Author Topic: Super Top Secret Thundersnow FRIDAY Linebattle Extravaganza=LAST EVENT TONIGHT!!  (Read 157340 times)

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Offline Marceaux

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So, you perma ban our regiment because our Col rages complaints. Wonderful admining.

Getty was bending the rules to suit his regiment. Thunder, you ignored the FH TKing our guys earlier. Hard to admin when no admins are in spec.

Wonderful event. Thanks for banning the whole regiment because of one Col.


To add, you waited until the second map to actually decide to enforce the rules. I sat in spec and watched FoL's and regiments well over 10 men firing in single rank line. Yet the admin staff decided to use the rules solely to benefit themselves and their regiments.

Offline Master2124

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So after calling the GCG_88th out on an FOL twice we got one slay out of it. Then the 3eme gets banned from the event without any kind of warning, reason, or discussion. cool cool. this is digressing into something bad.

FOL wasnt seen because no admins are in spec. Not to mention, they were both on the same team. Morale squad was standing in circles, and musicians, t-bagging the ground. They have anything said to them? No. 3eme, and ALL of its members (Including those who did not troll) were banned permanently.

I thought this was a proud event - one with a high standard. When i was in the 79th highlanders, I wanted to come to this event, but the 7NA has its own shit. Our Col went to far. Shouldn't have been a perma ban for all of us, dammit.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 03:52:59 am by Master2124 »
Quote from: Walko
I find it odd that your signature says signatures are pointless, but you sign everything with ~M   
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Offline Ser Thomas

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I recommend you guys talk to him over steam or something, starting stuff on FSE never fixes anything :\.

Offline Marceaux

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I recommend you guys talk to him over steam or something, starting stuff on FSE never fixes anything :\.

No actually, he told us all in admin chat multiple times to post it all on here.

Offline Master2124

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I went into their TS. Thundersnow is a totally understanding guy. But perma banning a whole reg, rankers and all, over a Col's actions? Too far.

Quote from: Walko
I find it odd that your signature says signatures are pointless, but you sign everything with ~M   
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Offline Thundersnow

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I recommend you guys talk to him over steam or something, starting stuff on FSE never fixes anything :\.

No I encourage discussion on this event thread.

I'll respond in a few hours.

Offline Eatjello

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Well for the last 6 months since we started out as a regiment doing this event, When I started out with 5 to 10 guys and we have enjoyed the event for the most part.

with the GCG come to this event I knew FOL was gonna be a subject talked about a bit,Nothing against the GCG as a hole
fuck fury
I just don't see them making double ranks.I never liked no FoC rules myself.

I have never been targeted by a friendly unit like with that Marceaux kid. Even my biggest fan club fans havent gone that low in plain sight.  and with these videos I rest my case.


And in closing I rest my case this kid is on a  pretty high powered trip to think he can just tk another leader of a group and think nothing is gonna happen.

P.S I kinda feel bad for the 3eme for haven a retarded  leader
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 07:29:40 am by Eatjello »

Offline Great Khan

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Offline Master2124

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Well for the last 6 months since we started out as a regiment doing this event, When I started out with 5 to 10 guys and we have enjoyed the event for the most part.

with the GCG come to this event I knew FOL was gonna be a suject talked about a bit,Nothhing against the GCG as a hole
fuck fury
I just don't see them making double ranks.I never liked no FoC rules myself.

I have never been targeted by a friendly unit like with that Marceaux kid. Even my biggest fan club fans havent gone that low in plain sight.  and with these videos I rest my case.


And in closing I rest my case this kid is on a  pretty high powered trip to think he can just tk another leader of a group and think nothing is gonna happen.

P.S I kinda feel bad for the 3eme for haven a retard a leader

First vid works again. And this is the kind of shit we were raging about. No double ranks, and the admins not saying anything about it. But again, our Col went AWOL. We can't exactly do much mid event. But, for that and the complaints about the rules, our whole reg was banned.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 06:14:03 am by Master2124 »
Quote from: Walko
I find it odd that your signature says signatures are pointless, but you sign everything with ~M   
No U

Offline Thundersnow

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I thought this was a proud event - one with a high standard. When i was in the 79th highlanders, I wanted to come to this event, but the 7NA has its own shit. Our Col went to far. Shouldn't have been a perma ban for all of us, dammit.
I quote this because I felt kind of sad after reading it.  Because I do feel this is a 'proud event'.  I hope this long post clears up any misconceptions about me or my event.

