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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #210 on: May 10, 2019, 12:58:12 pm »

Offline Ambiguous

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #211 on: May 10, 2019, 01:11:24 pm »

Offline Tigere

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #212 on: May 10, 2019, 01:52:18 pm »
What's wrong sweetheart? Did I trigger your little feelings so much that you had to urge yourself in writing a reply a french? Did I put your miserable brain under the false impression that this argument may be between you and me? Are your defence mechanisms that weak?

Where did all your whispers go? What happened to your despicable persona which you spent so long building on the forums? So many questions Obelix, and so few answers you are actually capable of giving me. Is bringing tournament activity and results to me pointing out you crying to Tiberias in PM the only actual come back you could think of? You would have guessed that all this time acting like an absolute idiot on the forums - in the hope of getting the slightest glimpse of recognition - would have at least filled you with a bit of repartee but even in that aspect, you keep on disappointing.

I just played a full 6v6 tournament less than two weeks ago in an actual meme team and still managed to reach the playoffs, something you would have been able to see if you were capable of cleaning the unbelievable amount of shit you have in front of your eyes. If you want to bring stats with someone, make sure you know who you are talking to, especially when it's with someone who has more NW experience and knowledge than you will ever do. I have won two groupfighting tournaments in NW prime (something which isn't up to the baboons of your kind to discuss btw), was one of the most impactful players in one of the most contested season of the RGL and was already partaking in tournaments while you were still trying to figure out the right click on your mouse.

The fact you have made your way in good groupfighting teams seem to make you believe that you can actually shit-talk your betters. Allow me to replace certain things in their context. When things didn't go your way on the french forum, you threatened to DDOS people in a pathetic attempt at trying to show how much of a dangerous person you were. In order to avoid getting banned, you cried a river to Tiberias in private messages and only survived through his indulgence, something you have since then shown you were nothing close of deserving. You used a hack on public servers and only got away with it, once more through more crying and fake apologies.  Realising that you wouldn't get to play with good players only through hard work, you then turned into a forum clown, reposting overused memes from a french forum which you probably spent your childhood on, in a desperate attempt at capting people's attention.

Don't talk about credibility Obelix, when it's a word which you ignore the real meaning of. Credibility is not a given or something you can appropriate yourself, but something you earn, very much like recognition. Being a troll and showing constant immature behaviour makes you nothing special. Changing your nicknames on a regular basis makes you nothing special. Trying to imitate your poor friend's behaviours in the hope of being accepted as one of them, makes you nothing special.

You are my sweet child, nothing special. But the hardest part is probably about admitting it to yourself, in order to change for the best.

Imagine writing 14 lines to answer a "troll"
The thing you can't deny is that you are a bad player to stay polite, and in groupfighting, your long texts on FSE to play the little mastermind don't impress anyone.
I do not care about reputation, only skill maters to me
So basically when you join a team, and you are not even in the roster for the next competitive tournament, you better shut your mouth

You are known to be the nice guy who always have a positive spirit on FSE, but nonetheless, you are a  ghost on the competitive scene.
Also, we are all waiting for you to stream the FRA NWWC matches, because we love your commentary such as "He blocked" or "He chambered".
What you should do is train more and speak less
Don't consider yourself as a legend, you are not Drake :)
Just remember in a competitive game, the goal is not to post mushy retarded things on the forum to be a kind guy, it's to improve and try to reach the top.
I don't understand what is your goal in this game nowaways, you are bad, you don't organise tournaments, maybe just leave the game?

Imagine answering someone's post yet failing to address a single point he made. The difference between you and I is that I don't need to spread bullshit to get my point across Negan. Nobody is denying that you became a decent player, the problem is that you seem to think it gives you the right to trash talk better players and better people. Take the hint. This game is 7yo, there has been plenty of people like you too childish to behave and too stupid to understand that actions have consequences, even in an online community. You may think the way you behave on the forums makes you unique but it doesn't. I am also genuinely curious to see how well you would be doing casting anything on NW but I doubt it happens anytime soon because very few people probably have an interest in hearing what you have to say.

You can throw petty attacks on my 'skill' and call me bad. It doesn't reach me. I have trained, won competitions, carried matches, all of that while you were not even playing the game. I have proven myself, unlike you. Then again, it doesn't mean I am gonna trash talk you on your own skill. I have seen you play, I know you have a hell of potential and you could very well lead the new French competitive generation. Don't count on me to be stupid and deny you that. My point is, you could become the best player in the community, better than HaZe and ExtaaZz, I would still call you out for your shitty behaviour the exact same way. Being good doesn't put you above all rules. That's something your mentors often forget and one of the reasons why French people are considered as generic morons nowadays, whereas we used to be one of the largest but almost most respected community not so long ago.

