Author Topic: 79th Regiment of Foot - Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders [EU]  (Read 79588 times)

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Offline Magner

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 06:41:18 pm by Magner »

Offline Magner

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« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 06:41:33 pm by Magner »

Offline Magner

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The 1er Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Pied de la Garde Impériale, or in plain English, the 1st Foot Chasseur regiment are a light infantry unit who focus to be some of the best shots in the community. For those who prefer the bigger guns, we have a current artillery detachment, which indeed is historically inaccurate, but it gives more variety to the regiment. If this interests you, read on for more.

In terms of what makes us unique or special from other Napoleonic Wars regiments, the elements included could be the active and friendly community the regiment works around, the style of organization and promotional structure, as well as the reward system we use for strong discipline, input, loyalty, skill etc. The regiment is English speaking, and mainly containing British members, but the name was chosen so there was a sense of variety, and not the usual British units which is highly cliché of the period, Sharpe, or Hornblower included. The regiment contains mainly EU members, however events are placed mainly on weekends so it's easy for all to attend. 7 GMT (2 EST) is our staple time for events, and so weekdays will not be possible for NA members of course. Due to title, we strongly support the musket, and the firing of it. We excel in long range combat, but also melee is of course, a vital part which members must hold a basic level of skill to. Now for some past history to the regiment community.

The regiment was renamed from the 53e after 8 months of fighting numerous battles, which was moved up into the ranks of the Old Guard Chasseurs in July 2013. With roughly 40 members, and 20 to events, we attempt to provide the best light infantry and artillery Napoleonic Wars experience without the hassle and dedication of the real army. When it comes to rules and regulations, we simply ask that you respect every member of the community, no matter your relations. No conflicts or confrontation with anyone, if they are the aggressor, simply ignore them, more detail is below in the thread. In terms of activeness, we only wish that you inform an officer or NCO that you will be late/ absent for any reason, playing other games, or being out for the night. We hope that enjoy your experience with the 1er Chasseurs, and do well in future battles to come!

The regiment was formed in 1800 as the Chasseurs a pied de la Garde des Consuls. This was the forming of the Imperial Guard which was assigned to protect the consuls and Napoleon Bonaparte himself, the regiment along with the Grenadiers became his direct bodyguard detachment.

From 1800 to 1814 the regiment fought in most of Napoleons most famous conflicts from Austerlitz to Eylau, Wagram to Smolensk and finally Paris before the exile of their Emperor. During the restoration, they were renamed and assigned as the Royal Guard of Louis XVIII whereas some served in the 'Elba Battalion' when Napoleon was exiled to Elba, until 20 March 1815 when Napoleon once again returned to France and reunited the regiment once again.

The Chasseurs fought bravely and suffered many losses at the final and famous Battle of Waterloo when the Old Guard were sent forward by Napoleon as a last effort to push back his enemies who banded together to put an end to his rule.

The Chasseurs of the Guard were described as shorter than their grenadiers however livelier and more supple. "His features did not have the gravity, which distinguished those of his Grenadier brothers in arms. They had abrupt movements, prompt gestures and spoke with promptness and a warm tone." - St. Hilaire

In 1809 the Foot Grenadiers and Foot Chasseurs took 456 best NCOs from the army, they became privates in the Old Guard. The 1st Grenadiers and 1st Chasseurs accepted only those with at least 10 years' service, as the were indeed the Elite, the 'crème de la crème' as it were of the Grande Armée.

This is an account from Chef de Battalion Duuring of the 1er Chasseurs from Waterloo, the regiment was at Le Cailou and tasked with guarding the Emperor's baggage, this extract describes Prussian attempts to cut off the French during the battle.

"I was informed by a post to my right that two columns could be seen leaving a wood, so I went to reconnoitre. Immediately I arrived I was convinced that they were enemy; each was of about 800 men [this would suggest that there were two battalions in two columns]. But the rear was still in the wood and it was difficult to be sure lf their exact strength.

