Author Topic: They should tweak Combat  (Read 6696 times)

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Offline Tammo

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They should tweak Combat
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:33:10 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

Offline Walko

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 11:44:05 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....
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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2013, 11:48:41 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

It has never happened that to me :/

Offline Tammo

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2013, 11:50:34 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

Not really, in the patch notes, it says that chambers are unblockable, of which they are indeed blockable, the stuns are a bit not mentioned in any notes. They were probably not seen till more recently. I'm just stating what happens, not because i'm bad because of it, I just find it unsatisfactory. I just want  a more pleasant melee experience.

Offline Walko

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2013, 06:02:50 am »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

Not really, in the patch notes, it says that chambers are unblockable, of which they are indeed blockable, the stuns are a bit not mentioned in any notes. They were probably not seen till more recently. I'm just stating what happens, not because i'm bad because of it, I just find it unsatisfactory. I just want  a more pleasant melee experience.

Melee without stuns would be stupid. It would be a spam fest. If you think the problems are chambers, then either up-attack or counter chamber.
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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2013, 01:28:15 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned.
Stun on the up and down stab happen when you get a bounce. However, block stun happens only when you block a weapon significantly heavier than yours (sometimes you can stun someone with perfectly held attacks if you have slightly heavier weapon) but you'll never get so long stun that you won't be able to block the next attack. This is on normal combat speed, fastest speed has a lot of bullshit happening with that due to being implemented with half-ass.

If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill.
Stab damage calculations are based on how much time has passed between releasing the strike and hitting the target, which will mean that if you go for straight stabs what you say is true. However, if you miss stab on purpose, then suddenly move it into the enemy you can 1 hit kill him even on 0 range.

Not really, in the patch notes, it says that chambers are unblockable, of which they are indeed blockable, the stuns are a bit not mentioned in any notes. They were probably not seen till more recently. I'm just stating what happens, not because i'm bad because of it, I just find it unsatisfactory. I just want  a more pleasant melee experience.

Close range chambers are unblockable for everyone but low ping people, they can block any chamber :) Mid range chambers are blockable by everyone.
Glancing hits which stun you completely are here to prevent combat becoming spamfest (although it would be nice if you could block after your hit whiffs).

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2013, 03:06:01 pm »
If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill.
I will say that I've seen this more times than I'd have liked to, it looks pretty silly seeing a charging highlander with full health die from a bayonet shoved an inch into his belly.

Offline 77y_Lt_Gaz

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2013, 04:02:16 pm »
Well i believe the melee is pretty much perfect other than the up attack can stun you sometimes as mentioned as well as if you stab some one they can stab you quicker than you can attack again 

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 05:47:07 pm »
Well the pionty end of your weapon is the bayonet, its normal that that will hurt you more afar  then when you are facehugging and stabbing up close with such a long weapon

The stuns are sometimes annoying but don't happen that much so i don't have a problem with that

Offline Jishnu

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2013, 08:33:53 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

I agree with Walko. The melee system is not a problem, it's unique to M&B and very fun. It takes time to practice and get good in melee. The fact that melee weapons deal the most damage at their max stabbing range was carried over from warband. Attacking with a weapon at a shorter ranger than it is supposed to be used will cause the power of attacks to decline exponentially.

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 01:57:01 am »
The way to get max damage at very close range with a bayonet is to start your thrust away from the target, and then turn into them as you reach the end of your attack.  Once you get the timing down, you'll almost never glance again.  If you played native Warband at all, this is also how you play spear/shield effectively.   

Offline anotherGhost

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2013, 04:27:07 am »
I'm going to be fairly blunt about this and approach it by stating the parts that I find non-beneficial to infantry melee and my suggestions for fixing them:

1) Glancing: Ever since bayonets were nerfed (up attack in particular), I've noticed an increase in glances and pokes alike.  Bouncing off of someone after they hug you is fine once or twice, but having a repeated stab fest in which no one lands solid hits is quite absurd. Having someone stand a few feet from you and literally tank the blow pulls away from the original combat system that M&B captivated all of its loyal players with. The range nerf on the up attack has also led to glancing when someone is just outside the animation reach while they are hit by the model.
My Suggestion: Put some more range on the up attack at least; The close range glances are more bearable than mid-long range ones. Try to at least match the actual range with that of the model. (Mini Branch): Blocking chambers is fine with me, it shows the player has a good reaction time. Stuns however, should be removed. Having someone literally make you incapable of fighting can break the game. Having someone lose because of skill lack instead of in game mechanic is what M&B is about.

2) Tanking: Hits people should take: At most, 3. If I am able to put a hole the size of a musket ball into someone (and they can only take 1-2 hits from a musket), then how come someone can take 5 hits with a bayonet. This definitely needs to be fixed if the game wants to reach some form of balance.
My Suggestion: This seems an easy fix that will greatly benefit the game: Just give the bayonet a better knock out punch!

