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Super Saiyans - The Saga's End
« on: September 10, 2020, 12:24:19 am »

SuperSaiyans made its first appearance back in May 2014. At the time, 3 teams were contesting each other's supremacy at the top, namely the Melee Gods, Disciples and PowerRangers. In between a series of tournaments which saw each of these line-ups pick up a win - with the two others usually ranking second and third - Axiom signed-up the team under the SuperSaiyans tag, which was essentially the PowerRangers line-up, simply with a different name. Such a tag was short-lived, however, as it was only used for a single tournament (which the team won). They then switched back to the PowerRangers's name for the next competition, establishing the team's true dominance for the remainder of that year.

Since then, SuperSaiyans' name has been used by a couple of other teams but without featuring any of the players who first wore that tag. In June 2020, Axiom decided to try and revive a squad of old veterans, reuniting them under the same structure once more. From the old SuperSaiyans team, only a couple of members subsist but overall, the current roster is still made out of some of the oldest players still active in the community. For them, this team represents the perfect occasion to play in a competitive atmosphere they are already familiar with while getting the chance to tackle with some of the current hot talents of the scene. In future, the team might open itself to some youngsters, assuming they share a common mentality with the rest of the squad.


Axiom (C)


Age: 23
Playing Since: 2013
Main Team(s):

Having been a top player for a large span of his career, Axiom might very well be the true definition of England's finest. His competitive path on NW is still one of the most impressive to date as he was one of the main reason for England's dominance from 2013 to early 2015. At his prime, only a handful of players were able to compete with him, be it in duel, groupfighting or regimental tournaments. He heavily contributed to both the rise and establishment of PoweRangers as one of the most legendary groupfighting team of the decade and was an important element of Poosy's dominance throughout the year 2019. On a regimental scale, he had a notable impact among the 84e, 91st, 77y, 17e & 92nd, all considered as some of the biggest giants of the scene and was undoubtedly one of the most skilled members in several editions of the UK team. Axiom has seen it all, has conquered it all. Though many believed he wasn't capable to compete at the top anymore, he came back from several extensive breaks and proved he still had it by winning back to back tournaments against some of the toughest opposition there ever was. On top of being one of the most dangerous players in SuperSaiyans, his unmatched experience and understanding of the game coupled with important human qualities and a wish to provide his player with the best atmosphere possible make him best fit for the role of captain. If this team is to be having any success, you can be certain Axiom will have been one of its most essential contributor.
Hertz (C-C)


Age: 19
Playing Since: 2012
Main Team(s):




Age: 20
Playing Since: 2014
Main Team(s):

Despite being the youngest of age and having entered competitive NW later than most of the line-up, Alator’s experience doesn’t shy away from the rest of his teammates. Having started primarily as a duelist helped him perform in smaller scale tournaments and very quickly, he found himself playing with and against top players who - for most of them - had started playing the game years before him. Though having never reached the very top of the scene throughout his career, his impact among V75 was more than noticeable as he helped them contest FT supremacy during several tournaments, such a rivalry between both groups also translating during the M-NWWC and NWWC events, where Alator was again seen performing beyond expectations. Later on, he joined the Jedis Master, where he also managed to achieve high tournament placings, before he eventually took a break from the competition. On a regimental scale, Alator was part of three top regiments, namely the Spartans, K-KA and 17e where his impact and contribution were often noticed and appreciated. Calm and collected, the Swede is the perfect illustration that being the youngest in a group doesn’t mean you cannot be among the most mature and other than through his melee skills, that’s precisely where his impact in Super Saiyans will be key: Keeping everyone’s head above water in tough moments and being the solid, unbreakable wall he once was.


