Author Topic: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings [Map done]  (Read 6510 times)

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Offline Riddlez

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Balance of Power explanation

Lords and Ladies,

The war, it has commenced. Westeros is at war. Five usurper kings have denounced their feilty to the Iron Throne. Both Baratheon brothers claim the Throne, making their own kin playing at war against one another. The Young Wolf, RObb Stark, declared King in the North. Balon Greyjoy as well declares the Kingdom of the Iron Islands.
All the Noble Houses of the Seven Kingdoms must take up arms and join their Kings and Lords in the fight, the fight for the Iron Throne.

Riddlez, by the hand of Maester Dlearus.

Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - The War of the Five Kings is a persistent turn-by-turn forum game, which is set in the land of Westeros, at the time of The War of the Five Kings.
The factions will be matching the show, by military strength and resources.The Factions will be the larger areas of the Game of Thrones world, as used in the popular mod for Warband: A Clash of Kings.
Every faction will have its own troop set fitting the show.

Riddlez is looking for a fellow Gamemaster with experience, send Riddlez a PM stating earlier experience, and Riddlez will most like accept you.]


Diplomacy & Economics
Friend or foe? This question can lead to the rise of your empire or the end of your life. Pick your friends carefully, and be wary of when and where to pick sides.

Diplomacy primarily takes place in PMs on the forums or in Steam conversations. No conversation is official, and posting private messages without consent is against the rules. The only way to ensure that the conversation happened is to mention it in your Turn Report. Below the radar conversations can be disastrous, or extremely lucrative. Plan wisely.
Credits is the in-game currency. If you want to do anything, you need to have the Credits. Large nations make more Credits, while small nations make smaller amounts of Credits. However, Credit spending is relevant to size. If a large country wanted to spend money on feeding its population it would need to spend more credits than a very small country. Almost everything you plan from a Military Campaign to an infiltration you need to put credits towards it (usually 100 Credits is the bare minimum to perform any such operation). House Lannister would have the amount of credits for their size, not wealth.

rade agreements benefit both of the nations participating in it. It costs money to establish a trading your, but you'll get much more out of it then what you spend and you won't have to pay after the initial payment. All trade routes must start at level one and work up each turn, and each time paying the new cost.

Level 1 trade route - Cost: 200 Credits - 5% income boost
Level 2 trade route - Cost: 400 Credits - 10% income boost
level 3 trade route - Cost: 1000 Credits - 20% income boost
level 4 trade route - Cost: 3000 Credits - 30% income boost

Alliances, Vassalization and Friendship Pacts
Friendship pacts are just official treaties stating that the two nations in question are on very friendly terms. Generally, one nation will help the other in an economic struggle but they won't necessarily enter a war alongside them.

Alliances are official pacts stating that each nation will help each other in both war and in economic struggle. Though an ally is not automatically at war if war breaks out, refusing to aid your ally in any way is frowned upon (unless your ally was attacked by another ally, which would suggest neutrality).

Vassalization typically happens when one nation conquers another. The nation that has been vassalized may keep there government however they will be forced to give troops to its mother nation in war and to provide support to the economy of the mother nation in desperate times. Should the conquering nation choose not to vassalized the other, they may allow them to keep there government fully or completely remove the government and the player from the game. The player may go into exile however and attempt to rally friends to retake his or her lands.

Resources & Goods
Resources and goods are required to make almost anything in the game. They are as follows.

Metal (Including gold, silver and copper.

Small Ship - 2 Wood, 1 Metal
Medium Ship - 4 Wood, 2 Metal
Large Ship - 10 wood, 5 Metal
Cheap Weapons - 2 Metal
Weapons - 3 Metal
Special Weapons - 3 Metal
Horses - 2 Animals
Strong Horses - 4 Animals
Food - 2 Harvest
Ammunition - 1 wood, 1 metal

Small Wagon - 2 Wood, 1 Metal
Medium Wagon - 4 Wood, 3 Metal
Large Wagon - 6 Wood, 5 Metal


War is at the very center of a Balance of Power game. Military strength and clever strategy is paramount. Be careful of how and when you deploy your forces.

