Author Topic: 29th Worcestershire Regiment Of Foot [12/29/11-8/15/14]  (Read 271843 times)

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Offline Hugonaut

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Like hugo said, I've been in this reg for 1.5 years and cannot recall a single 1v1 that we initiated.
Not wanting to waste our time again isn't a personal attack against you or your regiment. Its just you get burned once, and you tend not to put you hand on the stove again.

Offline William

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The amount of BS I just read makes me want to puke. Hugo, coming from what your CSM always says on NA_1, something along on the lines of, "real life over game", "Mature and respected regiment", and "only active and people over 15 years of age are allowed". I would hope that you, being his colonel would honor the principles that your members are using to get people but obviously that seems to not be the case.

Now back off of the 63e, you could at least understand that a real life priority took over a virtual event. I have yet to meet a regiment that doesn't make an exception for something real life. I stand corrected in this case.

Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

Offline 29th.Kraut

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What principles are we lacking here, just to clarify? It was simply and calmly stated this us not wanting to attempt another 1v1 that we put into our schedule for you weeks in advance was not an attack on the 63e, but since you are trying to make it one. What are these principles of ours that we are stomping on?

We make exceptions for real life things on a daily basis with a regiment as large as ours. People have IRL shit to do, and that is fine, but if you schedule an event with us, the attendance of your regiment shouldn't hinge on a single player not being around at the time. Why are you turning your lack of communication into us attacking the 63e?

Offline Noodlenrice

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The amount of BS I just read makes me want to puke. Hugo, coming from what your CSM always says on NA_1, something along on the lines of, "real life over game", "Mature and respected regiment", and "only active and people over 15 years of age are allowed". I would hope that you, being his colonel would honor the principles that your members are using to get people but obviously that seems to not be the case.

Now back off of the 63e, you could at least understand that a real life priority took over a virtual event. I have yet to meet a regiment that doesn't make an exception for something real life. I stand corrected in this case.

What principles are we lacking here, just to clarify? It was simply and calmly stated this us not wanting to attempt another 1v1 that we put into our schedule for you weeks in advance was not an attack on the 63e, but since you are trying to make it one. What are these principles of ours that we are stomping on?

We make exceptions for real life things on a daily basis with a regiment as large as ours. People have IRL shit to do, and that is fine, but if you schedule an event with us, the attendance of your regiment shouldn't hinge on a single player not being around at the time. Why are you turning your lack of communication into us attacking the 63e?

Why does everything come down to a fight when an argument comes out between the 29th and (Fill In Blank)

Offline Wimpie

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Offline regwilliam

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I'm popular yeah  :D

But yea we made a event almost a month ahead and the day it came because you col was not on and the highest rank you had on was a Cpl with like 10 people and then acting like its our fault is really sad. Plus the fact then when i tryed to talk to this Cpl and was trying to understand what his stuiped french rank was he sayed Im not talking to a retard. When all i was trying to was help really pissed me off.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 06:54:05 am by valdan »

Offline Hugonaut

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The amount of BS I just read makes me want to puke. Hugo, coming from what your CSM always says on NA_1, something along on the lines of, "real life over game", "Mature and respected regiment", and "only active and people over 15 years of age are allowed". I would hope that you, being his colonel would honor the principles that your members are using to get people but obviously that seems to not be the case.

Now back off of the 63e, you could at least understand that a real life priority took over a virtual event. I have yet to meet a regiment that doesn't make an exception for something real life. I stand corrected in this case.

Take it easy man. No offense was intended. But you need to chill. I have no idea what your talking about in most of that. You seem to have blown it out of proportion. And what William says in NA_1 has nothing to do with any of this. And on top of that I do not believe that he ever said game over RL. That's preposterous to expect people to take a game more seriously than their real life.

And if you interested here is Williams exact recruitment message(with bad grammar and everything)- if anyone would like to join a regiment that has been around for 2 years has 40 active members all above the age of 16+ join the 29th add regwilliam on steam

I don't know about you but I see nothing about game over life.

Edit: I read your message wrong. It was life over game. And yes...We do understand that, as Kraut stated. But I was there. And so were my officers. And so were my 40 guys on standby waiting for a LB. If I was unable to attend I am 100% positive that the officers of the 29th could have gone ahead and made it happen.  Go ahead and blame real life. You still made the commitment to LB us and failed to do so. When you say you are going to do something you do it. And if you can't you should make sure amends are made to make it right. This was not the case at all. I feel you are mad for the lack of your own ability to coordinate. And I mean no offense by any of this. I am simply defending myself and the 29th.
The amount of BS I just read makes me want to puke. Hugo, coming from what your CSM always says on NA_1, something along on the lines of, "real life over game", "Mature and respected regiment", and "only active and people over 15 years of age are allowed". I would hope that you, being his colonel would honor the principles that your members are using to get people but obviously that seems to not be the case.

