Author Topic: Super Top Secret Thundersnow FRIDAY Linebattle Extravaganza=LAST EVENT TONIGHT!!  (Read 157389 times)

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Offline Thundersnow

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Artwork by Thundersnow (Copyright 2013
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ADMIN:  00th_Overlord_Thundersnow

TIME: Friday 8pm Central/9pmEast

Attending Regiments
All the cool ones.

What Makes Us Different From Everyone Else?

FORCED DOUBLE LINES if over 10 infantry men
CONQUEST / SIEGE EVENTS (Not often, but often enough to mention it)

* * * * * * * *


I am the Thundersnow.  More info about me and the 00th can be found by clicking that kickass signature at the bottom of my post!

1)  The STSTFLE has been running now for close to three years now, under one secret name or another.
2)  I have experience dealing with Regiment leaders and massive amounts of people for years.
3)  I have the patience and tact required to deal with delicate situations involving multiple regiments.
4)  I have removed at least 10 regiments for trolling over the years.  So unless there is a regiment that is bribing me, they will be removed if they become a really bad problem.
5)  I accept bribes
6)  I drew that kickass picture up there. 
7)  I've had sex at least once in my lifetime.
8)  I've uploaded 300+ videos of entire linebattles on Youtube.
9)  I have never missed an event. 
10) I'm easy going and easy to talk to.  Just hop into my teamspeak or contact me on Steam and I'll be happy to respond.
11)  I accept counter-bribes.

You Don't. 

Haha sorry, I've always wanted to say that!
But seriously:
My Steam Friends list is full, which sounds kinda cool, but in reality it is a giant pain in the ass.  Constantly shuffling people on and off.

But Have no Fear!
You can Contact me via joining:
Also, I am constantly checking this board, so send me a message.
Or contact my officer if you want to join the 00th and you don't have time to waste:  Steam Name: 00th_MFlank_Silence Dogood

The Super Top Secret Thundersnow Friday Linebattle Extravaganza has been going strong for close to three years, every Friday Night. 

Founded in the dark of night, the Super Top Secret Linebattle Organization is proud if it's secretive nature, and ability to keep it's Super Top Secret Linebattles secret from the moment of its inception until the fires of this galaxies sun long burn out.

We have fought approximately 47,229,301 Linebattles, and there has never once been a problem or incident with the Administration, the Servers, or the attending Regiments.  Ever.

We have an excellent reputation for being understanding, sincere, and a strong willingness to take bribes of various world currencies from around the globe in any matter, great or small.

  • Know the Rules
  • Regiment Leaders will be held responsible for the conduct of their own men.  Constant misconduct of one member will reflect on his/her entire Regiment.  When something goes wrong during a Linebattle, I can assure you, it is not the individual's NAME that we are noticing, it is his REGIMENT'S NAME.   
  • Your Mercs will also be a reflection on your regiment.  We don't have time to pussyfoot around with some wiseass you decide to bring.  We're managing 200 people.  Believe me when I tell you that there have been more than one Regiment banished from this event due to the misbehavior of a few trolling mercs that were allowed to tag along.
  • Tell your guys not to harass the Admins.  They are just there to make the LBs to go smoothly without problems.  They are not paid, and in many cases, have no girlfriends.  Have pity on us.  Or face the wrath and try not to act surprised like 99.9% always do when Banhammered into another dimension.
  • For the love of all the is Holy, if your Regiment joins another Linebattle, or disbands, or just decides to leave the STSTFLE, LET US KNOW.  It is extremely frustrating to find a regiment has left 2 months ago while sorting out the #'s for this two-server balancing act.
  • If you changed your Teamspeak, let Thundersnow know.  I have a list of every Regiment (At least I think I do, until everytime Steam goes down and I attempt to connect to 3-5 disconnected Teamspeaks with the Linebattle password)
  • If you're fed up with something, and about to quit, let me know.  I'm not a mind-readers (As far as you know), and often times I can remedy the situation by moving regiments around.  I am very easy to get a hold of, and very approachable.
  • You must realize this very important fact: I get ONE MILLION STEAM MESSAGES PER SECOND.  Many is the night that I just won't look at them.  Not to be rude, but I love this game, and would rather spend the evening playing it than reading my Steam messages.  If something is bugging you, write it down and mail it to me after the event.
  • The last time I read the in-game chat was way back in 1997.  It's full of spam and the sprawling wall of text is comprised of words like "Boobies" and "Poopiehead" 99% of the time.  I won't turn it off, incases of racism or somthing outrageous, but I never read it.  If something is bugging you, write it down and mail it to me after the event.
  • During the game, No, you can't go Skirmisher.  I can't tell you how many times I get this message during the game.  If you want to go Skirmisher, apply for the position.
  • Nothing infuriates me more than someone getting on a horse, or an entire regiments deciding to get on a horse because THEY DECIDED the night was over.  No stupid.  Thundersnow decides when the night is over.  When some limpdick regiment gets on horses and starts killing teamates because it's past their bedtime and they're getting crabby, it usually forces the night to end prematurely.  If this thought crosses your mind, I HIGHLY recommend you just take your Regiment and leave the server.  If this happens in the future, the party responsible WILL BE on the Dreaded "Shit List".
  • If your Regiment decides they don't want to go Cav/Arty/Skirmisher anymore after signing up, let me know.  It is very frustrating to discover this during the game rather than beforehand.

