Author Topic: ★ 21e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne [Recruiting Mature NA Players] ★  (Read 112535 times)

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Offline Millander

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Recruiting 16+ Mature Players

This regiment fights for the
Teamspeak :

A Proud members of the IX Corps d'Armee

       Regimental Summary
If you're looking for a mature, large and active Mount&Blade: Napoleonic Wars regiment and small community entirely based in North America region then the 21e de Ligne is for you!
Our goal is to provide a fun and entertaining Napoleonic Wars Line-Battle experience that will appeal to seasoned players and newcomers alike. We strive to reach a level of maturity and skill reached by few in the NA community by providing a host of skilled and active players.

We are a French Infantry regiment. Our goal as a regiment is to be a driving force in line battles. Our goal during linebattles is to smash opponents with thundering  musket volleys and skilled use of steel as well as providing a fun organized linebattle experience for all members.

We strive to be a disciplined regiment. This of course will not get in the way of having fun but we will need to maintain a moderate silence amongst rankers during battles.
A higher degree of discipline will lead to a more enjoyable training's which will lead to a increase in skill and performance in the field.

If you have any questions about the regiment feel free to join our teamspeak,post a reply or add an officer on steam. We are happy to answer any questions if possible applicants.

Weekly Events
  • Sunday - Linebattles 8est
  • Monday - Regimental Training 8est
  • Tuesday - [21e Hosted Event] Millanders Classical Tuesday Linebattle (Fire In Formation/Single Rank) 8est
  • Wednesday - Free
  • Thursday - [21e Hosted Event] Battalion Training and Drill 8est
  • Friday - Thundersnows Linebattle (Double Rank/Fire In formation) 9est
  • Saturday - [21e Hosted Event] Saturday Siege Event 8est

If a member shows a high degree of loyalty and maturity as well as a understanding of regimental tactics you will be promoted to a NCO rank. From here you will gain responsibility for maintaining formation. Also upon being promoted to NCO rank you will begin to be further taught your role and regimental tactics in a more advanced format. If you continue to show that you posses leadership skills and are growing at a respectable rate you will be potentially given a higher NCO position and possibly an officer role.

The Officer and non-commissioned staff are composed of the social elite of the regiment. The cream of the crop,the big guys, the bosses and the big cheese. Whatever they are called their job remains the same. They have the responsibilities of maintaining discipline, assisting administratively and in the field as well as being the Aide-de-camp to the Kapitian. They are also expected to  be fluent in leading training and the line during linebattles.
  • Chef de Battalion: The leader of the Battalion. Leads the regiment in all aspects. All lower ranks answer to him. Known as the "Big Cheese".
  • Capitaine : Littererly translated to "Over Leutnant" this role is the 2nd in command. He expected to be able to handle all changes the Kapitän faces as well as being his Aide-de-camp.
  • Lieutenant : The lowest official officer rank. This role requires an active and skilled officer who is able to pick up leading the line on the fly as well as  assist the Officer staff .
  • Adjudant : The highest NCO rank he is responsible to make sure orders from the officers are filled out properly. Also expected to handle administration properly. 
  • Sergent-Major:  These members are expected to assist in drill and point out and fix errors in formations.
  • Sergent : Primarily assists the Sergent-Major in fixing formation. They are the designated File Closers in the Company.

The Fusilier (line Infantry) make up the backbone of the Battalion. They as the name refers, fight in line with your average Musket. Firing in Massed volleys they aim of these members to to be the main driving force of our regiment and secure victory. All members upon enlistment will be placed in the Infantry with the rank of Cadet unless an exception is made.
Skill with the Bayonet and 1809 Pattern Infantry Musket is required. Upon being promoted to the rank of of Musketeer you will have this rank until merit and skill at arms attracts attention from the officers.
  • Cadet : Gained upon joining. Will hold this until you have attended 10 events.
  • Soldat de Deuxième : After attending 10 events you will be promoted to Soldat. You will have this rank untill you show yourself skilled enough to be promoted.
  • Soldat de Première : Considered skilled Soldats. Members who have shown themselves skilled,active and loyal to the regiment.
  • Grenadier : Considered the "Shock Troopers" of the Regiment. Consisting of the extremely skilled players of the regiment. All members should aspire to be. 

Of all positions in the regiment being a part of the artillery is the most glamorous. Most members like to  jump at the opritunity to be in the artillery during linebattles.
Being good with cannons and killing up to 10 enemies in one shot makes you the rock star of the day. However to be a par of this elite group you must have very skilled experience with artillery.
Newcomers who show potential are often apprenticed for an event where they show if they are worthy to be a a part of the artillery.

If you wish to join the 21e Infantry de Ligne and participate in
linebattles and be in our community with us fill out this application on our website.

You must register an Enjin account and an officer will make a comment on it within 24 hours. Then you must come into the provided Teamspeak3 server and conduct a short interview

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21e Custom Banner
I would like to thank spunned of the 51st for his photoshop tools which has aided myself improve upon my skills. Also to Menelaos16, for fixing my god awful spelling.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2013, 07:29:52 am by Millander »
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Millander

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History of the 21e Régiment d'infanterie de Ligne : 1791-1815

Routes and Revulution : The 21eme Demi-Brigade
The 21ème Regiment d'Infanterie is one of the oldest regiments in the World. It was raised in Lorraine in 1598 by Henri de Vaubecourt at the time when Henri of Navarre became King Henry IV of France. It continued as a regiment of the Monarchy under the name of its Colonel until it became the Regiment Guyenne in 1762.

