Author Topic: The Dying Problem-Why Hacking is Taking the fun out of NW (NA) Fine EU Can Stay  (Read 25197 times)

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Offline Kulouš

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Why re u bitching about cheating? You should learn how to not sideblock 1st..

Offline Fralla8

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Obelix... Can you read? Did you read anything we wrote?
i did read what you wrote, you are saying he did not helped you, but you are playing in his team with him, all i see is a video when tardet is using a cast mode during the final of a tournament when he was on your teamspeak, maybe you are saying the truth maybe you are not, but still as i previously said if i had recorded the final and if i had used a cast mod, you would all have trashtalk me and called me a cheater am i right? So as it is acceptable for Tardet to use cast mod while playing, i think everyone can do the same now and it includes me :)
Yes Tardet was in our teamspeak, he even recorded the teamspeak. So go watch the video and point out when he speaks and what he says. Tardet never played for us in the tournament but was only spectating saying nothing. Also he's not in PB anymore.
I wouldn't give a single shit if you used casting mod in competitive play since it barely gives you an advantage anyway. Don't make it sound like you're a potential victim.

My main point is, the mod didn't help us win the tournament so why bother arguing that it did.
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

Offline Sir Obelix

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well good luck with that because you need admin in the server for it to work and i doubt any tourney servers will be giving you admin any time soon   ;D
wait so you mean that only tardet was able to use the cast mod and give an advantage to proudboys?

wait wait.. it means that only proudboys can use the cast mod in their favour?

that sounds pretty unequal no?
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

Offline Sir Obelix

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Why re u bitching about cheating? You should learn how to not sideblock 1st..
im baiting!
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.


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about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

Being able to see health and names is a huge advantage in a groupfight. It would make picks way easier. You could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly. You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kill. It’d be more beneficial than autoblock that’s for sure.

about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

here we go again, the little white knight of FSE, get out the dick of tardet of your mouth and go troll in kka this is the only thing you achieved in 5 years of NW, he used a cheat and as Fartknocker said it gives an HUGE advantage to his team, that's it there is nothing else to talk about, he used a cast mod to help his team winning why you fucking always try to defend the undefendable ???

you see NA guys this is EXACTLY what ive said, Tardet is untouchable, there will always be some little scrubs to defend him
You must both be retarded.

Did I ever say it wasnt an advantage ? I've just said that, personally, I don't think it's as bad as an autoblock. I've just stated my opinion, that's it, but I guess you both can't read so whatever. From what the members of PB said, Tardet never told his team about the enemies health, so it wasn't an advantage at all for them.
Also Obelix, I've been playing since 2012 now, get your facts straight. And even tho I haven't achieved much
Only beating the 91st with the 14e when they were unbeatable, winning a GF tournament win TFFO, getting 3rd place in an FG duel tournament and winning the RGL with the KKA. That might not be much, but I'm fine with it, I'm not after some fake recognition on a 7 years old DLC. But I guess a retard like you struggles enough IRL so you're seeking for attention and all that stuff online.
tell me, what have you achieved, apart from being known as "Obelix the french retard" ?
Also, you can't try to call out people on cheating when you're the most infamous player in the french community for cheating in the past, for threatening to DDOS people and acting like a retard all the time on FSE AND in-game.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 06:33:19 pm by Nock »

Offline Dren

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It's pretty clear tardet uses the cast mod you know, for casting  ;) . If he wanted to use it as a cheat he wouldn't record it he's not that stupid. And honestly out of all ppl tardet is probably the less likely to ever cheat in a multiplayer game, i bet he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he even used the cheats on the solo game mode x).

Offline Kulouš

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It's pretty clear tardet uses the cast mod you know, for casting  ;) . If he wanted to use it as a cheat he wouldn't record it he's not that stupid. And honestly out of all ppl tardet is probably the less likely to ever cheat in a multiplayer game, i bet he wouldn't be able to sleep at night if he even used the cheats on the solo game mode x).

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Obelix you are a well known cheater and one of the most toxic players in the EU NW community. DO NOT shittalk good community members like Nock for being irrelevant. He has something you will never be able to achieve, a reputation. You bring nothing positive to the competitive scene except a legacy of cheating and all-round toxicity. I couldn't give less of a shit about what you said about someone like Tardet POTENTIALLY saying something that can help PB win when it clearly shows in the video that he did nothing of the sort. You are a sad excuse for a human being and a bitter loser.

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Gonna need more popcorn for this one boys


Offline Sir Obelix

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Obelix you are a well known cheater and one of the most toxic players in the EU NW community. DO NOT shittalk good community members like Nock for being irrelevant. He has something you will never be able to achieve, a reputation. You bring nothing positive to the competitive scene except a legacy of cheating and all-round toxicity. I couldn't give less of a shit about what you said about someone like Tardet POTENTIALLY saying something that can help PB win when it clearly shows in the video that he did nothing of the sort. You are a sad excuse for a human being and a bitter loser.
I won't even try to answer an Ukrainian, Prypiat radiations damaged your brain too much and probably your parents brain too this is why you are so retarded and laugh about autistic memes you are the only one to understand yes?

Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

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Can you guys stop catchin the bait, yall act like dumbass  fish, if we ignore him he will see it doesnt work anymore and stop eventually. You dont wanna follow Mighty's way do you....?
vegi is literally the worst of the worst in this community.

Offline Sir Obelix

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Can you guys stop catchin the bait, yall act like dumbass  fish, if we ignore him he will see it doesnt work anymore and stop eventually. You dont wanna follow Mighty's way do you....?
let em take the bait artista
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

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Offline Ambiguous

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Obelix you are a well known cheater and one of the most toxic players in the EU NW community. DO NOT shittalk good community members like Nock for being irrelevant. He has something you will never be able to achieve, a reputation. You bring nothing positive to the competitive scene except a legacy of cheating and all-round toxicity. I couldn't give less of a shit about what you said about someone like Tardet POTENTIALLY saying something that can help PB win when it clearly shows in the video that he did nothing of the sort. You are a sad excuse for a human being and a bitter loser.
I won't even try to answer an Ukrainian, Prypiat radiations damaged your brain too much and probably your parents brain too this is why you are so retarded and laugh about autistic memes you are the only one to understand yes?