Author Topic: A wee rant to NA event hosters  (Read 3618 times)

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Offline Jorvasker

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2022, 01:18:16 am »
Before you all start squealing and stomping on your keyboards in the comments, yes, I know the game is new and an abundance of time will be required to work these things out in the long run. However, I feel there are serious issues with the way NA events are being administered at the moment. The primary issue here is map choice. Every event I have been to, no matter how big or small, always selects the largest maps available. These maps were made with 500+ players in mind, not 300 or less. The linebattles, as they currently stand, thus end up being camping affairs where neither team actively seeks out combat, rather they choose to camp their side of the map and try to get 150+ metre pot shots. Not only is this boring and negative gameplay, this kind of "action" lasts for the better part of 10-15 minutes before an all charge is even given. By that point, in a lot of cases, there are still northwards of 50-60+ people alive on either team. This type of gameplay isn't enjoyable for anyone. Unless you're in a unit that seeks to achieve historical accuracy, your everyday player is not going to find enjoyment with running around and shooting at targets they can barely see for half the event. Such long rounds with minimal action also is not going to encourage new players to continue attending events, especially if you're killed at the beginning of the round and have to wait 20 minutes until you can play again. This type of gameplay was widely accepted back in the 2012-2014 era of NW, but that time is long past. For years now, players have been accustomed to short, concise battle rounds to keep linebattles swift and action-packed. There is definitely a time and place for the old style of linebattle, but not the everyday event. I have noticed that the EU community has answered many of these problems, and I would love to see some of these elements incorporated into our own events. Firstly, smaller maps sizes. As in, smaller than you think is actually fitting for the number of players. This forces units to engage and does not give them the option to camp their spawn for 20 minutes. It also encourages melee charges, reducing the need for an all charge to begin with. Another thing I have noticed is the experimentation with multiple game modes within a single event. Especially those that allow for respawning. There are many NA events that claim to be "half siege/half linebattle," but in actuality is more like 3/4 siege and 1/4 linebattle. Plus, 3 different siege events in a week is not necessary and gets repetitive. Many people do not like siege as it's very disorganised and laggy. Most siege events I've personally attended were no different from the public siege server. No lines, no order, just chaos. I think an event that has, for example, a round of conquest, a linebattle round or two, maybe a historical-based round, etc. is something that would work well in this game. With the accuracy of the rifles, it will be difficult to 100% copy NW-style linebattles. The point of this rant isn't to call people out and to cause drama, it's merely to offer feedback. The way we conduct our events now will inevitably influence the success of this game. If we fuck up now, there won't be a BCoF in a year's time and none of us want that. I just know from personal experience, no one in my regiment has been satisfied by the NA events so far and I've talked to a lot of other people and they agree as well. I have found myself enjoying EU events far more than NA, and I think we could learn a thing or two so that we can keep this game alive and not have to run back to the 10 year old decaying carcass of NW with our tails between our legs.

I agree with the part about maps being 2 large, but I couldn't bare to read any further. Please use the enter key in the future to break up the paragraphs some. Spare my eyes the text wall pl0x.
It'd be the same amount of words either way. I mourn your attention span.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2022, 01:20:55 am by Jorvasker »

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

Offline KillerShark

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2022, 05:46:47 am »
Shorter rounds, smaller maps, admins encouraging all charges. These are what current linebattles need. I think the goal for an event should be to have 4 rounds per event, but right now it's only 3 rounds per event
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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2022, 06:16:18 am »
Shorter rounds, smaller maps, admins encouraging all charges. These are what current linebattles need. I think the goal for an event should be to have 4 rounds per event, but right now it's only 3 rounds per event

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2022, 11:45:37 am »
Map makers will make the maps they want, nothing is stopping anyone from making their own maps.


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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2022, 05:40:34 pm »
Map makers will make the maps they want, nothing is stopping anyone from making their own maps.
Gotta agree with this.

It would be amazing if we could get some smaller maps.