As for the rest. I got invited to Proud Boys, I didn't request to join. I was the one who asked to be put on the bench to leave room for better players (such as Golden), while Movement offered everyone a chance to play in tournaments, including myself. Making your own researches or talk out of your ass, you had to pick one, not sure you made the smartest choice. HaZe is actually a newgen to me, but one who actually proved himself, alongside ExtaaZz and LeBrave. Still waiting for you to show the world what you have to offer.

Your advice on talking less and playing more applies to you, not to me. I see the NW community in its global aspect, but I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't understand NW outside of the groupfighting scene to grasp even a slim part of what I am saying. 

As for what I am doing in the community nowadays, not much. Not nearly as much as I used to do in the past at least. But calling out cretins such as you who became a bit too big for their boots as soon as they reached a somewhat average on NW, will always remain an entertaining thing to do.


I just did.


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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #213 on: May 10, 2019, 01:53:29 pm »

Offline Kore

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #214 on: May 10, 2019, 01:54:57 pm »
What's wrong sweetheart? Did I trigger your little feelings so much that you had to urge yourself in writing a reply a french? Did I put your miserable brain under the false impression that this argument may be between you and me? Are your defence mechanisms that weak?

Where did all your whispers go? What happened to your despicable persona which you spent so long building on the forums? So many questions Obelix, and so few answers you are actually capable of giving me. Is bringing tournament activity and results to me pointing out you crying to Tiberias in PM the only actual come back you could think of? You would have guessed that all this time acting like an absolute idiot on the forums - in the hope of getting the slightest glimpse of recognition - would have at least filled you with a bit of repartee but even in that aspect, you keep on disappointing.

I just played a full 6v6 tournament less than two weeks ago in an actual meme team and still managed to reach the playoffs, something you would have been able to see if you were capable of cleaning the unbelievable amount of shit you have in front of your eyes. If you want to bring stats with someone, make sure you know who you are talking to, especially when it's with someone who has more NW experience and knowledge than you will ever do. I have won two groupfighting tournaments in NW prime (something which isn't up to the baboons of your kind to discuss btw), was one of the most impactful players in one of the most contested season of the RGL and was already partaking in tournaments while you were still trying to figure out the right click on your mouse.

The fact you have made your way in good groupfighting teams seem to make you believe that you can actually shit-talk your betters. Allow me to replace certain things in their context. When things didn't go your way on the french forum, you threatened to DDOS people in a pathetic attempt at trying to show how much of a dangerous person you were. In order to avoid getting banned, you cried a river to Tiberias in private messages and only survived through his indulgence, something you have since then shown you were nothing close of deserving. You used a hack on public servers and only got away with it, once more through more crying and fake apologies.  Realising that you wouldn't get to play with good players only through hard work, you then turned into a forum clown, reposting overused memes from a french forum which you probably spent your childhood on, in a desperate attempt at capting people's attention.

Don't talk about credibility Obelix, when it's a word which you ignore the real meaning of. Credibility is not a given or something you can appropriate yourself, but something you earn, very much like recognition. Being a troll and showing constant immature behaviour makes you nothing special. Changing your nicknames on a regular basis makes you nothing special. Trying to imitate your poor friend's behaviours in the hope of being accepted as one of them, makes you nothing special.

You are my sweet child, nothing special. But the hardest part is probably about admitting it to yourself, in order to change for the best.

Imagine writing 14 lines to answer a "troll"
The thing you can't deny is that you are a bad player to stay polite, and in groupfighting, your long texts on FSE to play the little mastermind don't impress anyone.
I do not care about reputation, only skill maters to me
So basically when you join a team, and you are not even in the roster for the next competitive tournament, you better shut your mouth

You are known to be the nice guy who always have a positive spirit on FSE, but nonetheless, you are a  ghost on the competitive scene.
Also, we are all waiting for you to stream the FRA NWWC matches, because we love your commentary such as "He blocked" or "He chambered".
What you should do is train more and speak less
Don't consider yourself as a legend, you are not Drake :)
Just remember in a competitive game, the goal is not to post mushy retarded things on the forum to be a kind guy, it's to improve and try to reach the top.
I don't understand what is your goal in this game nowaways, you are bad, you don't organise tournaments, maybe just leave the game?