The Mechanics

Each unit has whats called a "Base Stat". The base stat represents the overall strength of the unit, taking into account troop quality, morale, terrain, defense bonus etc. After that comes whats called a "Chance Modifier". This is a random roll between 1 and 4 that changes the Base Stat accordingly. This provides the basis of combat.

During each battle, units are paired off with units of the opposing army with the nearest quality and role. Than the unit with the highest Base Stat in the end wins. If a unit loses by 1-2 the unit receives the status "Taken Casualties". If the unit loses by 2-4 the unit receives the status "Taken Heavy Casualties". Both have a negative effect lasting one turn. Should the unit lose by 5 or more, the unit is destroyed. Any surviving units in an army will retreat to the nearest friendly territory.

Land Units
Levy: 50 credits, 1 cheap weapon
More or less peasants, that went through some training.
Millitia: 80 credits, 1 weapon
Men that seen a battle or 2, a bit experienced in combat. Went through some training.
Swordmen/Spearmen: 120 credits, 2 weapons.
A men of the line, more or less the backbone of the army, seen a year of combat and through not little time of training, but not long too.
Veteran Swordsmen\Spearmen: 160 credits, 2 weapons
The experienced infantry of the army, have seen many battles and a lot of training.
Cavalry: 150 credits, 3 weapons, 1 horse.
The shock units of the army, specialized for their use of the horse.
Veteran Cavalry: 200 Credits, 3 weapons, 1 horse
Truly one of the strongest units in the army, can make the enemies fear of their charge.
Special Unit: 300 credits, no weapons
The "Special Unit" is the symbol of every faction in the map, for example: Stark - Wolves. Lanninster - Lion.

Sea Unit
Armed Vessel: 200 credits, 1 fair sized ship, 1 catapult.
The main ship of the line.

Supply & Scouting

Keeping your soldiers supplied with food and ammunition is vital to a military campaign.

Measurement doubles for every 5 units
Starving = No Food
The men have nothing to eat and this has a severe impact on their morale.
Malnourished = 0.5 Tonnes of Food
This men are hungry, but they have just enough food to sustain themselves. it still has a negative morale impact however.
Fed = 1 Tonne of Food
The men are fed enough so that they're neither hungry to overly full. This has not morale impact.
Well Fed = 1.5 Tonnes of Food
The men are full of good, fresh food. This has a positive morale impact.
Extremely Well Fed = 2 Tonnes of Food
The men are fill to the brim with nutritious supplements. This has a very positive morale impact.

Not Armed = No Munitions
The men have no weapons. This has a very bad combat effectiveness effect.
Barely Armed = 0.5 Tonnes of Munitions
The men are running very low on weapons. This reduces their combat effectiveness.
Armed = 1 Tonne of Munitions
The men have just enough weapons. This has no effect on their combat effectiveness.
Well Armed = 1.5 Tonnes of Munitions
The soldiers have weapons in abundance. This has a positive effect on their combat effectiveness.
Extremely Well Armed = 2 Tonnes of Munitions
The soldiers have weapons in a nearly overwhelming abundance. This has a very positive effect on their combat effectiveness.


Scouts give you information about the enemy movement in battle, and they're essential to any successful campaign.

The more scouts the better
Inexperienced Scout - Cost: 50 Credits, 1 cheap weapon
These scouts have little experience and are much less reliable than their counters
Scout - Cost: 100 Credits, 1 weapon
A basic scout, not too advanced but experienced enough to relay accurate information.
Experienced Scout - Cost: 200 Credits, 2 weapons
A very experienced scout, they almost always relay full and accurate information
Mounted Scout - Cost: 300 Credits, 1 weapon, 1 Horse
The same as an Experienced Scout but mounted on a horse, allowing him to cover more ground quicker and bring back reports faster.

If you want to move soldiers or resupply your armies owning Cargo Ships and Supply Caravans are vital.

