Author Topic: The Dying Problem-Why Hacking is Taking the fun out of NW (NA) Fine EU Can Stay  (Read 25200 times)

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Offline Ry@n

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Imagine playing with muha, using casting mod zoom hack probably the full package and saying we are cheating. Guess what you can go spec and see peoples names without using a casting mod OMG NO WAY. Tardet was casting the match not playing dummy and health really, yeah that makes such a huge difference... Seriously next level retard.
ye at first i agreed with obelix but like Golden said u can just go spec and see the name and where they are stood... and i highly doubt he will be constantly shouting out the health of each player during the match.. Furthermore, people know each others faces in tournaments 90% of the time anyway.

Offline Fralla8

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Obelix you're basically trying to use playground tactics to win your non existent arguements
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

Offline Golden.

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There is literally a video from muha POV and his camera is super zoomed out I cba to find it but it was posted on fse recently. Besides anyone who has half a brain knows he cheats. And pretty sure drake uses the casting mod and doesnt even deny it so you really are just talking out your ass at this point.

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Do you even know what "White Knight" means?
no he doesn't understand the complexion complexity

Offline Python | Smeagol

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about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

Being able to see health and names is a huge advantage in a groupfight. It would make picks way easier. You could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly. You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kill. It’d be more beneficial than autoblock that’s for sure.

@Obelix, despite me and very likely most PB members in that tournament not knowing Tardet had the cast mod, I'm pretty sure he didn't even say anything, apart from once when we were about to type 'r' but reminded me i had not been healed yet. (Obviously i knew he had something from then on, but that was the only time he said something with it)
P.s you've been known for hacking and cheating, so trying to call out someone else for a much less significant 'cheat' is pathetic. As Golden said, Muha has zoom hacks which is basically more beneficial than Tardet's casting mod, and don't try and blame your loss on Tardet's casting mod, because you guys got destroyed by us, evidently without Tardet in the video.

@Fartknocker, though seeing health and names is an advantage, it's not that huge. 'It would make picks way easier' Is wrong, I think you mean it makes targeting and potential picks easier - it's not as if the opponent with low health can suddenly be picked somehow, as he can still block, chamber, bait, retreat etc...
Along with many other players, I can easily tell who most people are due to their faces, and when you say 'you could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly' it's not really any harder for a spectator to skim their lineup from left to right each round. If we are talking about a team with the same face, even then, it's easy for any teamate in spectator to locate and identify a player you are facing due to their name tag.
'You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kil' No, not necessarily get a faster kill( or a kill at all)  Altering your team tactics just to try and pressure the person with low health may actually be a disadvantage more so than an advantage, because it gives your team a false sense of security. How are you going to actually secure that kill? especially when they are on low health and most likely playing safe...maybe not even on an exposed flank? As 1 hits are very common in NW, predominantly seen in footlancing and ranging when 2 players go for each other, or a stab to the face in a 1up1down on the'd be much more sensible and less risky to gain the advantage that way over just targeting the person with low health.
Plus, when you say 'pick the scrubs out', You can easily pick them out from spectator (or sometimes their face). 'scrubs' should be the easiest picks anyways, and so won't make much of a difference in picking them.
'It'd be more beneficial than autoblock for sure', judging from what I've deciphered, that's wrong (I mean ok, perhaps for autoblock as it's not THAT effective, depends on the hack and situation). It'd be much more beneficial to have unblockable etc though, as it makes it super easy to get a pick, with a lower risk than targeting the enemy with low health.

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about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

Being able to see health and names is a huge advantage in a groupfight. It would make picks way easier. You could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly. You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kill. It’d be more beneficial than autoblock that’s for sure.

@Obelix, despite me and very likely most PB members in that tournament not knowing Tardet had the cast mod, I'm pretty sure he didn't even say anything, apart from once when we were about to type 'r' but reminded me i had not been healed yet. (Obviously i knew he had something from then on, but that was the only time he said something with it)
P.s you've been known for hacking and cheating, so trying to call out someone else for a much less significant 'cheat' is pathetic. As Golden said, Muha has zoom hacks which is basically more beneficial than Tardet's casting mod, and don't try and blame your loss on Tardet's casting mod, because you guys got destroyed by us, evidently without Tardet in the video.

