Author Topic: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]  (Read 220767 times)

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Offline Lonewolf199

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #180 on: January 12, 2013, 11:50:56 pm »
Yes it was a Perm ban

Yes, he teamkilled me, he made it on purpose but he meant it as fun, we were in a skype conversation at that point and I actually fought back. It was all fun, no big deal, I am not mad or anything. The racism he made was also towards me, meant as fun. He did not offend anybody else, really.

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #181 on: January 13, 2013, 07:26:43 pm »
Name: Nipplestockings
Admin who banned me: I don't remember, but he wasn't in the 84e. He Must've been in the 14e, Ill 14, 14th, or something like that.
Reason: Some people were "abusing" a glitch in the map which let them get onto the roof, and the admin was slaying the people on the roof. Then a few people, including myself spoke up saying that taking advantage of the map-maker's laziness was no reason for punishment. That went on for about five minutes before the admin kicked me. I then rejoined, and said "Admin confirmed for vice-overseer of Auschwitz". Then he permabanned me.
Apparently speaking out against bored, power drunk admins is a bannable offense, so I'll be more careful to watch my words in the future. I guess I can't sit back and relax in a game because there's always someone who could be offended, and the admins need to wipe out any trace of offensiveness even if nobody cares at all.
Apology: I'm so, so sorry master.

Offline Hamlenain

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #182 on: January 13, 2013, 07:30:50 pm »
84e_Cpl_Squator banned you, and this is why. (see attachment)
It was also suggested to you that if the server is unsatisfactory, you could go and make yourself heard on the website of the server instead of just wasting the admin's time by bitching in-game. Also, the server belongs to 84e and the 84e HQ trusts each admin on the server to make it fun for most; it is open to the public but owned by 84e, and as such you follow the rules, do what the admins say and enjoy, or play elsewhere. If the server is continuously so successfull, maybe it has something to do with the way it is run.
No one owes you anything, and if you believe the people giving up their time for free to keep the server going don't deserve some respect (i.e: NOT being called nazis for asking you stop complaining several times until you get kicked) then you have no place on the server. I might add that after you left, several people thanked the admin for banning you, so it can't have been such a bad decision.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 07:43:55 pm by Hamlenain »

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #183 on: January 13, 2013, 07:33:52 pm »
I banned you, and this is why.
Yes, I knew that. Is that seriously considered "racism"? Also, I read the rules and it didn't say anything about admin disrespect. Even though you're nothing more than a glorified player given privileges most likely because you're friends with the server owner. Does that make you automatically deserving of respect?

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #184 on: January 13, 2013, 07:53:06 pm »
I banned you, and this is why.
Yes, I knew that. Is that seriously considered "racism"? Also, I read the rules and it didn't say anything about admin disrespect. Even though you're nothing more than a glorified player given privileges most likely because you're friends with the server owner. Does that make you automatically deserving of respect?

4. No Insulting e.t.c (that includes both players and admins)

Offline Hamlenain

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #185 on: January 13, 2013, 07:54:55 pm »
It's not so much "racism" as just plain insulting. Nobody name-called you, which demonstrates more respect towards you than you have shown so far towards the admin. You were politely asked to place your "comments and suggestions" in the right place (not in the game), and to stop complaining in public chat, and so actually irritating the people wanting to play by filling THEIR screens with YOUR less than useful personal griefs.When asked politely by me, (remember my library analogy, where if asked to be quiet, you must be or get kicked out?), you just decided to play silly buggers.
I agree with Squator's decision, and would have done the same myself, which is why I edited my previous message, out of fairness to you. Now, might I suggest apologizing, if you want to get access to the server, otherwise, please enjoy any other place where someone might put up with you, because I wouldn't.

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #186 on: January 13, 2013, 07:55:50 pm »
I banned you, and this is why.
Yes, I knew that. Is that seriously considered "racism"? Also, I read the rules and it didn't say anything about admin disrespect. Even though you're nothing more than a glorified player given privileges most likely because you're friends with the server owner. Does that make you automatically deserving of respect?

4. No Insulting e.t.c (that includes both players and admins)

Actually, I wasn't insulting anyone - I was just making a light quip. I understand that the admins in this game take their jobs very seriously, but maybe you could try to lighten up once in a while. Might make everyone's time on the server more enjoyable.