Sea Transports
Small Cargo Ship - Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Small Ship
Capable of carrying 5 Tonnes of supplies or 1 Units.
Medium Cargo Ship - Cost: 300 Credits, 1 Medium Ship
Capable of carrying 8 Tonnes of supplies or 2 units
Large Cargo Ship - Cost: 500 Credits, 1 Large Ship
Capable of carrying 10 tonnes of supplies or 4 units.

Since Cargo Ships are unarmed, escorts can be hired to protect them. These escorts are cheaper than their equivalent ship but they can only be tasked with protecting convoys.

Small Guard Vessel - Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Small Ship, 1 catapult
A small ship.
Medium Guard Vessel - Cost: 200 Credits, 1 Small Ship, 1 Artillery
A medium sized ship.
Large guard Vessel - Cost: 300 Credits, 1 Medium Ship, 2 Catapults
A large sized ship.

Land Transports
Small Supply Caravan - Cost: 100 Credits, 1 Small Wagon
Carries 2 tonnes of supplies.
Medium Supply Caravan - Cost: 300 Credits, 1 Medium Wagon
Carries 4 tonnes of supplies.
Large Supply Caravan - Cost: 500 Credits, 1 Large Wagon
Carries 8 tonnes of supplies.

Similar to Guard Vessels, you can hire Caravan Guards to protect your convoys.

Caravan Guards - Cost: 25 Credits, 1 Cheap Weapons
Equivalent to Levy.
Veteran Caravan Guards - Cost: 50 Credits, 1 Cheap Weapons
Equivalent to Millitia.
Mounted Caravan Guards - Cost: 150 Credits, 1 Weapons, 1 Horses
Equivalent to Millitia but mounted.
Veteran Mounted Caravan Guards - Cost: 150 Credits, 1 Horses
Equivalent to Swordsmen/Spearmen.

Espionage plays a key role in maintaining national security. Remember, low quality spies have a higher risk of begin caught and revealing your identity. Be sure you measure the risk you're taking for the information.

Reporter - Cost: 200 Credits
Spy - Cost: 400 Credits
Expert Spy - Cost: 600 Credits
Infiltrator - Cost: 1000 Credits
Cutthroat - Cost: 1200 Credits

The cutthroat, in particular, specializes in assassinations. Though he is also an expert spy.
Another note; spies do not count as a unit and thus do not need to be transported to their task.

Faction List

 - The Westerlands.(House Lannister and Bannerlords, hold the Iron Throne and King's Landing.)
 - The North (House Stark and Bannerlords)
 - The Iron Islands (House Greyjoy and Bannerlords)
 - The Riverlands (House Tully and Bannerlords)
 - The Vale (House Arryn and Bannerlords)
 - The Reach (House Tyrell and Bannerlords)
 - Dorne (House Martell and Bannerlords)
 - House Targaryen (Daenerys, with a Dothraki Khalasar, a Nomad faction)
 - The Stormlands
 - Dragonstone
 - Pentos
 - Braavos
 - Volantis

Riddlez wants to keep this Game of Thrones a smaller game, therefore a limitation of factions.


Country Cards & The Orders Format
A Country Card is essentially a status report on your country. Your Orders Card is the Card you send to the Gamemasters telling him what you want your country to do for that turn.

Country Cards

Country Name - The name of your country.
Government Type - It's actually only monarchies, but revolutions can happen.
Troop Tree Type - The troop structure that your military uses.
Ideology - The ideas of your country.
Stability - The political stability of your country.
Economic Status - A basic report on your economy.
Income - The amount of Credits you earned this turned.
Credits Banked - The amount of Credits left over from last turn.
Total Income - The total amount of Credits at your disposal.
Raw Resources - Any Resources that are at your disposal.
Completed Goods - Any finished goods at your disposal.
Land Technology Level - The Level of your Land Technology.
Naval Technology Level - The Level of your Naval Technology.
Industrial Technology Level - The Level of your Industrial Technology.
Economic Technology Level - The Level of your Economic Technology.
Military Divisions - The locations and strengths of your armed forces.
Current National Issues - Any major issues that are affecting your nation.
Current Diplomatic Agreements & Conflicts - Any major diplomatic agreements or disagreements that you've made with other nations.
Current Defenses - Any significant fortresses that you control.