@Fartknocker, though seeing health and names is an advantage, it's not that huge. 'It would make picks way easier' Is wrong, I think you mean it makes targeting and potential picks easier - it's not as if the opponent with low health can suddenly be picked somehow, as he can still block, chamber, bait, retreat etc...
Along with many other players, I can easily tell who most people are due to their faces, and when you say 'you could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly' it's not really any harder for a spectator to skim their lineup from left to right each round. If we are talking about a team with the same face, even then, it's easy for any teamate in spectator to locate and identify a player you are facing due to their name tag.
'You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kil' No, not necessarily get a faster kill( or a kill at all)  Altering your team tactics just to try and pressure the person with low health may actually be a disadvantage more so than an advantage, because it gives your team a false sense of security. How are you going to actually secure that kill? especially when they are on low health and most likely playing safe...maybe not even on an exposed flank? As 1 hits are very common in NW, predominantly seen in footlancing and ranging when 2 players go for each other, or a stab to the face in a 1up1down on the'd be much more sensible and less risky to gain the advantage that way over just targeting the person with low health.
Plus, when you say 'pick the scrubs out', You can easily pick them out from spectator (or sometimes their face). 'scrubs' should be the easiest picks anyways, and so won't make much of a difference in picking them.
'It'd be more beneficial than autoblock for sure', judging from what I've deciphered, that's wrong (I mean ok, perhaps for autoblock as it's not THAT effective, depends on the hack and situation). It'd be much more beneficial to have unblockable etc though, as it makes it super easy to get a pick, with a lower risk than targeting the enemy with low health.

nice essay -snip- (ciggarettes, my gg key is broken)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 07:48:25 pm by Xethos »

Offline Python | Smeagol

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about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

Being able to see health and names is a huge advantage in a groupfight. It would make picks way easier. You could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly. You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kill. It’d be more beneficial than autoblock that’s for sure.

@Obelix, despite me and very likely most PB members in that tournament not knowing Tardet had the cast mod, I'm pretty sure he didn't even say anything, apart from once when we were about to type 'r' but reminded me i had not been healed yet. (Obviously i knew he had something from then on, but that was the only time he said something with it)
P.s you've been known for hacking and cheating, so trying to call out someone else for a much less significant 'cheat' is pathetic. As Golden said, Muha has zoom hacks which is basically more beneficial than Tardet's casting mod, and don't try and blame your loss on Tardet's casting mod, because you guys got destroyed by us, evidently without Tardet in the video.

@Fartknocker, though seeing health and names is an advantage, it's not that huge. 'It would make picks way easier' Is wrong, I think you mean it makes targeting and potential picks easier - it's not as if the opponent with low health can suddenly be picked somehow, as he can still block, chamber, bait, retreat etc...
Along with many other players, I can easily tell who most people are due to their faces, and when you say 'you could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly' it's not really any harder for a spectator to skim their lineup from left to right each round. If we are talking about a team with the same face, even then, it's easy for any teamate in spectator to locate and identify a player you are facing due to their name tag.
'You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kil' No, not necessarily get a faster kill( or a kill at all)  Altering your team tactics just to try and pressure the person with low health may actually be a disadvantage more so than an advantage, because it gives your team a false sense of security. How are you going to actually secure that kill? especially when they are on low health and most likely playing safe...maybe not even on an exposed flank? As 1 hits are very common in NW, predominantly seen in footlancing and ranging when 2 players go for each other, or a stab to the face in a 1up1down on the'd be much more sensible and less risky to gain the advantage that way over just targeting the person with low health.
Plus, when you say 'pick the scrubs out', You can easily pick them out from spectator (or sometimes their face). 'scrubs' should be the easiest picks anyways, and so won't make much of a difference in picking them.
'It'd be more beneficial than autoblock for sure', judging from what I've deciphered, that's wrong (I mean ok, perhaps for autoblock as it's not THAT effective, depends on the hack and situation). It'd be much more beneficial to have unblockable etc though, as it makes it super easy to get a pick, with a lower risk than targeting the enemy with low health.

nice essay faggot (ciggarettes, my gg key is broken)

uur just jealous my signature is better than yours smh

Offline Fralla8

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about that, Tardet using cast mod while being on ProudBoys (gf team) teamspeak during the final of a tournament having key informations like names and health of each players, who knows if he gaves out informations to his friends on teamspeak? when you record you can chose to not record your mic i assume he did that, but as he is an important member there is no problem for him to use cheats, for NA who does not knows him, he is organising and refeering tournaments :) but np its tardet he can do whatever he wants yikes


tbh i wouldnt mind if someone uses smth like that when facing me or a team i'm in, it's not like as bad as an autoblock or smth

btw calling out tardet for "cheating" is hilarious, knowing you were known for cheating yourself (and not the kind of cheat like seeing names and healthbars if you know what i mean :) )

Being able to see health and names is a huge advantage in a groupfight. It would make picks way easier. You could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly. You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kill. It’d be more beneficial than autoblock that’s for sure.