I took my dispositions to receive this attack, putting two gun in battery loaded with caseshot and covered by a detachment of an officer and fifty men posted in a manner that it would be difficult to see them, giving them the order not to open fore without my order. My adjutant-major came to inform me that many stragglers were arriving; I had two of my companies that I had kept back in the centre, bayonets crossed, on and either side of the main road with the order to let no one pass that was not wounded. I found amongst this number several officers, including a battalion commander who I forced to take command of an ad hoc battalion that I had assembled, with the threat of shooting him if he did not. I even found a marechal de camp[brigadier] whose name I do not know, who I forced to take command of another column.

The officer that I had detached to cover the two guns, sent me word that the artillery officer that commanded them had decided to leave with his guns, saying that he was not under my command and that the enemy was approaching. I then begged some senior artillery officers to put other guns at my disposal but without effect.
Seeing myself on the point about to be attacked by a superior force unsupported by anybody else, I decided to form a battalion of about two hundred men that I had assembled, I put them in a position en potence a little behind and to my right to prevent me from being outflanked, I sent off the imperial treasure and equipages and then the guns without a singe man as escort, and then attempted to repulse an attack that would have been very harmful to the army if the road behind us would have been cut. I reassembled my battalion with its back to the farm, detached a hundred men as skirmishers into the wood and a hundred others as a reserve.

At the same time, the general (the provost marshal of the army) had the ad hoc battalion of infantry, deploy t short range a the pas de charge, and also to deploy into the wood. This combination had a happy outcome: we suffered few causalities and the Prussians were repulsed. I had, at the same time, sent my adjutant-major to inform the emperor what had happened and that I had held the position."

Regiment Leaders
  • 1804: Jean Louis Gros
  • 1813: Pierre Decouz
  • 1813: Henri Rottembourg
  • 1813: Pierre Cambronne
  • 1815: Claude-Étienne Michel
  • 1815: Pierre Cambronne
  • 1815: Jean-Jacques-Germain Pelet-Clozeau

  • 1800: Bataille de Marengo
  • 1805: Bataille d'Austerlitz
  • 1806: Campagne de Prusse et de Pologne, Bataille d'Iéna
  • 1807: Bataille d'Eylau, Bataille de Friedland
  • 1809: Bataille d'Essling, Bataille de Wagram, Bataille d'Eckmühl
  • 1811: Bataille de San-Pedro, Bataille d'Aois
  • 1812: Bataille de Krasnoé, Bataille de Smolensk, Bataille de La Moskowa
  • 1813: Campagne d'Allemagne, Bataille de Leipzig
  • 1814: Bataille de Bar-sur-Aube, Bataille de Craonne, Bataille de Paris
  • 1815: Bataille de Waterloo

In terms of the ranking system of the regiment, it is unusual when compared to most conventional regiments. In order to rank up/ be promoted, you must complete a selection of requirements, such as playing a certain amount of hours, or achieving a certain amount of medals, if you prefer to put to more effort into regimental affairs, recruiting and so on, this is just the same as being an excellent melee player, we praise strengths wherever they are.


Capitaine (Cpt)
Lieutenant (Lt)
Sous Lieutenant (SLt)

Sergent Major (SgtMaj)
Sergent (Sgt)
Hommes de Troupe

Caporal (Cpl)
Garde Premiere (GrdP)
Garde (Grd)
Velite (Vel)
Cadet (Cdt)

Awards include, medals, Steam gifts and extras. Medals go from the bayonet, up to recruiting, unlike most regiments, achieving medals is key in being promoted and raising in the ranks. Wanting a quick rank? You won't get it here, all members be in the regiment a certain period of time to gain promotions, as well as completing the other requirements. As we tend to be more historically focused, more challenging medals can be achieved, Legion d'Honneur is a medal given to officers, however, it can be achieved by destroying a large part of a team within a Battle for example, we believe our system works for the new and old members our of the community.



Enlisted Retexture.

NCO Retexture.

