Author Topic: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM  (Read 11218 times)

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Offline Eamon

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2020, 07:41:56 pm »
To answer your first paragraph - Because this forum contains people more accessible / contactable and BLM is not exactly prevalent in my local area so asking the locals is not much more than what i already know or what i am aware of.

I should clarify it is not that i don't see racism, i don't live in the UK so i don't hear the news as much as yourself for London etc. I just want to know if this is a proportionate response because there has been violence in the past but never this much reaction to it, and the media like to sensationalize a lot of things so i wanted more of a feet on the ground opinion.

I am not exactly upset, more annoyed by the excessive reporting on it - even if the situation calls for excessiveness to get people to listen to the message, is everybody, companies etc. doing it for the right reasons, or are they just bandwagoning?
(not exactly relevant but wasn't too long ago that Irish people were discriminated against lmao so thankfully i have nothing to complain about nowadays)

And again the complaints of ethnic minorities at least on a local level has not applied to me directly yet, so i would not know. I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Well first thanks for actually taking the time to respond - the reason why I replied in the first place was because it seemed like a genuine question, opening yourself up to differing opinions which is always valuable - even if a thread like this is gonna get memed to shit by people too lazy to actually get involved and join the discussion.

Fair enough that this is your first port of call for getting opinions outside your family/friends/local circle where, if you're living in Ireland, I assume it isn't as big an issue due to there being just fewer BAME people in general - as well as not having that imperialist history which is part of the issue in the UK. I would just say that typically places like these aren't the best to get actual information from (even though I realise you're just looking for opinions, I'm just saying they aren't going to be representative of the wider public due to how niche this game/community is), so you're going to get a lot of bandwaggoning of opinions here as well.

I can see the frustration in all these corporations shoving a political stance down your throats. And yes, it is virtue signalling. It happened a few years ago in the UK when gay marriage was on the table and companies started using the rainbow flag in their logos etc. I don't think it's genuine at all, and clearly they are just hopping on the bandwagon and trying to appear trendy - note how they are always late to the party and never do these things out of their own initiative. So I would see corporations doing this not out of the goodness of their hearts but rather because they can see which way the wind is blowing on an issue and want to make sure they can still market to people. I would use corporations as a measure for how big a social issue is rather than them having any influence over it.

I know too well how Irish people were discriminated against in the UK. My grandparents were Irish and when they moved to London in the 50s there would be signs on businesses that said "No blacks, no Irish, no dogs", something my grandparents never really got over. So there are definitely historical and current examples of racism that aren't about skin colour, but the point of the BLM movement isn't to try to undermine those issues, it's just about putting things in perspective.

I think the reason this has picked up so much momentum compared to previous protests is the widespread social media element. If you go on reddit to /r/publicfreakout or /r/2020policebrutality you can see hundreds of videos from the past month of mainly American police being way too heavy handed with peaceful black and BLM protesters, whilst also ignoring or even encouraging violence from groups on the other side. Trump has been throwing fuel on the fire as well, using racist dogwhistles to prevent people from using their constitutional right to protest.

TL;DR Corporations don't give a shit and are jumping on a bandwagon, but that is evidence of the size of the movement and scale of the issue at hand. Fortunately, most of us here will never have experienced racism against us so I think we should be more willing to stop and listen to what black and ethnic minority people have to say about it.

I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.

Offline Eazy-E

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2020, 07:47:16 pm »
I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.

And my response to that would be we should try not to let our annoyance at corporations or sensationalist media detract from the original purpose of the protests, which very much are genuine and backed by a lot of data and academic research. There's definitely a seperate argument to be made about whether corporations doing this helps or hinders the movement, but at the very least it's got us talking about it here.

Offline Eamon

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2020, 07:51:09 pm »
I'd like to think If i had a black friend or colleague come to me with these issues i do believe i would take them seriously, i think it is more the virtue signalling as you mentioned that annoys me and takes away from my ability to take the whole media / social media approach to it seriously, as it doesn't seem all too genuine in some cases like you said mostly corporate entities trying to save face and keep any potential controversy away from them in terms of what the general public approves / disapproves.

And my response to that would be we should try not to let our annoyance at corporations or sensationalist media detract from the original purpose of the protests, which very much are genuine and backed by a lot of data and academic research. There's definitely a seperate argument to be made about whether corporations doing this helps or hinders the movement, but at the very least it's got us talking about it here.

Unfortunately i will have to watch and wait as locally like i said not really a prevalent social issue here with not many BAME, although i work in a hospital with many BAME but outside of that you don't encounter many people.

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2020, 09:09:41 pm »
Going to be honest with you bro.

Most of the people protesting in America don't give two flying fucks about African Americans. Within a manner of days, people that were entirely ignorant of American racial issues were suddenly experts, casting judgement on any that they deemed "complicit" in the systematic racism against POC. Why is this happening? Well, it's kind of simple when you live her and examine the situation closely. The lockdown orders were defied by a good portion of our population from day one. They either don't believe its a major issue or flat out deny its existence entirely, sweeping it under the rug as a leftist conspiracy plotting to establish an authoritarian state. Even the ones who stayed home weren't particularly too happy about their current state of affairs, and are now using the protests as a means of catharsis. The virtue-signaling is on full display. On my Instagram feed alone, I have seen people white as the insides of french bread proclaim their devotion towards black businesses, artists, and politicians regardless of what they stand for.  It's bandwagoning on a scale I have actually never seen before, likely exacerbated by the fact that over 50 million of us are out a job. I guarantee you that if Floyd had been murdered on any year besides this one, the protests and subsequent riots would be relatively contained to a small group (looking at you Seattle). Despite this, the amount of relationships that have been evaporated over these issues is unprecedented. It has reached a point that your political stance WILL damage every aspect of your life. The line has been blurred and there is no going back.