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2022, 09:10:05 pm »
Before you all start squealing and stomping on your keyboards in the comments, yes, I know the game is new and an abundance of time will be required to work these things out in the long run. However, I feel there are serious issues with the way NA events are being administered at the moment. The primary issue here is map choice. Every event I have been to, no matter how big or small, always selects the largest maps available.

These maps were made with 500+ players in mind, not 300 or less. The linebattles, as they currently stand, thus end up being camping affairs where neither team actively seeks out combat, rather they choose to camp their side of the map and try to get 150+ metre pot shots. Not only is this boring and negative gameplay, this kind of "action" lasts for the better part of 10-15 minutes before an all charge is even given. By that point, in a lot of cases, there are still northwards of 50-60+ people alive on either team. This type of gameplay isn't enjoyable for anyone. Unless you're in a unit that seeks to achieve historical accuracy, your everyday player is not going to find enjoyment with running around and shooting at targets they can barely see for half the event. Such long rounds with minimal action also is not going to encourage new players to continue attending events, especially if you're killed at the beginning of the round and have to wait 20 minutes until you can play again.

This type of gameplay was widely accepted back in the 2012-2014 era of NW, but that time is long past. For years now, players have been accustomed to short, concise battle rounds to keep linebattles swift and action-packed. There is definitely a time and place for the old style of linebattle, but not the everyday event. I have noticed that the EU community has answered many of these problems, and I would love to see some of these elements incorporated into our own events. Firstly, smaller maps sizes. As in, smaller than you think is actually fitting for the number of players. This forces units to engage and does not give them the option to camp their spawn for 20 minutes. It also encourages melee charges, reducing the need for an all charge to begin with. Another thing I have noticed is the experimentation with multiple game modes within a single event. Especially those that allow for respawning. There are many NA events that claim to be "half siege/half linebattle," but in actuality is more like 3/4 siege and 1/4 linebattle. Plus, 3 different siege events in a week is not necessary and gets repetitive. Many people do not like siege as it's very disorganised and laggy. Most siege events I've personally attended were no different from the public siege server. No lines, no order, just chaos. I think an event that has, for example, a round of conquest, a linebattle round or two, maybe a historical-based round, etc. is something that would work well in this game. With the accuracy of the rifles, it will be difficult to 100% copy NW-style linebattles.

The point of this rant isn't to call people out and to cause drama, it's merely to offer feedback. The way we conduct our events now will inevitably influence the success of this game. If we fuck up now, there won't be a BCoF in a year's time and none of us want that. I just know from personal experience, no one in my regiment has been satisfied by the NA events so far and I've talked to a lot of other people and they agree as well. I have found myself enjoying EU events far more than NA, and I think we could learn a thing or two so that we can keep this game alive and not have to run back to the 10 year old decaying carcass of NW with our tails between our legs.

Edit: Added some breaks in there for the special snowflakes out there that have the attention span of the common gamer.

First off.... you troll... this wasn't a wee little anything lololololol

I agree fam.  Not to name any names but the event I went to with the 3rdNH yesterday...I mean that shit was crazy.  The fact the admins let the clock go down to 6 minutes left and do and all charge with a map the size of old NW Roleplay maps (Nappy's RP) I mean being realistic to the times is cool and all but holy shit...this is a game and when I come on to play at a linebattle and I have to wait over 25 minutes for a 1 ROUND to end....I mean we got issues. 

Conquest events would be a lot of fun.  You gotta do them right though...before anyone jumps on me and says "But BEAN WE NO NO HOW TO RUN EVENT LIKE DAT GOOD..." Shut the fuck up and figure it out.  I didn't wait all this time for this game to be butchered by some god damn wannabe Robert Lee's and Ulysses Grant's.  Conquests would be fun and it would allow guys to respawn which some of these new players absolutly love. I am not saying linebattles suck...I am saying more variety doesn't hurt.

Anyways I spent all day yesterday playing this game and I fuckin love it.  I waited so long for this and I know more and more old players of NW will be coming out of the woodworks to play this stuff....IF ITS DONE RIGHT....Not playing on a map where Vetro physically starts to pant because he's holding down the W key for too long. 

