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Offline StephanGH

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« Reply #495 on: October 01, 2020, 03:01:09 pm »
Yeah but most players already kinda know how good they are compared to a Remao etc, so what's the point in a list. Inflate and hurt some egos and cause drama?

Offline Tardet

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« Reply #496 on: October 01, 2020, 03:21:38 pm »
Could be fun although I would try to get several people involved to get a coherent average of someone's rating.

People like Dokletian, Remao, Aless, Bedoyere, Thorvic, Octanidas, Goodest not only master their crafts like few others, the have also proven being mostly impartial in how they rate their pairs and shown a good critical sense in their approach to community-based dilemas. In short, they are not cretins and know a lot about cav so I believe their opinion is worth being consulted, would they agree on giving it. There are probably a few other I didn't think about but I don't know cav as much as most of you guys do so I will let them be mentioned by people who know better.

I especially think that nobody wants to see this kind of list in cavalry. It's unpopular with us and clearly, if people have opinions, they can keep it to themselves.
if you really want to work, write things, you can contact me on Steam : I have things to offer you. No need to make a list that no one is expecting.
I am not sure if you are talking to me or just using what I said to answer to Ciiges but I wouldn't go as far as saying that nobody wants to see this kind of list in the cavalry scene. You guys are absolutely no different to the infantry community in that regards, each one of us is human and it's very likely a fair margin of the community is curious about how other good players rate them. You'd be highly delusional to think otherwise. If people have opinions, they can share it with the rest of the community and it's the community's role to judge whether that opinion is coherent/relevant. 

At the end of the day, it's up to you to give any of this the slightest of credits. What a disturbingly sad community we would be if everyone had to keep their opinions for themselves.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 03:23:54 pm by Tardet »
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

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« Reply #497 on: October 01, 2020, 03:54:54 pm »
A list has good potential for a Community, especially for the players being interested. I personally say that i cannot evaluate myself because i never play "against myself". In addition to that i never watch myself through a third person perspective and when analysing my mistakes i only have my own point of view, while sometimes my opponent could have told me in a better way what i did wrong in a fight as he was the one to beat me.

These were just some examples of the problems a subject has when judging itself and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who knows about that.

When creating such a list, the player can be evaluated by everyone (which means the whole Community), not just the guys that were asked by him (in the most cases friends or members of the same regiment). So the player can receive feedback from someone with a neutral perspective which is an uncommon thing.

All the drama mentioned by some guys just comes into action when individuals use this platform to continue disputes with someone else or when a player feels disrespected for any reasons. But i think there is no need for these things, lists shouldn't be about disputes or disrespects so it's actually your fault if you understand it the wrong way. And maybe just accept the way other guys think about your skill? A list which includes many constructive opinions can't be that wrong and if you don't like it then just ignore it. It's just a list and it won't endanger your life or position in the Community.

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« Reply #498 on: October 01, 2020, 04:04:59 pm »
No list needed for cav.

1x3 years 2Lhr,  1xVerdienstkreuz 2. Klasse, 1xKleine Gefechtsspange, 1xSilver Star,  5xBronze Star

Offline QuinnML

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« Reply #499 on: October 01, 2020, 04:05:13 pm »
Sure, if there is some collaboration

And if you take bribes again

Offline Dusbled

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« Reply #500 on: October 01, 2020, 04:10:53 pm »
for me it feels like most of the people who are "pro" a list are people who need some more confidence for their ego, I think a list would just make things way more toxic and creates more drama, specially considering that heavy-cav players are not on the list or rated completely wrong :)

Offline Aless

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« Reply #501 on: October 01, 2020, 04:20:18 pm »
What about a regimental tier list? Each regiments gets to vote what they think are the tier for their own regiment. Only those regiment that are interested.

Offline DragonKing

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« Reply #502 on: October 01, 2020, 04:22:21 pm »
Could be fun although I would try to get several people involved to get a coherent average of someone's rating.