If possible, and as the starter of this Event thread, I would appreciate it if the entire 3eme didn't respond with a flood of posts.  That would only draw the unwanted possibility of this thread being locked for 'drama' or whatnot.  The leader and the officers should suffice for any follow up questions or debate.  I would also ask the 00th members to refrain from posting on this subject.

Okay, here's how I saw the events of the night proceed. 

We had roughly 40-45 new people tonight.  3eme included.

As such, rules and regulations were sloppy.  It was to be expected.  I suppose I could have announced this at the beginning, as I usually do, but running an event and juggling multiple tasks, these little touches are sometimes missed.

That said, the 3eme guys, right off the bat, were starting to question the rules, who was breaking the rules, is that in the rules?, etc.

I answered the questions when I saw them.  I got acknowledgements of understanding from my explanations of the rules.

There's no problem in asking about the rules.  I like it.  It helps clarify the situation to everyone attending on a rule that might be shaky or complicated.

What I can't stand for though, is that you guys were constantly bitching about stuff.  Each...Round....Was....A....Complaint.  One Hour and Thirty Minutes of complaining.  And this was your first night for crying out loud!!!

I didn't put together The Super Top Secret Thundersnow Friday Linebattle Extravaganza two years ago so you guys could show up tonight for the first time ever and bitch about my admin staff, bitch about me not going into spectator mode, bitch about another regiment that have been attending my event forever for not following rules that they helped write, and bitch about me not answering your questions to your complete and utter satisfaction. 

I mean, my God.  If I wanted to hear that much bitching on a Friday night, I'd be married to some bar hag who's always short on smokes.

Multiple times in the evening, I stated in Admin chat and in pub chat that "This event has a forum, please direct all complaints and bitching to that location".  But it kept on.  I'm not harping on names here, because frankly by the end of the night, all I saw was "3eme".

The final straw was at the last 10 minutes, I was so frazzled that I announced in Admin chat "No more bitching by entire regiments for the whole night.  If you have complaints then direct them there."  "I'm sick of it."

Which of course was followed by your leader making a snide remark about the event not following the rules.  Bitching.

So I announced then and there that the 3eme was dis-invited from the event.  There was ample time for you to leave.  Roughly 1 minute afterwards, one of your guys, in all caps, shouted "N*GG**".  (Censored for obvious reasons.)  This, of course, triggered the avalanche of perma-bans.

But the most messed up part was what happened next.  Two minutes later, after the giant weight was lifted off my chest and I began to enjoy life again, one of your guys, who must have slipped through the cracks of our perma-ban tsunami, announces in chat "So what about those double line rules...?".


The most ironic part of the evening is that I had so much Steam traffic going on, I missed your leader purposely teamkilling the leader of the FH.  Which in itself was ban-worthy.

I could go on.  I'm actually holding back on some stuff.  I'm just trying to get across to you my reasons for the permabans, seeing as you guys seem sincerely confused as to why it happened.  I don't take permabanning lightly.

I talked with your officers later on in my Teamspeak, and I have to say, I was caught off-guard.  Because those guys were cool as hell.  Totally rational and easy going.  There wasn't a shred of insincerity about them.  The type of officer any regiment would be proud to have in their regiment.  And we discussed one of the main problems with one of the rules, which was a misunderstanding.  We talked about what went down.  We talked about how things should have gone down, how things could have been handled differently and cleared up everything.  That's how this entire night SHOULD have been handled.

We had a good discussion.  All is pretty much forgiven.  I mean, it would just look stupid if I let you guys back in, but talking with your officers put everything in a new perspective.  Who knows what the future holds.  I don't take it personal.  This community is too small to hold a grudge. 

