Author Topic: [CCL - S1] League Stage - Week 2  (Read 4960 times)

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2019, 01:47:35 pm »
I do not agree with you Tardet, already firstly even as a leader, you can not have everything under your control and especially when you do spam provokes non-stop humanly, even if you have been ordered not to not answer, you get carried away by the emotions and inevitably, one answers, now that you say, I quote:
I am not going to point fingers at both regiment leaders, telling them which side started or which side did worse; it would be pointless and childish and it is fairly obvious both are at fault anyway.

well I find it insulting and do not adhere to your reasoning, because you can see the video 300,000 times if you want and I have not at any time provoked, I even rather tried to calm the game, now when you ace of provocation written on the global chat and in addition to the troll causes, that is to say that when you have enemies who come early in the game, without their weapon to make you arms of honor constantly, Oh yes .... I call it non-respect and completely immature in a competitive context.

1.Provocation and useless troll, after it cries, because it is his hurry to finish the match, there, we see that at this moment, they are not in a hurry

2.the answer is clear ....

3.Again troll...

For frenchies translate
Je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi Tardet, déjà premièrement même en tant que leader, tu peux pas tout avoir sous ton contrôle et surtout quand tu te fais spam provoque non-stop humainement, même si tu as reçu l'ordre de ne pas répondre, tu te laisses emporter par les émotions et forcément, on répond, maintenant que tu dises, je cite :
Je ne vais pas pointer du doigt les chefs des deux régiments, leur dire quel camp a commencé ou quel camp a fait pire; ce serait inutile et puéril et il est assez évident que les deux sont en faute de toute façon.
bah clairement je trouve ça insultant et n'adhère pas à ton raisonnement, car tu peux voir la vidéo 300.000 fois si tu veux et je n'ai à aucun moment provoqué, j'ai même plutôt essayé de calmer le jeu, maintenant quand tu as de la provoque écrit et en plus du troll provoque, c'est-à-dire que quand tu as des ennemis qui viennent en début de match, sans leur arme pour te faire des bras d'honneur sans cesse, bah oui.... Moi j'appelle ça du non-respect et complétement immature dans un contexte de compétition
lol = ban

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2019, 02:19:34 pm »
Well, mistakes were made on both sides, I can't deny it. But we want you to know that 1erRC officers never stopped asking our members to do not answer back, and we harshly called to order those who didn't respect our demands. Some players (including Woj) arrived quite late, and weren't aware of our orders regarding global chat and behavior in general, and actions have been taken on our side right away so the match could end in a better spirit.

Nonetheless, the recordings may give you an hint to help you establishing responsibilities, and you'll realize that most of the provocation in global chat can be charged to Nr4 members.

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2019, 05:06:16 pm »
I just clarified some points of my message with Squall on TS. I obviously didn't mean to imply that regimental leaders must have control over everything happening on the server and on each one of their members. I led regiments myself, I know the struggle of having to lead and play at the same time but I simply tried to emphasise that the responsibility of making sure players behave correctly is shared by both the referees and the regiment leaders. Moreover, the regiment leaders have officers under their orders to help them in that task.

I also insist (and maybe it was left unclear in my previous post) that while both sides are undoubtedly at fault, that doesn't mean they necessarily share equal responsibilities. I will go through the logs/stream again as soon as possible and try to clarify that. If warnings/punishments have to be handed out, we'll be doing the necessary amount of research to make sure the decisions given is fair and rational.

I also had a discussion with Felix on steam where we clarified a few points, including how regiment leaders are supposed to be giving the example to their members, regardless of what happens on the server.

As a final note on that particular subject, I had like to remember everyone that under the behaviour rules, we added this:

(3) While the Cavalry Champions League administration intends to condemn the aforementioned behaviours, we would also like to remind our participants that they are capable of muting - in-game, on the forums and on steam - the people who could behave in a way which may offend them, but isn't necessarily punishable by the tournament administration.

Once again, we remind everyone of the fact that different people mean several different interpretations of what could come off as 'immature' or 'offensive'. Being edgy/cocky isn't always gonna be a punishable behaviour according to the rules but muting the person in question will avoid the situation to escalate unnecessarily in most cases.