(Shamelessly stolen from 5arge's list years ago and modified for this event)

Basic Rules


-Officers and NCOs are responsible for enforcing the event rules within their ranks. Failure to do so will result in the entire regiment being punished.

-All regiments must agree that they understand and intend to follow the event rules before they are allowed to attend.  (I will contact each Regiment individually)

-Violation of any written event rule will result in an automatic slay. This is your warning.

-If either side has 2 soldiers or less alive, the rules governing combat may be ignored in order to expedite an end to the round.(modified down to 2 [2014])

-The STSTFLE does NOT have "Light Infantry" and does not allow the tactics associated with them.

-"FOL" The STSTFLE does not allow firing while charging.  If you're not standing in a line, then don't shoot your gun.  If you're being charged and surprised, or being charged by cav, obviously the rules are relaxed.  But if you're regiment is dicking around on a constant basis, then we will have to have a long discussion.  Let me tell you right now that most regiments that are removed from this event were originally brought to my attention due to complaints of them "FOL"ing.

-Rambos (1-2 lone soldiers) that do not seek to attach to a friendly line, but instead runs towards a line from, say, half a football field away, will not only have a grenade tossed at him, but his Regiment WILL be facing scrutiny.  This is exactly the sort of thing that the STSTFLE does not tollerate.

-If your Regiment charges a 100yards (a football field) into an enemy, you're doing it wrong.  Any charges over 20 yards are viewed with disdain.

-Regiments may not hide behind a tree unless part of a line or column. 

-Postponing defeat will result in an automatic slay.

Guidelines for Infantry and Skirmishers and Artillery Guard:

-A regiment consisting of more than 10 men must fight in two ranks.  This includes the officer.
-Infantry should have half-a-man spacing. ("One space" is the width of your avatar on screen.  So half a 'space' apart)
-Soldiers should only fire their muskets while in a properly spaced line formation (skirmishers must use a skirmish line).
-If only 2 men remain in your regiment, they must immediately join a friendly line OR charge directly toward their enemy into melee. 

-Skirmisher units may never exceed 7 armed soldiers.  Skirmishers are a 'specialist' position and are handed out by the admin, just as the cavalry and artillery is. 
-Skirmishers can be 5 spaces apart.  ("One space" is the width of your avatar on screen.  So five 'spaces' apart)
-Skirmishers must be in a 'Skirmish line'.  There are no guerrilla tactics allowed.
-Skirmishers may crouch at any time, unless behind a man made object.  This is to prevent an already powerful skirmisher from taking cover behind artillery barricades. 
-Skirmishers are extremely rare in my events.  I'm talking one regiment for one night in the last 20 months.  If you are fortunate enough to get this specialist position, act accordingly.
-If only 2 men remain in your regiment, they must immediately join a friendly line OR charge directly toward their enemy into melee. 

Artillery Guard:
Artillery Guard guard the Artillery.  Their regiment was assigned Artillery. 
Artillery Guard should be 2 spaces apart.  "One space" is the width of your avatar on screen.  So 'two man spacing' apart)
Only Artillery Guard may crouch behind man-made objects.
Artillery Guard must stay within 20 paces of their artillery. 