Maybe we got off to a misunderstanding.  I began this event two years ago because the only North American event in existence (5arge's event) became full because of the rising popularity of Mount and Musket.  I needed a place to play with my regiment.  No one stepped up to the plate so I took fate into my own hands with some other regiment leaders (Jorge and Tico) and 'created' a place where people could come and have fun, ad-hoc, 10 minutes after being locked out of the full event.  We started with 120 guys. They've since moved on and I'm chugging along.  I believe we have a good reputation and high standards, about as high a standard you can have for a VIDEO GAME.  At no point over the last two years has the Event ever been canceled due to sloppy administration or lack of attendance. 

What I'm trying to say here, is that this event didn't "Just Happen".

I guess that's where I differ from other events.  I'm the most easy-going event organizer in the game.  Hands down.  The rules get followed, eventually.  All the regiment leaders have me on their steam list so I'm notified immediately if something is amiss.  If not me, than by my other admins.  I'm always willing to sit down with a regiment leader and talk about anything they are concerned with.

If something gets out of hand, I usually handle it in-game.  If not, then I handle it out-of-game, during the week, via a discrete teamspeak meeting or a quick chat on steam.

I can make mistakes.  Stuff slides by sometimes.  Shit happens.  I'm not in this for the long haul to become the greatest 'Event Referee' that ever existed.  I'm in this to have fun with my regiment and the other regiments who've been playing with us for years.  Period.  And so far it's worked out pretty good.

Good luck to you in the future. 

« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 07:16:41 am by Thundersnow »

Offline Who-

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I love Thundersnow.
I'm like a reincarnated Saltyy But I actually have some talent.

Offline Pender

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I will say Thundersnows event is by far the best i have ever attended. I Honestly everyone veteran of thundersnows follows the rules.. GCG was new aswell as 3eme . But Really dont have all your men here posting on thundersnows post. This is a very great Linebattle and im sorry you 3eme did not take advantage of it.. and with you complaining he wasnt enforcing rules idk how many times i seen Getty and Thundersnow slay people for FOL and say if above 10 people you have to be in 2 lines when firing.. i say we end the convo here.

On the lighter note back to buissssneeessss!
Specialist Application Form
Regiment Name:4thGlukhov
Yes I am the Regiment Leader: yes
Steam Name: enjustin (if that dont work) [4thGH]Pender
Position Applied for: cavalry
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« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 07:27:01 pm by Pender »

Offline Master2124

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I, in my normal fashion in terms of replying, will be breaking this up into sections to reply. Should make this an easy bit to read.

I thought this was a proud event - one with a high standard. When i was in the 79th highlanders, I wanted to come to this event, but the 7NA has its own shit. Our Col went to far. Shouldn't have been a perma ban for all of us, dammit.
I quote this because I felt kind of sad after reading it.  Because I do feel this is a 'proud event'.  I hope this long post clears up any misconceptions about me or my event.

If possible, and as the starter of this Event thread, I would appreciate it if the entire 3eme didn't respond with a flood of posts.  That would only draw the unwanted possibility of this thread being locked for 'drama' or whatnot.  The leader and the officers should suffice for any follow up questions or debate.  I would also ask the 00th members to refrain from posting on this subject.

The 3eme is being shown this thread - but I double that, other than Delaney (Our 4th in command), MiddleN (Our second in command), Marceaux (Our current Col), and myself (Our 3rd in command) will be posting to this thread. We three, minus Marceaux, were the ones that came to talk to you, as we went to EatJello's teamspeak after to smooth things over after tonights.... events.

Okay, here's how I saw the events of the night proceed. 

We had roughly 40-45 new people tonight.  3eme included.

As such, rules and regulations were sloppy.  It was to be expected.  I suppose I could have announced this at the beginning, as I usually do, but running an event and juggling multiple tasks, these little touches are sometimes missed.

That said, the 3eme guys, right off the bat, were starting to question the rules, who was breaking the rules, is that in the rules?, etc.

I answered the questions when I saw them.  I got acknowledgements of understanding from my explanations of the rules.

There's no problem in asking about the rules.  I like it.  It helps clarify the situation to everyone attending on a rule that might be shaky or complicated.

