Author Topic: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.  (Read 10053 times)

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Offline WaterPolo

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #30 on: September 09, 2019, 06:47:12 am »

Offline Maple™

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2019, 07:03:30 am »
the earth heats up and cools down
we just came out of an ice age
we are now starting to heat up, since we came out of an ice age
(granted i do agree we are heating up faster becuz of carbon emission, I don't think we're in any immediate danger)

200 years of carbon emissions isn't going to destroy the earth
300 years won't destroy the earth either
400 won't either

only thing that could happen is humanity is destroyed which is an enviable outcome anyways since we are finite creatures.
nothing will change because you cannot change the human condition
we are an instant gratification society that indulges in debauchery and hedonism

we spend all our time pleasuring the body and give none to the soul.
the only change you can hope to make is one within yourself and loved ones (which i think is what ultimately matters)

Offline Theodin

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #32 on: September 10, 2019, 12:29:23 am »
if only tiki wasn't a JDoctor (last time I heard) otherwise Derp has it nailed to the floor.
But also.. another thing that's important to remember about outlook on life is that A) maturity levels/development don't end when you turn 20. Your mid 20's ish is when you physiologically are fully grown up, so rooting yourself in your outlook on life at 18 (or whatever) is practically the same as rooting yourself to your outlook on life when you're 16, and B) between ages 18-24 every year of your life produces more changes in maturity and personality than ages 14-18 combined, so your outlook will shift.

As per Maple and others, killing yourself due to environmental concerns in the Western world is to be simply misguided. Killing yourself due to global climate change is also misguided: the most likely temperature projections fall within the normal range when considering the last 2000 years of historical global climate. Moreover, if environmental issues seriously concern you, regionally focused initiatives like tree planting or conservation/animal rehabilitation have more of a benefit to the environment than your entire life's worth of detrimental effect (unless you own coal plants in South Asia).

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 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline csderp

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #33 on: September 10, 2019, 01:47:20 am »
You sound like a simple-minded retard. And it is hilarious you attempt to call yourself an adult at 19. You're still a little boy with no more knowledge of the world and life than a 13 year old child. Depression and success by society's standards do not always correlate. Look at Robin Williams and countless other rich and famous people that have committed suicide. Your just a COG in the machine like everyone else so stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

no you sound like a big stupid stupid head. money is just a means to an end. having it allows you to care and provide for your family, not having it means going to bed hungry and putting your kids to bed hungry, or in my family's most recent case, my dad going blind. in order for you to achieve success, you have to define it for yourself and it must be a reasonable goal. too many people these days have unrealistic ideas of success, and the failure to meet that self-set expectation leads to depression and suicidal ideation. so many kids grow up convinced by their stupid parents that they can literally do anything, and when they finally realize they can't, it's easy to see why they are crushed. of course this is a normal part of the maturing process, probably because it's hard to sit your kid down and explain to them that there are certain things in this world that they simply can not do, and so many parents just choose not to. unfortunately, today, this is compounded by the fact that kids now not only believe they can do anything and everything, but that they've grown up in a world where they get everything instantly and so want their unrealistic goal to occur right NOW.

to me, success is being able to look back at any point in time and say that I have done something that has improved the quality of life or wellbeing of my family. to do that, i work hard to make money and try my best to save it. success isn't making my family proud; there's no pride in scrubbing shitters and i've scrubbed a lot of them, it's to look out for them.
i believe that this is a reasonable idea of success. i can affect the state of my family's health and quality of life. i can buy them gifts, i can help manage their finances, i can pay for some of their bills. this, in my eyes, is really repaying the ultimate debt to the most important influencers of my life, not to some bank so that i can get a degree with a wishy-washy idea that one day i will have enough money to pay my parents back. to improve your family's well-being is a realistic goal, it's a morally correct goal, and it should be the primary goal shared by everyone.

why is success equivalent to being rich in your head? are you the materialistic one, maybe?

Live your life like your in competition to be the best all the time and see how much true happiness you really find. Materialism is programmed into your brain and you have the audacity to come here and say people are pussys for not striving to be rich and falling into depression. You clearly don't know anything about depression in the first place, teenager.

no i'd say those people are pussies for not looking themselves in the mirror and saying, "wow, i'm a stupid, immature brat that can't face the fact that i'm not actually special and not entitled to all the world's success"

You're the type of guy to hit up underage girls and try to flex with your "credentials" because any real adult would literally laugh in your face if you said this shit in person.

oh wow, mark, something on your mind?
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #34 on: September 10, 2019, 01:59:50 am »
This sounds like the typical "pull your bootstraps up" shit I keep hearing.
and it starts with quite literally wearing boots to do the kind of work that no one else is willing to.
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Offline Marceaux

