Author Topic: Battle Cry Copy Pasta  (Read 4539 times)

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Offline LordROMAN

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2022, 07:49:35 pm »
So I saw War of Rights on Steam and by golly, it does appear Battle Cry of Freedom is doing some major ripping off of that game. Shame on the developers.  >:(

Hey look its another neckbeard WoR played MUH REALISM

*cough* *sniff* The civil war was not about slavery! *cough* *cough* *takes sip of his Busch* It was about states rights! *sniff* Them Yankees!

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2022, 05:29:46 pm »
A discord one
"I’ve had to get cavities removed and filled 3 or 4 times and every time I was given the shot of Novocain and it didn’t hurt too bad a little tingling and pressure and a fat feeling mouth but nothing as bad as the worms that are under my skin I wanted the dentist to rip off my skin and get rid of the worms but then he called 911 when I screamed that in the dentist’s chair and I got sent to a psych ward with padded rooms and I kept rocking back and forth in a straight jacket humming 2nd SC stringband songs thinking about FSE Discord Server off-topic channel"
- Charlie

Offline No0B

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2022, 11:10:59 pm »
"Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo. I am so happy about this information. Bcum just a week away Can you believe it guys, bcum, just a week away. Bcum is in a week. woohoo." - Crack Fox on discord

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2022, 10:58:16 pm »
In my opinion Battle Cry of Freedom is a much better done game with more features than both Primed & Loaded, same with War of Rights. Sure every game has its own charm and following, its all personal opinion on what you prefer. But I was not a fan of War of Rights or Primed and Loaded, they both seemed to lack what Bcof has. Just my opinion.

Offline No0B

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2022, 01:24:54 pm »
We need more

Offline No0B

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2022, 06:40:57 am »
Because I actually give a shit about this game. I dont question the population, I reinforce what the devs are doing, I promote regiments when people ask even though I dont want to be in one. Then admins try and pull some dumb shit in the pub server where people cant play for over 10 minutes. @Francis are you new here? Do you not know what is going on? New update + sale and you think I am mad for  trying to protect the pub server. I am attempting to protect the entrance portal for our new players and you have the audacity to ask if I am mad. Fuck yes I am mad. Why I am trying so hard to protect the new players, the incoming players that will feed this game.
[11:28 PM]
Its only a game.... youre right. Not sure why I care anymore

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2022, 11:22:01 pm »
"I'm a Discord Moderator you must listen to me" - Stryker

I'd prefer it if you spoke to the leader yourself instead of sending your underlings smh
Quote from: Aldemar
the Nr24 has 91 trolls and Hekko is the troll mother

Offline No0B

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2022, 04:24:34 pm »
"You don't need to take that tone with me, you disgusting, vile, elongated, emaciated, uneducated, dominated, repatriated, defacated, anti-semitated mongrel. I'm trying to keep this highly decorated and civilized discord free from you(probably War of Rights players) anarchists

Look, you type in all-caps one more time in this channel, and I'll see you removed. This is a civilized, cultured, classy discord for the hit video game Age Of Napoleon. We don't need you War  Of Rights riff-raff here. We AoN players(who established ourselves in NW((that's Napoleonic Wars for you uneducated cretins)) unlike you) are perfectly fine with the 50 players we get in an event. We DON'T need YOUR KIND here. " -LaBelle

Offline No0B

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Re: Battle Cry Copy Pasta
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2022, 06:17:34 pm »
Nate, did I ever tell you about the time we were all forced to play AoN? It was a dark dark time, the economy was in full recession and nobody could find a silver recruit to eat their daily bread. Rambos, drugs, corruption, all of it was rampant. You couldn't even walk 5 feet from spawn without being slayed for saying the word "Toaster". But there was a new drug on the street, word was it came from some smart chemists in NW. They called it "AoN" and it was supposed to revive the game or something. But it divided the nation on the issue of slavery and nobody could agree about anything. Women and children cried for help while the men went onto their computers to fight each other with words on discord.
Meanwhile in a land far far away where the game was developed, a group of bonjo's got addicted to AoN so much that they wouldn't eat food or water unless they got their AoN. They were willing to let their family suffer and in some cases die to stay hooked on this drug. I hear that civilization ceases to exist over their now except for a few rascals. But back in the motherland, an all out war started and each side threw their best insult at each other to gain the upper hand.  It was David vs Goaliath, The Finns vs the Russians, Brazil vs Germany, The Falcons vs Patriots, the ultimate showdown. Eventually the economy started to recover to a point where gas prices were affordable and AoN had almost been eradicated on the street. The casualties though were unlike anything before. On both continents, many had died from the diseases of HLL and Holdfast. The government started relief programs like updates, a community campaign, a weekly monday church service, but only on one continent cause fuck the other I guess.
Nate, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. God bless.
- Santa