Author Topic: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters*UPDATE*  (Read 163420 times)

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Offline DrunkenSpartan

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1095 on: December 22, 2019, 07:18:51 pm »
Why MATT is the GOAT of NW

The Chronicles of the GOAT debate by Hawkince

Alright Boas©, I just couldn't waste any more time watching this trainwreck of a thread from the sidelines, the pure disgusting cronyism that is taking place is enough to give any truth seeker a brain an·eu·rysm. The final straw was this piece of shit comment made by your stereotypical crony goon "Yoshie without a doubt has been NA’s strongest player for the past two years overall." Heh, not only has he supposedly been NA's best player for the past two years, OVERALL that is, but also, WITHOUT A DOUBT. As if no one was close to being as dominant as he was in ALL parts of the game. Tisk tisk. It's time for you [C]ucks to experience true enlightenment from a transcendant being.

Before I begin, I want to say, Yoshie is a phenomenal player, definitely at the very top, neck and neck with the GOAT, great style, fun to play against, this is not me trying to downplay his ability to GOAT it up. Yoshie has insane skills especially while being outnumbered.

It is well known in the community that Methyou has been extremely dominant for the past 2 years in gfing. There is no doubt that Methyou has put up the best scores and has been the most consistent in dropping 40+ bombs regardless of the team he was playing for or against. Methyou has also dropped the most kills EVER in a standard FT20 groupfight, and that was in 2019, in a time where everyone can block and chamber, and the few people left still playing the game are veterans. As well as dropping most kills ever in a standard groupfight, he has has also dropped the most kills ever on the public groupfighting server, he has also been "sabotaged" multiple times while going for this record by some jealous individuals. Yes you can say its the public groupfighting server, but it's still something extremely hard to do that no one has come close to repeating. The last record holder of most kills on the pub groupfighting server did it on a massive lobby that had 50+ people, almost all of them 63e cadets, which everyone is well aware were some of the worst players in the game. He also wasn't sabotaged multiple times when coming close to this record, as was Methyou, so who knows, Methyou might've dropped a even bigger score. Methyou has also been a consistent top player in small gfing leagues, proving his ability to carry in both large gfs, as well as small gfs, regardless of the skill level of his teammates.

So, what has been the crony crew's reasoning for discrediting Methyou's achievements?(disliking him but for the sake of this we will address what they say)

1. Methyou baits his teammates, and anyone could do that if they wanted to.
-I am assuming that when they say this, they imply that methyou plays in a parasitic manner where methyou forces a teammates death so he himself can get a easy kill, thus bringing the whole team down to fulfill his insatiable need to top frag. That anyone can top frag if they f*** over their teammates, but they are too thoughtful of the team to do that. The baiting they are referring to is where methyou stands behind a teammate and kills the enemies that attack methyous teammates block. This is not damaging to the team at all, and methyou is actually taking all the risk as he is the one opening himself up with a stab, the teammate that is blocking has the easy job of just holding right click. While a decent amount of methyous kills are through this method, methyou also employs lots of other strats as well to get kills depending on the situation, and the state of the team. Methyou has been known to push very aggressively for kills, it is well known. If methyou was a baiter, then why would methyou have the most entry frags as well as entry deaths in the 4v4 and 5v5 leagues for his team? This is all being done with high ping as well that ranges from 55-70.

2. Methyou is playing in a time period where the game is dead and everyone sucks
-While yes, the player pool is very small compared to what it use to be, the ability to drop massive scores and carry is harder than it has ever been, because as time goes on, the skill caliber raises as more efficient methods and strats are discovered as well as players gaining experience over the years, this can be observed in every skill and sport. Peak athletic performance in athletes peaks in their late 20's and early 30's, as CRT(choice reaction time) which is reaction time to a certain stimulus, peaks after thousands of hours of exposure to a stimulus while the player's body has not yet begun degrading due to age. With a smaller player pool as well, everyone knows each others style's and tricks, so a player must be constantly evolving and innovating new moves and tricks to get kills.

3. Methyou is cheating scum
-This topic is beating a dead horse, but it still needs to be addressed(because,again). Cheats exist in NW, but it has been clear to all(except for a few schizos) that the cheats do very little at all, possibly even hindering the players ability, as well it being obvious when a person is using the said cheats. Unlike typical normie run of the mill FPS games where everything is decided by clicking your left mouse button while the reticle is centered over the enemies head, NW is about timing and movement in relation to the enemies movement which is all very complex and a cheat program would not be able to replicate as there are too many variables. Unlike with a game like CSGO, where all is needed is insane aim(aimbot) to rise to the top. Methyou has posted numerous videos of him playing the game, and their common reubuttal is "he toggled off", if methyou was to toggle off his multiple cheats, he would play extremely bad, and would be constantly sideblocking while feinting as the motor patterns that would be built up in a regular non cheating scum player would be absent from methyou's brain.