It was not until the French Revolution that it was known as the 2leme Demi-Brigade de Ligne. The regiment served in Germany in 1793 and by the mid 1790's was in the Armme d'Italie. The 2leme was involved in action at Laona in 1796 and also Montenotee, Millesimo, Dego and the bridge at Lodi. It was at Lodi where Grenadiers of the Regiment charged over the bridge under constant fire shouting "Vive la Republique!" overthrowing the Austrian defenders and capturing their artillery.

In 1799 the regiment saw further action at Verona, Magano, Trebbia and most notably the Battle of Novi. It was here that Sergeant-Major Jean Georges Pauly, cut off by a body of Russian Cavalry was called upon to surrender. Replying Je Passe Quand Même he rallied a handful of men and forced his way back to the regiment using musket butt and bayonet killing or wounding more than 40 Russians in the process.

From Austerlitz to Eylau : Height of the Grande Armee
The regiment was designated the 2leme Regiment d' Infanterie de Ligne in 1803. In 1804 it formed part of the Armee d' Angleterre when the concept of the Grande Armee was first created by Napoleon Bonaparte. In 1805 the regiment marched under Marshal Louis Nicoholas Davout as part of the 3eme Corp d' Armee to fight the combined might of Austria and Russia at Austerlitz.

In 1806 Davout's Corps found itself facing the main Prussian army under the Duke of Brunswick at Auerstadt, whilst Napoleon was defeating what he believed to be the main army at Jena. The 2leme defended the village of Hassenhausen in the centre of the French line. Corporal Boutloup of the Voltigeur company, along with six men, took a Prussian gun and caisson and turned it on the Prussians. These men, having killed the gun crew, manned the cannon for over half an hour until ammunition was exhausted. Losses were heavy but the three divisions of the 3eme Corp became famous through the Armee as "Les Trois Immortelles".

The 2leme saw further action at Custrun, Pultusk and Eylau and later still at Eckmul and Wargram. It was at Custrin, a single company bluffed the fortress into surrendering and took 4,000 Prussian prisoners.

The Russian Campaign : The Death of the Regiment
    In 1812 the regiment was once again with Davout as part of the crack ler Corp. The 2leme now comprised 6 battalions (4 veteran battalions, the depot battalion and the new 6th battalion led by graduates from St Cyr and volunteers from the Garde.) It fought at Smolensk, Valoutina Gora and Borodino in the bitter Russian campaign. The regiment then faced the winter retreat from Moscow. From a strength of over 4200, only 92 remained in arms by the 1st of February 1813.

    The 2leme was later reformed in the same year and saw action including the battle of Dresden. It was here the regiment was left behind while Napoleon moved back to Leipzig. It fought at Hellendorf where Lieutenant Doignon and the Grenadier company took some 70 Russian prisoners. Inevitably, the 2leme passed into captivity at Dresden.

    In 1814 the regiment was reformed from the depots in France and fought the British army for the very first time at Bergen op Zoom in the Netherlands. It was here that the Colour of the Foot Guards was taken. (Now on display at the Invalides in Paris). Now following the Emperor's abdication the 21e Regiment de Ligne continued as a reluctant regiment of the monarchy but not for long.

    The 100 Days : The regiment's Waterloo
    Napoleons return from exile in 1815 marked the start of a campaign that was to become known as the 100 Days.  As the storm clouds gathered over Europe his imperial army formed up below the eagles once again.

    The regiment missed both actions at Ligny and Quartre Bras to the confusion in command. They formed part of the French right wing on the field of Waterloo.  With shouts of "Vive L' Empereuer!" they descended into the valley under the fiery vault of French and English shells which arched over their heads. With drums beating the advance in massed formation up the slopes of Mont Saint Jean to meet Wellington's army.  Here they were surprised by the Highlanders and became involved in a fierce melee. This was only broken as the French heavy cavalry charge by Wellington's Union Brigade. The 2leme retired as best it could.

    The regiment was later involved in the capture of the farmhouse of La Haye Saint but never fully recovered from this onslaught. Following the arrival of the Prussians and defeat of the Old Guard the day was lost. On the 28th the Regiment arrived at Paris with an effective strength of 18 officers and 206 men.
    The 21eme have continued active service over the years in Algeria, Italy, the Crimea, the Franco-Prussian War, the Great War and World War II.
    « Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 09:34:08 pm by Millander »
    Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

    Offline Millander

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    Media Galllery

    School of the Soldier Part 1

    Our First Event! Saturday Siege 5/11

    « Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 08:23:25 pm by Millander »
    Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

    Offline Millander

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    School of the  Soldat
    Basic Double rank drill of the 21e

    « Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 10:24:17 am by Millander »
    Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

    Offline Millander

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    Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

    Offline TheZach_Attack

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    1st Good Luck! gml gg no re

    Offline Sandford

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    Good Luck!!!  ;D

    Offline Brock

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    Good luck!

    Offline Mercer

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    Been working on this for a while... I need a break!!!

    Offline Walko

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    Best of luck!
    Pointy stick champion

    Offline Doxy

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    Good luck man

    Offline jason0422

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    Good Luck millander! :D

    Don't open the spoiler It says nothing important
    nothing important

    Offline hypur

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    Panties be droppin..

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    :O Good Luck!

    Offline Peppers

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    Good luck my friend!  ;D