Author Topic: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants) NA [4 years on 6-6-24]  (Read 129929 times)

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Offline JollyCanadian

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The 84th Royal Highland Emigrants, a distinguished regiment in Mount and Blade: Napoleonic Wars, was established by TheJollyCanadian
and Glenn on 6/06/20. While rooted in North America, our ranks proudly welcome players from across the globe. If you're intrigued by the
prospect of joining our esteemed group, read on!

The 84th actively participates in several weekly linebattles, engaging in a variety of scenarios involving artillery, cavalry, and infantry to
orchestrate grand-scale battles. This not only enhances your gaming experience but also immerses you in a lively and welcoming gaming
community. For those eager to enlist with the 84th, reach out to one of our officers on Steam for further details!

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The 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants) was a British regiment in the American Revolutionary War that was raised to defend present day Ontario, Quebec
and Atlantic Canada from the constant land and sea attacks by American Revolutionaries. The 84th Regiment was also involved in offensive action in the Thirteen Colonies;
including North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia and what is now Maine, as well as raids upon Lake Champlain and the Mohawk Valley. The regiment consisted of
2,000 men in twenty companies. The 84th Regiment was raised from Scottish soldiers who had served in the Seven Years' War and stayed in North America. As a result, the
84th Regiment had one of the oldest and most experienced officer corps of any regiment in North America. The Scottish Highland regiments were a key element of the British
Army in the American Revolution. The 84th Regiment was clothed, armed and accoutred the same as the Black Watch, with Lieutenant Colonel Allan Maclean commanding the
first battalion and Major General John Small of Strathardle commanding the second. The two Battalions operated independently of each other and saw little action together.

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Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolina

Members of the 84th Highland Regiment were in the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge,
North Carolina, in early 1776. On 27 February 1776, the 84th Regiment, with a number
of new recruits, was marching to the port of Wilmington, North Carolina. There they
were to join with a force arriving from Europe and participate in operations in the
southern colonies. The recruited force, at first numbering 1,600 American Loyalists but
reduced during the march by desertions to fewer than 800, faced off against 1,000
American Patriots. The American Loyalists' movement was blocked by Patriot forces on
two occasions, but the Loyalists managed to bypass them to reach the bridge over
Widow Moore's Creek. Captain McLeod, who had survived the Battle of Bunker Hill,
was killed leading the charge at Moore's Creek Bridge. Half of the regiment was
captured and thirty were killed; with ninety six officers and men taken prisoner. The
majority of the Carolina recruits were never able to join the regiment since the Loyalist
forces were scattered after the battle.

Military operations – Quebec

Under McLean's command, the First Battalion acted primarily to defend Quebec from
 American Patriot forces. It marched from Quebec in an attempt to repel Brigadier General
Richard Montgomery's invasion in the Siege of Fort St. Jean, Quebec. The regiment made
two attempts to relieve the fort, but eventually returned to Quebec, where it helped to
stiffen the resolve of the civil population until Carleton's return from Montreal.

The regiment was also involved in the Battle of Quebec. Montgomery and Benedict Arnold,
who led an expedition through the wilderness of what is now Maine, combined forces and
mounted attack on Quebec City. At a crucial moment in the battle, Captain McDougal led
120 of the 84th and 60 Royal Navy sailors against a force of New Hampshire troops
commanded by Henry Dearborn. They overwhelmed Dearborn's men, forcing the
survivors to surrender.

Battle of the Newcastle Jane, Newfoundland

On October 23, 1776, under Captain Murdock MacLaine, the 84th Regiment was in
the Battle of the Newcastle Jane. This battle was the first in which a merchant British
vessel defeated an American Privateer vessel. The 84th Regiment was on the transport
ship Newcastle Jane off the coast of Cape Race, Newfoundland. Onboard the ship was
20,000 pounds sterling and 3,000 sets of uniforms, much of which was for the 84th
Regiment. On October 23 at 4:00 am American privateer came within 30 yards of the
Newcastle Jane. The American had ten carriage guns and twelve swivel guns and the
Jane had only 6 three-pound carriage guns and a few swivels. The ships opened fire on
each other. After a 24-hour standoff, the 84th Regiment had outmaneuvered the
Americans, leaving them with many wounded and a damaged vessel. By the time the
battle was over, the Newcastle Jane only had two rounds of shot left.

