Author Topic: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit  (Read 2457 times)

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Offline Sgt.Winters

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Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« on: December 25, 2019, 07:57:15 pm »
The man is selling a bill of fake goods. At best, he is bearer of empty promises and false hopes. Nothing will be solved with him as president, nothing at all. He hides his true demeanor under a thin veil of kindness and integrity. It is one of politician's greatest tricks; to fool the people into a false sense of security and progress. If elected, this old sod will quickly realize that barely any of his goals are even remotely feasible. The public will defend him at first, but turn sour soon after. They will realize the systematic delusion that has been thrust upon them by an old man playing virtuous. Nearly 3,000 years of human history has shown us that only violence will solve an issue of this magnitude. We have murdered, raped, pillaged and burned in order to accomplish our goals in an attempt to strive towards some odd conception of progression, and it unfortunately will happen again. Our biology (and the very nature of life itself) demands competition, its intentions and methods mattering little. He, and many others, labor under the delusion that we have bettered ourselves and that we can come together in our hour of need. Nothing could be further from the truth. If modernity has revealed anything helpful, it has showed us how strongly we despise one another.

Is he care for the common man genuine? I highly doubt it. After all, what sane man can observe the public and come to the conclusion that they are worth saving? The rational decision here would be to leave them to their own device. We cannot change herd mentality, as it has dominated the tribalism-esque thought process that drove us to become the food chain's top dog. With the technological advancements of the last 30 years, we have been able to express our thoughts and view each other in ways never thought possible. Here the horrible truth is realized, and that is we cannot improve, not without conflict. Behind every fake smile we concoct for society, lies a cynical misanthrope begging for strife and disaster. Bernie is perhaps the most obvious example of this. He and his supporters paint himself as some sort of saint who will save us from ourselves, when in reality he only seeks validation for the decades he has spent ranting at Congress for not listening. His intentions are entirely self-motivated. You have to be high or ignorant to want to save the people who have put you down for your entire political career.  It is the equivalent of caring for a narcissistic parent in their final days, all the while playing along with their false belief that they were good to you. 

If there is anything useful to do, it is to sit back and watch the country burn. Soon after, whatever is left will rise from the ash and attempt to take civilization and mold it anew. We sweep too much under the rug already, and soon it will be pulled right from under us. The house cannot stand, for every pillar was rigged to blow from the start. All of us are complicit in the corruption and moral failings of this world, and many will pay for it in the worst ways unimaginable. From here, we have too imminent possibilities: push on through hell or lay down and embrace the void. The choice is ours, although I doubt anyone will even acknowledge its very existence.  None of us can make an informed decision and expect to be satisfied with it. It will not come down to what we believe is best, but what will be regretted the least.

“Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.”

~ Søren Kierkegaard

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2019, 08:44:59 pm »
Tbh most politicians in the US proclaim they'll accomplish things that in reality are at best improbable. MAGA being a good example. How one man is supposed to spur the revitalization of crumbling roads, fix public education, create a healthcare system that isn't based on lies and monetary compensation (boy could I go on a rant about that..."I'm sorry your husband died, we did everything we could, that'll be $7,500."), etc. etc. is beyond me. The Flint Water Crisis alone took years to solve, and it's still not completely finished, and that was one issue in one city in one state of this country. Bernie might fare better than Trump if elected, he might not. Regardless he probably wouldn't be able to accomplish more than one or two major reforms on his list. Free college education alone would likely consume the majority of his first term. All the while having to deal with international relations, growing Chinese adversity, terrorist attacks and Congress. IMO he wants what everyone on that stage wants, to be the most powerful man in America. But arguing that his goals are impossible to achieve usually gets shot down by people who only look at the morality of his goals and not the feasibility of them. IDK. I don't see a single candidate worth voting for on that stage. But as far as sitting back and watching the country burn goes, I mean, I wouldn't. You do you tho
It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
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In your head, in your head they are dying...

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2019, 09:38:20 pm »
Tbh most politicians in the US proclaim they'll accomplish things that in reality are at best improbable. MAGA being a good example. How one man is supposed to spur the revitalization of crumbling roads, fix public education, create a healthcare system that isn't based on lies and monetary compensation (boy could I go on a rant about that..."I'm sorry your husband died, we did everything we could, that'll be $7,500."), etc. etc. is beyond me. The Flint Water Crisis alone took years to solve, and it's still not completely finished, and that was one issue in one city in one state of this country. Bernie might fare better than Trump if elected, he might not. Regardless he probably wouldn't be able to accomplish more than one or two major reforms on his list. Free college education alone would likely consume the majority of his first term. All the while having to deal with international relations, growing Chinese adversity, terrorist attacks and Congress. IMO he wants what everyone on that stage wants, to be the most powerful man in America. But arguing that his goals are impossible to achieve usually gets shot down by people who only look at the morality of his goals and not the feasibility of them. IDK. I don't see a single candidate worth voting for on that stage. But as far as sitting back and watching the country burn goes, I mean, I wouldn't. You do you tho
The problem here is that you assume the system isn't working right and politicians are currently seeking solutions. They aren't, the system is working exactly as intended. They use corporations to milk the citizens dry with bullshit insurance coverage and poor wages. In return, they are paid little to no taxes and receive numerous protections against the authorities. The capitalism in this country has been overrun by oligarchs and billionaires desperate for even more money. The people play right into their hand, as we have easy access to pleasures that keep us sedated to the point of no action. Our employers have made it so we cannot strike nationwide without causing catastrophe in mere days. They have us by the throat and nothing can be done that won't resort to extremism. Bernie gets everybody hyped with the hopes of a mass societal/political/economical revolution within their lifetimes, while they fail to realize not much of his goals are achievable within the years allotted. Supporters will then become disgruntled, realizing that they have been tricked into believing that fast-paced radical measures could be taken. Disappointment is inevitable, and they will go back to being slaves of the green machine, essentially changing nothing. 