Orders Format
In the private message add in the subject: Country & Orders 

General Actions
#Credits Spent - Action

Divisions & Locations
Army # - Location
Navy # - Location etc.

Diplomatic Actions
Type of Action - With whom you made the agreement

Military Actions
If you plan on executing a military campaign please put very specific orders here. A map pointing to where your troops will be also helps a lot.

Basic Rules & Players List
- Please do not insult other players. Even when you're "roleplaying". Keep it civilized.
- You are free to contact the Gamemasters about anything. However, we like suggestions. Not bitching, or any kind of personal insulting.
- Please have fun. If you really don't enjoy the game, you're under no obligation to stay.
- Do not edit your posts, ever. This prevents people from changing what they said, and any public mistakes they've made.

« Last Edit: July 28, 2013, 03:00:27 pm by Riddlez »
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline Riddlez

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2013, 07:21:37 pm »

Players and Theirs Factions:
- The Westerlands: Odysseus
- The North: David Stark
- The Iron Islands: The Nutty Pig
- The Riverlands: Hawke
- The Vale: Gokiller
- The Reach: Von_Bismarck
- Dorne:
- The Stormlands: Bramif
- Dragonstone:
- House Targaryen:
- Pentos:
- Braavos:
- Volantis:

07/09 Factions taken.

<Name> Will not be included unless the other nation are full, and there is sufficient people willing to partake in this BoP.
I don't have a map for Essos, and I won't make one unless the arguments above are all involved.

Riddlez will require a fellow gamemaster, PM with earlier experience.

Riddlez will not allow drama such as shown before in the first BoP on FSE Forums, the thread will be locked instantly, and very well the Game of Thrones ceased. Take that as you will, but it is a warning
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 01:30:12 pm by Riddlez »
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2013, 07:36:45 pm »
The North Please. :P
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline Odysseus

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2013, 07:39:01 pm »
The Westerlands I guess.

Offline Gokiller

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2013, 07:39:55 pm »
The Vale

Offline Riddlez

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2013, 10:19:51 pm »

Riddlez will make different troops trees for every factions, with strengths and weaknesses described.
Riddlez is currently doing the countrycards. Making good progress.
Riddlez added the most powerful House's sigil and words to the country cards, fun detail.



EDIT: It is totally not obvious Riddlez favours House Martell and Dorne.
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

Offline Hawke

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2013, 10:45:29 pm »
I'll take the Riverlands.
Might as well be the front line between the Lannisters and the Starks.

Also, you should thank me David. I'm bound by blood to defend the North.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 12:46:19 am by Hawke »

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2013, 02:11:48 am »
If talking about Starks, I just watched the episode that most of the Starks were murdered.
I was in total shock. XD
Thanks by the way. :P
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline von_Bismarck

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2013, 02:12:17 am »
Odysseus beat me to take the Westerlands. I will sign in as the Reach.

Offline Hawke

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2013, 02:14:23 am »
If talking about Starks, I just watched the episode that most of the Starks were murdered.
I was in total shock. XD
Thanks by the way. :P
That was a sad day.
Well, I'll see if I can prevent that from happening, this time.

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2013, 02:25:22 am »
I do myself hope for that.
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline Hawke

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2013, 02:30:06 am »
Don't marry a Westerling, and it'll be fine.

Offline DoctorWarband

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2013, 08:36:48 am »
I know.
The Dankest of Memes, start in the simplest of words. Wombo combo.

Offline The Nutty Pig

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2013, 11:00:01 pm »
The Iron Islands please

Offline König

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Re: Balance of Power: Game of Thrones - War of the Five Kings
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2013, 12:36:26 am »
Well, life happened recently, and I've got a ton of stuff to do, so as much as I'd like to sign-up (even though someone beat me to the North  :'( ), I'll have to consider it first.
I don't trust anything but pizza from a pizza place.