The problem here was, yes, you were answering such questions. But you are in game leading your line. With no admin in spec to follow up and see chat, and to follow lines as they fight, things are missed. Its just how things go. Further, Getty sure as hell did not help the situation with his 'admining' tonight. Telling people to read the rules and bitching back. All that did was escalate things - I also was in on the banter back and forth, because, well, we were under the impression that this was a forced double rank event.

In the first two rounds, the 24th split into single lines. Both times they had the lines near each other, and it seemed like one huge ass single line - we were trying to form double ranks and were simply decimated by two long lines of 10 firing at once. (Delaney sent a screenshot of this to Getty who immediately denounced it claiming 'spacing' between the lines which was nearly non-existent. I'll ask if that SS was saved.)

What I can't stand for though, is that you guys were constantly bitching about stuff.  Each...Round....Was....A....Complaint.  One Hour and Thirty Minutes of complaining.  And this was your first night for crying out loud!!!

I didn't put together The Super Top Secret Thundersnow Friday Linebattle Extravaganza two years ago so you guys could show up tonight for the first time ever and bitch about my admin staff, bitch about me not going into spectator mode, bitch about another regiment that have been attending my event forever for not following rules that they helped write, and bitch about me not answering your questions to your complete and utter satisfaction. 

I mean, my God.  If I wanted to hear that much bitching on a Friday night, I'd be married to some bar hag who's always short on smokes.

Multiple times in the evening, I stated in Admin chat and in pub chat that "This event has a forum, please direct all complaints and bitching to that location".  But it kept on.  I'm not harping on names here, because frankly by the end of the night, all I saw was "3eme".

This, again, goes back to the rules. And I quote, "FORCED DOUBLE LINES if over 10 infantry men". This doesn't say you can split lines... and yes, we were rather pissed that in multiple rounds, more than half of our line was wiped out by a volley from two lines of the same regiment. It was our first time attending this event. We host our own Tuesday/Wednesday event that is double rank. We do enforce double rank, even if lines split. Unless you are below 8 men, you HAVE to be in double rank, so what happened tonight doesnt happen for us. We even have a dedicated admin each night who either records, or just watches to make sure no one FOL's FOC's etc etc.

The final straw was at the last 10 minutes, I was so frazzled that I announced in Admin chat "No more bitching by entire regiments for the whole night.  If you have complaints then direct them there."  "I'm sick of it."

Which of course was followed by your leader making a snide remark about the event not following the rules.  Bitching.

So I announced then and there that the 3eme was dis-invited from the event.  There was ample time for you to leave.  Roughly 1 minute afterwards, one of your guys, in all caps, shouted "N*GG**".  (Censored for obvious reasons.)  This, of course, triggered the avalanche of perma-bans.

At that point, when you announced to stop complaining, the damage was done. Nothing could have been said to fix what anger was caused at that point.

You said we were no longer welcome at the event - the round was still going on. We intended to stay until it ended, give the respectful 'GG' and leave. I didn't see that being said in chat by our members, nor is that tolerated (Despite what it may seem like). Had you banned that player, and our Col, who had done TKing, I would have understood. But to wipe ALL of us? Thats what is the kicker for me. Tonight was the first event for one of our cadets. He was in my line if I recall, and we had no part in that trolling, despite some of my personal bitching at Getty. He was perma banned. His first event on NW and he is perma banned from a major event? Because of some bitching? Looks bad on the community as a whole - And i would not blame him if he quit straight out.

But the most messed up part was what happened next.  Two minutes later, after the giant weight was lifted off my chest and I began to enjoy life again, one of your guys, who must have slipped through the cracks of our perma-ban tsunami, announces in chat "So what about those double line rules...?".


The most ironic part of the evening is that I had so much Steam traffic going on, I missed your leader purposely teamkilling the leader of the FH.  Which in itself was ban-worthy.

I could go on.  I'm actually holding back on some stuff.  I'm just trying to get across to you my reasons for the permabans, seeing as you guys seem sincerely confused as to why it happened.  I don't take permabanning lightly.

I was banned by that point - and aye, that was a smart ass move. Not sure who that was who posted in chat after the bans were given. Further, we spoke to our Col. He went skirm for the purpose of killing FH. Nothing we could really DO at that point. We can't exactly ban him from the TS or kick him from the event when you only have him on steam and not the rest of our leaders.

