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Offline Crusader

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Story Time
« on: April 02, 2013, 07:11:55 pm »
Upon request of MrBjarzii, may he forever be blessed and praised in the ballads to come,

Ho there traveller, come closer my boy don't be afraid. Step into the firelight, come sit with me, grab yourself a mug of mead and allow the warmth of the fire to seep into your bones, allow my voice bring forth the swirling threads of your imaginiation as i recount the tale of the adminborn. Oh i see your eyebrows raise at the mention of such an esteemed man, so you've heard of him, haha don't start drooling yet as these tales will be like nothing you've ever heard. Oi wench bring me another mug of mead and get some whore awiating for me to sate my hunger.

Now lad where was i? Oh aye i remember, the adminborn. Now im sure you've all heard the stories that he was eight foot tall, he could snap a man in half with his hands, he could stop arrows with his mind, oh aye ive heard all the bullshit stories. Allow me to shed light upon the real adminborn. Aye he was tall, a head above the rest, he had broad shoulders and a proud stance, he knew who he was and he flaunted that. His face was what everyone recalls, a strong set jaw with flaming locks of pure gold, with a grand beard to match, yet it was his piercing gaze that held the strongest men in place, very few can hold that gaze. His grey eyes bored into a man and battered him down with just a simple raise of his eyebrow in his mocking glance. Very few men can handle that. He was a man of many names, The Golden Giant, The Prostitue Pricker, and his favourite the Iron Prick for he killed his enemies then fucked their wives, aye he was truly a glorious man.

Our hero was a butcher, a villain, a murdered, God above only knew how many names he had and what foul deeds he commited, yet he had one reedeming quality, he was an honourable man. He would give you a chance to run before stabbing you in the back haha, oh my that was a sight to behold, the crowned head rolling down the hill as the body slumped to the fall blood pooling around the still corpse....oh my im rather getting ahead of myself, allow me to backtrack and tell you of the story of the Adminborn and the King. Yes, yes, that is how he becamse Lord of this land.

It was a dark age, an age of daggers in the night, blood mixed among the sweage running through the streets as bodies littered the floor coating the Free City of Denvarsi in a shroud of death. The people cowered in their wooden shacks as the wind howled and tore at the straw thatch roof, carrying with it the screams of the men and women being silenced for whispers and rumours in the night, whispers of the Bastard King. The Bastard King or as his birthname dictates, King Rafai was a cruel, malevolent man. He also suffered from small man syndrome, a small man, a weak fool yet he had a sharp mind and the term knowledge is power was the only lesson he truly learnt. He had a mess of black hair and stubble that coated his cheeks, he looked like a comical man with a broken nose that set his face at an odd angle, he also suffered from a prominent brow that made him look even uglier than he was. Yet he was intelligent. He was only eighteen when he murdered his brothers and father King Klive. A true bastard, his mother was a whore, aye she was a good fuck but her throat should have been slit with her son upon his birth.

It was the Bastard King that tore this Kingdom apart, his loyal men were bought with coin, his enemies heads littered the castle walls. Men rose against him, yet these petty rebellions were quickly cut short with daggers in the night. The Kings Guard or the Bastards Beasts as they were known would not tolerate any ill will, any foul words or misdeeds against their monarch. Anything and everything was dealt with in death, some say King Rafai walked hand in hand with death, a secret pact made with the devil. His tyranny lasted for five straight years, the population of the city slowly decreasing over time, families fleeing the capital to live life on the plains, only to be found slaughtered at their farms, their heads paraded warning off travellers. Aye it was a dark age my son, yet in every age of darkness there comes a time of light, even if it was a whisper upon the wind, a name being carried, people knew things were going to change.