Yes, many people were getting annoyed, but that's no reason to ban someone from the server. Guess what they were complaining about - the chat tab was distracting them. What the fuck? Maybe they could have muted me if they didn't like what I was saying. I was responding to you and to you alone.

I also responded to what you said about posting on the website. I have done that before, and I was blown off because "durr those are the rules and the rules are absolute". I was simply objecting to your actions of punishing people for taking advantage of something that was completely the fault of the mapmaker, and didn't actually make the map any worse.

You also said that the server was like a library - be quiet or get out. Oh really? I was under the impression that this was a game. Next you're going to be telling us to line up and do rolecall to make sure nobody is being offensive, disrespectful, or anything else that you'd like to ban people for. That was why when I rejoined the server I called you a Nazi. You're not letting anyone have a fun time - you're just banning everyone you see fit in the interest of your precious rules.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 08:06:48 pm by Nipplestockings »

Offline Squator

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #187 on: January 13, 2013, 08:03:09 pm »
Yes, I knew that. Is that seriously considered "racism"? Also, I read the rules and it didn't say anything about admin disrespect. Even though you're nothing more than a glorified player given privileges most likely because you're friends with the server owner. Does that make you automatically deserving of respect?

You weren't banned for racism but for insulting the admin in a pretty harsh way.

By the way it wasn't me who you insulted so I didn't ban you because I was personally offended.

Actually, I wasn't insulting anyone

"Admin confirmed for vice-overseer of Auschwitz"

Clearly not an insult.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 08:05:31 pm by Squator »

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #188 on: January 13, 2013, 08:07:17 pm »
See my edited post.

Offline Squator

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #189 on: January 13, 2013, 08:13:44 pm »
The fact that you disagree with the rules doesn't give you the right to spam and/or insult the admin.

You can complain about the rules here if you get "blown off" you are free to search yourself another server.

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #190 on: January 13, 2013, 08:17:22 pm »
The fact that you disagree with the rules doesn't give you the right to spam and/or insult the admin.

You can complain about the rules here if you get "blown off" you are free to search yourself another server.
I wasn't spamming whatsoever. I was responding to the admin after me responded to me. And I never insulted the admin either - I made a sarcastic quip that would make most people roll their eyes or sigh. Why you felt the need to permanently ban me, I'm not sure.

Now, I'll apologize because I understand how that comment could come off as offensive, but I don't see how it warranted a permanent ban. I'll be more careful in the future - thank you for the run down.

I'm sorry.

Offline Squator

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #191 on: January 13, 2013, 08:27:41 pm »
I wasn't spamming whatsoever. I was responding to the admin after me responded to me. And I never insulted the admin either - I made a sarcastic quip that would make most people roll their eyes or sigh. Why you felt the need to permanently ban me, I'm not sure.

Now, I'll apologize because I understand how that comment could come off as offensive, but I don't see how it warranted a permanent ban. I'll be more careful in the future - thank you for the run down.

I'm sorry.

There where three admins online and we agreed that this was a clear insult. Calling someone the vice-overseer of Auschwitz is more then a sarcastic quip.

The admin who kicked you for spamming was Hamlenain I didn't follow the entire conversation between you two.

Anyway it is not up to me to make the final dicision.

Offline Hamlenain

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #192 on: January 13, 2013, 09:29:57 pm »
Yes, many people were getting annoyed, but that's no reason to ban someone from the server. Guess what they were complaining about - the chat tab was distracting them. What the fuck? Maybe they could have muted me if they didn't like what I was saying. I was responding to you and to you alone.
You cannot "mute" a person in the public chat, everyone has to put up with someone filling the public chat. Which is why I asked you to be quiet.

You also said that the server was like a library - be quiet or get out. Oh really? I was under the impression that this was a game. Next you're going to be telling us to line up and do rolecall to make sure nobody is being offensive, disrespectful, or anything else that you'd like to ban people for. That was why when I rejoined the server I called you a Nazi. You're not letting anyone have a fun time - you're just banning everyone you see fit in the interest of your precious rules.

The analogy I made was to make you understand that NW might be a "game" but the place you play 84e_siege is PRIVATELY owned. Would you step into someone's home and call them nazis for asking you to shut up about your disagreement with their taste in furniture? Nothing is stopping you from playing elsewhere, if you find the rules you are asked to follow just too strict.
Also, you say admins do not let "anyone" have funtimes, but maybe in this case you meant "me". Once again, several people thanked the admin for getting rid of you; mathematically more "funtimes" were had by you being out, than you being in.