Same thing happened with Travyon Martin, Eric Gardner, Michael Brown, and dozens of others. They die by the polices's hand, media stirs up a frenzy, everyone starts talking about how this will be the revolution that finally kickstarts actual change, then nothing. Happens every time. Nothing short of marching on Capitol Hill by the millions will change anything now.

This started with Desert Storm in the 90s, no reason to expect it will stop now. The outrage is now running on fumes, in a few weeks will go back to Corona when the death toll finally climbs to a point where it can no longer be ignored. The media needs these kinds of events so that their profit is maximized.  When the protest's usefulness is finally expended, they will find their next resource to exploit, eventually rendering it barren. Repeat ad infinitum.

As for Europe, I can't say I'm surprised. The Easterners will routinely mock our racial disparities and borderline dystopian police force while continuing to call for the genocide of the Romani. The Westerners will argue that their problems are nowhere near the level of America's, using this as deflection so that they may ignore their own sociopolitical issues. They are right in the sense that American news dominating the news cycle is moronic, but that's about as far as it goes. When the next immigrant wave crosses the Mediterranean, you will see the same racism be spewed, of this I am certain.

It's humorous watching a select few Balkan countries manufacture solidarity when all they need is a personality-cult dictator in power to convince them that a mass killing-spree targeting the Bosniaks is wholly justified.

Concerning Ireland, I guess you could kind of see why they are protesting.... if this was during any other year. Most of the protesters seem to be college students fed up with their own lockdown. This is going to be a stretch, but Ireland's history of oppression by the English, specifically the Troubles, may or may not contribute. The Irish were treated like shit for centuries, so maybe they see something of a resemblance in how African Americans are being treated in the USA, and now stand in solidarity with them. Either that or the virtue-signalling has now went global, and the USA has secured a cultural victory, infecting every corner of the planet with its cancerous 24/7 news machine.

EDIT: Found this earlier, pathetic but also hilarious.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2020, 11:15:22 pm by Sgt.Winters »

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2020, 09:15:39 pm »
At the end of the day we’re all just toys to our governments
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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2020, 10:04:24 pm »
can you elaborate about this "brainwashing machine"

you seem like a truly based and red pilled individual so i definitely want to hear more
if this is being redpilled then we are truly fucked
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Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2020, 11:23:41 pm »
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2020, 11:41:33 pm »
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2020, 11:47:37 pm »
a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2020, 01:39:42 am »
nice bait

now seriously - is this an issue in france/germany? It makes more sense for it to be an issue in the english speaking world where a lot of culture is easily transferred.

I am sure racism is an issue everywhere to some degree, but then again people like to make it more of an issue as well.

When the next immigrant wave crosses the Mediterranean, you will see the same racism be spewed, of this I am certain..

People never stopped being upset about illegal immigration on a large scale. Sure there probably is racism involved but the term is used so inflationary i don't think its fitting here. I think what Irish said is a bit more on point, imo most of these people feel some form of xenophobia. 

I do think racism is more to do with the human nature of that person is different to me therefore i should be afraid but this can be applied to all different arguments.

Most of these people should also just take a step back to realise how little it has actually affected their personal life.
At least the whole event breathed some life back into German/European politics, which I definitely prefer to the usual snoozefest EU politics tend to be.

As for the the protests in the US I find it strange that it takes yet another case of (racially motivated?) police brutality towards a black guy to trigger people to give BLM such a platform when other black people have been dying by the numbers for years not just at the hands of police, pointing to a much larger underlying problem than just police brutality.
The cause for these protests might be fair, but the riots and the vandalism take away so much credibility for everyone involved.

On a side note I wish everyone would give police officers more respect for doing their job, I feel especially people in "our" generation can really improve on that.

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2020, 03:00:41 am »
only thing i hate more than racists are the negros wops jews and asians

Offline Rutger Müller

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #26 on: June 20, 2020, 04:28:31 am »
only thing i hate more than racists are the negros wops jews and asians

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #27 on: June 20, 2020, 04:59:04 am »
BLM doesn't matter as a law movement as much anymore, its more of a social movement.

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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2020, 07:06:17 am »
Everyone has the same rights. The fact that afro Americans are oppressed in any way is in a sense their own fault too - as fancy mentioned;

a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

There has to be a change in people first, not in governments.  And BLM movement is not helping.
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Re: Restore my faith in humanity please BLM
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2020, 07:39:54 am »
Everyone has the same rights. The fact that afro Americans are oppressed in any way is in a sense their own fault too - as fancy mentioned;

a race of people who commit more crimes statistically are racially profiled by the people who try to stop those crimes from happening

wow what a surprise

There has to be a change in people first, not in governments.  And BLM movement is not helping.
