Author Topic: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [EU] - Disbanded 02.21 - 01.22  (Read 104229 times)

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Offline 13e Official Account

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Lead by Achilles & Mem95, the 13e was undoubtedly one of the most iconic european regiment of Mount & Musket. Its impact was often forgotten due to a very short-lived existence compared to many of the mastodons that transitioned from M&M to NW such as the 84e or 8Lr. Nevertheless, the 13e was one of the very first powerhouses of the competitive scene, as evidenced by one of the most impressive competitive records of the time. Although not the biggest in size, the 13e operated with two battalions and was a remarkable force on the field, with strong tactical leadership and melee power only a few regiments could think of matching evenly. It partook in the first competitive event of M&M, the Golden League, where it achieved some remarkable results and more importantly, it was there that was formed the first generation of competitive players outside of the regimental aspect, with legendary names such as Graham, Evanovic, NeedSomeMore, OldGuard, and Melton, having acted as the pioneers of competitive groupfighting. Even up to this day, a couple of its initial members still play NW, like it is the case for Snowwi, one of the oldest german players on NW.

Although the 13e's run was eventually too short to be noticed over a decade of regimental competitions, those who had the chance to witness it will remember what a formidable group it was. Wherever they would go, no matter whom they would play with; Achilles, Mem95, and their men, were always able to pull off the impossible and cemented — for numerous people — a wish to build regimental structures that could resemble in some ways what the 13e was at the time. Taking their name, and continuing the legacy that was once theirs, was of paramount importance for our Commanding Staff and we sincerely hope we can do it justice. But it's also key to leave the past behind and forge together a new, bright future for the 13e. We cannot allow ourselves to live in the glorious shadows of what the 13e was on Mount & Musket but rather, to honour the name by getting this NW version remembered for what it achieved, rather than for what it tried to imitate.

The creation of the 13e in February 2021 took its roots in long-term thinking by the core of players that had played the RGL Season 7 with the 14e. Although our final result was coherent with the performance we had shown, especially in the last matches, the run as a whole left a bitter-sweet taste in our mouths as we knew we could have expected a much better outcome. After a few months exiled in European powerhouses, our group was reunited among 'Grouped' to play groupfighting teams events. From the get-go, however, we always shared within ourselves the wish to see a regimental side be developed alongside the team groupfighting one. What was initially a private joke became something rather concrete and from playing a few weekly casual events for fun, we quickly realised the 13e could become something way bigger, on a long-term basis.

After a lot of talking with different actors of the NW regimental scene, the return of Dash, one of the creators of the 85e also known as Blitz back then, initiated our shift as a proper competitive regiment by signing up to the European Infantry Cup alongside the 31e Régiment d'Infanterie Légère, from the IVe Corps. Dash had always been a rather discrete guy, especially on the European scene but his impact within the 85e - although entirely behind the scenes - was a huge reason that explained the success met by the french regiment on a European level. He was always a huge asset to keep our loads of egos in check and naturally appeared as the perfect person to take charge of the regiment. With Tardet responsible for the regimental management and ClaSh handling the competitive aspect of the 13e, we were finally set for a community launch, having mustered a small yet active roster of twenty french lads and a handful of British friends willing to try this new adventure with us.

But more importantly, was left to discuss the goals of the 13e as a regiment. As a wise man once said, a vision without a strategy remains an illusion and it was really important for our group of players to not replicate the same mistakes we made with former regiments of ours. The beginning of such projects are always powered by a honeymoon period that inevitably stops and when it does, history showed we were never capable to maintain our regiments strong & active. Although the 85e v1 & v2 were formidable experiences that will hardly ever be matched, we failed — as a group — to exist outside of the competition we were signed up to. The 14e coming back for an RGT, 2v2 & RGL was an enjoyable throwback for the veterans of our scene, French and Europeans, but it was never meant to be a lasting force that would return for good. These french projects always lacked one thing: constancy. As such, this will be our keyword moving forwards with the 13e. For the durability of the scene and our own enjoyment, this regiment cannot apply a similar formula and, although we want to always be able to dream big, we have to acknowledge from scratch that it will take time and efforts for a french regiment to establish itself at the top for the foreseeable future. If we are to become the new home for the next generation of french and european competitive players, we must first show we have grown as individuals and as a group, and let time do its work. Because at the end of the day, that's the only factor that will help to judge the 13e's impact.
Time, and what we made of it.


Colonel - Col
The rank of Colonel is the highest rank in the hierarchy. He is the head of the regiment. Obviously, he's leading the line
and is an officer admired and respected by all. He oversees the course of events and the administrative organisation of the regiment. From a decision-making point of view, he has the final say.

Lieutenant - Lt
The Lieutenant is an officer who can unquestionably assist the senior officer. He basically manages the administrative part but is also a key element during of Linebattles. His ardor during the confrontation makes him a highly respected officer.

Adjudant - Adj
First of all, the Adjudant is a formidable fighter. His seniority and his seriousness make him an element capable of leading the line at any moment. Often placed at the end of the column, his role is to assist the officer in charge. During the scrum, he is the one who sets the tempo most often.