They say a mans destiny unknown to him, that fate is forged in the stars upon birth of every man, woman and child. Yet some forge their own destinies, create their own fate and live in legend. Their names sung in songs and ballads for years to come, stories like this being recounted in Lords halls and feasts, battle cries being taken up in this mans name and honour. That is the life of a hero and the Adminborn knew it, he knew it. The Battle Horns were sounding, men were gathering, banners flying in the breeze a lone horse galloping upon the waves of the wind. The Adminborn had heeded his call and had come.

Word travels fast within the Men of the East, by early summer every man had the Adminborns name upon his lips, men already drank in his honour, wives left their husbands to sleep with this man, whores fled by the thousands to get a glimpse of the Iron Prick. Have you ever seen a horde of women racing across the country, their tits bouncing in rhythm with the horses gallops? No? Well let me tell you it's enough to make even the gayest man hard my son haha, ah come now don't blush im sure you've shoved your prick in places you regret. Ahahaha you blush even more so i know its true, oi maid wheres my ale, ah thats better now where was i again? Ah yes! The adminborns coming, or cumming it should be spelt really. He slept with whores by the thousands, im sure he had frictio burn by the end of it, the only sad part of this story is he never fathered any children, it is a lonely life being the Adminborn, aye he may take a wife but children will be forever lost to him.

Whence he came from very few people know, but with him he brought a mighty host that would spill themselves if need be upon the walls of Denvarsi, yet that was not necessary for sacrifice and the death of his men was something the Adminborn would never let happen. So he called a herald to his side and instructed him to gather all his banners horns and instruments. With a puzzled look the herald ran off and within the hour returned with a host of young men, squires and the odd ruffian that could play music. Next he commanded his men to build great fires in front of the walls of Denvarsi, these fires were to be tended by servants and kept burning all night.

The fall of night was a slow and tedious thing to behold, the light of the fires shone and blocked all sight behind them. Knowing this the Adminborn marched his men away a few leagues distant and settled  down for the night where his men sang, drank and ate to their hearts content. Yet at the walls of Denvarsi the musicians played all night, the wind carrying a new sound with it, no longer screams but the cacohpony of noise that roused the deepest sleepers from their rest and kept all inhabitants up at night. Before mornings first light the Adminborn returned and stood his men before the walls, shouting upon the walls he cried a challenge, a challenge of battle, allow those brave soldiers to face his warriors upon the Plains. Yet nothing said was replied, nothing was cried by the odd barking of dogs and the wailing of children, no answer would come today. Upon darkness once more the music restarted and the Adminborn marched away, he kept this up for two weeks until finally a response was given. The doors of the city swung open and out poured the armies of Denvarsi. King Rafai dressed in black, a sharp contrast to the paleness of his face as the determined Bastard marched forward, swaying in the saddle due to lack of sleep. His men were in no better condition, stumbling over one another they formed in their rag tag formations, men slumping against pikes, numb hands dropping swords and shields as the exhausted men formed up.

Our hero chuckled to himself as he brought his men over the ditches and freshfaced began the march towards the men of Denvarsi. His men full of vigour, mead and a good meal still warm within thier bellies were eager to be set loose and wreak havoc upon their foes. Another thing you need to know about our hero is he fought with his men, he always braved the thick of battle no matter the odds. Leading the vanguard our hero charged the men of Denvarsi with his horde behind him, crashing through ranks and ranks of men he headed towards the Kings banner, a serpent upon a field of gold. Blood was spilled that day in a volume that will never be seen again, the Kings men were slaughtered many slumping to their knees before being sent to their graves. The march towards the center continued with none stopping our hero, none brave enough to stand before his gore spattered face, the crazed look of bloodlust upon his face and his eyes no longer that of a sane man.

As im sure you know my boy that battle was an easy victory. The King was captured, his forces disbanded, his Lords and Knights put to the sword, very few of the Bastards Beasts marched away from that field. As for our beloved King Rafai he was marched to the away a sword point pressing him on as he was dragged away from his city. Now our hero gave him a chance to run, gave him a chance of freedome before he caught him. As any desperate man would Rafai ran but exhaustion dragged him down, wore away at his energy until he sank to his knees the soft sun caressing his back as he looked at the sky wondering what cruel turn of fate had caused this. Rafai felt a shiver crawl along his spine as a shadow blotted out the warmth of the sun and silenced the sounds of the day, it was over quick, a single slice of the sword and the King's head with his golden crown still attached rolled down the hill, the metal clinking with every rock it bounced off.