People like Dokletian, Remao, Aless, Bedoyere, Thorvic, Octanidas, Goodest not only master their crafts like few others, the have also proven being mostly impartial in how they rate their pairs and shown a good critical sense in their approach to community-based dilemas. In short, they are not cretins and know a lot about cav so I believe their opinion is worth being consulted, would they agree on giving it. There are probably a few other I didn't think about but I don't know cav as much as most of you guys do so I will let them be mentioned by people who know better.

I especially think that nobody wants to see this kind of list in cavalry. It's unpopular with us and clearly, if people have opinions, they can keep it to themselves.
if you really want to work, write things, you can contact me on Steam : I have things to offer you. No need to make a list that no one is expecting.
I am not sure if you are talking to me or just using what I said to answer to Ciiges but I wouldn't go as far as saying that nobody wants to see this kind of list in the cavalry scene. You guys are absolutely no different to the infantry community in that regards, each one of us is human and it's very likely a fair margin of the community is curious about how other good players rate them. You'd be highly delusional to think otherwise. If people have opinions, they can share it with the rest of the community and it's the community's role to judge whether that opinion is coherent/relevant. 

At the end of the day, it's up to you to give any of this the slightest of credits. What a disturbingly sad community we would be if everyone had to keep their opinions for themselves.

we are all human, but our relationship to the past and to our experience makes each of us different. I'm sorry if you felt you were aiming at Tardet, but I really wanted to react on this point which was, in my opinion, important.
the infantry and cavalry community are different in my opinion. The infantry community is much more active in terms of competition and can easily accommodate Native players. What is rarer in cavalry is competition (they are also longer in time) but also we have very few new players on a competitive level. Our competitions are rarer and our competitive players in cavalry are only half as competitive. They don't play every day with the aim of becoming the best. There is not a title hunt (some have palmares with at least a hundred medals) as there is in infantry. There are also very long off-peak periods during which nothing happens. Seeing two major competitions emerge was very unexpected.

classify for me players who do not necessarily want to be at all costs. So why not? But to what end? How do you classify them?what is the impact on our community?

If you want more activity from cav people on the forum: Yes.

Will people be happy with the score they get assigned?: No.

I agree on having this back, drama is always welcomed.
If I understood Aless correctly, this will create two things. The first is interesting, creating activity. But for whom?  Hype is already very strong at the moment with the arrival of the CL & SNC. Wouldn't creating another ranking influence the choices of the captains who have to choose a team according to impartial tests? Will a player who is well ranked but who turns out to be less good than a player who has been less well ranked have "won" his place even before the selection?
the second thing is that players with level are mostly not interested in being ranked. Indeed, some of them play the big competitions but are not interested in playing all day long in order to become the best. As I said, in this community our players are semi-competitive. Especially since we are more at the end of the game.
Maybe some of them are not interested but they will care. Indeed, I expect a drama. As Aless says, it won't be a joy to see someone better ranked than you when we have the firm conviction that we are better than he is. So some will justify the fact that this is just an opinion not to be taken for something official or serious. Yet it will be presented as something official and serious. Some friendships will surely be broken and there will be a lot of debate.

However, we could avoid this kind of debate by placing an authoritative argument: statistics or the opinion of the best players. Statistics first. Well, what statistics? The ratio at the end of a match? Is it the number of kills? Assist? The number of times he was last standing? and even if we had them, how can we look at the statistics when we know that it's harder to get a good stat against a strong team than against a weak one. how can a player who has played more rounds than a player who has played fewer rounds be considered in the same way? I mean, let's say you're a top scorer in a match where you had a 3-round overtime. So the statistics are far from being infallible, even if we would like to believe it.
About the opinion. As I have already explained, whether you are a good player or a bad one: an opinion is still a subjective opinion. Who can speak for the community? Everyone speaks on behalf of the person they represent in the community and everyone is entitled to give their opinion, be it one of the best or the weakest players. I see no reason why the players should have legitimate advantages. The choice of these players who will be asked for their opinion is also a choice that I consider subjective and that will not necessarily reflect reality (I am not aiming at anyone, of course).The result will inevitably be influenced by the experience of the person giving the opinion. Zlatan himself said with his own ego, the year he almost got a golden ball, "Zlatan doesn't need a golden ball to know that he's the best".