Download can be found
on our TeamSpeak.

Officer Retexture.

New, updated schedule added here soon.
The three scheduled events of the week include a Siege on Tuesday, with two Linebattles occurring on Saturday and Sunday. If members would like an event, or enough are around, there might be a few during the week. The basic description to the events we attend and how they work, are shown below.

Within the siege (Tuesday), we do a 2 round engagement, 1 round of defending, and one attacking, the one who holds out the longest and assaults the fastest overall, wins the battle. Linebattles are more well known engagements, and the staple to Napoleonic Wars combat, pretty simply the battles which were often in the Napoleonic Era. As we encourage and enforce self training, within Groupfighting servers and so on, trainings are only for new members, or those who wish to improve their skill further, this can be done through asking during the weekends.

As events are constantly being updated, it is best if members look to the TeamSpeak schedule is which updated daily. Optional events change over the weeks, but mainly focus on mods.

Click the image below to go to our North & South regiment if interested!

These are the basic regimental rules that all members are to follow:

  • Be polite and respectful to all members of the community!
  • We do not tolerate racism/ discrimination or anything of it's kind.
  • Keep chatter in Team Chat only so to reduce spam, as well as to concentrate better!
  • During events, do not team kill on purpose for any reason.
  • No retaliation whatsoever, any conflicts are to be reported to an officer.
  • When engaging the enemy, make sure there is no messing around.
  • Remain active! Let an officer know if you can't come along.
  • Never surrender during events! We are the Imperial Guard!
  • Make sure you're having fun! Any problems are to be sent to an officer.

Compulsory and optional links!

TeamSpeak 3 (Compulsory)

Click above to install!
(Client 64 is the usual choice).
1er Chasseurs Texture Pack (Optional)

Contains the 1er Chasseurs replacement for the 15e French light infantry unit, as well as a banner replacement for both the officers and enlisted, a collection of new animations, sounds and UI changes. The link can be found on our TeamSpeak.

Example of the Skin:

Interested in joining the ranks? Add one of the following below on Steam!

[1erChas] Magner - Capitaine
(Leader of the Light Infantry)

[1erChas] Googly - Lieutenant
(Leader of the Artillery Detachment)

Steam Group:


[center][url=][img width=600 height=101][/img][/center]



Please ask if you use elements from this thread. Thanks to Mr. Kochi for the 53e Divider which was edited for this thread.
This thread has been optimised for 1280 x 1024 screen resolution.



Neds update.


(SgtOrd) - NightRaid
(SgtOrd) - Beethoven

(CplOrd) - Swiss
(CplOrd) - Blackhawk

(Cnr) - Sejech
(Cnr) - Hans
(Cnr) - Guns
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 09:24:51 pm by Magner »

Offline Murphy

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Good luck!

Offline Googly

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Just incase people don't realise, we're the 53e Regiment d'Infanterie, just renamed and shiny!  :D

Offline Desert Thunda

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Good luck my friends :)

Offline Mathias

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Damn this is a sexy thread and good luck!  ;D

Offline The Nutty Pig

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No more 53e and 54e  :'(
Good luck friends!

Offline Mr T

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Good luck fellow Oldest of the Old!

Offline Magner

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No more 53e and 54e  :'(
Good luck friends!

It will be a shame, but it was time we had a change.

Offline The Nutty Pig

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No more 53e and 54e  :'(
Good luck friends!

It will be a shame, but a change that was needed. :'(
We will look after the name! Good luck my friends  ;D

Offline Magner

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Good luck!

Thanks Murphy.

Good luck my friends :)

Merci Thunda.

Damn this is a sexy thread and good luck!  ;D

It was good my Internet didn't crash just before posting. ;D

Good luck fellow Oldest of the Old!

Thank you! Remember Mais pas d'oignons aux Autrichiens!

Offline Archduke Sven

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Looking good, best of luck.

told that bih don't @ me

Offline Ryner

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Good luck!

Offline Furrnox

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Good luck with the new name dudes.