Caporal-Fourrier de Première Classe - CplFoP
Even more rarely attributed than the previous rank, that of CplFoP is reserved for the best fighter of the regiment. To reach this rank, you must already be CplFo but also beat the current CplFoP. If a CplFoP loses, then he goes back to CplFo.

Soldat d'Honneur - SoH
The Soldat d'Honneur is a trusted member of the 13e, on whom the staff can rely on with closed eyes. SoH is a veteran and a major part of the regiment. By continuing your efforts, you will have the opportunity to become a Caporal.


Major - Maj
The rank of Major is the second most important rank in the chain of command. What sets him apart from the colonel is that he doesn't have the last word. However, in the absence of the colonel, he is the decision maker and the line commander.

Sous-Lieutenant - SLt
This is the first officer rank. The Sous-Lieutenant has broad command skills that allow him to take control of the line. He also has the right to oversee possible replacements of players during battles and his choices can only be questioned by his superiors. He is also at the end of the column to ensure
that the orders are well respected.

Sergent-Major - SgtMaj
The Sergent-Major is a veteran of the regiment, a mature person capable of tidying up the line in case of necessity. His wisdom and skill make him a member respected and admired by all. Often taken as a model, he ensures the smooth running of regimental life.

Caporal-Fourrier - CplFo
The CplFo are the 13e's brightest melee soldiers. They are killing machines and their thirst for blood cannot be quenched.
Often at the top of the scoreboard, they kill their enemies with dexterity and ease. In other words, this rank brings together the elite of the 13e and is awarded very rarely. You owe it to yourself to be a role model for your teammates, both for your extraordinary melee skills and for your exemplary behaviour. You also put your abilities at the service of the regiment by training new recruits. Finally, the CplFo assists the Sergent by maintaining order and discipline in the line.

Soldat Première Classe - SoP
The rank of SoP is awarded to SoDs who have demonstrated seriousness, diligence, loyalty and who have been disciplined since their arrival. Try to find your place among the Grenadiers or Soldats d'Honneur.


Chef de Bataillon - CdB
This is the first senior officer rank in the regiment. It is not easy to access this rank because it is reserved for a trusted person. His role is also essential since he is called upon to lead the line and to assist the Colonel in any task. This is the third most important rank of the regiment and, to access it, you will need to be a member of extreme loyalty.

Aide de Camp - AdC
This rank is awarded on an honorary basis to an experienced player whose advice is still very valuable. He's a special officer, it therefore occupies command functions.

Sergent - Sgt
The Sergent is the essential first link in the regimental chain of command. His major role is to bring discipline to the line when it is
necessary. A Sergent must be able to command in absence of his hierarchical superiors and must be able to manage the administrative part of the regiment.

Caporal - Cpl
Caporaux are seasoned fighters who fear neither bullets, nor the sharp blades of their opponents. Disciplined, loyal and relentless,
they fight with honor and pride. Being promoted to Caporal is not easy. You have to have proven yourself and be considered one of the best soldiers of the regiment.

Soldat Deuxième Classe - SoD
Congratulations. You have successfully overcome the test period, you are therefore officially a member of the 13e. However, make no mistake about it, you will still have a lot of work to prove that you have your place in the regiment. The average period of being as SoD is a month.


Capitaine - Cpt
The Capitaine must be a strong, resilient leader under pressure and not shy away from responsibilities. He has the capacity to lead the regiment during Linebattles. If the Colonel, the Major and the CdB fall, he is in charge of the line.

Adjudant Chef - AdjC
The Adjudant Chef is a fundamental member of the regiment. He has almost the same responsibilities
than the Sous-Lieutenant. He showed he was a serene commander, a model capable of being a competent Non-Commissioned Officer on the battlefield but also an essential person in the management of the regiment.

Élève Sous-Officier - ESO
The rank of ESO is assigned to a Cpl or CplFo that desires to have more importance in the regiment. His role is to replace his hierarchical superiors as much as possible. If the ESO shows he is capable of leading and maintaining order in the line, he will be able to claim the rank of
Sergent. If he fails, he will be demoted to his previous rank.

Grenadiers - Gren
The rank of Grenadier is only awarded to the strongest fighters. For a promotion to this rank, you will have to train over and over again. If you are as strong as the current grenadiers, you will be appointed without any difficulty. If you are below the expected level, you will have more trouble to get promoted to this rank. A Grenadier is a pillar of the regiment and his performances make him a respected player and feared by both his mates and his opponents.

Cadet - Cad
The rank of Cadet is given to anyone wishing to join the 13e. Upon acceptance into the regiment, the Cadet performs then a 15-day test period. During this time, the cadet is assessed on his attendance and behaviour. Moreover, the mindset of the new recruit will be also observed and put to the test. It's up to you to show that you have your place within the 13e!