3) Range: We've talked about the bayonet range for a little while now, so now a look at swords: Swords can beat bayonets with speed and attack direction options, while the bayonet should prevail with piercing damage and range. As of now, it does not. With the amount of hits it takes to kill with a bayonet now and reduced range, a sword can almost beat a bayonet in all fields. All swords need is just to be reduced in range and then they meet their in-game balance. Put that with a better bayonet punch, and the sword-v-bayonet problem is almost fixed. I'm tired of fighting swords and have them reach out and touch me while I have to glance them to death. Lastly for range, bayonet up attack: Come on, all vets know about the short and sluggish stabs of this once loved attack. The nerfed range makes footlancing an almost useless thing to use now and glances are more common than solid blows. Give the bayonet some of its old juice back so that the community can love once again using the bayonet.
My Suggestion: Put some range on the bayonet ups, take some off of the sword. Coupled with a tad more bayonet power, a balance could be found in the game.

4) Speed: I think that if there is something that can be used to balance the game, speed would be the best option. If the bayonet was overpowered in the terms of the community before the huge nerfs, then speed should've been used in order to reach equilibrium. A tad bit slower bayonet can give people a longer window for them to react to a stab. M&B is all about skill, so lower the level a little bit and let people take time to learn to get used to the weapon they have to go up against. This way, the people who are fond of the weapon can still enjoy their own play style while others who feel it is overpowered have more of a chance to react against a formidable opponent. Changing the weapon stats alters the play style of those used to the particular weapon enough to make it feel as if a whole new game is thrown right in there face rather than finding the balance that everyone in the community craves.
My Suggestion: Don't alter the game, just lower the learning curve a bit using speed rather than range and damage.

Wrap Up: The patch focused on nerfing the bayonet and buffing other weapons, throwing off the weapon balance even more than before. To the sword: Give it back it's old range, and let it excel in the fields of speed and attack options. More importantly, buff the bayonet back up. Ramrodding people can be more effective than this once beloved weapon, so several things need to be done to revamp it (In order to meet the wants of all players): 1) Keep its speed because everyone has learned to cope with it now; this will help keep it in balance with the sword. 2) Give it some range! The down is fine, but up is atrocious; Make it seem like you are using a long musket and buff it up; Keep the balance by not returning it to its huge range advantage, but just enough to where it holds ranged edge over the sword, can footlance, and can get out of the insane glance-fests. 3) The bayonet needs some more strength. Giving it some power will take remove a portion of the glancing and stop the 5 hit tanking. Let the bayonet get a few more 1 hit kills and maybe at most 3-4 hit kills. It needs to feel more cumbersome and slower than a sword, but have enough power to overlook some of its cons.

Extras: I've been playing M&B for a while now, and I firmly believe steps should be taken to balance NW infantry combat. I decided to leave chambering and feinting out because those are skills that players use and they haven't been tweaked real heavily. Let players use their skills to help them win. Double-X feinting does break animations so that should be fixed on the other hand.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 04:31:48 am by anotherGhost »
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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2013, 01:05:25 pm »
I'm going to be fairly blunt about this and approach it by stating the parts that I find non-beneficial to infantry melee and my suggestions for fixing them:

1) Glancing: Ever since bayonets were nerfed (up attack in particular), I've noticed an increase in glances and pokes alike.  Bouncing off of someone after they hug you is fine once or twice, but having a repeated stab fest in which no one lands solid hits is quite absurd. Having someone stand a few feet from you and literally tank the blow pulls away from the original combat system that M&B captivated all of its loyal players with. The range nerf on the up attack has also led to glancing when someone is just outside the animation reach while they are hit by the model.
Actually, down attack is the same as it was before up attack fix, upper stab got slown down by 0.15 seconds. Increases in pokes and glances are illusion, since nothing about that was changed (pretty sure bayos got a bit shorter which would make pokes happen LESS).
Also, upper stab got more reach since the patch (before last patch, hitbox of upper stab started at the gun, not at the bayonet).
Pokes might seem to happen more often since the upper stab damage calculations were turned into stab ones, instead of general weirdness because extra reach, hit timings and damage calculations of normal overhead slash.
Upper stab wasn't really nerfed, it was just made to behave like a stab not like a slash (it was implemented by just replacing the polearm overhead slash anim).
About tanking hits, sometimes good hits glance due to having low turning speed and time-based damage calculations result in pseudo-random damage.