Our hero was welcomed as a hero a liberator as he returned to the city, his men paraded through the streets as saints and Gods, there was much wine drank that night as every tavern was overflowing with the Adminborns men. And our hero was later coronated as the new King and under his tutelage we have grown stronger as a kingdom and conquered other lands but that is a story for another time, now i have a wench waiting for me in my bed, return later and i shall continue teasing your imagination wwith swirling spirals of stories of the old time, farewell for now my friend.

I hope you enjoy my friends, there will be more to come :)


« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 07:17:19 pm by Crusader »
I hereby present Crusader with the Blobdominican medal for Bravery above and beyond the call of duty in his role as AdminBorn of the FSE servers. We have also arranged some lovely flowers & a kitten to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks Crusader for all of your work in the community!

Offline MrBjarzii

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2013, 07:24:54 pm »
Best story ever, Master adminborm ! :D

Offline Crusader

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2013, 07:26:24 pm »
Best story ever, Master adminborm ! :D

Why thank you apprentice
I hereby present Crusader with the Blobdominican medal for Bravery above and beyond the call of duty in his role as AdminBorn of the FSE servers. We have also arranged some lovely flowers & a kitten to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks Crusader for all of your work in the community!

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2013, 07:29:25 pm »

Ho there traveller, come closer my boy don't be afraid. Step into the firelight, come sit with me

and I immediately start off with the wrong impression.
Never the less i'll enjoy reading it.

Offline Crusader

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 08:40:53 pm »
If anyone wishes to have a story written about them post in here and i will write your name into history - a description of yourself or what you would like (optional) would be great but entirely up to you
I hereby present Crusader with the Blobdominican medal for Bravery above and beyond the call of duty in his role as AdminBorn of the FSE servers. We have also arranged some lovely flowers & a kitten to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks Crusader for all of your work in the community!

Offline MrBjarzii

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 08:56:34 pm »
Epiczor 10 hours of female version of dra... adminborn.

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2013, 09:16:36 pm »

Offline MrBjarzii

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2013, 09:49:27 pm »

Offline Roald Hoffmann

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2013, 09:56:08 pm »
Nice story :o

Offline nicknick12

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 10:27:42 pm »
I am a admin born
Cavalry Groupfighting Admin NA/EU

Offline MrBjarzii

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2013, 11:20:55 pm »
I am a admin born

There is only one true adminborn, Crusader.

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2013, 11:23:30 pm »

Offline Crusader

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2013, 04:13:09 pm »
Next story will be The Adminborns Son
I hereby present Crusader with the Blobdominican medal for Bravery above and beyond the call of duty in his role as AdminBorn of the FSE servers. We have also arranged some lovely flowers & a kitten to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks Crusader for all of your work in the community!

Offline Crusader

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2013, 10:49:28 pm »
The Adminborns Son

Ah so i see you stayed the night did ya? You must be eager to hear more, as eager as that wench i fucked last night, aye she was a nice tight wee lass and well worth every coin, just thinking about that matching carpet of red flaming locks is enough to get me going once more. Ahem, sorry my boy i forgot that you are not as experienced as i, allow me to spread my stories to enlighten your mind, just as that wench spread her legs last night....ah makes me feel young again, reminds me of a time when whoring was classed as a sport, and our adminborn was the best there ever was. Yet I'm sure I've told you that he never fathered any children, of all the whores he fucked, the wives he took to bed, not once did any ever give him a child, bless him with a son that he so craved. With the lack of children, not down to lack of effort though my son aha, he often sunk into dark moods where his thoughts tricked him into hearing sounds of children's laughter running through his halls, his first sword fight with his son, teaching him to ride, all these things combined and led him to drink. Aye the cruel brew, the stuff i so crave so be a darling and go fetch me another mug of mead, there's a good boy.....