Guidelines for Cavalry:

-Cavalry units may never exceed 14 soldiers.

-Dragoons may fire muskets from horseback, but must be in a line while on the horse(Shoulder-to-Shoulder)  An unfortunate rule.  This is because the Dragoons carbines are too accurate.

-Cavalry must stay together and fight as a cohesive group. Lone cavalry who are fighting far from the rest of their unit may be slain for ramboing.

-Once the Cavalry is down to 1 man, they MUST join another friendly line and dismount.  No more horsing around.

Guidelines for Engineers:

-Engineer may never exceed 1 soldier.

-Only Artillery regiments may have 1 Engineer in their unit.

-Engineer is considered 'attached' to the artillery team and can't go running off with other regiments.

Guidelines for Artillery:

-Each faction is allowed 2 guns (cannon, howitzer, or mortar). Often when we are under 120 people we shrink this down to allowing 1 gun per side.

Guidelines for Mounted Generals:

-Any player in command of 40 or more other players via TeamSpeak, may play as the General class.

-To avoid confusion of a lone horseman charging into combat, The General may not fight from horseback (within reason)  The horse is for avoiding combat.

[Skirmishers] Max of 7 riflemen

[Cav]    (Max of 14 cav) (If Dragoons, they must fire halted, and in a line)
[Art]      (Min of 4) Max of TWO artillery pieces, and yes 2 rockets=2 artillery


Application (ONLY a Regiment Leader may fill this out)

Regiment Name:
Regiment Leader:
Yes I am the Regiment Leader:
Yes I have joined the "Friends of Thundersnow" Steam Group
Average # that will attend:
Steam Name:
I have read the RULES and REGIMENT LEADERS EXPECTATIONS section and I agree to these terms:

YES I HAVE SENT THUNDERSNOW A P.R.I.V.A.T.E. MESSAGE WITH MY TEAMSPEAK INFO: (or some other means of contacting me if your Regiment goes berzerk when you're on vacation, funeral, 10 year bid in a federal prison, etc.)




To apply for a specialist position, the LEADER of a regiment must request it on this fourm.  That regiment will then have that position for all time, until another regiment leader requests the position, which must be AFTER a linebattle on this forum.

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Specialist Application Form

Just ask for it on the forum thread. 
Note that you are the regiment leader or that you have permission to ask for this position from your regiment leader.  (As of Feb 2014)

* * * * * * * * * *

This is where I will place hotly debated subjects, such as firing while charging, etc.  These topics will be discussed at Regiment Leader Meetings.
FORCED 'SNAP-TO-TEAMATES' DEATH CAM[/size] (makes for exciting and scary situations involving ambushes and marching into instant death scenarios) It was lightly discussed.  Personally I loved the idea, but I'd rather fun win out over realism, and many people found it tedious after death to no be able to roam around like Patrick Swayze in Ghost, instead of being tethered to a Whoopie Goldberg their entire afterlife. 

Arty guard was allowed into the event in Jan 2014


APPLICATION TO BECOME AN ADMINISTRATOR(We're good on admins, but it's still a good read) :)
We expect great things from our Administrators.  And why not?  Should I not be able to make an event, YOU will have the POWER to organize and run the event.  If a moron were put in charge of this task, we would not be running the Super Top Secret Linebattles for as long as we have (Ten thousand centuries).  An official STSTFLE Admin will have to be quick on his/her feet, and deftly handle situations as they arise.  Something ALWAYS happens 5 minutes before an event that could bring the Linebattles to its knees.  Your job would not be simply to hand out sides and just play.  Your job would be to keep the STSTFLE alive and vibrant, to spread its glorious story throughout the universe, and to validate parking garage tickets should someone buy something from the gift shoppe.

Many was the time that we had to scramble to secure TWO servers within minutes of an event,
or Steam Groups when down and we had to spam each member of the STSTFLE Group personally,
or Steam itself went down and we had to visit each Regiment Teamspeak personally with the password
or a Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster arrived demanding meatballs as a token of goodwill, else he would shower us with his meat-sauce wrath.