Age: 23
Playing Since: 2011
Main Team(s):

In certain communities, a few people are set to become exceptional figures, be it through their words or actions. In that regard, ClaSh was the french pioneer when it comes to trying out international structures and becoming one of the undisputable best players of his time. With a french community often having its best players comparing their skills on a national scale, ClaSh’s debuts in the 15e helped his reputation to grow at an international level. He was one of the very few people being able to contest JackieChan in duels at his prime and his victory clutch for TFO against a 91st team filled with some of the most legendary players of early NW still remains one of the most impressive displays of brute skill. He eventually tried out a few other international regiments later on, and even joined the 14e for a while but it was only when Hekko created the Nr24 and reunited a large part of the old 15e crew that ClaSh truly felt at home again. He played in the second edition of the NWEC and in the first Nations Cup in 2014 but eventually never managed to give France a title, finishing in a respectable third and second place. Being one of the most versatile players of his era, ClaSh’s legacy was left on a sour note as the young frenchmen eventually retired sooner than expected. He appeared again in quite a few occasions but it was never for long and taking off the rust he had accumulated in years of absence proved difficult, as the scene certainly hadn’t waited for him, with new top players and different metas being now well established. The 14e’s return to NW certainly marked the beginning of a different reappearance for ClaSh. Unlike when he was spotted playing for the 85e for a couple of events, this time ClaSh really seemed to have found a new motivation to play the game at a competitive level. Though no longer a top player by any means, he became more and more comfortable through the months, to a point where his unmatched experience and renewed skill made him one of the most important players among the new 14e line-up. Almost 10 years ago, ClaSh showed the way to the first generation of french competitive players. He became a founding father figure, the one so many looked up to in order to become as great as him. ClaSh didn’t become a legend. He became THE legend. Joining Super Saiyans, he will have the occasion to show he can still perform up to today’s standards, while being surrounded by friends and other legendary players.


Age: 21
Playing Since: 2015
Main Team(s):

A large amount of the current top players will tell you that, the most accurate thing about old fart achievements is that they are … old. In that regard, it’s hard to contradict them. In almost 10 years, the meta has largely evolved and being a top player in 2013 or 2014 doesn’t mean much nowadays. Obviously, some of the older players have been capable of adapting but nowadays they shine more through their experience and game sense rather than raw skill. This is exactly because Super Saiyans was going to eventually lack a lot of that raw skill that Gull was offered a spot in this team. He started competitive NW in 2015 and regimentaling speaking, has been a member of the 2nHess ever since. He eventually was a member of a couple of other regiments throughout the years such as the 33rd, 84e or 15thYR but his main regiment always remained the 2ndHess. Later on, he was spotted by Tigere who offered him a spot in Cazadores, a spot he held until 2019 where his IRL duties (a job in the army) became too important for him to continue playing actively. While he was in Cazadores, he was also spotted playing for other gf teams such as NotSwedish, Kamikaze or Olympus but at all time, his primary focus groupfighting wise remained Cazadores. While he was in the army, he ended-up joining TBE and played there for quite a while. At a national level, Gull has been playing for the Austria & Switzerland team since 2018, where he held the captainship responsibilities and showed some impressive individual capabilities while playing with a couple of rather inexperienced members. Overall, Gull’s strong mechanic skills make him a deadly player but he never got the chance to showcase these skills at the highest level and that’s probably why he remains to this date a rather underestimated player. In Super Saiyans, however, he will be one of the heavy fragers the team expects to rely on against most opponents. If given the proper environment and trust, there is no doubt Gull could very well become a pivotal member of this team and help a bunch of rusty veterans aim for new highs.



Age: 23
Playing Since: 2012
Main Team(s):