This is obviously only one part of the problem observed last night, and what could be considered as the 'consequences'; resulting from the frustration shared by both sides. We will also discuss the other issues among our staff to figure out what we can do to avoid similar situations, moving forward.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 05:11:00 pm by Tardet »
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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2019, 08:34:39 pm »

As the 5e Hussards is about to face the 11e Hussards in tonight's confrontation, we asked Napoléon, Sous-Lieutenant in 5e, to talk us about his regiment, their past results in previous competitions, and more importantly, their preparation coming into this CCL.

The french Sous-Lieutenant in his usual trompetist uniform.
Hello Napoléon and thanks for taking the time to answer our questions. Could you talk us through the 5e Hussard's preparation for this competition? How did you approach the CCL as a regiment?

We are preparing for quite some time for the different competitive events so the CCL bring a welcoming environment for all the practices 1v1s we have done for a few months. All this preparation work helped the regiment practising in order to bring the best of the 5e on the battlefield. Everyone is taking part in this training process, such as going on the cav-gf on a regular basis or attending training, with the constant goal for everyone being to improve and playing together in order to create automatism and getting used to your teammates’ playstyles.

We know, as we witnessed it during our last matches, that it's not over till its over and that this mentality will be applicable for every match of the competition. Obviously, winning the CCL would be a good new for the regiment and a welcoming reward for all the work done but it's not an objective which we are being stubborn about and no matter what, we’ll have to give the best of ourselves and try to be as high as possible in the final ranking.

You started the tournament with a complicated match against the Nr4. During this encounter, what are things which worked and these which didn’t?

Indeed, it was complicated, but not everything is to be put to waste, we analyzed our mistakes and tried to fix it during our next training, that being the force-runs taking way too long and for a mixed result or some mistakes which result in more of a wrong in-game vision, costing the life of one or several hussars, with the ultimate goal being as prepared for the next match as possible. With that being said, when we do not commit mistakes and survive for a longer time, our team play helped us isolating certain elements in our opponent's formation and take the numerical advantage by eliminating them, which obviously helps us winning the round.

It is also important to see things on the bright side as well, we have this capacity to come-back in the match despite a large score deficit and we could have taken a large defeat for our opening match. Now, we have to make sure this doesn’t become a habit, as it is always best to win your games without frightening yourself.

You are facing the 11e this week. How are you feeling for this match which is likely going to be difficult?

It is true that this match is going to be important, but every matches sort of is for this CCL. We’ll have to make sure not to commit the same mistakes we made against the Nr4, else the score could be way more important for the 11e, same as it could have been last week. We will have, from the first to last round, to hold own our own, but I have trust in our group, we are capable to get a good result against them. It will be difficult, but far from impossible.

The last season of the CNWL was a bit disappointing for the 5e and the Hussars Cup could have also left some regrets for your regiment. What is, in your opinion, the keys to bring back the 5e Hussards at the very top of the cavalry competitive scene and contest the title to the other favourites of this competition?

The last season of the CNWL was clearly a total counter-performance, it was a bit of a slap in the face for a regiment which was used to podiums during several years, but we were just getting out of a really long break for almost a year, we had lost players, some new faces had arrived and everything was to be rebuilt. I don’t think we were ready at this moment, especially as the average level of other regiments had clearly been increasing since then, which is worth to be mentioned as a really good thing. The Hussars Cup followed very quickly, as we were still trying to rebuild the regiment. The new players helped a lot at that time, and it was a turning point for the 5e as these new guys ended-up gaining a lot from this experience, strengthening their position alongside the core of the 5e composed of the many veterans still playing under our flag.

This new cohesion could be felt during the 2Lr 5v5 Tournament where we started with two teams of arguably similar strength, with once again, the idea of training together and improving with this small group. This strategy proved its worth as both our teams finished in the Top 4; which is still a very decent performance considering the level of the other participants. This experience with these two small groups ended-up benefiting the regiment as a whole since it helped us witnessing the rise of some of our very new players and at the same time, made our overall synergy even better than before.