...Now, ah nice and refreshing 'tis that, allow me to recount the story of The Adminborns Son. I know i just told you he had no children you daft bastard, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions that just because he had no children of his own, it doesn't mean he never adopted a child. Yes i see that slow look of recognition shine upon your face you halfwit. Our Prince Bjar is not our King's son, he was some urchin that he saved. Yet in my eyes that wee boy saved our Kings life. Yes Prince Bjar is a warrior just like his father,, a true bastard as well if you ever meet him, a great drinking companion as well, he pays for the whores and the drinks, what man wants more than that! Now back on track.

I remember the year as if it were only yesterday. It was the middle of summer, oh that summer was a bastard of a summer, it dragged on perpetually, the heat wearing us all down, our armour baking us alive, blinding us with the suns reflection. That was not a good summer, oh aye in weather for young folk like you it was, with your pampered lifestyles and cooled wine with portable ice buckets. To us ordinary folk it was a hard summer, the water dried up, whole villages migrated to find sources of water, refugees swamped the city of Denvarsi in hope of aid and shelter. That is where i first learnt my trade, where i began recounting this story to folk like you, young men with nought between their heads and dreams upon their shoulders. Oh stop your whining i was like you once, oh aye i preferred bashing peoples skulls in rather than thinking things through, now look at me I'm some crazed old storyteller sat in a tavern scaring you with tales of the past!

Now stop interrupting me and allow me to recount my tale. Our King often locked himself within his castle and only ventured outside on royal visits, the odd whore he wanted, and official business, never did he venture forth to walk the streets of his capital, and if to this day he hadn't ventured forth, there very well may be a different King upon our throne. It was the day me and  the adminborn met, yes I've met our King, has a rather gentle man but with a quick temper, never annoy him as he has very little patience and would quickly cut you in two if you irritated him too much. It was late afternoon when i stumbled out of the brothel holding my armour in one hand and my cock in the other. Aye id been kicked out, i was a violent lad back then and enjoyed nothing more than some hard sex, but it rarely went in my favour. So standing in a deserted street in a rather awkward pose i began whistling to myself of all things as i calmly re-dressed myself and re-equipped my armour and sword. Damn it was hot, i burnt my hand more than once trying to get my iron chest plate on. Fully dressed and still drunk i stumbled down the street in the general direction of the citadel knowing my watch started at the chime of the next bell. That is where i met our Lord. A young boy ran into me, crashing both of us to the ground our legs a tangle as we tried to break away from one another. The boy was quick I'll give him that but i had hold of shit leg, 'where do ya think yer going me boy' i grunted still winded from the fall. It wasn't until i stood up that i heard the stamp of marching boots rushing towards me, glancing behind me i saw the Kings Royal Guard pour into the street where i stood with the boy still struggling in my grasp. The Guard quickly encircled the two of us and within the space of a heartbeat, unsheathed their sword and advanced until the glittering points of their swords rested against my breast and that of the boys. It was then i saw our King. He was dressed spectacularly, a golden cape draped over his braod shoulders, his golden beard finely trimmed and plaited, his sandy hair sindwept over his head. Truly to me he looked the epitome of regal, catching myself i bent my knee and begged for forgiveness. Our King merely chuckled and told me there was nothing to forgive, it should be i that forgive him for i had caught his little thief. Yet that little bastard took this distraction to squirm out of my grip, grab my dagger and stab me in the leg, he then rushed forward and managed to slash one of the Guard before being struck by the hilt of the mans sword, the boy dropped like a sack of spuds, unconcious. I remember swearing quite profusely, drawing my sword i advanced on the little bastard but the King's calm voice stopped me in my tracks. Turning towards the King with my weapon still drawn i was frozen by his flint grey eyes that bored into my very soul and commanded me to do as he wished. Dropping my sword with a loud clatter as it struck the flagstones i merely bowed and muttered 'as you wish me Lord'. Now it was the King's time to shock me once more, for he picked the boy up, brushed the dirt off his rag tag outfit and handed him to me. I was to instruct the lad in the arts of war, teach him what i knew, help him where need be and turn him into a man. The only explanation that i got  was that the boy had 'spirit' bah the cunt had stabbed me, so i decided to make the lads life a living hell.