I talked with your officers later on in my Teamspeak, and I have to say, I was caught off-guard.  Because those guys were cool as hell.  Totally rational and easy going.  There wasn't a shred of insincerity about them.  The type of officer any regiment would be proud to have in their regiment.  And we discussed one of the main problems with one of the rules, which was a misunderstanding.  We talked about what went down.  We talked about how things should have gone down, how things could have been handled differently and cleared up everything.  That's how this entire night SHOULD have been handled.

We had a good discussion.  All is pretty much forgiven.  I mean, it would just look stupid if I let you guys back in, but talking with your officers put everything in a new perspective.  Who knows what the future holds.  I don't take it personal.  This community is too small to hold a grudge.

Aye, we wanted things smoothed over, and you now know our situation. Last thing we want is bad blood with anyone - not our intention at all, and I can speak for the entire 3eme on that point.

Like we spoke about on TS, the 3eme understands it is not welcome back for the time being - understandable. But we will be, with you permission of course, be back after we tie up some... loose ends.

Maybe we got off to a misunderstanding.  I began this event two years ago because the only North American event in existence (5arge's event) became full because of the rising popularity of Mount and Musket.  I needed a place to play with my regiment.  No one stepped up to the plate so I took fate into my own hands with some other regiment leaders (Jorge and Tico) and 'created' a place where people could come and have fun, ad-hoc, 10 minutes after being locked out of the full event.  We started with 120 guys. They've since moved on and I'm chugging along.  I believe we have a good reputation and high standards, about as high a standard you can have for a VIDEO GAME.  At no point over the last two years has the Event ever been canceled due to sloppy administration or lack of attendance. 

What I'm trying to say here, is that this event didn't "Just Happen".

I guess that's where I differ from other events.  I'm the most easy-going event organizer in the game.  Hands down.  The rules get followed, eventually.  All the regiment leaders have me on their steam list so I'm notified immediately if something is amiss.  If not me, than by my other admins.  I'm always willing to sit down with a regiment leader and talk about anything they are concerned with.

And, unfortunately, if the reg leader is the one stirring the pot, the whole regiment suffers. I'd recommend adding, perhaps, the 2nd in command for each regiment as well - in case of this kind of mishap. We had no contact at all, and we all were perma'd for it. We didn't even know you TS IP until our 4th was able to find it - right when we came to speak with you.

If something gets out of hand, I usually handle it in-game.  If not, then I handle it out-of-game, during the week, via a discrete teamspeak meeting or a quick chat on steam.

I can make mistakes.  Stuff slides by sometimes.  Shit happens.  I'm not in this for the long haul to become the greatest 'Event Referee' that ever existed.  I'm in this to have fun with my regiment and the other regiments who've been playing with us for years.  Period.  And so far it's worked out pretty good.

Good luck to you in the future.

At the end of the day, cooler heads will hopefully prevail. No bad blood from our end, minus perhaps a few.

We'll be back one of these days. So keep this event running, eh?

Quote from: Walko
I find it odd that your signature says signatures are pointless, but you sign everything with ~M   
No U

Offline Master2124

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I will say Thundersnows event is by far the best i have ever attended. Honestly everyone veteran of thundersnows follows the rules.. GCG was new aswell as 3eme you guys how ever did not and really dont have all your men here posting on thundersnows post. This is a very great Linebattle and im sorry you 3eme did not take advantage of it.. and with you complaining he wasnt enforcing rules idk how many times i seen Getty and Thundersnow slay people for FOL and say if above 10 people you have to be in 2 lines when firing.. i say we end the convo here.

And the 3eme DID follow rules. Not one of our members was slayed tonight.

Quote from: Walko
I find it odd that your signature says signatures are pointless, but you sign everything with ~M   
No U

Offline Xethos

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And the 3eme DID follow rules. Not one of our members was slayed tonight.


You're going to complain about a lack of admin action against breaking rules, then use a lack of admin action as evidence of you following the rules?
04:25:13 - [Cup_of_Tea] Hey Xethos! I bet you're a gentleman of less than reputable quality!