Now we move onto dueling.

This has been Methyous main claim to fame, and he really took off with dueling in 2018, improving his style alot, adding in advanced feints and a lightning fast play style. Methyou has put up some crazy numbers in his dueling tournaments, 7-0ing people that have never been 7-0d, let alone in the finals of a tournament(suns). Ontop of this, he ends duels extremely fast compared to most high level duelists, and even when a player tries to "gay" methyou by holding a upstab and skeying excessively, he is still able to defeat them fast(normally faster than if they had just played normal). All while doing this with a ping that is in the WORST possible range for dueling, as its not high enough for consistent safe turk kicking, but just high enough to make it the ping that is the hardest to stun with while simultaneously being inable to turk kick.

Anyway, lets analyze now how the cronies desperately try to discredit my dueling ability as well.

1. Methyou plays extremely boring
-False. If we look at the statistics Methyou ends duels the fastest out of any NW high level duelist, the ability Methyou has to defeat duelists who rely on playing extremely passive in such short time is a true testament to his extreme skill. There is not, and there has never been a player that has been able to churn through extremely passive players as fast as Methyou does. The ability to kill passive players in a quick manner takes lots of creativity and innovation. Methyou has discovered many new tricks from having to kill passive players quickly.

2. Dueling takes no skill
-I agree with this if the player decides to play a passive play style where they skey, don't go for chambers, and don't go for kicks. But then you have the opposite side of the spectrum, players who have very aggressive play styles that can end duels fast, even against passive players, which takes ALOT of skill. Therefore Methyou has insane dueling skill never before seen, and that will never be touched by a mortal being.

3. Methyou Skeys

Moving on, would we all agree that actions speak louder than words? I think we can collectively agree that they do. Many players will accuse methyou of being trash, garbage. Methyou hears their cries and arbitrary accusations and responds with a ft7 offer so that they can put their money where their mouth is. They won't do it 99 percent of the time. Then when someone else asks said person for a ft7, they normally oblidge. Methyou will head onto a packed pub server, pull out his megaphone and declare "i am goat of NW. no one has the balls to ft7", remember now, this pub server will be filled with the best in the game. No one will respond. They already know what'll happen. They'll get cucked.

Just how much of a force and true legend methyou is:
-Elite players refuse to ft7 out of fear of losing
-Opposing teams center their strats around methyou
-Players will try to sabotage methyou from record breaking feats(while methyou goes onto achieve said feats regardless of their pettyness)
-Players have tried to group together to either bully or ban methyou from the community, everytime they have failed, their last attempt has resulted in them getting conned out of $560, while the whole operation backfires and they themselves get bullied out
-Some players resort to taking PED's in an attempt to take on methyou, they always fail, ruining their health in the process

Onto the yoshie vs methyou debate, methyou has a leg up on yoshie in larger groupfights, while yoshie has a leg up on methyou in smaller gfs, BUT, the teams that yoshie have been on, both large and small have always been very stacked teams, never leaving the LG bubble, with the exception of the recent 5v5 league. Yoshie, very good at dueling I must say, with great chambers, has struggled in duel tournaments never really doing anything spectactular, thus giving methyou the overall edge. To completely ignore the dueling part of the game, is ludicrous, as its half of the game.

In regards to people who claim that "NW is a simple boring game, there is not much to it, it doesn't take much skill." This is very wrong, it is in fact the opposite. The simpler something is, and the less parts it has, the harder it is to master as the game does not give you the solutions to all the problems, you have to be creative and invent new ways to solve the problems yourself. For example, in AOE2, if the enemy has only spearmen and they are skeying faster than your swordsmen, the problem to this solution(I actually don't know much about AOE2) would be to use archers to kill the spearmen, the archers were given to you by the game. In a game like AOE2 they give you the solutions to all the problems, while in NW you only are given a bayonet and have to create your own ways to get kills.

Therefore, NW is the hardest skill/sport that has ever existed in the known universe. And the GOAT has dominated this game at such a level that you will never find another GOAT in another skill/sport that comes even CLOSE to doing what this GOAT has accomplished.

But what exactly sets methyou apart from the rest? Why is he so goddamn good at the game? Why can no one else come close to replicating his insane footlancing accuracy and timing?