2) Tanking: Hits people should take: At most, 3. If I am able to put a hole the size of a musket ball into someone (and they can only take 1-2 hits from a musket), then how come someone can take 5 hits with a bayonet. This definitely needs to be fixed if the game wants to reach some form of balance.
My Suggestion: This seems an easy fix that will greatly benefit the game: Just give the bayonet a better knock out punch!
Bayonet already has ridiculous damage, if it's any higher it'll break the sweetspot system which prevents the game from becoming spamfest (sweetspot damage reduction seem to reduce damage in percentages, which means that with high enough base damage you could do damage/stunlock someone by spamming hits which would normally be pokes).
If you're line infantry any half-decent stab will 1 hit kill.

4) Speed: I think that if there is something that can be used to balance the game, speed would be the best option. If the bayonet was overpowered in the terms of the community before the huge nerfs, then speed should've been used in order to reach equilibrium. A tad bit slower bayonet can give people a longer window for them to react to a stab. M&B is all about skill, so lower the level a little bit and let people take time to learn to get used to the weapon they have to go up against. This way, the people who are fond of the weapon can still enjoy their own play style while others who feel it is overpowered have more of a chance to react against a formidable opponent. Changing the weapon stats alters the play style of those used to the particular weapon enough to make it feel as if a whole new game is thrown right in there face rather than finding the balance that everyone in the community craves.
My Suggestion: Don't alter the game, just lower the learning curve a bit using speed rather than range and damage.

All weapons in NW are slower than their counterparts in native. Bayonet is slow as it is and experienced players fighting with bayonet usually leads to contest of who will get bored first and try something stupid. Slowing it down even more will pretty much erase differences in skill level.

Wrap Up: The patch focused on nerfing the bayonet and buffing other weapons, throwing off the weapon balance even more than before. To the sword: Give it back it's old range, and let it excel in the fields of speed and attack options. More importantly, buff the bayonet back up. Ramrodding people can be more effective than this once beloved weapon, so several things need to be done to revamp it (In order to meet the wants of all players): 1) Keep its speed because everyone has learned to cope with it now; this will help keep it in balance with the sword. 2) Give it some range! The down is fine, but up is atrocious; Make it seem like you are using a long musket and buff it up; Keep the balance by not returning it to its huge range advantage, but just enough to where it holds ranged edge over the sword, can footlance, and can get out of the insane glance-fests. 3) The bayonet needs some more strength. Giving it some power will take remove a portion of the glancing and stop the 5 hit tanking. Let the bayonet get a few more 1 hit kills and maybe at most 3-4 hit kills. It needs to feel more cumbersome and slower than a sword, but have enough power to overlook some of its cons.
I agree that cavalry swords should have their ghost range reduced (heavy cav sabres stab is longer AND faster than bayo stab :D).
Glance-fest and fights which look like 2 dogs chasing their own tails is due to low turning speed functioning very shittily with stab time-based damage calculations.
If you need more than 2 hits to kill with bayo, it means that you're landing very crappy hits (which happens often because of low turning speed).
As it is, swords are clearly better in 1 vs 1, but they lack the range and killing power of bayonets to be effective in group fights so it's pretty balanced.

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 11:30:09 pm »
In combat some things I see as non-good for melee. Sometimes with the up attack you can be stunned which can be annoying. After you block sometimes, people can attack again and you won't be able to block/chamber the next attack because you are stunned. If you stab a person up close with down attacks it sometimes takes up to 5 stabs to kill, whilst at further range I can hit them with the very tip of my bayonet and it will be a insta-kill. The way to fix this would probably be to adjust the weapon weight, speed and damage, you could also adjust the characters ironflesh or powerstrike too.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

I agree with Walko. The melee system is not a problem, it's unique to M&B and very fun. It takes time to practice and get good in melee. The fact that melee weapons deal the most damage at their max stabbing range was carried over from warband. Attacking with a weapon at a shorter ranger than it is supposed to be used will cause the power of attacks to decline exponentially.

Most of these problems didn't exist pre-patch, but yes the problem may be because I am playing on fastest only. The normal speed just dosn't appeal to me, for being used to the faster speeds of native and MM of which I was and am a competitive clan player for. I don't have any problems with playing the game, just thinking of tweaks that would make it more enjoyable.

I also never said the combat was bad, haha, otherwise why would I be playing?? Most of these tricks you are posting work sometimes, nothing is consistent and that is a good thing.

It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....

Plus if you really think the problem is me, you can duel me  ;D Or linebattle
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 11:43:27 pm by Tammo »

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Re: They should tweak Combat
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2013, 11:55:42 pm »
It seems to be that it is you that is the problem not the system....
Plus if you really think the problem is me, you can duel me  ;D Or linebattle


..but I will agree with the patch thing, the melee system does feel completely different now and personally I liked it better before. I am used to the new system now however.

Also, I am not sure how many NW players played Native or MM. I was talking to a guy the other day that did not even know that Native had multiplayer.  :P