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2022, 09:13:42 pm »
Before you all start squealing and stomping on your keyboards in the comments, yes, I know the game is new and an abundance of time will be required to work these things out in the long run. However, I feel there are serious issues with the way NA events are being administered at the moment. The primary issue here is map choice. Every event I have been to, no matter how big or small, always selects the largest maps available.

These maps were made with 500+ players in mind, not 300 or less. The linebattles, as they currently stand, thus end up being camping affairs where neither team actively seeks out combat, rather they choose to camp their side of the map and try to get 150+ metre pot shots. Not only is this boring and negative gameplay, this kind of "action" lasts for the better part of 10-15 minutes before an all charge is even given. By that point, in a lot of cases, there are still northwards of 50-60+ people alive on either team. This type of gameplay isn't enjoyable for anyone. Unless you're in a unit that seeks to achieve historical accuracy, your everyday player is not going to find enjoyment with running around and shooting at targets they can barely see for half the event. Such long rounds with minimal action also is not going to encourage new players to continue attending events, especially if you're killed at the beginning of the round and have to wait 20 minutes until you can play again.

This type of gameplay was widely accepted back in the 2012-2014 era of NW, but that time is long past. For years now, players have been accustomed to short, concise battle rounds to keep linebattles swift and action-packed. There is definitely a time and place for the old style of linebattle, but not the everyday event. I have noticed that the EU community has answered many of these problems, and I would love to see some of these elements incorporated into our own events. Firstly, smaller maps sizes. As in, smaller than you think is actually fitting for the number of players. This forces units to engage and does not give them the option to camp their spawn for 20 minutes. It also encourages melee charges, reducing the need for an all charge to begin with. Another thing I have noticed is the experimentation with multiple game modes within a single event. Especially those that allow for respawning. There are many NA events that claim to be "half siege/half linebattle," but in actuality is more like 3/4 siege and 1/4 linebattle. Plus, 3 different siege events in a week is not necessary and gets repetitive. Many people do not like siege as it's very disorganised and laggy. Most siege events I've personally attended were no different from the public siege server. No lines, no order, just chaos. I think an event that has, for example, a round of conquest, a linebattle round or two, maybe a historical-based round, etc. is something that would work well in this game. With the accuracy of the rifles, it will be difficult to 100% copy NW-style linebattles.

The point of this rant isn't to call people out and to cause drama, it's merely to offer feedback. The way we conduct our events now will inevitably influence the success of this game. If we fuck up now, there won't be a BCoF in a year's time and none of us want that. I just know from personal experience, no one in my regiment has been satisfied by the NA events so far and I've talked to a lot of other people and they agree as well. I have found myself enjoying EU events far more than NA, and I think we could learn a thing or two so that we can keep this game alive and not have to run back to the 10 year old decaying carcass of NW with our tails between our legs.

Edit: Added some breaks in there for the special snowflakes out there that have the attention span of the common gamer.

First off.... you troll... this wasn't a wee little anything lololololol

I agree fam.  Not to name any names but the event I went to with the 3rdNH yesterday...I mean that shit was crazy.  The fact the admins let the clock go down to 6 minutes left and do and all charge with a map the size of old NW Roleplay maps (Nappy's RP) I mean being realistic to the times is cool and all but holy shit...this is a game and when I come on to play at a linebattle and I have to wait over 25 minutes for a 1 ROUND to end....I mean we got issues. 

Conquest events would be a lot of fun.  You gotta do them right though...before anyone jumps on me and says "But BEAN WE NO NO HOW TO RUN EVENT LIKE DAT GOOD..." Shut the fuck up and figure it out.  I didn't wait all this time for this game to be butchered by some god damn wannabe Robert Lee's and Ulysses Grant's.  Conquests would be fun and it would allow guys to respawn which some of these new players absolutly love. I am not saying linebattles suck...I am saying more variety doesn't hurt.

Anyways I spent all day yesterday playing this game and I fuckin love it.  I waited so long for this and I know more and more old players of NW will be coming out of the woodworks to play this stuff....IF ITS DONE RIGHT....Not playing on a map where Vetro physically starts to pant because he's holding down the W key for too long.
Aye. Round should be 10 minutes, 15 minutes MAX. 20 is way too long no matter the map size.