Now back off of the 63e, you could at least understand that a real life priority took over a virtual event. I have yet to meet a regiment that doesn't make an exception for something real life. I stand corrected in this case.

What principles are we lacking here, just to clarify? It was simply and calmly stated this us not wanting to attempt another 1v1 that we put into our schedule for you weeks in advance was not an attack on the 63e, but since you are trying to make it one. What are these principles of ours that we are stomping on?

We make exceptions for real life things on a daily basis with a regiment as large as ours. People have IRL shit to do, and that is fine, but if you schedule an event with us, the attendance of your regiment shouldn't hinge on a single player not being around at the time. Why are you turning your lack of communication into us attacking the 63e?

Why does everything come down to a fight when an argument comes out between the 29th and (Fill In Blank)

And noodle. We have had problems with two regiments in our entire existence of two years. the 60th and the 79th. And both were 100% justified on the side of the 29th. Of course we would say that because we are us. But if you find bigotry and racism ok, you should rethink your social standpoint.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 07:06:42 am by Hugonaut »

Offline Millander

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Why dont we all calm down and start civil war reenacting?
Of course, I also think lines should be able to move in double rank without having emotional breakdowns.

Offline Noodlenrice

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Why dont we all calm down and start civil war reenacting?

+1 and I never said anything about you guys being mad at the level that you were against the 79th (which was justified) but..... there is always other smaller arguments that the 29th likes to start against other regiments. Maybe not the level that you had against the 79th but there are many instance of these instances such as this one between you and the 63e but I'm not saying you are a drama queen that starts fights 24/7 but  do say that fights do happen quite often around you but we don't need to argue. It's alright. I don't care I was commentating on a fight that was going on between two repectable regiments but lets just join Millander in his reenactments

Offline regwilliam

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29th is  probly the most least drama filled regiment there is out there as we are a older group of player who just want to do line battle and have fun in our team with other games. The only times we every have any problems is when a few members who want to change the order of things to be more trolly and dumb. so when they did not get there way they became 5 year olds and started talking behind peoples back and whispering in the dark plotting. and when when get into arguments with others regiments because of 1v1s  which is why we tend to avoid 1v1 beacuse is is a pit of angry men who get very competitive fights for there regiment honor and such.

Offline Noodlenrice

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29th is  probly the most least drama filled regiment there is out there as we are a older group of player who just want to do line battle and have fun in our team with other games. The only times we every have any problems is when a few members who want to change the order of things to be more trolly and dumb. so when they did not get there way they became 5 year olds and started talking behind peoples back and whispering in the dark plotting. and when when get into arguments with others regiments because of 1v1s  which is why we tend to avoid 1v1 beacuse is is a pit of angry men who get very competitive fights for there regiment honor and such.

Point taken maybe..... That is how human's work?

Offline William

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I don't mean to start a flame war but the 63e is very different from other regiments, Karth is to say the least, "different" with his ranks. He doesn't really have any core officers, he only has NCO's. Hence why we had a corporal there, we have no North American Sgt, or officer besides Karth. Not to mention a battle as big as one against the 29th isn't something you just let a corporal lead. I don't doubt Offizer or Garma(our cpl's) but it's a big battle and something you let the colonel do. Putting this into context with other regiments, if for example, Grimsight, Armystrong, Tico, Mack, Pepper, Meneloas, Walko, or any other leaders of large, prestigious regiments had a big 1v1 that would be a source or prestige and talk would they let someone else lead? If I were in their shoes I wouldn't, if I lost I would at least want to know that it's my fault, not someone else's so I wouldn't take out my frustrations on someone.

If you were in the middle of an LB and a huge thing happened IRL, for example, something happening to a family member or having a job interview, would you play the game or go to see the family member or do the interview? This is what Karth had to do so you should at least consider that he was out and we could reschedule. Not to mention not all regiments can just call up 40 people to fight at any given time.

Excuse any bad English I might have.
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Oh lordy, theys bein DRAMA!

Offline Hugonaut

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Guten Nacht

Offline regwilliam

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well anywho great event friday guys had 35 people on