Chef de Bataillon | Nock

Aide de Camp | Dren (Honorary)
    Non-Commissioned Officers
Sergent-Major | Herishey

Élève Sous-Officier | Hertz
Élève Sous-Officier | Narrow
Caporal-Fourrier | Clash
Caporal-Fourrier | Troister

Porte-Aigle | BlackBeard
Tambour-Major | Louis

Grenadier | Higen
Grenadier | Axiom
Grenadier | Shadey

Soldat d'Honneur | Verox
Soldat d'Honneur | JLB28
Soldat d'Honneur | Vladdleco
Soldat d'Honneur | Ruler
Soldat d'Honneur | Phailur

Soldat de Première Classe | Plantaquatix
Soldat de Première Classe | Xaos
Soldat de Première Classe | Alucard
Soldat de Première Classe | Kennedy
Soldat de Première Classe | Dashie
Soldat de Première Classe | Stark
Soldat de Première Classe | Maurice
Soldat de Première Classe | Levis
Soldat de Première Classe | Crusher
Soldat de Première Classe | MarxeiL

Soldat de Deuxième Classe | DOMI
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | BlueEagle
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | Jayke
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | Hypno
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | Fotin
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | Destiny

Cadet | Water
Cadet | SpaceKiller
Cadet | Chicken ~Moi
Cadet | Giles
Cadet | Nezzor
Cadet | Marks
Capitaine | Dash

Sergent-Major | Kraz

Caporal | Tardet

Soldat d'Honneur | Darkk
Soldat d'Honneur | Kadiozze

Soldat de Première Classe | Sinjide
Soldat de Première Classe | Bvldwin

Soldat de Deuxième Classe | MxTeR
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | Yoshi
Soldat de Deuxième Classe | IndiaN

Cadet | MALKCY

CO - 1
NCO - 3
Rankers - 27
Cadets - 6
Honorary - 1
Reserve - 11
Total - 50

NOCK | Steam FSE

NOCK | Steam FSE

•, TeamSpeak of 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne

Signature 1
Signature 2
Signature 3
Signature 4

• By Herishey

Thread made by JLB28 & Tardet ; current header made by Skaenn. Royalties at the 59th for spacers coming from their thread
« Last Edit: January 16, 2022, 08:59:25 pm by 13e Official Account »

Offline Tardet

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2021, 09:01:04 pm »
If there was one thing to read in the whole thread, that's this part:

But more importantly, was left to discuss the goals of the 13e as a regiment. As a wise man said, a vision without a strategy remains an illusion and it was really important for our group of players to not replicate the same mistakes we made with former regiments of ours. The beginning of such projects are always powered by a honeymoon period that inevitably stops and when it does, history showed we were never capable to maintain our regiments strong & active. Although the 85e v1 & v2 were formidable experiences that will hardly ever be matched, we failed - as a group - to exist outside of the competition we were signed-up to. The 14e coming back for an RGT, 2v2 & RGL was an enjoyable throwback for the veterans of our scene, French same as Europeans, but it was never meant to be a lasting force that would return for good. These french projects always lacked one thing: constancy. As such, this will be our keyword moving forwards with the 13e. For the durability of the scene same as for our own enjoyment, this regiment cannot apply a similar formula and although we want to always be able to dream big, we have to acknowledge from scratch that it will take time and efforts for a french regiment to establish itself at the top for the foreseeable future. If we are to become the new home for the next generation of french competitive players, we must first show we have grown as individuals and as a group and let time make its work. Because at the end of the day, that's the only factor that will help to judge the 13e's impact. Time, and what we made of it

At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words though so that's up to us to put our money where our mouths are. Nevertheless, excited to begin this new adventure with the boys. Let's see where this takes us!
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.


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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2021, 09:03:03 pm »
All the best wishes to you guys in the future. :)

ps: I miss the old 17e times Tardet ;c

Offline Nejtro

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2021, 09:07:04 pm »
Best of luck!


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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2021, 09:11:20 pm »
Good luck.

Offline Chainsor

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2021, 09:17:02 pm »
Good luck lads :)


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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2021, 09:31:55 pm »
At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words though so that's up to us to put our money where our mouths are. Nevertheless, excited to begin this new adventure with the boys. Let's see where this takes us!

+ thanks lads :)

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2021, 09:37:09 pm »
This name brings back some quality memories from Mount & Musket. Good Luck with this :)
"Unable to perceive the shape of You...
I find you all around me.
Your presence fills my eyes with Your love...
It humbles my heart...
For You are everywhere."

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2021, 09:42:00 pm »
Best Regiment Name

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2021, 09:51:34 pm »
Goodluck boys

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2021, 09:54:55 pm »
Took u long enough, gl.

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2021, 09:59:24 pm »
good luck Tardet & friends
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2021, 10:46:10 pm »

Offline maskmanmarks

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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2021, 10:50:08 pm »
thanks for stealing half my fucking regiment

no good lucks for you  ;D
So let’s just ignore someone like Maskman who knows next to nothing about leading and the capabilities of regiments performing well in a linebattle type of event.
To state that anyone on a “good day could beat the 77y/15thYR” is just a meme of its own, if that was the case why don't you beat the 77y or 15thYR then!?


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Re: 13e Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [FR/EU]
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2021, 10:52:12 pm »
thanks for stealing half my fucking regiment

no good lucks for you  ;D

"stealing" "half"