 38. Before that happened though Napoleon returned and he joined the army and headed out to meet him at Waterloo. At Waterloo Norman fought with exceptional bravery and saw napoleon himself retreating the battlefield. He retired early, two months after the battle of Waterloo had finished. He raised another son, Baldwin and spent his life as a tailor until 1830, when he retired. He died in 1853, in his bed with his wife and children around him.

i spent over an hour working on that story!  :P   
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 12:45:09 am by Odysseus »

Offline Audiate

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2012, 11:32:47 pm »
The Tales of Audiate

Audiate was a creature that lived off of war and wealth. When a new Audiate was to be born, the previous Audiate would burn himself to an ash. A carrier then must deliver the ashes to the sea, where nine months later, a new recreation of Audiate would emerge. The problem with this method of reproduction, however, was its complete reliance on the carrier. The carrier must deliver all of the ashes to the same waters, and must actually deliver them to the sea.
Chapter One: Lucifer's First-Born Son
Audiate the First was not an old man by birth, but a fiery demon. Created by Lucifer, Audiate was designed to bring destruction and chaos to whatever laid ahead of him. He was intended to be Lucifer's primary general during the Anti-Crusades of Earth. However, several hundred years in advance, Lucifer's plan had failed. Audiate was first conceived from rain water that had fallen through a small hole in the ground, created by Lucifer and his minions, that had landed into a spawn pit, a place where minions to Lucifer were constructed out of lava. Audiate's conception was purely by chance, in fact. The rain that Lucifer had hoped to get, but had no way of predicting truly were or when it would appear, was that of God's very own tears. Luckily for Lucifer, however, it was just that. Audiate rose from the spawn pit, bearing the most hellish features imaginable. Audiate was also born with a defect, a mutation from the crossbreeding of heaven and hell. He would have to be reborn every several years, or would ultimately perish. Without training, Audiate was forced upon Earth's ground, to conquer the world. Foolishly of the devil, Audiate was sent out far too early. He possessed no skills to protect himself, and was quickly overthrown by a massive mob of villagers from several towns that had spotted the monstrosity. Audiate was burned during a large ceremony, in approximately present day Greece. His ashes were swept away into the sea by a large storm several months later. Lucifer was broken, and could not replicate Audiate, so he finally gave up.
Chapter Two: The Return of Christ
Audiate the Humble was believed to be the recreation of Jesus. In approximately 88ad, Audiate the Humble was dragged to the shores of Roman land. He was dressed and fed by the people of a small town by the shore of Rome. When Audiate was able to function properly, he was brought to Rome, and presented to Antoninus Pius, the Roman Emperor at that time. Demonstrated as the rebirth of Jesus, Antoninus felt afraid of his position as Emperor (if word got out that Jesus was reborn, he believed the people would fight for him to be named Caesar), and banished Audiate the Humble to present day Sicily, where he was forced to go through the trials that Jesus had. When Antoninus approached Audiate upon the cross in 89ad, he told him "You are not Jesus. I know this, because I am Caesar.", before stabbing Audiate in the chest with a sword. To hide the evidence, he burned the body, and hid the remains in his home. In 130ad, two new Caesars were appointed, Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius. The two divided the belongings of their symbolic father (they were both adopted), and Marcus took the ashes, believing that they were the remains of a previous Caesar. He kept the remains for nearly twenty years, before giving them to his son, Commodus, who discarded the ashes, believing that they held no significant purpose at that point in time. A maiden had found the ashes, and threw them into the sea, thinking that it would be the only way for the soul of that person to reach the heavens.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 04:14:05 am by Sir Audiate »

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2012, 09:58:51 am »
Nice idea, let me write a story as well.
Gazeilles Youp
Ex- Regimental Sergeant Major of the 4e Grenadiers, Served the regiment for 2,5 years

