Author Topic: All factions are dying.  (Read 17282 times)

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Offline Nipplestockings

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #120 on: April 21, 2013, 06:04:52 pm »
I think Austria is the most colorful faction in the game.

France right behind it. And due to this France is my favorite faction. Austria is too colorful for me, the weird orange on the grenzers and blue pants don't necessarily tickle my fancy. France has just the right amount of glamour in my opinion.

United Kingdom is one of the more frequently played factions, my guess due to the easier ranking system and easy regiment creation. Just take a number and create a name or look one up. I wouldn't go as far as saying it is bland, though.

Russia is cool, I love the grenadier unit. I've wished for a long time that the Russian Militia would get a bayonet so it could be a playable class in linebattles. I mean think about it; a regular line infantry regiment only has two logical options concerning what unit they play, simbirskiy or grenadiers. They don't want to select the Leib-Gvardii because of its shooting (due to it being guard class). Or even remove militia as a whole and scrap it into a new infantry unit. Just my thoughts though.

Prussia is another easy one to play (kind of like UK). The ranks are easy to understand and develop, yet when it comes to history people have issues again. As for that, just check the resources on the Regiment List thread. They have regiment name sources for every faction in the game along with factions that aren't even in the game. That is a good place to start.

I agree with you in part about what you said about the Austrian Grenzers. They look really horrible, but they're only one of the units in the Austrian faction and I think the line infantry, footguards, riflemen, cavalry, and everything else looks pretty snazzy (In fact I think Austrian cav is the best looking in the game). The main reason people don't want to make Austrian regiments is probably because of how their uniforms were modeled into the game. I've said this many times, but I think Austria would be more popular as a faction if a little more effort had been put into making their uniforms look better in game.

France is nice but they're kind of generic as well. For some reason their uniforms seem like something a child would design, and even more so than Austria, where they just look classy. The french just don't look like real soldiers to me, even though many people would say that applied to the Austrians more than the French. The main reason French regiments are so popular is because they are some of the best documented in the napoleonic wars, Napoleon and revolutionary france is glorified, and they won the most victories in the NW so people are drawn in.

Russia is one of my favorite factions, if not my absolute favorite. Their grenadiers with those sexy hats, line militia, and partizani really make things interesting. They also have good cav. I don't know why people think Russia is boring and then praise UK when they're pretty much the same deal just with green uniforms instead of red. Obviously there are not many documented sources detailing Russian regiments, as stated earlier, but it could also be because Russia and the Russian language seems so foreign to people who live in western europe and the US, so it's much harder to relate to.

The UK has neat, orderly looking uniforms, but they are all the same and their lack of good cav and their overuse and the fact that I see that kind of thing every day makes them seem too bland and generic. I like them I guess, but not as much as some of the other factions.

Prussia is cool, and they have a lot of prestige surrounding their names even though they didn't perform so well during the napoleonic wars. I think I've been seeing a lot of new Prussian regiments sprouting up lately, especially as people leave the bigger Prussian regiments like the FKI, EPI, and EPG, and since they're used to Prussian rank structure and names, they stick with what they know.

Overall I think we could use some more Austrian and Russian regiments, but in the end it doesn't really make a difference considering that during LBs regiments rarely get to play as the specific faction or even regiment that their clan represents, so they just end up being another name on the scoreboard.

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #121 on: April 21, 2013, 09:54:58 pm »
I think Austria is the most colorful faction in the game.

France right behind it. And due to this France is my favorite faction. Austria is too colorful for me, the weird orange on the grenzers and blue pants don't necessarily tickle my fancy. France has just the right amount of glamour in my opinion.

United Kingdom is one of the more frequently played factions, my guess due to the easier ranking system and easy regiment creation. Just take a number and create a name or look one up. I wouldn't go as far as saying it is bland, though.