It lies in methyou's elbow and wrist pivot point system, otherwise known as "the swivel".
The typical normie gamer uses a static wrist pivot point. While very accurate as the wrist is able to make very fine adjustments, there is not much room for adjustment as the range of motion is limited in comparison to the elbow, or shoulder pivot points. Pure wrist aiming is not as consistent as the dynamic swivel system either as the angle the wrist is capable of moving is much wider than the elbow(that is, to its parent body part, wrist can be more angled to the elbow than the elbow to the shoulder) and is constantly changing. Many wrist players must use high sensitivity in order to compensate for the lack of range of motion, this is bad for accuracy, as the rule is that the lower the sensitivty the more accurate you are.

With these two pivot points you are able to adjust on the fly to any footlance location. The action is you move your elbow first, then once that has moved as far as it can go you use the wrist. Elbow is sufficient for most locations, wrist is only used when you've been fooled, miscalculated, or trying to stab in a location that is far out of the typical zone. Many times methyou will be fooled in a footlance and at the last second methyou is able to readjust with the hand pivot point and get the kill. No wrist player can do that, nor could eblow or shoulder players, the system needs to be dynamic. When you make it to the big leagues, you are facing guys with 20 ping, years of experience, INSANE footspeed and juking ability, without the swivel if you get fooled you are done for, with the swivel atleast you have a chance.

Now the power, methyou has some big time power, but he is not the most powerful in NW. There is a trade off with everything. Long, linear, styles with a yuge running start generate the most force(think of james and pedro while clutching). But they then lack the adjustability and often whiff and die, but wew man, when they connect, you can feel it, I could always tell who had the most powerful stabs in NW because when their stab hits your block it rocks your screen and you gotta use all your strength possible to keep your block in place. This is not the power you want though, you want rotational-linear power that is generated through separation between the two pivot points, so as not to degrade the swivels adjustability.

The two pivot points I'm talking about, are not the pivot points in the swivel system, the whole swivel system is one pivot point, the other pivot point is the rear hip pivot point. These two pivot points work in tandem to produce both a powerful stab as well as a stab that is very accurate and adjustable. The synchronization of these is what separates the men from the boys. Notable players who have this high level pattern down pat are Methyou, yoshie, godfreid, russianfury, havoc, asianp. They all perform the high level pattern naturally whether they are aware of it or not, and in almost all cases they are oblivious to what they are actually doing.

The rear hip pivot point is created by coiling the rear hip around the ball of the femur while pushing as hard as possible with the back leg to create a spiral like stretch that spirals up from the rear leg up the lower back up through the scap and arms and finally to the hands and bayonet. This coiling of the rear hip as well as the upper body assembly around the ball of the femur creates an intense stretch and the driving force of this whole mechanism is the rear knee bending in the opposite direction of the coiled rear hip and upper body assembly. When this is done a very intense stretch is felt and it feels like your bayonet could whip through the zone at the speed of light, and it does, at launch you are letting go of the rubberband that is your body and the bayonet flies forward at an incredible speed. Rear hip socket separation is absolutely crucial to the power of a stab. Without it your stabs are gunna be weak little pussbois.

"All hail the glorious W key"

Yes, it is truly a beautiful thing, actually the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed, and many would agree. People who use the W key, have the most aesthetically pleasing most crowd pleasing, phenomenal styles to exist. They do the crazy shit, they do the shit that people tune into watch, its why ESPN is able to broadcast NW and make money from it. People want to see W keyers. They want to see motherfuckers W keying footlancing spinning around and doing absurdly crazy shit taking out motherfuckers like nothing. Nobody tunes in to watch some cunt s keying and blocking desperately trying to obtain a 1.2 K/D with 20 kills in a ft20. Shits sad, go do some knitting or some shit like that. The people want action. Methyou himself actually goes through 3-5 W keys a month from how much he abuses that poor key. His S key on the otherhand? Never have had to replace that shit. W keying is a virtue, while S keying is a sin and is the work of the devil. S = Satan. The transcendant engage in W keying constantly while the lower level corporeal beings spend all their time S keying, never getting better, just obsessed with the scoreboard and petty rivalries and zero sum games. Never furthering themselves.

Dissubjectification from the psychophysical is absolutely essential, not only in NW, but to all areas of life for success. The realization and understanding that your body is not you, and that the body is a machine that behaves according to the context it is placed in and its prior experiences. This is the most freedom any being could achieve as the universe is flawed and so we are. Some argue that there is absolutely no free will at all, and this is probably the reality of it all, as it is a constant in life for everything to be a let down, and shitty.

Methyou does not care about the list nor the recognition of others for being the GOAT as he is well aware they are all biased and have no urge to seek the truth, only what benefits them in the short term. The answer is right in front of everyone and everyone knows it.

how long did it take you to write this?