so statistics and personal opinions do not always reflect reality. so I think it is important to base yourself on rules that are known to everyone and that clearly define what is a good player and what is a bad player. by this means and in a very optimistic way, the players will concentrate on this to find out the reasons for their ranking and try to improve if they want to.

now, what is the impact on the community?

The problem with this kind of classifications is that they appear as an absolute truth for some who see themselves hurt in this way or worse, who, wanting to prove that they are the best, become real madmen ready to do anything to scratch places and points. There are many examples in the infantry that I could cite. This can lead to quite toxic situations in a team where the majority of the players are of a very high level. However, it also has its advantages in terms of competitiveness. Maybe new tournaments will be created in order to improve its ranking, which is possible if the list is regularly updated, as it is the case for thisone. I won't hide the fact that more competition leads to the creation of teams rather than regiments. This is logical since teams are more flexible for a player than a regiment. The big regiments can count on their best players only in big competitions, otherwise these players play with their teams. This is what happens in infantry but it seems difficult to me to see it in cavalry because our community is only half-competitive.

to sum up, I think that you have to be careful with this kind of lists which are often sources of drama (I'm not saying that the one you want to do Ciiges is going to be a drama, I'm just saying that in the infantry, there is very often drama and no one ever agrees).

The idea of making the community more active is charming but, in my opinion, this is not the best way to do it. Creating tournaments, events, topics of conversation, are all useful and fun things to make our community live and even thrive. I don't want to improvise myself as a judge of what should or shouldn't be done. No that's not the point, here I want give my opinion on the matter and if you make the list, I'll look at it, but I'm not going to bother you about it because I would have already said what I had to say here :)

Edit : I did not read myself again until after posting this message and I noticed a potentially confusing sentence which I corrected. now that I've reread my message, it's ok. English is not a language that I fully master, I apologize for that.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 05:23:08 pm by DragonKing »
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Offline Jesu04

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« Reply #503 on: October 01, 2020, 05:05:53 pm »
If you really want to do the list just do it. Hope is not a copy paste from the past ones but anyways thats your decision. For the people who thinks a list made by random people that doesnt make anything will create drama, did you think about not reading it? And if you think this will change captains opinions for the CNC or for anyone like, honestly, how suggestible you are? I can do my own list and everyone can do, nothing is official here, you are not the owners and FSE warriors of what is good or bad to post

Offline StephanGH

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« Reply #504 on: October 01, 2020, 05:25:21 pm »
Those captains will choose those whom they believe are good anyways, often resulting in ones that have been or are in their regiments.
I doubt a list will change that opinion. They will just disagree with the list.

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« Reply #505 on: October 01, 2020, 06:15:50 pm »
i never play "against myself"

i do nothing else
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Offline Harford

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« Reply #506 on: October 01, 2020, 06:53:45 pm »
cant believe im not in the top smh smh
Former 2ndCSG_Pvt | 7th_Trp | 8e_Mchl | 17e_CplFo | 77y_Pfc | 5e_Brg | 91st_Pte
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tardet will you marry me

Offline Rastignac

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« Reply #507 on: October 01, 2020, 06:55:12 pm »
cant believe im not in the top smh smh

you are top in my ranking of salopes

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Re: ♞ Hussars Rated (EU) ♞
« Reply #508 on: October 01, 2020, 06:59:51 pm »
Ohlalalala why is mon ami harford so loowwww.. Harford le best cavalerie FRA!?!?!!!!!

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« Reply #509 on: October 01, 2020, 07:01:21 pm »
If you want a salt fest sure

Most lists die after a week so literally no point