Author Topic: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius  (Read 1907 times)

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Offline Sgt.Winters

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Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« on: November 15, 2019, 03:18:44 am »
We recognize that the welfare of all living creatures (be it a frog or human) are of equal importance. This is juxtaposed to speciesism, which values one animal over another. This concept is fundamentally flawed on many levels and is presented with a dose of the irrational. We were all born to be slaughtered. No sentient being is immune. Without humans, other animals will continue to suffer just like they have been for millions of years. The main difference between human and non-human species is our capacity to understand the futility of existence and right from wrong. We have the intellectual ability to see the meat grinder for what it really is. We are all in this rat maze together.

The best interest of humans are in conflict with nature. If we stay alive to try solving suffering in all organisms in the universe then we ourselves will be forced to remain in suffering. And we don't even know if its possible to solve all suffering, its not a guarantee. Is it right to force our own kind to suffer for an indefinite amount of time chasing a gargantuan and potentially impossible to solve task? What makes us morally obligated to complete such a task, the accident of our cognition?

The answer is simple.

Only by looking at the core of the psychology of sentient beings can you determine who's the biased one and who's the realist. Think about why the zebras chases any feel good moment. Because it would feel deprivation from not having those moments. Just like you. You think the zebra eats mainly for the taste? No, it eats because it's fucking hungry. Just like both you and the zebra are hungry for satisfactory moments. The core of the game is suffering and avoiding it as much as you can. We are addicted to being whipped less than usually. It makes wayyy too much sense when you consider that an efficient psychology in evolution isn't one that is happy. It's one that gets the job done. And for this, you need an animal that is motivated to do shit, never truly being satisfied. We exist to WANT to be happy/in peace, not to BE happy. And life constantly imposes suffering onto us, problems with have to deal with. The brain is a problem solving machine. It's a zero sum game, a scam.

This is where Gary, or "Inmendham" comes into play.

I largely consider this man to be a public intellectual to the highest degree. I have never seen a man that argues so efficiently for any sort of philosophical or ethical position as he does. His logic is irrefutable and cannot be argued against without resorting to fallacies of all sorts. There is no piercing his rationale, for it is the answer to our woes by adding finality to the existential dilemma.

Our nervous systems are hardwired to experience suffering far more than pleasure; both in intensity and duration. This brutal functionality of nature motivates all species to stay alive long enough to pass their DNA to the next generation. This would also explain why sex is so pleasurable. Life evolved to torture and to be tortured. We are all victims and predators. There is no justification for nature’s cruel design. It’s wasteful, needless, and causes suffering. As Gary puts it, “life is more friction than function”. With knowledge comes responsibility. We must be janitorial, not wasteful in our endeavor to eliminate harm. As far as the red button scenario goes, I wouldn’t press it unless it painlessly and instantaneously evaporated all life on Earth, from men to microbes. And only if pressing that button had a guaranteed failsafe that would prevent life from re-emerging.

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2019, 05:43:45 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2019, 08:38:03 pm »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
There are maybe two periods in this entire piece.

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2019, 01:46:23 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
There are maybe two periods in this entire piece.
According to my calculations I think you're right.
8=====================D ~ ~ ~ ~

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2019, 10:06:41 am »
cytiuz isn't even in the same universe as winters and it's sad to even think that he tried
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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2019, 10:40:02 am »

Offline Queeeeen

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2019, 11:06:17 pm »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)

Offline Cytiuz

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2019, 12:24:06 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2019, 04:01:16 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)
Entropy dictates we are fucked. End it now.

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2019, 06:47:16 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)
Entropy dictates we are fucked. End it now.
Wouldn't life on earth contravene the second law of Thermodynamics? For people who aren't educated on it....the law of increase of entropy.

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2019, 07:35:04 am »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)
Entropy dictates we are fucked. End it now.
Wouldn't life on earth contravene the second law of Thermodynamics? For people who aren't educated on it....the law of increase of entropy.
Not necessarily. Entropy defines the slow descent into disorder of a (previously) organized system. Think of it like cancer; when given enough time, a cell will eventually mutate and cause complete breakdown. It's inevitable in almost every living being. The second law specially states that these systems will achieve its equilibrium, which is maximum entropy.

Offline Queeeeen

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2019, 01:17:08 pm »
Evolution is a description of our origins as a kind of life-form and it is quite simply inescapable truth every certain fact believed from our observations of the universe reveals a system where Quantum’s of energy passed through time and through stages of complexification on Earth some 4 billion years ago a chain of that complexification achieved the rare attribute of self regeneration or reproduction we call it such matter life and describe it as biology yet it remains in substance just chemistry which in turn just more rudimentary universal physics matter is energy contained in a controlled relationship or arrangement and living matter is just a demonstration of how complex that arrangement can become with the passage of enough time, time provides the universe the opportunity to perform experiments and to incrementally build on what has been incrementally built the creation of life but a possible consequence of the evolution of energy and the evolution of life is but an extension of the experimentation and incremental building to the added functionality of consumption and variable reproduction of all life forms have this food origin and for a miniscule percentage of the process we have been bestowed with the opportunity to contemplate and understand this truth the open question is will we seize any value out of that opportunity. I mean let's look at what we are, let's look at where we came from, let's look at what we were 10,000 years ago and what we were functioning to do what, what are we based on we’re based on a device a machine that was invented by Nature billions of years ago that consumes and reproduces that’s what it does doesn’t do anything else it consumes and reproduces of any other mission that’s our atom on our Eve no mission besides that consume and reproduce period and that blueprint is still inside of us so intelligence I think looking at the whole thing would say nature sucks it’s not that complicated it’s a simple epoch there’s all this deprivation in need created and then it satisfies a little tiny portion of it and in the process of satisfying that little portion of it, it consumes in harsh ways these other organisms they are eaten alive they are their sensibilities brutalized the horror is not only unimaginable on an individual scale as a collective amount of horror that has taken place there’s no way to incorporate into our intellect there’s no way we can even put on the scales the mass is so huge so certainly it sucks it’s a terrible design only an idiot would validate it and what’s your argument how would you expect anything else how would nature do anything else but suck likely in all likelihood doesn’t have a God running it, it doesn’t have an intelligence running it the underlying forces are really simple so how could we expect anything close to perfection that’s not what crude forces create they don’t create perfection.
whatever I just go back to the 2nd law in thermodynamics hehehehe, also having two periods is fine by my standards, I have adhd thank you for aknowledging that x)
Entropy dictates we are fucked. End it now.
Wouldn't life on earth contravene the second law of Thermodynamics? For people who aren't educated on it....the law of increase of entropy.
Not necessarily. Entropy defines the slow descent into disorder of a (previously) organized system. Think of it like cancer; when given enough time, a cell will eventually mutate and cause complete breakdown. It's inevitable in almost every living being. The second law specially states that these systems will achieve its equilibrium, which is maximum entropy.

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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2019, 09:58:58 pm »
We are living in a simulation and you are all willingly selling your data to Alphabet Co.
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Re: Inmendham and Efilism: Philosophical Genius
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2019, 05:04:59 am »
We are living in a simulation and you are all willingly selling your data to Alphabet Co.
”Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.  The poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are nonexistent. They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices. Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We are focused only on our own gain. Please understand. They are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated." ~ They Live