@Obelix, despite me and very likely most PB members in that tournament not knowing Tardet had the cast mod, I'm pretty sure he didn't even say anything, apart from once when we were about to type 'r' but reminded me i had not been healed yet. (Obviously i knew he had something from then on, but that was the only time he said something with it)
P.s you've been known for hacking and cheating, so trying to call out someone else for a much less significant 'cheat' is pathetic. As Golden said, Muha has zoom hacks which is basically more beneficial than Tardet's casting mod, and don't try and blame your loss on Tardet's casting mod, because you guys got destroyed by us, evidently without Tardet in the video.

@Fartknocker, though seeing health and names is an advantage, it's not that huge. 'It would make picks way easier' Is wrong, I think you mean it makes targeting and potential picks easier - it's not as if the opponent with low health can suddenly be picked somehow, as he can still block, chamber, bait, retreat etc...
Along with many other players, I can easily tell who most people are due to their faces, and when you say 'you could tell where everyone was lined up and adjust accordingly' it's not really any harder for a spectator to skim their lineup from left to right each round. If we are talking about a team with the same face, even then, it's easy for any teamate in spectator to locate and identify a player you are facing due to their name tag.
'You’d be able to pick the scrubs out and see who was low on health in order to pressure them more and get a fast kil' No, not necessarily get a faster kill( or a kill at all)  Altering your team tactics just to try and pressure the person with low health may actually be a disadvantage more so than an advantage, because it gives your team a false sense of security. How are you going to actually secure that kill? especially when they are on low health and most likely playing safe...maybe not even on an exposed flank? As 1 hits are very common in NW, predominantly seen in footlancing and ranging when 2 players go for each other, or a stab to the face in a 1up1down on the'd be much more sensible and less risky to gain the advantage that way over just targeting the person with low health.
Plus, when you say 'pick the scrubs out', You can easily pick them out from spectator (or sometimes their face). 'scrubs' should be the easiest picks anyways, and so won't make much of a difference in picking them.
'It'd be more beneficial than autoblock for sure', judging from what I've deciphered, that's wrong (I mean ok, perhaps for autoblock as it's not THAT effective, depends on the hack and situation). It'd be much more beneficial to have unblockable etc though, as it makes it super easy to get a pick, with a lower risk than targeting the enemy with low health.

nice essay faggot (ciggarettes, my gg key is broken)

uur just jealous my signature is better than yours smh
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

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I like this new python

Offline Golden.

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He indeed changes his name every two weeks, he is a 14 yo french kid that I kicked out from the french selection team for using hacks (even with hacks he is shit).He is also perm ban from FSE for trying to scam ppl with fake links. And i'm pretty sure he plays now for the 82e and goes by the name of achille, but he'll prolly change soon.

Anyway, TBE your win is well deserved. Golden too stronk.
arent u permanently banned from Groupfighting server coz u were playing with unblockable
[ Waldahari  Achilles  Hopper Negan and now Obelix

Indeed, im banned from gf server for using an unblockable in October, but without any cheats i destroyed you 7-2 in a FT7, you are just a big retard, you IQ is probably near 50 so stop speak with me, if you are on the top of this list, its because there is a reason mate.
And why you are keeping ignoring the fact that you allow AUTOBLOCKERS playing IN YOUR TEAM during TOURNAMENT ? Why you don't respond to this mate ? Ahahahah
Btw its not a secret that i am Waldhari  :-*


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lol’d obelix

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pointing out event from october 2017 when i went on gf with an unblockable lol, nice try golden, still tardet CHEATED he used something that is not in the game normally to give an advantage to his team, if i had done the same thing, recorded the final while using cast mode, you would have been THE FIRST GUY to come here trashtalk me and we both know it, now go suck his e penis i cba answer you, you and every proudboys members who posted here are just a lost cause, defending the undefendable, i will try to find this cast mod and i will use it, as it's normal to use it right? if tardet can i can too  :)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 05:37:03 pm by Obelix_La_D »
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

Offline Fralla8

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Obelix... Can you read? Did you read anything we wrote?
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

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Obelix... Can you read? Did you read anything we wrote?
i did read what you wrote, you are saying he did not helped you, but you are playing in his team with him, all i see is a video when tardet is using a cast mode during the final of a tournament when he was on your teamspeak, maybe you are saying the truth maybe you are not, but still as i previously said if i had recorded the final and if i had used a cast mod, you would all have trashtalk me and called me a cheater am i right? So as it is acceptable for Tardet to use cast mod while playing, i think everyone can do the same now and it includes me :)
« Last Edit: July 06, 2019, 05:42:33 pm by Obelix_La_D »
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

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well good luck with that because you need admin in the server for it to work and i doubt any tourney servers will be giving you admin any time soon   ;D