Russia is cool, I love the grenadier unit. I've wished for a long time that the Russian Militia would get a bayonet so it could be a playable class in linebattles. I mean think about it; a regular line infantry regiment only has two logical options concerning what unit they play, simbirskiy or grenadiers. They don't want to select the Leib-Gvardii because of its shooting (due to it being guard class). Or even remove militia as a whole and scrap it into a new infantry unit. Just my thoughts though.

Prussia is another easy one to play (kind of like UK). The ranks are easy to understand and develop, yet when it comes to history people have issues again. As for that, just check the resources on the Regiment List thread. They have regiment name sources for every faction in the game along with factions that aren't even in the game. That is a good place to start.

I agree with you in part about what you said about the Austrian Grenzers. They look really horrible, but they're only one of the units in the Austrian faction and I think the line infantry, footguards, riflemen, cavalry, and everything else looks pretty snazzy (In fact I think Austrian cav is the best looking in the game). The main reason people don't want to make Austrian regiments is probably because of how their uniforms were modeled into the game. I've said this many times, but I think Austria would be more popular as a faction if a little more effort had been put into making their uniforms look better in game.

France is nice but they're kind of generic as well. For some reason their uniforms seem like something a child would design, and even more so than Austria, where they just look classy. The french just don't look like real soldiers to me, even though many people would say that applied to the Austrians more than the French. The main reason French regiments are so popular is because they are some of the best documented in the napoleonic wars, Napoleon and revolutionary france is glorified, and they won the most victories in the NW so people are drawn in.

Russia is one of my favorite factions, if not my absolute favorite. Their grenadiers with those sexy hats, line militia, and partizani really make things interesting. They also have good cav. I don't know why people think Russia is boring and then praise UK when they're pretty much the same deal just with green uniforms instead of red. Obviously there are not many documented sources detailing Russian regiments, as stated earlier, but it could also be because Russia and the Russian language seems so foreign to people who live in western europe and the US, so it's much harder to relate to.

The UK has neat, orderly looking uniforms, but they are all the same and their lack of good cav and their overuse and the fact that I see that kind of thing every day makes them seem too bland and generic. I like them I guess, but not as much as some of the other factions.

Prussia is cool, and they have a lot of prestige surrounding their names even though they didn't perform so well during the napoleonic wars. I think I've been seeing a lot of new Prussian regiments sprouting up lately, especially as people leave the bigger Prussian regiments like the FKI, EPI, and EPG, and since they're used to Prussian rank structure and names, they stick with what they know.

Overall I think we could use some more Austrian and Russian regiments, but in the end it doesn't really make a difference considering that during LBs regiments rarely get to play as the specific faction or even regiment that their clan represents, so they just end up being another name on the scoreboard.

I agree with you in part about what you said about the Austrian Grenzers. They look really horrible, but they're only one of the units in the Austrian faction and I think the line infantry, footguards, riflemen, cavalry, and everything else looks pretty snazzy (In fact I think Austrian cav is the best looking in the game). The main reason people don't want to make Austrian regiments is probably because of how their uniforms were modeled into the game. I've said this many times, but I think Austria would be more popular as a faction if a little more effort had been put into making their uniforms look better in game.
I completely disregarded the looks of cavalry when forming my opinion. I too agree that the Austrian cavalry is very nice. the Chevalegeurs (spelling?) are my favorite cavalry in the whole of NW. I can't recall the specific names, but the white clothed cavalrymen with the light horse is one powerful unit. They have the light horse, so they have speed. They have a musket, so they have range. They are equipped with swords long then the light horse sword, which gives the range to their swing. I quite like playing as them when I get the chance.