Lachlan Macquarie

One of the crew in the Battle of the Newcastle Jane was a young recruit Lachlan
Macquarie, who eventually became known as "the Father of Australia." Macquarie
began his military career in 1776 at the age of fourteen when he sailed from Scotland
to the New World. The attackers were repulsed and, six months later, on 9 April 1777,
he obtained an ensigncy in the 84th Regiment. He did garrison duty, first in Nova Scotia,
and then in New York and Charleston.

He was commissioned a lieutenant in the 71st Regiment in January 1781. In 1784 he
returned to Scotland from his posting in Jamaica, and was reduced to half-pay.
Siege of Saint John (1777)

Machias, Maine was used as a base for privateering against Nova Scotia and as a
staging and supply point for American Patriot attacks on Fort Frederick, Saint John and
 Fort Cumberland. In 1776, privateers from Machias had burned Fort Frederick at Saint
John to the ground. In 1777, American forces briefly controlled Saint John. In response,
Major John Small personally led a force to drive out the Americans. When the 84th
Regiment landed at Saint John on June 30, 1777, the Americans retreated to the woods.
The 84th marched through the woods and were ambushed by the American. Twelve
Americans and one member of the regiment were killed. Weeks later, on July 13, 1777,
American privateers again attacked Saint John and were repulsed by the 84th. In August
1777, the Americans attacked yet again and were successful, carrying off 21 boatloads
of plunder. The 84th immediately began to replace the low-lying Fort Frederick with Fort
Howe, which overlooked the settlement. Fort Howe became instrumental in curtailing
privateer action and was used as an assembly point for attacks on the 13 Colonies.

Raid on Cape Sable Island, Nova Scotia

On September 4, 1778, the 84th Regiment, under the command of Ranald
MacKinnon, was in the Raid of Cape Sable Island. Privateers were threatening Cape
Sable Island when the 84th arrived; they surprised the ship in the night and
destroyed it. For his aggressive action, MacKinnon was praised highly by Brigadier
General Eyre Massey. In response, one of his friends, Captain MacDonald, wrote to
Major John Small, "McKinnon was embarrassed by the praise of the General and
requested it not be inserted in the record since he only did his duty."

Southern theatre

Upon leaving New York, the Second Battalion, 84th Regiment was engaged
in the Southern theatre of the American Revolutionary War. The Southern theater
was the central area of operations in the second half of the American Revolutionary
 War. During the first three years of the conflict, the primary military encounters
had been in the north, focused on campaigns around the cities of Boston, New York,
and Philadelphia. Earlier in the war, the 2/84th Regiment was involved in trying to
take Charleston, South Carolina, in the Battle of Sullivan's Island.

On June 24, companies of the 2/84th Regiment from Boston and New York left their
ports to descend upon Fort Sullivan (later renamed Fort Moultrie), South Carolina.
Four days later the 84th Regiment from New York, on June 28, 1776, engaged in the
Battle of Fort Sullivan (see Fort Moultrie National Monument). The fleet bombarded
the fort and suffered excessive damage by return fire. The attack was a failure; 38
of the regiment died.

The 2/84th Regiment was involved in a skirmish at Wiboo Swamp, Savannah River,
Clarendon County, South Carolina (1781). 3 of the 84th Regiment were killed as
were about 18 American Patriots.

The 2/84th Regiment was then involved in protecting the Loyalist stronghold of
Augusta, Georgia. The first skirmish was at Wiggin's Hill, Savannah River, Georgia,
in April 1781. The Patriots surprised the regiment at Wiggin's Hill, but were twice
repulsed. The 84th then took prisoners, killed many of them and burned their homes.
Captain McKinnon tried to stop what he considered his own regiments "barbarity".

The 84th was also involved with trying to protect Fort Motte in the Siege of Fort Motte,
Georgia (1781). The 2/84th Regiment was forced to surrender on May 12 and were
taken prisoner.

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Commissioned Officers
   Major - Maj
   Captain - Capt
   Lieutenant - Lt
Non-Commissioned Officers
   Serjeant Major - SjtMaj
   Colour Serjeant - CSjt
   Serjeant - Sjt
   Corporal - Cpl
Enlisted Men
   Lance Corporal - LCpl
   Grenadier - Gren
   Regular - Rgl
   Fusilier - Fus
   Private - Pte
   Recruit - Rec

Greetings! We trust you had a pleasant experience exploring our thread, and
perhaps it ignited an interest in joining our regiment. If that's the case, don't
hesitate to reach out to one of our officers for assistance.