Matt wrote it not Hawkince, probably 2 days or so w/ editing
It's the same old thing since 1916
In your head, in your head they're still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs
And air bombs and their guns
In your head, in your head they are dying...

Offline Theodin

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1096 on: December 22, 2019, 07:37:46 pm »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1097 on: December 22, 2019, 08:11:59 pm »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!

Harsh words, especially coming from the guy who never discovered up-attacks

Offline Pinoy12

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1098 on: December 22, 2019, 08:55:04 pm »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!
I agree with theo here. Pedro and Vetro are the only creative ones right now imo everyone else is bland as fuck

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1099 on: December 22, 2019, 09:11:53 pm »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!
I agree with theo here. Pedro and Vetro are the only creative ones right now imo everyone else is bland as fuck

Leamons has been on recently. The guys been gone for like 4-5 years. Yet his style is the same. Heavy on chambers and kicks.  Like you said pinoy a lot of people develop this sort of bland style where as old gens and a few new gens are still very creative with their style. He made a comment to me saying “ your footwork sucks, you allow me to make circles around you,” not many new gens know what impact that has on how you play.

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1100 on: December 22, 2019, 09:53:04 pm »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!
There’s still some nutty aggressive stuff that happens but most of the time that stuff just isn’t useful now. Sure you might get a kill off it but majority of the time you’re just opening yourself up to die.

I’d argue movement is actually a pretty big deal now especially for players like Maniac.
Timing the reach on stabs and moving in and out of it’s range etc

Ultimately like you said it’s less creative when it comes down to tryharding. People still attempt wack fun stuff in casual but when a win is on the line most players will bring it down to what gives them the best shot at winning.

Can you imagine 20 pedros jesus

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1101 on: December 22, 2019, 11:09:57 pm »
Tl;dr, Hawkince has been infected with MATT brainworms

Offline Sgt.Winters

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1102 on: December 22, 2019, 11:51:52 pm »
Creativity doesn't even work anymore. Three years ago I could dolphin, downspin, and swing-chamber my way to the top. Now everyone fights the same and (usually) doesn't fall for stupid shit like that. It's played very safe now.

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1103 on: December 23, 2019, 12:39:24 am »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!

Offline Yoshiee

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1104 on: December 23, 2019, 01:32:20 am »
im just gonna say this ppl can block now means u have to be more creative than ever its dumb to say ppl got less creative if anything u should say poeple are less unique

Offline Theodin

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1105 on: December 23, 2019, 01:34:55 am »
you can literally watch any vid of old melee tournaments and you'll see okay blocking. Us as an NW race have EVOLVED to be god tier blockers

Melee is so much less aggressive because people don't fall for shitty dolphins and feints now and with the evolution of stuns you're committing suicide if you spam chamber.
Blocking may have evolved (fuck you, Godfried) but chambers fell off the cliff, attacking fell off the cliff, and so did movement. Creativity died in 2015 as well. New gens are better blockers than the average old gen, but they are certainly not better at chambering, attacking, or movement. It's just not a general priority anymore for them!


1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1106 on: December 23, 2019, 08:44:16 am »
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1107 on: December 23, 2019, 08:53:18 am »
click here to join the 84th

Offline Dan the Seagull Chef

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1108 on: December 23, 2019, 09:26:57 am »
too many salty kids these days smh

Dan the Chef:

   people lije yourself are what ruined the community
   thinking this is funny pal

Dan the Chef:
   can I post this

   u can go fuck yourself
   MATT vs Bill Duel

   post that
   yw for ur most viewed video shitbird

Dan the Chef:
   so i can post this?

   u may not

Dan the Chef:
   why not

   u can go fuck yourself though daniel
Wanna help the Wiki, join the Discord! Here are also the FSE Thread and Taleworlds Thread.

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: NA All-Time Duelists/Groupfighters
« Reply #1109 on: December 23, 2019, 10:21:54 pm »
too many salty kids these days smh

Dan the Chef:

   people lije yourself are what ruined the community
   thinking this is funny pal

Dan the Chef:
   can I post this

   u can go fuck yourself
   MATT vs Bill Duel

   post that
   yw for ur most viewed video shitbird

Dan the Chef:
   so i can post this?

   u may not

Dan the Chef:
   why not

   u can go fuck yourself though daniel

Yeah Dan, people like you ruined the community.

Not people who immediately jump to hacking accusations after losing in a tournament, or because they're bored and stupid.

Or people who go out of their way to talk shit and be toxic.

No, it's the people like you, who make these stupid, silly gifs, which are clearly not funny, who have ruined this community. How do sleep at night?