Imagine answering someone's post yet failing to address a single point he made. The difference between you and I is that I don't need to spread bullshit to get my point across Negan. Nobody is denying that you became a decent player, the problem is that you seem to think it gives you the right to trash talk better players and better people. Take the hint. This game is 7yo, there has been plenty of people like you too childish to behave and too stupid to understand that actions have consequences, even in an online community. You may think the way you behave on the forums makes you unique but it doesn't. I am also genuinely curious to see how well you would be doing casting anything on NW but I doubt it happens anytime soon because very few people probably have an interest in hearing what you have to say.

You can throw petty attacks on my 'skill' and call me bad. It doesn't reach me. I have trained, won competitions, carried matches, all of that while you were not even playing the game. I have proven myself, unlike you. Then again, it doesn't mean I am gonna trash talk you on your own skill. I have seen you play, I know you have a hell of potential and you could very well lead the new French competitive generation. Don't count on me to be stupid and deny you that. My point is, you could become the best player in the community, better than HaZe and ExtaaZz, I would still call you out for your shitty behaviour the exact same way. Being good doesn't put you above all rules. That's something your mentors often forget and one of the reasons why French people are considered as generic morons nowadays, whereas we used to be one of the largest but almost most respected community not so long ago.

As for the rest. I got invited to Proud Boys, I didn't request to join. I was the one who asked to be put on the bench to leave room for better players (such as Golden), while Movement offered everyone a chance to play in tournaments, including myself. Making your own researches or talk out of your ass, you had to pick one, not sure you made the smartest choice. HaZe is actually a newgen to me, but one who actually proved himself, alongside ExtaaZz and LeBrave. Still waiting for you to show the world what you have to offer.

Your advice on talking less and playing more applies to you, not to me. I see the NW community in its global aspect, but I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't understand NW outside of the groupfighting scene to grasp even a slim part of what I am saying. 

As for what I am doing in the community nowadays, not much. Not nearly as much as I used to do in the past at least. But calling out cretins such as you who became a bit too big for their boots as soon as they reached a somewhat average on NW, will always remain an entertaining thing to do.


I just did.

One of the best side blockers in the game. Often reffered as 'the Sideblock King'.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #215 on: May 10, 2019, 02:03:08 pm »
What's wrong sweetheart? Did I trigger your little feelings so much that you had to urge yourself in writing a reply a french? Did I put your miserable brain under the false impression that this argument may be between you and me? Are your defence mechanisms that weak?

Where did all your whispers go? What happened to your despicable persona which you spent so long building on the forums? So many questions Obelix, and so few answers you are actually capable of giving me. Is bringing tournament activity and results to me pointing out you crying to Tiberias in PM the only actual come back you could think of? You would have guessed that all this time acting like an absolute idiot on the forums - in the hope of getting the slightest glimpse of recognition - would have at least filled you with a bit of repartee but even in that aspect, you keep on disappointing.

I just played a full 6v6 tournament less than two weeks ago in an actual meme team and still managed to reach the playoffs, something you would have been able to see if you were capable of cleaning the unbelievable amount of shit you have in front of your eyes. If you want to bring stats with someone, make sure you know who you are talking to, especially when it's with someone who has more NW experience and knowledge than you will ever do. I have won two groupfighting tournaments in NW prime (something which isn't up to the baboons of your kind to discuss btw), was one of the most impactful players in one of the most contested season of the RGL and was already partaking in tournaments while you were still trying to figure out the right click on your mouse.

The fact you have made your way in good groupfighting teams seem to make you believe that you can actually shit-talk your betters. Allow me to replace certain things in their context. When things didn't go your way on the french forum, you threatened to DDOS people in a pathetic attempt at trying to show how much of a dangerous person you were. In order to avoid getting banned, you cried a river to Tiberias in private messages and only survived through his indulgence, something you have since then shown you were nothing close of deserving. You used a hack on public servers and only got away with it, once more through more crying and fake apologies.  Realising that you wouldn't get to play with good players only through hard work, you then turned into a forum clown, reposting overused memes from a french forum which you probably spent your childhood on, in a desperate attempt at capting people's attention.

Don't talk about credibility Obelix, when it's a word which you ignore the real meaning of. Credibility is not a given or something you can appropriate yourself, but something you earn, very much like recognition. Being a troll and showing constant immature behaviour makes you nothing special. Changing your nicknames on a regular basis makes you nothing special. Trying to imitate your poor friend's behaviours in the hope of being accepted as one of them, makes you nothing special.