Actually, I wasn't insulting anyone - I was just making a light quip. I understand that the admins in this game take their jobs very seriously, but maybe you could try to lighten up once in a while. Might make everyone's time on the server more enjoyable.

I understand that freedom of speech is really important to you, but the problem is some people do get offended when they are being likened to a set of people responsible for the death of several of their ancestors.
I wouldn't get offended if you decided to punch me in the teeth if I were, theoretically of course, to suggest that one of your sires had in fact performed acts of a graphically sexual nature on a dead animal of your choosing for us to be afflicted by your presence on this planet. But hey, "lighten up".

Fortunately, it is not up to me to decide to let you back into the server, but as far as I am concerned, I suggest as strongly as I can that you don't be let back in and find another place to irritate people.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 09:37:59 pm by Hamlenain »

Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #193 on: January 13, 2013, 10:05:47 pm »
Yes, many people were getting annoyed, but that's no reason to ban someone from the server. Guess what they were complaining about - the chat tab was distracting them. What the fuck? Maybe they could have muted me if they didn't like what I was saying. I was responding to you and to you alone.
You cannot "mute" a person in the public chat, everyone has to put up with someone filling the public chat. Which is why I asked you to be quiet.

You also said that the server was like a library - be quiet or get out. Oh really? I was under the impression that this was a game. Next you're going to be telling us to line up and do rolecall to make sure nobody is being offensive, disrespectful, or anything else that you'd like to ban people for. That was why when I rejoined the server I called you a Nazi. You're not letting anyone have a fun time - you're just banning everyone you see fit in the interest of your precious rules.

The analogy I made was to make you understand that NW might be a "game" but the place you play 84e_siege is PRIVATELY owned. Would you step into someone's home and call them nazis for asking you to shut up about your disagreement with their taste in furniture? Nothing is stopping you from playing elsewhere, if you find the rules you are asked to follow just too strict.
Also, you say admins do not let "anyone" have funtimes, but maybe in this case you meant "me". Once again, several people thanked the admin for getting rid of you; mathematically more "funtimes" were had by you being out, than you being in.

Actually, I wasn't insulting anyone - I was just making a light quip. I understand that the admins in this game take their jobs very seriously, but maybe you could try to lighten up once in a while. Might make everyone's time on the server more enjoyable.

I understand that freedom of speech is really important to you, but the problem is some people do get offended when they are being likened to a set of people responsible for the death of several of their ancestors.
I wouldn't get offended if you decided to punch me in the teeth if I were, theoretically of course, to suggest that one of your sires had in fact performed acts of a graphically sexual nature on a dead animal of your choosing for us to be afflicted by your presence on this planet. But hey, "lighten up".

Fortunately, it is not up to me to decide to let you back into the server, but as far as I am concerned, I suggest as strongly as I can that you don't be let back in and find another place to irritate people.

If someone doesn't like what I'm saying, they can easily press escape, press "Mute a player", and then click my name. It's not hard.

Whether 84e siege is publicly or privately owned is irrelevant. It's still a public server. It is by no means anything like "your house". It's actually more like a park owned by a corporation as opposed to a park owned by the government. Those people may have been annoyed by our argument, but they had absolutely nothing to do with the discussion, and by their own logic, they were being hypocrites because many of them were spamming the chat telling you to kick us. Again, if they had a problem with our argument that was completely unrelated to them, they could have just muted me themselves.

Lol, I would not punch you in the teeth for suggesting something like that - I actually smiled at the thought of you saying that when I read your post. I'll stick by my notion that you need to lighten up, thank you very much.

This is the first time I've ever gotten into trouble on your server (I've never even been warned before), I already apologized, and now we're just getting into semantics. If you really think I deserve to be permanently banned from your server that I enjoy playing on pretty often, so be it. I think it's safe to say that after this ordeal I'll never do anything of the sort again.

Offline mwerte

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Re: 84e Regiment Public Siege Server [84e_NW_Siege]
« Reply #194 on: January 15, 2013, 10:06:40 pm »
Nickname: mwerte / _1stRddt_G95_mwerte
Why?: I enjoy the seige server, and enjoy it even more when the rules are followed.  I can make a contribution and help out the admin team, and since I'm in the United States and could be active when other European admins are offline.  I am also technically competent and can help out with server issues if needed.
How active: I usually play at least a round per night, sometimes more. 
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 02:31:50 pm by mwerte »