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2019, 02:35:58 am »
You sound like a simple-minded retard. And it is hilarious you attempt to call yourself an adult at 19. You're still a little boy with no more knowledge of the world and life than a 13 year old child. Depression and success by society's standards do not always correlate. Look at Robin Williams and countless other rich and famous people that have committed suicide. Your just a COG in the machine like everyone else so stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

no you sound like a big stupid stupid head. money is just a means to an end. having it allows you to care and provide for your family, not having it means going to bed hungry and putting your kids to bed hungry, or in my family's most recent case, my dad going blind. in order for you to achieve success, you have to define it for yourself and it must be a reasonable goal. too many people these days have unrealistic ideas of success, and the failure to meet that self-set expectation leads to depression and suicidal ideation. so many kids grow up convinced by their stupid parents that they can literally do anything, and when they finally realize they can't, it's easy to see why they are crushed. of course this is a normal part of the maturing process, probably because it's hard to sit your kid down and explain to them that there are certain things in this world that they simply can not do, and so many parents just choose not to. unfortunately, today, this is compounded by the fact that kids now not only believe they can do anything and everything, but that they've grown up in a world where they get everything instantly and so want their unrealistic goal to occur right NOW.

to me, success is being able to look back at any point in time and say that I have done something that has improved the quality of life or wellbeing of my family. to do that, i work hard to make money and try my best to save it. success isn't making my family proud; there's no pride in scrubbing shitters and i've scrubbed a lot of them, it's to look out for them.
i believe that this is a reasonable idea of success. i can affect the state of my family's health and quality of life. i can buy them gifts, i can help manage their finances, i can pay for some of their bills. this, in my eyes, is really repaying the ultimate debt to the most important influencers of my life, not to some bank so that i can get a degree with a wishy-washy idea that one day i will have enough money to pay my parents back. to improve your family's well-being is a realistic goal, it's a morally correct goal, and it should be the primary goal shared by everyone.

why is success equivalent to being rich in your head? are you the materialistic one, maybe?

Live your life like your in competition to be the best all the time and see how much true happiness you really find. Materialism is programmed into your brain and you have the audacity to come here and say people are pussys for not striving to be rich and falling into depression. You clearly don't know anything about depression in the first place, teenager.

no i'd say those people are pussies for not looking themselves in the mirror and saying, "wow, i'm a stupid, immature brat that can't face the fact that i'm not actually special and not entitled to all the world's success"

You're the type of guy to hit up underage girls and try to flex with your "credentials" because any real adult would literally laugh in your face if you said this shit in person.

oh wow, mark, something on your mind?

You are still missing my point, wealth and personal success do not go hand and hand with depression. Which is why all your paragraphs have no purpose here. Sure some people might be depressed because of personal success but many are not. So to keep using it as an argument for why you shouldn't be depressed is just idiotic. Also to say someone can't achieve anything is technically wrong although I get what you're saying. But to be fair technically if youre not retarded or disabled with a lot of luck and work you can achieve almost anything. Now will you? Probably not. But you can't rule it out entirely. And again depression does not always come from lack of achievements or accomplishments, and you seem to not understand that part of it.

Also, I trolled you because saying you're 19 and have worked for 2 years sounds like a joke to any real adult that has been in the workforce for a while. It is not a credential and something you shouldn't brag about. And what Theo said, your perspective will change so much over the next few years you have no idea. I say that because I know when I was 19 compared to now I feel very differently about ALOT of things. As will you. So to take such a strong stance and speak down to others like you're an old wise man is just laughable and quite frankly ignorant. Which im sure in a few years you will understand.

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #36 on: September 10, 2019, 01:12:09 pm »
I dont think you're a very smart person, man. Failure to meet your own idea of success is what causes depression and eventually suicidal ideation. Stop talking about wealth and equating it to success. Robin Williams hanged himself because he had a debhilitating disease and didnt want to be a burden on his family.

Second, you can not achieve anything no matter how many stars align. Please, do not believe that and do not spread that poison to anyone else. There are dreams and there are goals. Immigrants to the US are barred from ever being president. That is something Pedro can not do.