You are my sweet child, nothing special. But the hardest part is probably about admitting it to yourself, in order to change for the best.
TL;DR pls

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #216 on: May 10, 2019, 02:04:38 pm »
Tardet roasted Obelix so hard that he is gonna retire.  :o

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #217 on: May 10, 2019, 02:40:27 pm »
Ry4n only thing u need to know. Tardet just killed a kid!
hahahha nevermind i just finished reading it hahahahahah

Tardet FSE legend, give this man mod!

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #218 on: May 10, 2019, 02:57:44 pm »
What you should do is train more and speak less

The amount of irony is just 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Lit triple post enyoy ban noob
Im a noob because your mad about what I post lol thats toxic as fuck and your a hypocrite to trying to team up with me with mad people your the noob kid, you wouldn't be acting this big by yourself. Go run back to your posse you pussy you ain't shit by yourself.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #219 on: May 10, 2019, 03:29:08 pm »

but I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't understand NW outside of the groupfighting scene to grasp even a slim part of what I am saying. 

Little monkey trying to fight King Kong
I think you take FSE too seriously, instead of playing the white knight, my best advice for you is to grab a beer and chill.
NW is not a fucking philosophy, we are not in your class of gender studies :)
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #220 on: May 10, 2019, 03:31:46 pm »
What's wrong sweetheart? Did I trigger your little feelings so much that you had to urge yourself in writing a reply a french? Did I put your miserable brain under the false impression that this argument may be between you and me? Are your defence mechanisms that weak?

Where did all your whispers go? What happened to your despicable persona which you spent so long building on the forums? So many questions Obelix, and so few answers you are actually capable of giving me. Is bringing tournament activity and results to me pointing out you crying to Tiberias in PM the only actual come back you could think of? You would have guessed that all this time acting like an absolute idiot on the forums - in the hope of getting the slightest glimpse of recognition - would have at least filled you with a bit of repartee but even in that aspect, you keep on disappointing.

I just played a full 6v6 tournament less than two weeks ago in an actual meme team and still managed to reach the playoffs, something you would have been able to see if you were capable of cleaning the unbelievable amount of shit you have in front of your eyes. If you want to bring stats with someone, make sure you know who you are talking to, especially when it's with someone who has more NW experience and knowledge than you will ever do. I have won two groupfighting tournaments in NW prime (something which isn't up to the baboons of your kind to discuss btw), was one of the most impactful players in one of the most contested season of the RGL and was already partaking in tournaments while you were still trying to figure out the right click on your mouse.

The fact you have made your way in good groupfighting teams seem to make you believe that you can actually shit-talk your betters. Allow me to replace certain things in their context. When things didn't go your way on the french forum, you threatened to DDOS people in a pathetic attempt at trying to show how much of a dangerous person you were. In order to avoid getting banned, you cried a river to Tiberias in private messages and only survived through his indulgence, something you have since then shown you were nothing close of deserving. You used a hack on public servers and only got away with it, once more through more crying and fake apologies.  Realising that you wouldn't get to play with good players only through hard work, you then turned into a forum clown, reposting overused memes from a french forum which you probably spent your childhood on, in a desperate attempt at capting people's attention.

Don't talk about credibility Obelix, when it's a word which you ignore the real meaning of. Credibility is not a given or something you can appropriate yourself, but something you earn, very much like recognition. Being a troll and showing constant immature behaviour makes you nothing special. Changing your nicknames on a regular basis makes you nothing special. Trying to imitate your poor friend's behaviours in the hope of being accepted as one of them, makes you nothing special.

You are my sweet child, nothing special. But the hardest part is probably about admitting it to yourself, in order to change for the best.

Imagine writing 14 lines to answer a "troll"
The thing you can't deny is that you are a bad player to stay polite, and in groupfighting, your long texts on FSE to play the little mastermind don't impress anyone.
I do not care about reputation, only skill maters to me
So basically when you join a team, and you are not even in the roster for the next competitive tournament, you better shut your mouth

You are known to be the nice guy who always have a positive spirit on FSE, but nonetheless, you are a  ghost on the competitive scene.
Also, we are all waiting for you to stream the FRA NWWC matches, because we love your commentary such as "He blocked" or "He chambered".
What you should do is train more and speak less
Don't consider yourself as a legend, you are not Drake :)
Just remember in a competitive game, the goal is not to post mushy retarded things on the forum to be a kind guy, it's to improve and try to reach the top.
I don't understand what is your goal in this game nowaways, you are bad, you don't organise tournaments, maybe just leave the game?

