Community Name: Fireboy
Steam Profile URL: Regiment (if applicable): LG
Have you read all the rules closely?: Yes
Do you have any prior mod experience?: 4v4 League Moderator, Public Groupfighting Mod
Why would you be a good moderator?: Unbiased, understands the rules and willing to enforce them to the best of my knowledge, will solve any problems that come up during the season, also feel like i bring a veteran's point of view since I've witnessed most of the seasons of NANWL and reffed other 1v1 Leagues.
Do you have any prior ref experience?: All the major groupfighting servers since 54th(54th, 7NA, NA Groupfighting, BOB, Public), 4v4 League, Plenty of tournaments, and helped ref a couple of the smaller 1v1 leagues such as NAPL, and Golden League
Will you make NANWL your priority?: Yes unless there's a meeting or match that is during the time i work.