In 2012, SpaceKiller joined the ranks of the 14e Régiment d’Infanterie. At the time, what would become the greatest competitive french regiment of the decade, and one of most dangerous european one, was still a project very much in infancy, where a lot had to be done. Through qualities such as honesty, hard-work and unmatched loyalty, SpaceKiller quickly rose through the ranks, up to a point where he ended up being granted - alongside Enriik - the chance to join the council of the four founding members. Throughout the entire history of the 14e, only these two people will be made such an honor, which is telling of Space’s uniqueness both as a player, but also as a leading figure. Where the 14e met competitive success, SpaceKiller was there, be it the RGT, NWL or many other tense and back and forth 1v1s against some of the greatest regiments of that time. With time, he became one of the most mechanically skilled players of the 14e and contributed into training a new generation of players for NW’s competitive side. When the 14e closed its doors in December 2014, Space was undoubtedly at the prime of his career and though his loyalty had and was always going to be towards the 14e, he was still hungry for more. He took the decision, alongside some of his old 14e teammates such as Dren or Tibérias, to join the 77y, where he stayed for a while and became one of the regular players of their competitive line-up. On a groupfighting level, Space started the competition by making a team of 14e members in 2013 to play a couple of tournaments but without necessarily aiming for high placings. It’s during early 2014 that he really showed what he was capable of when it came to non regimental events, and with a team mostly made up of 14e player, he achieved an impressive second place, losing only to the Melee Gods, beating the PowerRangers and a couple of other great teams along the way. Such a performance wouldn't go unnoticed as Space was then offered to join the PowerRangers during Spring 2014, with whom he won his first groupfighting tournament. At a national level, he was one of France’s most impactful players during the NWEC 2013 and Nations Cup 2014, where - alongside his regimental teammates Flopz and Enriik - he heavily contributed in helping France reach two finals. Such a heavy palmares definitely makes Space one of the most important french competitive figures of the decade and despite being absent for a while, everytime he came back, he was still able to show he still had it, while always staying truthful to his very aggressively oriented playstyle, inherited of the old meta. When most of the 14e old guard ended-up stopping the game, he kept pushing for more. When the 14e came back on NW not so long ago, he was one of those who helped forming the RGL line-up and gave his very best to show a proud figure against the current best regiments of the scene. Moving forward, he will definitely be a key factor impacting Super Saiyans’s potential success in NW. Pretty much like he has always been in any gf teams or regiments throughout the years.


Age: 23
Playing Since: 2012
Main Team(s):

Having started NW back in 2012, BlackBeard’s road into NW competitive has been a bumpy one, filled with breaks, regimental rebrand or switch. Known firstly under the name KingPing while he stayed for a year among the 16e then the 95th Rifles, ‘BlackBeard’ was born the day he joined the Spartans, taking his first real steps into competitive NW. He stayed in Spartans over a year, played a couple of regimental events for them and joined his first groupfighting team (Rockets) around that same time. At the time, the UK community was filled with so many legendary names that it was hard to stand out as a good player, willingly or not. Eventually, BlackBeard joined the 25th to stay away from competition but it wasn’t long before he was seen playing for another competitive regiment, this time Hienrich’s 92nd. While getting a chance to play with MaNdar1nch1k amongst VL, BlackBeard started to push more and more into the competitive direction until he joined the Grand Britain team. He reached a final with them, eventually losing to France but started to make a name for himself thanks to a good showing in a couple of competitive events. His regimental path remained filled with ups and downs, joining the Spartans which later renamed into the 78th, then being part of the K-KA for a while, taking a break, then eventually rejoining Caskie’s 91st. At a point, BlackBeard stopped playing in regiments and groupfighitng team all together and was mostly seen on the groupfigthing server. He eventually came back to carry England’s Team 2 for the last NWWC, then switched to Team 1 and performed amazingly in the final against France. BlackBeard also played for a couple of top groupfighting teams in 2018 and 2019, achieving a gold medal with Poosy and a silver one with AK47, among several other respectable placings. Though the following story paints a rather on and off road into NW, BlackBeard personality is all the contrary. He is a genuinely and constantly nice individual, very down to earth, rarely getting angry and essential to build a good team’s synergy. For someone who started off in the most casual manner, it’s a bit crazy to realise that he became one of England’s key players for the late half of NW and any team can consider itself lucky to have him.