Additionally, feel free to contact us with any questions about the regiment or
if you'd like to test the waters as an invite first. The officers are here to gladly
assist you in any way needed. Click the banner to join the Discord server.

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Commissioned Officers
   Major Glenn

   Captain Source

   Lieutenant Amy

Regiment Strength
CO's: 3
NCO's: 5
Enlisted: 155
Reservists: 12

Total: 175

Non-Commissioned Officers
   Serjeant Major Jamd0dger
   Serjeant Major WiFi Bills

   Serjeant Dank Lee
   Serjeant Nightwing
   Serjeant Rule

   Corporal Andrew
Enlisted Men
   Lance Corporal Colonel Sanders   
   Lance Corporal CombatleaderZ   
   Lance Corporal CrazyTexan   
   Lance Corporal Dragon of the West   
   Lance Corporal Gregor   
   Lance Corporal Headless   
   Lance Corporal iodine   
   Lance Corporal Iuff   
   Lance Corporal Lenshanks   
   Lance Corporal MsEricson
   Lance Corporal Pleb   
   Lance Corporal Saitama
   Lance Corporal Spartan

   Grenadier Dredd   
   Grenadier Ghostrider7811   
   Grenadier Yoloswag   
   Grenadier BabyJesus   

   Regular airsoft31   
   Regular Bamboozler   
   Regular cat-dog   
   Regular crazy   
   Regular Fartknocker   
   Regular Gabito   
   Regular Goth_Girl   
   Regular Joren
   Regular Lukasoh   
   Regular Nova      
   Regular Pole   
   Regular Primor   
   Regular Pyke   
   Regular Rule
   Regular Sandman   
   Regular Scottish Unicorn   
   Regular Skinny   
   Regular Yovko   
   Regular Zhang He
   Fusilier Anyelo72   
   Fusilier arbanon_warrior 
   Fusilier CanadianMed
   Fusilier Commissar of Adrantis V   
   Fusilier Copot   
   Fusilier catboy   
   Fusilier DarthNox   
   Fusilier Fittens   
   Fusilier gammascreed   
   Fusilier God   
   Fusilier Goku   
   Fusilier Gustav   
   Fusilier H Mitchell   
   Fusilier ItsHarry   
   Fusilier Kaldir
   Fusilier KingRich   
   Fusilier Luke/Nao
   Fusilier Mattboi   
   Fusilier Mattimus
   Fusilier Mech   
   Fusilier MeritTM   
   Fusilier Metalero   
   Fusilier Paradox   
   Fusilier Quiggles
   Fusilier sHype   
   Fusilier Sir-Popping-Corn_III
   Fusilier Steven   
   Fusilier Tired_Jake   
   Fusilier Uhtred   
   Fusilier Vladdleco   
   Private Beatrice
   Private Cerberus   
   Private Cl0ud
   Private Commandosim47   
   Private Cookie   
   Private David Beckonsfield   
   Private Dom   
   Private Drago   
   Private Ecual   
   Private Fetty
   Private haschtrollet   
   Private Hector
   Private Hotspot   
   Private Inbredcyclops   
   Private Jake   
   Private Jerome      
   Private Kazoo   
   Private kabraxis   
   Private Kaldir   
   Private kellroy   
   Private Khali
   Private klawik
   Private Legend   
   Private Lemon   
   Private Lev
   Private Lonedoge   
   Private Lucas   
   Private Mason   
   Private Mehstery   
   Private Miles
   Private Mitchell
   Private Mountain Mim
   Private paddington
   Private Phailur   
   Private Pizzaman4343
   Private plebjack   
   Private Samsnake
   Private Seacats
   Private shotwaffel   
   Private Soli   
   Private Toast
   Private TommyxD
   Private Whirlie Birdman
   Private Wolf115   
   Private Vintherebal
   Private Yodee   
   Recruit AkaratPyros   
   Recruit Alinous   
   Recruit Almeo   
   Recruit Almondo   
   Recruit BaXPaMeY   
   Recruit Beep   
   Recruit BigDerp31   
   Recruit bingle_bop   
   Recruit Blacknizzo   
   Recruit Bram   
   Recruit BumbleBlee   
   Recruit Byunos
   Recruit Catherine   
   Recruit Checho   
   Recruit chrome
   Recruit cHurcH
   Recruit Cheese Taco   
   Recruit Coochieman   
   Recruit Corgi   
   Recruit CrimboGrungles   
   Recruit David009   
   Recruit DeathReaper   
   Recruit definishen   
   Recruit DeKlerk   
   Recruit Derps
   Recruit d1ablo   
   Recruit Drater Diputs   
   Recruit Drew   
   Recruit Durans   
   Recruit Fauno   
   Recruit Feltzy99   
   Recruit feorge   
   Recruit Garch   
   Recruit Glichanka   
   Recruit Imperialist   
   Recruit JacobT376   
   Recruit jmcan   
   Recruit klawik
   Recruit Leeman   
   Recruit liarcake   
   Recruit Littlehands   
   Recruit LowKey   
   Recruit LuckyFella   
   Recruit Moxee   
   Recruit MrYeast   
   Recruit MSWarlord   
   Recruit Nedim   
   Recruit Noobers   
   Recruit Nova   
   Recruit Octavian   
   Recruit paddington   
   Recruit Panda   
   Recruit PhillyR   
   Recruit Plugington   
   Recruit RedRockett   
   Recruit ricecake   
   Recruit Right Nut   
   Recruit Ryan   
   Recruit Silence   
   Recruit spaezitzle   
   Recruit Stegy   
   Recruit Sticky
   Recruit Taradon   
   Recruit TheWarden   
   Recruit Tebas      
   Recruit Templar22   
   Recruit Vertil~   
   Recruit Vicious   
   Recruit Voodoo
   Recruit xairbirdman11x   
   Recruit YoungOmar
   Reservist Bondage   
   Reservist Cake
   Reservist Dio
   Reservist Doge
   Reservist Edward Hay   
   Reservist Ernesto/Lisaa
   Reservist mushypeas
   Reservist Optimus
   Reservist Wastee
   Reservist Winters
   Head Honcho Dan the Chef
   Soulja Boy
« Last Edit: July 03, 2024, 05:58:44 pm by Nightwing »
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