So that was how our King and I met, in some filthy back alleyway, me outrageously drunk and with a small stab wound in my leg. Looking back oh how i chuckle at that moment. I was young, arrogant and bold and had been bested by a child. I made his first few months of tutelage hell.

The following dawn when the boy grogilly awoke  with a pounding headache he would not believe he was now in the King's service until i thrust the lead filled training sword into his hands. Commanding him to strike me he charged at me trying to slash my legs, yet i easily  swatted aside his futile attempts and cuffed him round the ear sending him sprawling into the dirt. Aye i gave that bastard many a bruise, yet i can aure you all of those have saved his life by now, i beat my education into that boy. He learnt to ride, to joust, how to swing a sword and how to shoot a bow. He was a fast learner i will give him that. He easily picked up the difficult parries and blows that took me weeks to master, within the first months of his training  you could already see the man he would become. His chest filled out with muscle and his arms became knotted with devloping muscle, i swear that boy grew several feet in those first months as well. The King would often come and watch and appluad whenever the bastard managed to land a hit on me, i was slow compared to this boy.

The months slowly progressed into years and he became a master at arms and the King employed him as his personal squire whereas i was promoted to Grandmaster trainer, aye a fancy title but it filled me with such pride to stand within the King's councils and listen to his advise on recruits, equipment and military functioning. I had come far, but the boy had gone further. He had by now advanced even my expertise, and was now beating me in every fight we had. So annoyed with the boy's success i challenged the King to face him, and unexpected to me the King accepted. Of  course the King easily won, yet he consistently urged the boy on until something i have never seen happened. The boy landed a single blow upon the King, a single backhanded swing that broke through the Kings guard and shattered upon his side. Yet the King just laughed, and continued to laugh until all of us spectators were laughing with him, it was then he took the boy in his arms and called him son.

The official announcement was stated the next day, for unbeknown to me the King and the boy had been meeting in private where the King was teaching the boy words and maths amongst other tedious studies. The King had watched the boy grow and had now fought with him, so by right the King announced to the kingdom the arrival of his son. Of course there was much feasting, drinking and whoring. The boy actually grew accustomed to his new role rather quickly, it was as if the King had been grooming him for the title in all the years i had been teaching him. A crafty bastard is our King. The King to this day still sits upon his throne, his son by his side. Prince Bjar truly is his fathers son, his  adopted father at that. A ruthless, cunning bastard yet gentle, honourable and honest. We are blessed to be have this pair rule over us, and me even more so to be showered in their generosity from time to time.

Oh aye with no doubt my training has saved that boys life a hundred times over. If i knew he would become Prince would i have gone easier on him? No i would have been harder on the bastard, he has a responsibility and a name to live up to, aye i was a cruel teacher but look what i made, perfection. Now my boy piss off to your bed as i go to mine, my throat is dry and my dick itches for a whore tonight, speak to me tomorrow for more stories about me and our King, now be gone your smug pomposity is beginning to piss me off.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 10:51:24 pm by Crusader »
I hereby present Crusader with the Blobdominican medal for Bravery above and beyond the call of duty in his role as AdminBorn of the FSE servers. We have also arranged some lovely flowers & a kitten to commemorate the occasion.
Thanks Crusader for all of your work in the community!

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Re: Story Time
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2013, 10:59:11 pm »
i feel honored :D Thank you for this great story oh mighty adminborn :D