You get the picture.  It is NOT a fun job.  However, if you are good at crisis management, or would like to see how you operate under pressure, by all means, apply...  AT YOUR OWN RISK!  BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

What being a STSTFLE Admin entrails...err, i mean 'entails':
  • Tact
  • Non-Argumentative
  • Ability to turn the other cheek
  • Ability to take control of a situation spiraling out of control
  • Determination
  • Not Pushy
  • Don't hog the Purple Text.  People hate this.
  • Try not to single out an entire Regiment.  Phrase it like "Hey 426th, straighten your line out" or "327th You guys keep ramboing" isn't necessary.  Remove the Regiment tags.  They know who they are (filthy heathens).
  • Don't swear like a sailor

Basically just mimic how Thundersnow administrates.  He's wonderful.

If a Regiment is really messing up, write their Regiment name down and if possible those involved if its just one or two rule-breakers and we'll talk about it with you afterwards.  I will then visit that Regiments Teamspeak and discuss the problem with that Regiment, behind closed doors.  I have found that this is the best process for all involved. 

Things you will NOT be allowed to do:
  • Ban someone
  • Chastise a Regiment openly in Admin Chat
  • Freeze anyone
  • Spawn weapons/grenades

Things you WILL be allowed to do:
  • Slay someone
  • Switch an afk to spectator
  • Announce in admin chat general statements.  (Say 'John' is hiting behind a tree and he is not a skirmisher, you can say "No hiding behind trees unless you are a skirmisher", etc.  If that person persists for 60 seconds, you may slay that person.)

In all honesty, I often let small infractions slip to further the evenings fun.  Nothing kills fun like a steady stream of Purple Text the entire night.  You must be able to bend like a reed in the wind, otherwise you'll break while tracking every single infraction that is occurring.  Try and have fun.  If suddenly the entire server is screaming, ranting and raving because of something you did, you're doing it wrong.

In-Game Name:
Steam Name:
Regiment Name:
Yes I have read the Rules, and the Administration Rules.
Give us a good idea of why we should put such unwieldy power in hands such as yours!  Who are YOU to demand this great privilege!?!!?!:

* * * * * * * * * *
A very special "Thank You!" to our CURRENT server hosts"

  • is sponsoring this event, as well as the server THUNDERSNOW_EVENTS!  They have been a great friend to us in the past, present, and for the foreseeable future!  They have some kickass servers, awesome customer support, and are always available.  In all my time with BlueFangSolutions, there has never been a problem.  Never.  Now that's impressive!
  • Thinking of getting your own server?  Use the coupon code  THUNDERSNOW for 30% off your first month!  30%!!!  I mean...WTF!?!!  That's 30% off!!!!!
* * * * * * * * * *


A great big special "Thank You!" to the previous Server Hosts who have hosted our events!

-DaMonkey (Mad Monkey Entertainment)
-Total Carnage Gaming
-Church, (Freedom Gaming)
-Erak and the 38e Regiment
-Hugonaut and the 29th Worcestershire Regiment

If you own 200 slot servers and would like to host our events in the future, please contact Thundersnow via steam, youtube, email or mental telepathy.

Steam:     00th_Thundersnow   (Friends list is full, contact me via the "Friends of Thundersnow" Steam page bellow.



Friends of Thundersnow Steam Page:

Or contact my officer if you want to join the 00th and you don't have time to waste:  Steam Name: 00th_MFlank_Silence Dogood


Feel free to contact me if you are interested in commissioning a custom piece of art drawn by myself!
I have worked with several people on this forum in the past, and I look forward to working with many more!
Any dealings with me in regards to my artwork is always on a professional level.

Unfortunately I no longer do "Pro-Bono" (free) artwork, because time is a commodity.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 09:53:08 pm by Thundersnow »

Offline Sleek

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Quote from: Theodin
Sleek somehow only attacks when he’s successfully pulled a dude away and his team is coming to help - as in, the most reasonable time to continue blocking

Sleek plays like he's underwater - slow

Offline Audiate

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Offline Kator Viridian

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-The STSTFLE does NOT have "Light Infantry" and does not allow the tactics associated with them.

-The STSTFLE does NOT have "Skirmishers" and does not allow the tactics associated with them.