Age: 23
Playing Since: 2011
Main Team(s):
PowerRangers - TFFO / TFO

Rikimaru’s story must be one of the most constant journeys ever witnessed for a top player on NW. It is worth being told mainly because it is as exceptional as it is unique. He started his regimental experience within the 77y, and never left. He developed himself as one of the most dangerous players of his era, among the likes of Evanovic, Xeon, ClaSh and so many others. He was made countless offers to join some of the most prestigious regiments at the time, but never acted upon it. His unfailing loyalty towards the 77y has never been altered through time. Almost ten years ago, you could see him fly through the fields of EU_1, slaying dozens of players within the blink of an eye. Today, EU_1 is nothing but a vestige of the past yet Rikimaru remains. Winner of the first and second NWEC with the Netherlands, key member of the BFF and PowerRangers for several gf tournaments editions, unparalleled duelist, having came first once and second twice with the 77y during the RGT, his palmares goes on and on. From 2011 to 2014, the players as impactful as him can be counted on the fingers of two hands. Eventually however, even the brightest legends can fade away with time. With a new influx of players being witnessed during 2015, Riki saw a lot of his friends and rivals leave the community for good. 2015 and 2016 were the years of transition as a top player for Riki. He still achieved a gold medal with TFFO and a silver one with GrenSquid but from 2017 onward, he was no longer to be spotted in the top three of most gf tournaments. He still continued to play in all the 77y competitive events however but joining TBE definitely achieved to establish Riki as an ‘retired’ old veteran. His calm, selfless personality probably contributed to keeping him away from Tier 1 for all these years as he seemed happy enough to play with friends and never felt bitter about no longer being the amazing player he once was. In Super Saiyans however, a team he was one of the original members of, a lot of his teammates have known Riki at his very best. And together, they will attempt at bringing the dutchman back where he belongs. To the top.



Age: 23
Playing Since: TBA
Main Team(s):



Age: 27
Playing Since: 2010
Main Team(s):


Tournament Results

18th Groupfighting Tournament (2014)     

Smylie's European 6v6 Tournament (2020)     

MightyPaiN's European 9v9 Tournament (2020)     

Bunter Igel


6v6 Group Stage
6v6 Playoffs

SSJ Vs Akatsuki

Thread made by Tardet. Main header created by Shadey. The Super Saiyans pictures are the propriety of their respective authors.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2020, 10:52:55 am by Super Saiyans Official »

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 12:42:55 am »
Thought it said ‘Arrival of cucumber’ ngl


Offline Tardet

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 12:44:31 am »
Thought it said ‘Arrival of cucumber’ ngl


And so the jokes begin.

Good luck lads. <3
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

Offline Axiom

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2020, 12:49:12 am »
Either that or big penis, But he team kills just as good a Gull so.

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2020, 12:54:34 am »
Tardet is not one character like many others. Being one of the oldest players of this team, and one of the oldest community members in general, he always shared a deep passion for this game, a passion which has rarely been matched over time. Though it must be said this flame has been altered in some occasions, it never really seemed to completely disappear and though he had a couple periods of inactivity, some longer than other, the frenchmen eventually always came back to NW over the years. His uniqueness comes from the fact that he always took enjoyment in telling the stories of others rather than making his own. Though he was one of the very best french players in the early years of NW, having achieved several high placings in gf tournaments, NWEC and other competitions, he never had a reputation as important as other french players such as Lubukill, Flopz, Spacekiller or ClaSh to name a few and understandably so, as he was never as good. It never really bothered him however, as he quickly understood that there was something extremely rewarding in putting himself to the service of better, more skilled players. From 2011 to 2014, he played for the Disciples and the Melee Gods and achieved amazing results with them but from 2025 onward, he decided to put his primary focus on the regimental scene. He continued to be an active member of the groupfighting community but without partaking in the related events as a player. Speaking about regiments, he had the chance to play among some of the most reputed structures in the NW scene, namely the IVe Corps, 75e, 91st, 92nd, 85e and 17e. Now a member of the 14e since a few months, Tardet has found a new motivation within himself to compete at the top and though he knows that it will obviously be easier than done, he could have never dreamed for a better team than Super Saiyans to try and make the best of the time left on NW.

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2020, 12:59:25 am »
Thought it said ‘Arrival of cucumber’ ngl


Thanks Gasly

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2020, 12:59:46 am »
But he team kills just as good a Gull so.
lies everywhere

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2020, 01:05:33 am »

Offline Axiom

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2020, 01:09:09 am »
But he team kills just as good a Gull so.
lies everywhere
You team kill better okay  ;D

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2020, 02:28:35 am »
Good luck !!
Also @Ribaz. I think you can take Zenon's title as biggest statue
ngl Ribazz is the glue that holds this community together

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2020, 07:31:29 am »

Offline MarxeiL

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2020, 09:00:09 am »
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2020, 09:13:05 am »
Nice good luck Hertz and the others!

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Re: Super Saiyans - Arrival of Cumber
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2020, 10:27:37 am »
lol fuck hertz man
balenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balencibalenci balenci