The 5e Hussard had to win several close rounds in order to come back against the Husaren Nr4.

All of this makes me feel that the main key for the 5e’s victory will lay in this new generation of players (playing in the 5e for several months now), as we cannot rely solely on our individualities. The whole regiment has to play together and aim in the same direction. For the rest, we’ll have to continue training to the different cavalry tactics, keep our game vision as high as possible and survive after each match in order to progress in the competition rankings, which is what every good cavalryman should be aiming at.

Thanks a lot for this interview Napoléon! We give you the opportunity to conclude this interview and wish you good luck in this competition!

Thanks a lot, I wish good luck to every regiment taking part in this competition, a competition which looks like rather promising given the first week.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 10:49:34 am by Tardet »
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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2019, 09:49:15 pm »
Match went almost exactly as I predicted (i guessed 7-3), wp 5e and 11e

Offline DragonKing

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2019, 09:53:55 pm »
11eHuss 2 - 8 5eHuss

Nice match, gg both teams
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 09:56:48 pm by DragonKing »
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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2019, 10:02:10 pm »

Offline Tardet

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #22 on: January 26, 2019, 10:18:23 pm »
While the match certainly doesn't reflect the quality of the 11e, the 5e played his best NW in a long time tonight and it's really refreshing. Good luck to our opponents for the rest of the competition.
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Offline Shadey

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2019, 10:54:25 pm »
While the match certainly doesn't reflect the quality of the 11e, the 5e played his best NW in a long time tonight and it's really refreshing. Good luck to our opponents for the rest of the competition.

Couldn't agree more, you guys played great tonight.

GG 5e, see you in our next match  :P

« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 10:57:57 pm by Shadey »

Offline Tardet

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2019, 12:02:10 am »
Oh and many thanks to Dragonking for being our referee, and to Squall, Thorvic and Sukesa who managed to set-up a French stream for tonight's match in very short timing. It's on the media thread, if you haven't watched it yet, I suggest you go give it a look. Even if you don't understand everything, I believe there is a clutch worth-watching  8)
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Offline Squall

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2019, 12:19:12 am »
No problem, it was a pleasure to stream a great match with two big regiments with Thorvic and Sukesa, we hope the community to appreciate, the goal being to benefit all people interested in the CDC and also to to allow each regiment, depending on the possibilities of having their match in stream, to work their mistake and better bounce or even get to know their next opponent..
Aucun problème, c'était un plaisir de stream un grand match avec deux grands régiments avec de Thorvic et Sukesa, nous espérons que la communauté à apprécier, l'objectif étant de faire profiter à toutes les personnes intéressé par la CCL et aussi de pouvoir permettre que chaque régiment, selon les possibilités d'avoir leur match en stream, afin de travailler leur erreur et de mieux rebondir ou même d'apprendre à connaître son prochain adversaire.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 01:44:29 am by Squall »
lol = ban

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2019, 12:56:59 am »
Really liked the interview format ! impressive Tardet.

J'entends les fouuuuus ♪

Offline Tardet

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2019, 07:22:49 pm »
Match: 16e-KGL vs 4e
Date & Hour: 27.01.19 - 19:30pmGMT
Referee: Tardet

I will be casting 4e vs 16e tonight with Syrcrim and will take over as referee the match by the same occasion.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 07:24:22 pm by Tardet »
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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2019, 09:38:09 pm »
Really liked the interview format ! impressive Tardet.
Nearer, My God, to Thee

Offline Napoléon

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Re: [CCL] League Stage - Week 2
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2019, 09:51:58 pm »
2. Leib-Regiment 1 - 9 Husaren-Regiment Nr.6

Well played to both teams, it was a match without issue, but I think the troll at the end of the last round could have been avoided in order to respect your opponent. I did let the round go because assuming the Nr6 would lose it, it would be due to their own fault and its not my business but from my perspective, its best to not show that kind of attitude which could be taken badly by your opponents. Good luck for your next matches!

Ex : IVe_45e_SLt_Napoléon