-Skirmisher units may never exceed 10 armed soldiers (one officer and musician do not count toward this total unless they pickup a rifle/musket).

-Skirmishers (riflemen) may crouch at any time, but Infantry may only crouch behind man-made cover or in the front of a two rank line or part of some crazy-ass formation maneuver such as the "ThunderShuffle"(tm).

Well it has "Skirmishers" well ... like Skirmishers ... aka line with Musketoons and Rifles ;)

And enjoy the countless silly silly silly questions that will get thrown your way, including mine, I like them sometimes.

Offline Skyz

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Waiting List Application
Regiment Name: 2nd Kings German Legion
Regiment Leader: Skyz
Yes I am the Regiment Leader: Yes
Yes I have joined the "Friends of Thundersnow" Steam Group: Yes
Average # that will attend: 10-20
Steam Name: jets511
I have read the RULES and REGIMENT LEADERS EXPECTATIONS section and I agree to these terms: yes

Offline Coconut

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That picture ;o

Offline Millander

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about time you made a thread :P
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Deofuta

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Offline Millander

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A picture to show to your hot sister.

Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Death by EMP

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Waiting List Application

Regiment Name: Izmaylovsky Lifeguard Regiment (ILR) A.K.A I Like Rice
Regiment Leader: Me I guess, ranks are just an aesthetic and TS privilege for us though xD
Friends of Thundersnow Group: Pffftttt, I'm too cool for that. In fact, I'm so cool, that I have THE Thundersnow on MY friends list. Take that, authorities!
Average Number That Will Attend: Really depends on whether my members want to go do something with their life or play NW, although our average that we have gotten lately is about 15
Steam Name: You know it bb (Death by EMP)
Read the rules and regiment leader expetations: Yes, I have read over the rules and whatnots.

And yes, I did just make my post cool and whatnot, jelly?

P.S. Deo is nub.
P.S.S. Thanks for considering us dude.

Offline Cop

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Great event! 2e's new favorite!

However we found that we don't like the snap-to-teammate-upon-death-cam because I can't figure out who all is alive without seeing every team member.

Offline Getty

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Since I have the biggest ego here besides The Overlord of course  ;) I decided I would apply for administrator first.

Date: 27/04/2013
In game Name: 24th[Sgt]_Getty
Steam Name: [XI] Getty
Regiment Name: The 24th of Warwickshire
Yes I have read the rules and the administrative rules!
Who am I to demand this? I am Getty former NW community representative,NW official Admin and a total boss beast at melee and sniping also I am very humble. I never abuse my power except in scenarios where it brings myself and my friends great wealth and power that's how you win the game of regiments! (of course the Overlord would receive the larger portion of said bribe)
Edit: I missed the part where you said you were good on admins but I got a laugh out of doing this application so i am keeping it here.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 05:29:40 am by [XI] Getty »

Offline smals98

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« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 11:10:52 pm by smals98 »

Offline TheZach_Attack

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A picture to show to your hot sister.


Sexy OP Thunder.

Offline Thundersnow

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Waiting List Application
Regiment Name: 2nd Kings German Legion
Regiment Leader: Skyz
Yes I am the Regiment Leader: Yes
Yes I have joined the "Friends of Thundersnow" Steam Group: Yes
Average # that will attend: 10-20
Steam Name: jets511
I have read the RULES and REGIMENT LEADERS EXPECTATIONS section and I agree to these terms: yes

Accepted.  Info sent via forum message.

Waiting List Application

Regiment Name: Izmaylovsky Lifeguard Regiment (ILR) A.K.A I Like Rice
Regiment Leader: Me I guess, ranks are just an aesthetic and TS privilege for us though xD
Friends of Thundersnow Group: Pffftttt, I'm too cool for that. In fact, I'm so cool, that I have THE Thundersnow on MY friends list. Take that, authorities!
Average Number That Will Attend: Really depends on whether my members want to go do something with their life or play NW, although our average that we have gotten lately is about 15
Steam Name: You know it bb (Death by EMP)
Read the rules and regiment leader expetations: Yes, I have read over the rules and whatnots.

And yes, I did just make my post cool and whatnot, jelly?

P.S. Deo is nub.
P.S.S. Thanks for considering us dude.

Accepted.  Info sent via forum message.