France is nice but they're kind of generic as well. For some reason their uniforms seem like something a child would design, and even more so than Austria, where they just look classy. The french just don't look like real soldiers to me, even though many people would say that applied to the Austrians more than the French. The main reason French regiments are so popular is because they are some of the best documented in the napoleonic wars, Napoleon and revolutionary france is glorified, and they won the most victories in the NW so people are drawn in.
Prussia is cool, and they have a lot of prestige surrounding their names even though they didn't perform so well during the napoleonic wars. I think I've been seeing a lot of new Prussian regiments sprouting up lately, especially as people leave the bigger Prussian regiments like the FKI, EPI, and EPG, and since they're used to Prussian rank structure and names, they stick with what they know.
Personally, I'm fond of the elegance of the French uniforms that were chosen for this game. I do agree, however, that the Austrian infantry units could have been pieced together to make them more appealing.

As for Prussia, I've seen a rise in preference to Prussia as a pose to France for people who are making new regiments.

Regardless of what regiments are and aren't being creative I do not agree with the common saying of "the game is dying". As mentioned earlier by another good fellow, this is springtime, people have exams, are coming out of their Winter indoor hibernation and spending time with family and friends, whatever the case. There have been dry periods in NW before and there always will be from time to time.

And once BCoF is released the community will most likely see an influx of new, active, and productive community members that positively contribute to the development of our little community.

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #122 on: April 21, 2013, 11:06:18 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.

Offline Bramif

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #123 on: April 22, 2013, 06:50:43 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.
When i hear about red its normally love  :P

Offline Deadpool

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #124 on: April 22, 2013, 07:37:51 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.
When i hear about red its normally love  :P

Red lightsabers.

Offline Bramif

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #125 on: April 22, 2013, 08:12:26 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.
When i hear about red its normally love  :P

Red lightsabers.
Love lightsabers

Offline Draken193

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #126 on: April 22, 2013, 09:38:47 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.
When i hear about red its normally love  :P

Red lightsabers.
Love lightsabers

The lightsabers are too mainstream :(

Offline TORN

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #127 on: April 23, 2013, 07:05:44 pm »
UK's uniforms are by far the cewlest and apart from France it's the only normal faction.
Coolest uniforms is just an opinion.

And please explain how Austria, Prussia and Russia aren't normal?

They just aren't.

And the red uniforms instill fear in enemies.
To be honest I think Britian has the worst uniforms in the game.

But then again please awnser my question.

I already did and no,UK has by far the best uniforms in the game.Red is the color of evil.Any other color looks weak/ridiculous.
But that's just my opinion,obviously.
This isn't awnser

Offline Deadpool

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #128 on: April 24, 2013, 02:04:01 pm »
Maybe not a reasonable one.

Offline Eatjello

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #129 on: April 24, 2013, 07:44:28 pm »
4e is now called 4tes

pls no offense ni, take no offense.. please

only "offense" is the way u spam the recruitment forum

Offline von_Bismarck

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #130 on: April 24, 2013, 09:52:21 pm »
Russia is the only faction dying, two of it's units are armed with pikes, axes and maces, pathetic.
I don't know why is everyone complaining about Austria, some of their line infantry have horrible uniforms but they have good cavalry, just like France.
Britain lacks of cavalry so hard, it's terrific.
France, the best cavalry and they have excellent footguards.
The glorious prussia! beautiful uniforms and decent cavalry.

Regards, von Bismarck.

Offline TORN

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #131 on: April 24, 2013, 09:54:27 pm »
See that is where you are wrong.

Russia never dies.

Offline von_Bismarck

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #132 on: April 24, 2013, 10:00:11 pm »
See that is where you are wrong.

Russia never dies.

Millions of their soldiers can, but I am sure that their vast territory will hardly ever be taken.

Offline Cruor_Volt

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #133 on: April 25, 2013, 04:19:08 pm »
I thought everyone agreed on Opolchnie being a near perfect anti-cav unit with their super long pikes.
And Partizani are very popular on public servers, even though fairly useless in lb's.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 04:24:06 pm by Cruor_Volt »

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Re: All factions are dying.
« Reply #134 on: April 25, 2013, 05:37:09 pm »
dey ned costa rica