Author Topic: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions  (Read 11866 times)

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Offline Rydog

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #60 on: April 16, 2013, 04:48:20 pm »
"Bullshit, Stupid". Only uneducated people responds of that way,  ;)

Don't say stupid things when you don't know the people


Gonna stop replying now, I could find more reasonable arguments from a brick wall.

Offline Davout

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #61 on: April 16, 2013, 04:49:44 pm »
I will remove that comment then but i still believe in what i said.

You are scum, really.
Its an opinion

They talk so much in defense of the freedom speech but when someone says an opinion they don't like, they start to attack it.
What a hypocrite  ::)

Certainly it was the north koreans, or a fanatic muslim.  ::)

So I guess its that time on the forums when most of the mature people are working or busy and the little uneducated kids like you are here to spout shit? Yours and Davout's double act today really has made me lose all hope in this community. Freedom of speech does not mean you can   racially discriminate, learn what you're talking about before you try and comment.

Edit: And if you could point out where I defend freedom of speech that would be great, thanks.

This is a really pathetic attempt to argue, you don't know me in real life and now you say I am a "little uneducated kid". Don't say stupid things when you don't know the people  ;)
I am sorry you have lost the hope in this community only because two respectable opinions, that's a really exaggerated reaction  :P

You type like a 5 year old and you're making stupid points, so my logic would be that not only are you a kid, but you're a stupid one at that. I am glad I don't know you. Your opinions are both unjustified and ridiculous. At this point I'm 99% sure that this is some elaborate troll attempt. Try responding to my post properly next time instead of ranting off with your "hurr durr u dont kno mi!!" bullshit.

I hope you know that before the Sacking of Baghdad it was the center of learning and culture? And were very advanced in the learning of astronomy?
Yes but what about the point where they are forcing their religion on others, mocking our culture and traditions and spitting in the faces of our armed forces, dead or alive?

You realise you're mocking their culture and traditions by saying the kind of things you're saying now? Christians force their religion on others, atheists force their beliefs on others, its just what people with an opinion do, again like what you're doing now. Please stop posting Davout you're embarrassing yourself and showing that you are the cancer of this community.
I dont force anything on anyone. I dont have a religion as that is one of the reasons. I just dont like religion full stop. Im not one of those people who demand they should all be kicked out of the country or someone who goes around burning flags. I just had an opinion that i shared. It shouldnt of been but i did. I know i have pissed a lot of people off but my opinion is also shared by a very large amount of people. Maybe not on this forum but in many other places

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #62 on: April 16, 2013, 04:51:06 pm »
1. Derogatory or discriminatory remarks based on ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion or personal beliefs
Racism or hatred of any sort is not acceptable. If you make a post; keep in mind that this community contains people from all around the world. What you deem as normal or even funny does not necessarily mean that it will be funny for everyone else. Be polite and respectful. Racism is one of the worst things you can commit here, so it can easily get you permanently banned.

Offline Davout

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #63 on: April 16, 2013, 04:51:11 pm »
I hope you know that before the Sacking of Baghdad it was the center of learning and culture? And were very advanced in the learning of astronomy?

But it seems, that you are one of those people who do not learn history.

I know that, and I find the ancient islamic culture respectable, they were advanced in the science, medicine, poetry, and more cultural arts, but that was the past  ;)
The father of the medicine and perhaps the grandfather of the philosophy  :)

Yes they were. And where is the respect towards them? None, as can be seen.

Once again, something caused by a specific "group" of people does NOT represent the entire race/ religion.
Most of them came to England to get away from the extremists.

Offline von_Bismarck

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #64 on: April 16, 2013, 04:52:29 pm »
I hope you know that before the Sacking of Baghdad it was the center of learning and culture? And were very advanced in the learning of astronomy?

But it seems, that you are one of those people who do not learn history.

I know that, and I find the ancient islamic culture respectable, they were advanced in the science, medicine, poetry, and more cultural arts, but that was the past  ;)
The father of the medicine and perhaps the grandfather of the philosophy  :)

Yes they were. And where is the respect towards them? None, as can be seen.

Once again, something caused by a specific "group" of people does NOT represent the entire race/ religion.

You are correct here I am sure not all of your people are terrorists, but sadly the big majority definetely are..

In every case, I am leaving this thread, the dead will rest in peace.
PD: Davout, I wish you luck with all that people, if I don't leave I think they will eat me alive.  :-[
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 04:56:07 pm by von_Bismarck »

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2013, 04:54:15 pm »
Not even a big majority is terrorist but a big bit is extremists. Some people say, some people do.

Offline Karth

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2013, 05:02:00 pm »
A source Karth? And no, Fox News is not accepted.

From what I've heard there is no suspects yet and it can just as well be an American as any Muslim.

Fk fox news, I dont watch them at all.  This is from investigators on the ground, including the FBI counter-terrorism unit in Boston.

Offline Davout

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #67 on: April 16, 2013, 05:02:40 pm »
Locking this or an Admin can and if anyone wants to continue this in a reasonable manner then my email is on my profile. This is mainly for Thunder, Hugh and Rydog.

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Re: Boston Marathon and JFK Library Explosions
« Reply #68 on: April 16, 2013, 05:09:52 pm »
Goddamn guys.

Here you guys are, acting all indignant, defensive, etc. about something one person said, on a thread made to commemorate those who were killed and wounded in these terrible events. In future, try not to get caught up in yourselves, and look around you. There are much more important things going on in this world, and it makes me sick to see people arguing over the pettiest things in their faces. Those people in Boston, in JFK, didn't deserve those events, and likewise, do not deserve this.

This thread will be locked. I will base punishments solely off forum rules, as I always have.
