Well after a year and a bit, I'm pulling all servers down. This will officially happen on the
26th June. You have untill then to save and copy any files, scripts or anything at all. After this time, it will be deleted.
Reason for this: I no longer wish to spend my evenings and late nights figuring out why servers won't switch on.
I could stroke my ego and break it down into slots, tournaments provided for, number of servers or even regiments and groupfighting teams. However, I don't need this in my life.
As a final parting gift, use code "uni" for 30% off your billing for the full lifetime at
Arctic Servers I'm sure they'll be able to provide you a server is exactly what you're looking for and at an even better price!
(that's legit btw and I don't recieve any commision)
I hope I've helped the community accross this time.