Lastly, you really, really suck at reading comprehension. I put "for better or worse" because some people will see what i put and be either repulsed or attracted by what I've manage to achieve in a relatively short amount of time right out of high school, especially compared to my peers. It wasn't saying "i have 2 years job experience, period." It wasn't part of a resume. I didnt use "credentials" in the literal sense of the word. It's simply there to provide this thing called "context." Does that make things easier for you, little guy?  I don't know how old you are but if youre above the age of 20, youre very, very sad.
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2019, 06:34:01 pm »
you really encompass that sore loser attitude i wrote about. i assume we're in the same age bracket/peer group, so by that, i am your competition. you should want to beat me, either by doing what i've done better or going your own path. from my perspective, with that sorry ass post, you're no competition at all just like 90% of my peers.
Cute, but in the nicest possible way, as a doctor I'm not exactly "competition" in the job market sense of the word. I'm sure you'll end up earning far more than me (you probably already do), so well done on that I suppose.
To me what I do is worth far more than my wage slip, but then it has to be or I'd be in a different line of work.
I can't say I'm fond of your high and mighty attitude and the way you judge people in this thread, when really people are just here to talk about a topic which is still far too stigmatised in society. There's a lot that's open to debate, but lower socio-economic status is most certainly a strong risk factor for depression and suicide, whichever country you're looking at. Congrats for having money, you're certainly less at risk than some of the rest of us.

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #38 on: September 10, 2019, 07:49:17 pm »
I dont think you're a very smart person, man. Failure to meet your own idea of success is what causes depression and eventually suicidal ideation. Stop talking about wealth and equating it to success. Robin Williams hanged himself because he had a debhilitating disease and didnt want to be a burden on his family.

When you say this, is it meant within a certain parameter or relatively speaking? Sylvia Path and Kurt Cobain were both clinically depressed from a young age and ultimately pulled the trigger, yet still managed to be immensely successful and satisfied in their respective fields. It doesn't take a lot for a person to fall into a major depressive episode, no matter the circumstance. One of my first bouts was triggered when I was struggling to cook pancakes, followed by a flood of intrusive thoughts. Nothing horrible had happened that day, but instead a rather macabre feeling triggered an 8 month period of complete and utter apathy.

Offline Marceaux

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2019, 09:07:13 pm »
I dont think you're a very smart person, man. Failure to meet your own idea of success is what causes depression and eventually suicidal ideation. Stop talking about wealth and equating it to success. Robin Williams hanged himself because he had a debhilitating disease and didnt want to be a burden on his family.

Second, you can not achieve anything no matter how many stars align. Please, do not believe that and do not spread that poison to anyone else. There are dreams and there are goals. Immigrants to the US are barred from ever being president. That is something Pedro can not do.

Lastly, you really, really suck at reading comprehension. I put "for better or worse" because some people will see what i put and be either repulsed or attracted by what I've manage to achieve in a relatively short amount of time right out of high school, especially compared to my peers. It wasn't saying "i have 2 years job experience, period." It wasn't part of a resume. I didnt use "credentials" in the literal sense of the word. It's simply there to provide this thing called "context." Does that make things easier for you, little guy?  I don't know how old you are but if youre above the age of 20, youre very, very sad.

Ok now it is very clear, you actually are fucking retarded. You're just a stupid little bitch talking out of your ass. Good thing your dad is blind now, so he doesn't have to see his nightmare of a son grow up. You disgusting little piece of garbage. You are the scourge of humanity. How many times did your peers beat you up and make fun of you? Enough to create a pussy like you i guess. And no female will ever be with you considering just how tiny your dick is. Matter of fact, speaking of suicide you are a prime candidate so please oblige the world and do it you little bitch.

And thank god you think 90% of your peers aren't like you. Thank fucking god. Now I have some hope for the next few generations.

Offline Knightmare

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2019, 09:15:52 pm »
ebic jok

Offline Theodin

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2019, 09:54:52 pm »
That’s the Marceaux I remember

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Offline csderp

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #43 on: September 11, 2019, 01:08:29 am »
Ok now it is very clear, you actually are fucking retarded. You're just a stupid little bitch talking out of your ass. Good thing your dad is blind now, so he doesn't have to see his nightmare of a son grow up. You disgusting little piece of garbage. You are the scourge of humanity. How many times did your peers beat you up and make fun of you? Enough to create a pussy like you i guess. And no female will ever be with you considering just how tiny your dick is. Matter of fact, speaking of suicide you are a prime candidate so please oblige the world and do it you little bitch.

And thank god you think 90% of your peers aren't like you. Thank fucking god. Now I have some hope for the next few generations.

oh wow, mark, something on your mind?
Rock the casbah

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Re: [SERIOUS] Young suicide rates are worrisome, yet somewhat understandable.
« Reply #44 on: September 11, 2019, 01:14:43 am »
if money isn't enough consider nofap, latin mass, & cut margarine + aspartame out of your diet.
unknown because I'm not enough of an incel (like cluelesswill) to use the forums