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2022, 05:02:13 pm »
It sounds like to solve the linebattle scene issues is to get people to make smaller maps and give it to someone who wants to host them. On those maps you should add more defense so people don't complain about getting shot at a certain range and allows leaders to maneuver around strategically. If someone can host/run a conquest event smoothly I think people would enjoy those types of events more to keep the events from becoming repetitive. If you don't like the events with the big maps just don't go to them so those events can die. Then the hosts can realize how much of a retard they are for not listening to the communities' feedback. I agree with Hess, Duck, and others that doing half siege/linebattle is a bit more annoying on BCoF than NW with all the optimization issues and the fact that rounds are lasting 20 fucking minutes. Who the actual fuck wants to spend an hour going to a event just to w key, camp, and only play 3 rounds. Imagine doing a siege for the first 30 minutes and then playing 1 or 2 rounds max in the next 30 minutes. The majority of the community who is coming to BCoF don't have the attention span to play 3 rounds in 1 hour. If you want the casual scene to not die I suggest listening to the communities feedback. If not the NA casual scene will die quicker then the NW NA casual scene.

Shoutout to Moraine for stepping up hosting some events for the NA scene!  :-*

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2022, 07:05:35 pm »
pubs could have two more full rounds if admins called all charge 5 mins sooner

emperor out

Offline BabyJesus

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2022, 07:06:07 pm »
Conquest events would actually be fun
1st NWPC S2(21st)|(1st) 5v5 Draft~NA GroupFighting Tournament  |1st♕Rex's 6v6 Tournament | 1st TNWL S2(71st) | 1st NWL S5 (58e) | 3rd place Sleeks 5v5 (Highschoole DxD)
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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2022, 07:19:29 am »
Jorvasker, as always, makes a very valid point.

As the LEGENDARY HOST OF THE 2013-2016 SUPER TOP SECRET THUNDERSNOW EVENT of Napoleonic Wars Events, logjams are often...'often'.  I mean, we're dealing with Regiments who practice 2-5 times a week.  They will never willingly abandon their defensive position if it's down to the last 20% of the living.  That would be stupid.  Where is the GLORY in that?!!?

As an EVENT HOST, when it becomes obvious that it will become a long, drawn out battle, as an  Administrator, it is imperative to announce "ALL LIVING REGIMENTS ARE TO MEET IN COMBAT IN THE NEXT 3 MINUTES".  This will basically force the Regiments to leave their defensive positions and engage the enemy. 

If people refuse to leave their defensive position, you simply have to slowly KILL a random person every minute.  This will INCREASE YOUR POWER IN THE EYES OF YOUR ATTENDEES.  I cannot stress this enough. YOU ARE IN CHARGE.  THE DEATHS OF OTHERS BY YOUR HAND ONLY INCREASE YOUR POWER.  The Second you realize this, the easier you will GRASP the reigns of POWER you WIELD!  WHETHER YOU REALIZE IT OR NOT, YOU ARE NOW IN POSSESSION OF 500 SOULS AND YOU MUST CONTROL THEM LEAST THEY OVERWHELM YOU!!!   YOU MUST CRUSH THEIR SPIRITS AND CONTROL THEIR WILL!!!!

Otherwise, what is the point of dedicating ones' time and passion to your will if you refuse to GENERATE PASSION AND VIOLENCE!!!!

Feel Free to contact me with any future questions regarding trans-dimensional conquest,
-Overlord Thundersnow, Leader of the 00th Intergalactic Space Regiment

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2022, 08:52:25 pm »
Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2022, 09:16:26 pm »
Nearly a month later and not much as changed. ggwp. Way to be, fellas.

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

Offline ~NickCole~

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2022, 01:28:16 pm »
Nearly a month later and not much as changed. ggwp. Way to be, fellas.
message event hosters like moraine and talk to him you n3rd.

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Re: A wee rant to NA event hosters
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2022, 06:42:03 pm »
Nearly a month later and not much as changed. ggwp. Way to be, fellas.
message event hosters like moraine and talk to him you n3rd.
And unibae