Offline GoblinOverlord

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2012, 02:50:58 pm »
When this baby was born, legend tell he was so big and strong, his parents believed he was a demon of some sort, so they didn't want him. They left him, in front of a cave, either to die of cold or to be torn apart by hungry wolves. But the goblin Chieftain of the Tooth-tribe found him, and raised him as his own child, because he believed this boy was destined to do great deeds one day. The boy grew even stronger and bigger each day, and by the age of 18, he was so strong, he was considered one of the strongest members of the tribe. As with all the living creatures, also the Chieftain grew old, and because he hadn't any children, he appointed the grown man the new Chieftain. The Shaman put the helmet on the man's had, just when the Chieftain closed his eyes. Many (manly) tears were shed. The Chieftain crowned the man Overlord of the goblins. Then the party began, which lasted until deep in the night.....
The next day, everybody rested. The day after the next day, there was some good news! Light (goblin) infantry captured a girl with her bodyguard! ''Give the girl to me'' said GoblinOverlord, ''And arm the men with those weird fire-shooters''. The girl was brought to Overlords' cave. Over the months, the two of them became closer and closer. From this relationship, a son was born......
When the boy became 18, GoblinOverlord gathered the army, and went out to conquer the neigbouring tribes. The 18-year old man had to take care of the base and his mother. When the Tooth-tribe was themost powerful tribe of the realm, GoblinOverlord returned to his family, and said: ''Agronak gro-Malog (that is the boy's name), you have to be strong now. You have to take care of our Chiefdom and your mother. I will go now. I love you, my boy''. After he said goodbye to his wife, the tribe and just-born daughter, he took off to the sunset, and enlisted in the Nr.18 Grenzer company. He fights for his family and tribe, and one day, when his tribe needs him the most, he will arise from his grave and lead them to greatness once more.
Agronak gro-Malog, who became known to his foes as The grey Prince, made the Tooth-tribe even more powerful than his father did.

Took me a long time to write this. I hope you enjoyed it! My real name was never known.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 03:02:32 pm by GoblinOverlord »

Offline Pinball Wizard

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2012, 03:16:45 pm »
Pinball Wizard
"The life, the story"

On the cold night, in the city, he was all alone. He had been dumped by his girl friend, kicked out of his house by his mother, and almost forgotten. He had decided to go to the local bar, to drink away his pain and loneliness. Pinball, the great game. Other scum of the Earth were drinking, napping, smoking, or playing pool; the pinball machine was open. He had thought higher of himself then to socialize with drinkers, and he loved the game pinball, so he decided to play. Conviently enough, the Who's famous "Pinball Wizard" was playing out of the music box next to him. He had played for hours, he had gotten so good at the game, he formed crowds around him. People cheering him on, laughing, having a good time. At first he felt uncomfortable, then he took favor of their cries and worship. He was enjoying himself. At the end of the day, he had gotten tired. His new friends bought him a beer, and invited him back. Day after day, he was at the bar, socializing, having fun, pinball. On Sundays they watched football, Mondays, Doctor Phil, etc. He had the best time ever. On day, they divided to play football, they choose him as their quaterback. Last play of the game, game deciding play. He through it to his main receiver, hitting him in the chest, the ball bounced into the head of the other reiciver, and was later caught by one of his linemen. The lineman ran it into the endzone, and dubbed the great pinball wizard "Pinball Wizard".

The football part was based on real life, and its American football, not the traditional one.

Offline Audiate

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2012, 07:42:38 pm »
Pinball Wizard
"The life, the story"

On the cold night, in the city, he was all alone. He had been dumped by his girl friend, kicked out of his house by his mother, and almost forgotten. He had decided to go to the local bar, to drink away his pain and loneliness. Pinball, the great game. Other scum of the Earth were drinking, napping, smoking, or playing pool; the pinball machine was open. He had thought higher of himself then to socialize with drinkers, and he loved the game pinball, so he decided to play. Conviently enough, the Who's famous "Pinball Wizard" was playing out of the music box next to him. He had played for hours, he had gotten so good at the game, he formed crowds around him. People cheering him on, laughing, having a good time. At first he felt uncomfortable, then he took favor of their cries and worship. He was enjoying himself. At the end of the day, he had gotten tired. His new friends bought him a beer, and invited him back. Day after day, he was at the bar, socializing, having fun, pinball. On Sundays they watched football, Mondays, Doctor Phil, etc. He had the best time ever. On day, they divided to play football, they choose him as their quaterback. Last play of the game, game deciding play. He through it to his main receiver, hitting him in the chest, the ball bounced into the head of the other reiciver, and was later caught by one of his linemen. The lineman ran it into the endzone, and dubbed the great pinball wizard "Pinball Wizard".

The football part was based on real life, and its American football, not the traditional one.

 I expected something about Tommy.

Offline Tiberius

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2013, 06:10:04 am »
The tale of Tiberius
Tiberius was a optio, the 2nd in command next to a centurion. He campaigned in the Rhine under the 17th legion, and made a heroic last stand st the battle of Teutoburg forest. Fighting alongside his centurion, Tiberius killed at least a dozen of the Germanic barbarians before falling alongside his centurion. His armor was taken by the savages as well as his life. His remains, unfortunately, could not be found.

Roman fanboy

Offline Audiate

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Re: The Tale Of Your RP Character
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2013, 06:15:39 am »
 Aw geez, I forgot about this thread... I'll bookmark it and come back later. ;D