Author Topic: The GCG Official NW linebattle (firing in Charge and crouching is allowed!)  (Read 1128 times)

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Offline GCG-Official-Linebattle

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Welcome GCG Line Battle Event Page!

Gents we the GCG have returned to Napoleonics! at-least one night a week! we will see how things go please get signed up ASAP!!!

The line battles will take place every Sunday evenings at 8 pm EST. These battles will consist of 3 rounds maximum. The winner of 2 of those rounds will be the winner of the map. We will use maps suggested by regiment leaders before the battles to bring a balance to the field of battle. The line battle each night will consist of 2 maps and on some nights may consist of a siege map or 2.

Steam Group: GCG Linebattle Event!
Add SAS_Fury on Steam to notify him: sasfury695
Add JNPCaboose on Steam to notify him: jnpcaboose
When you come to TeamSpeak, you can give Irelandwolf or Thrail your information as well as those listed above.


Regiment Leaders -If you have any concerns that an Admin needs to deal with, message one of them over steam or come back into our TeamSpeak channel.  Do not use in-game chat as we may miss what you say.


Regiment Leaders -If you have any concerns that an Admin needs to deal with, message one of them over steam or come back into our TeamSpeak channel.  Do not use in-game chat as we may miss what you say.

Line battle rules and general information!

2 - 3 man spacing for line regiments line is described as a unit that is not light infantry that carry's a musket with a

Light infantry spacing is 5 - 8 man and can use muskets with bayonets as well as have 1/3 can carry rifles 25 man limit. 1 Regiment per team

Skirmishers spacing is 5 - 8 man and can only use rifles to start with. They have a 12 man limit. 1 Reg per team

Calvary is limited to 15 per unit and can fire at any time as long as they maintain 5 man spacing in there formation. 1 Reg per team

Artillery is limited to two cannons per side and a maximum of 10 arty guard not including loader shooter and officer.
Each battery is only allowed 1 shooter, 1 loader and 1 officer per cannon.

Firing out of line and on the charge is allowed double gunning is allowed.

Maps will be chosen by the admins but suggestions are welcome we will do a best of three maps with the the third being
voted on by the regiment leaders the maps will be one custom map followed by one random map. It will be a best of three.

One sapper per regiment is allowed with each side getting 150 build points.

Crouching is allowed units must move out in line but once engaged they may take in shape within their given spacing

Any line less than three must join another unit however if there is no line nearby to join they many charge and fire on the charge

Respect the Administrators

Respect other regiments and the people within them

Abusive or foul language will not be tolerated when used in a malicious manner

Do not exploit any of the glitches in the game e.g. glitching inside trees and/or rocks

NO Team Killing ( team killing will happen we understand but intentional teamkilling is discouraged)

If you DO NOT follow these rules then warnings will be issued to the individual player, as well as the regiment that they represent. If these rules are continuously broken them this may lead to your regiment being kicked from the event and, if necessary, banned from the server. Any actions that are deemed inappropriate will NOT be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly by the Administrators.

Other Information (that may be of concern)

We will attempt to balance the sides to make things as fun and as fair as possible! There is a chance that your regiment will be asked to move to the other team in the middle of the Line-Battle to balance things. We are sorry if this inconveniences you, but it is necessary.

When we do have the siege events we will have the following rules for the every other Saturday siege event.

1. Double gunning is permitted
2. time limit will be either 20 minutes or 15 minutes depending on map size.
3. artillery can be used friendly by anyone if your regiment commander wants you to use arty and its open do so. please remember others use it was well so be kind to those using it when you get there
4. defenders are allowed and even encouraged to attack out of the fort in a move called sallying forth.  this is allowed and welcomed tactically.  it is also required that a unit of at least 4 of the same regiment are allowed to sally forth.  you must be with your own regiment to sally forth.
5.  attackers are required to move out in groups of 3 from at the time of leaving spawn. if some are killed en-route it is allowed to just form up with the rest of your team and keep advancing.
6. sappers will be allowed on certain siege maps for attackers and defenders.  size of map and type will decide.  explosive crates may be allowed for sappers on the side of attackers of the map allows for it.  as in the size of map and type of fort.  but most times explosive crates will not be used by the attackers.
7.  5 lives will be allowed for the defenders!
8. trolling artillery personnel will not be permitted.  standing in front of their cannons or team wounding to get a cannon is not permitted and will result in a temp ban.   artillery is a first come first serve and if you did not get it don't act like a child and mess with those who have it.
9. the siege event will consist of 1 siege map and 1 LB map as in a random map or custom.   
How the registration process works:

You are required to register to the GCG Line Battle only once, using this form:

"Copy" this and then "Paste" into a new post.
Code: [Select]

Application to join
Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader:
Leader's Steam:
Estimated Attendance:
Troop Type/s:

After you have posted your completed form in this thread and are accepted, you will be added to the GCG battle steam group

You are expected to come to our TeamSpeak ( thirty minutes before the start of the Line-Battle for orientation. When you connect, you will move down to the "GCG Information Desk" channel.

How the registration process works:

You are required to register to the GCG Line Battle only once, using this form:

"Copy" this and then "Paste" into a new post.
[b]Application to join
Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader:
Leader's Steam:
Estimated Attendance:
Troop Type/s:[/b]

After you have posted your completed form in this thread and are accepted, you will be added to the GCG battle steam group

You are expected to come to our TeamSpeak ( thirty minutes before the start of the Line-Battle for orientation. When you connect, you will move down to the "GCG Information Desk" channel.


If you have any questions about the event please contact the GCG Regimental N&S Admin Team.

Offline megaknight007

  • Second Lieutenant
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  • Nick: MegaKnight/Monkey
  • Side: Neutral
Regiment Name: 4th Battalion of Yorkshire
Regiment Leader: Kylerennison = Leader
Leader's Steam: =ME = Leader
Estimated Attendance: 6-12
Troop Type/s: Line infantry
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 03:48:44 am by megaknight007 »

Offline apricotes1

  • Sergeant Major
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  • Nick: Munnerlyn
  • Side: Neutral
Application to join
Regiment Name: Nr52 Regiment der Schutze
Regiment Leader: chris, apricotes
Leader's Steam: chris_morris_code, apricotes
Estimated Attendance: Not available yet. We will try to maximize our numbers by next sunday and we may have about 8-10
Troop Type/s: Skirmishers

Will we secure a permanent role as skirmishers or will we have to hope for it every week? We really want to be skirms permanently.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2013, 05:47:49 pm by apricotes1 »