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2019, 09:59:10 pm »
The thing is that people in the US don't like small goals in the US it's go big or go home.You don't get elected by saying I will fix roads by talking to Congress for them to try to shift the budget and then talk to states to go repave the roads of the US, no you say The country is falling apart I will rebuild the infrastructure vote for me.

Offline DrunkenSpartan

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2019, 10:19:05 pm »
The thing is that people in the US don't like small goals in the US it's go big or go home.You don't get elected by saying I will fix roads by talking to Congress for them to try to shift the budget and then talk to states to go repave the roads of the US, no you say The country is falling apart I will rebuild the infrastructure vote for me.

Good point tbh.

Also @Winters if the system worked, Donald Trump, an outsider with radical views and no previous political experience, would never have been elected. Putting aside whether you support or oppose the man, the Constitution was designed with a certain elitism that in theory would keep people like Trump, essentially a merchant with a questionable ledger to boot, out of office. The founding fathers felt pure/too much democracy was dangerous and would lead to societal collapse. They felt that a person could be intelligent but people as a whole were generally stupid. That’s why there is no direct democratic vote for president and the winner of the popular vote can still lose an election. It’s also why for 125 years the state legislature chose Congressional senators, not the people.

I’m not saying the system is perfect but it definitely isn’t working kekw
It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And air bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying...

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2019, 10:51:19 pm »
birds like bernie and he runs funny i like that
phd in being a fucking idiot

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2019, 11:46:26 pm »
The thing is that people in the US don't like small goals in the US it's go big or go home.You don't get elected by saying I will fix roads by talking to Congress for them to try to shift the budget and then talk to states to go repave the roads of the US, no you say The country is falling apart I will rebuild the infrastructure vote for me.

Good point tbh.

Also @Winters if the system worked, Donald Trump, an outsider with radical views and no previous political experience, would never have been elected. Putting aside whether you support or oppose the man, the Constitution was designed with a certain elitism that in theory would keep people like Trump, essentially a merchant with a questionable ledger to boot, out of office. The founding fathers felt pure/too much democracy was dangerous and would lead to societal collapse. They felt that a person could be intelligent but people as a whole were generally stupid. That’s why there is no direct democratic vote for president and the winner of the popular vote can still lose an election. It’s also why for 125 years the state legislature chose Congressional senators, not the people.

I’m not saying the system is perfect but it definitely isn’t working kekw
By system, I was referring to the economic section. The entire GOP and their supporters think that as long as the shareholders are satisfied, DOW is up, and the stock market keeps breaking records, then things are a-ok. Of course, they ignore literally every other problem and just point at the job numbers (most of which are dead-end wage slaves). The corporates take perfect advantage of people (worldwide problem btw) and the government doesn’t do shit because they are complicit/bribed.

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2019, 12:58:00 am »
Great manifesto as always muricans

Offline No0B

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2019, 01:18:37 am »
Great manifesto as always muricans

Offline Dokletian

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2019, 01:40:06 am »
are you ok
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline sidney crosby

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2019, 02:12:45 am »
all seems a little far fetched lol, all politicians lie/bullshit about long-term goals. I think you’re alluding more towards him being genuine about actually wanting what he preaches, which time will tell if he’s elected.

Offline Furrnox

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2019, 02:43:48 am »
This thread would've made a whole lot more sense if you made it about Donald Trump then Bernie Sanders.
3 things I agree with though.
1. Obviously he won't be able to drive through much of his politics due to congress.
2. He does have some pretty insane supporters.
3. The world have gotten noticibly more hateful in recent years.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2019, 02:47:38 am by Furrnox »

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2019, 05:24:24 pm »
all seems a little far fetched lol, all politicians lie/bullshit about long-term goals. I think you’re alluding more towards him being genuine about actually wanting what he preaches, which time will tell if he’s elected.
Mostly. He gives off that caring grandpa vibe that people look towards for advice, or as some sort of hero destined to spark a Golden Age. It's dangerously fanatical and an obstacle towards any actual progress. They won't accept any form of criticism towards the benevolent senator.

This thread would've made a whole lot more sense if you made it about Donald Trump then Bernie Sanders.
3 things I agree with though.
1. Obviously he won't be able to drive through much of his politics due to congress.
2. He does have some pretty insane supporters.
3. The world have gotten noticibly more hateful in recent years.
Trump makes it too easy to see through him. While he does have his fair share of zealots, a good portion of them fall in line out of spite for others. This is mostly due to the fact that they believe Liberals winning anything is equivalent to Sharia Law/Marxism being implemented across the country.

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2019, 07:44:54 pm »
Donald Trump is going to win next election lmao

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Re: Do not be fooled by Bernie Sander's bullshit
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2019, 07:49:52 pm »
Donald Trump is going to win next election lmao

Only candidate that can beat him is Yang
63e pawn in an anti-63e world.