Offline JollyCanadian

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2020, 12:53:37 am »
« Last Edit: June 07, 2020, 03:35:59 am by JollyCanadian »
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

Offline JollyCanadian

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2020, 12:53:45 am »
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

Offline QuinnML

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2020, 12:53:53 am »
Posting WIP 2020

Offline Glenn

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2020, 12:54:03 am »
nice we'll be ready in a month
click here to join the 84th

Offline Dan the Seagull Chef

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2020, 01:14:03 am »
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

Offline ~NickCole~

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2020, 02:06:52 am »
Uh noice

Offline Theodin

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1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Aurum

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2020, 04:15:11 am »
O shi
nah windflower just tries to act cultured and edgy but hes actually just a 21yo lonely canadian who wastes all his time serving donuts to fat american tourists and trying to date underaged video game girls

Offline Glenn

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2020, 08:14:21 am »
click here to join the 84th


  • Guest
Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2020, 09:28:24 am »
Best of luck dudes

Your app is underway :p

Offline Glenn

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2020, 10:12:02 am »
Best of luck dudes

Your app is underway :p

click here to join the 84th

Offline Moi~

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2020, 10:41:56 am »
yikes, gl :)
padawan should replace chicken as captain, he has every ability a true leader should possess, a good voice, skill, experience & dedication. Padawan has all of these things and the only reason he wasn't allowed into team spain was cause chicken was afraid of him since he truly knew how much of a danger padawan could be to his spot.
padawan is no padawan any longer, he is a MASTER now and i would be AFRAID to fight him with team NL since he can 1v10 us easily!

Offline JollyCanadian

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2020, 04:36:29 pm »
yikes, gl :)
Yikes indeed! We'll see if anything actually comes of this
5x NACR Elect | Current: Glenn's Husband|ex- 84th/15e/17th/30th(OG)/USMC/58e/26e/

Offline Windflower

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Re: 84th Regiment of Foot (Royal Highland Emigrants)
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2020, 12:47:31 am »
why is Lieutenant Colonel ur highest rank weirdo

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