Imagine answering someone's post yet failing to address a single point he made. The difference between you and I is that I don't need to spread bullshit to get my point across Negan. Nobody is denying that you became a decent player, the problem is that you seem to think it gives you the right to trash talk better players and better people. Take the hint. This game is 7yo, there has been plenty of people like you too childish to behave and too stupid to understand that actions have consequences, even in an online community. You may think the way you behave on the forums makes you unique but it doesn't. I am also genuinely curious to see how well you would be doing casting anything on NW but I doubt it happens anytime soon because very few people probably have an interest in hearing what you have to say.

You can throw petty attacks on my 'skill' and call me bad. It doesn't reach me. I have trained, won competitions, carried matches, all of that while you were not even playing the game. I have proven myself, unlike you. Then again, it doesn't mean I am gonna trash talk you on your own skill. I have seen you play, I know you have a hell of potential and you could very well lead the new French competitive generation. Don't count on me to be stupid and deny you that. My point is, you could become the best player in the community, better than HaZe and ExtaaZz, I would still call you out for your shitty behaviour the exact same way. Being good doesn't put you above all rules. That's something your mentors often forget and one of the reasons why French people are considered as generic morons nowadays, whereas we used to be one of the largest but almost most respected community not so long ago.

As for the rest. I got invited to Proud Boys, I didn't request to join. I was the one who asked to be put on the bench to leave room for better players (such as Golden), while Movement offered everyone a chance to play in tournaments, including myself. Making your own researches or talk out of your ass, you had to pick one, not sure you made the smartest choice. HaZe is actually a newgen to me, but one who actually proved himself, alongside ExtaaZz and LeBrave. Still waiting for you to show the world what you have to offer.

Your advice on talking less and playing more applies to you, not to me. I see the NW community in its global aspect, but I wouldn't expect someone who doesn't understand NW outside of the groupfighting scene to grasp even a slim part of what I am saying. 

As for what I am doing in the community nowadays, not much. Not nearly as much as I used to do in the past at least. But calling out cretins such as you who became a bit too big for their boots as soon as they reached a somewhat average on NW, will always remain an entertaining thing to do.


I just did.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #221 on: May 10, 2019, 03:32:58 pm »
Poor attempt at a metaphor and massive backpaddling. I will leave you at that out of respect for ExtaZz and because hitting a man already on the floor is nothing to be proud of.

I think you got the lesson for today anyways.
Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #222 on: May 10, 2019, 03:36:12 pm »
Me when I hear Tardet speak  ::)

Quote from: Tardet
Tout le monde pensait que les 85e dominaient dans la relation de couple 31e-85e alors qu'en faite, ceux qui ont pu voir de l'intérieur savent que c'était le 31e qui portait la culotte, et de loin.
Je me souviendrais toujours du moment, à la fin de la réunion de disband du 85e, on se pose la question de savoir si on doit continuer ou pas, on discute pendant bien une heure voir plus, les 31e écoutent sagement sans rien dire. Avant de finir, on se dit que bon, on va quand même leur demander leur avis parce que c'est des potes et des mecs qui nous ont toujours soutenus.
Marc : 'Ah bha nous on avait tablé sur votre disband depuis plus d'un mois, du coup non, on est plutôt surpris en soi.'
L'EM du 85e en PLS, Dius et RzR qui dab devant leur PC. Merci, bonsoir.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #223 on: May 10, 2019, 03:40:30 pm »
Poor attempt at a metaphor and massive backpaddling. I will leave you at that out of respect for ExtaZz and because hitting a man already on the floor is nothing to be proud of.

I think you got the lesson for today anyways.
i cba to write another 20 lines to prove that u are shit and irrelevant, watch me in spec in NWWC it's enough, and continue to play the little philosopher on FSE as its your biggest achievement so far  ;)
Obelix geldi yala sonda zülfikar bunu kaç kere kovmuştu trollüyor tk atıyor diye ama iyi oynuyo ondan geldi demek.

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Re: [TZ0] ToxicityZero-Cohesion Project
« Reply #224 on: May 10, 2019, 03:46:28 pm »
What's wrong sweetheart? Did I trigger your little feelings so much that you had to urge yourself in writing a reply a french? Did I put your miserable brain under the false impression that this argument may be between you and me? Are your defence mechanisms that weak?

Where did all your whispers go? What happened to your despicable persona which you spent so long building on the forums? So many questions Obelix, and so few answers you are actually capable of giving me. Is bringing tournament activity and results to me pointing out you crying to Tiberias in PM the only actual come back you could think of? You would have guessed that all this time acting like an absolute idiot on the forums - in the hope of getting the slightest glimpse of recognition - would have at least filled you with a bit of repartee but even in that aspect, you keep on disappointing.

I just played a full 6v6 tournament less than two weeks ago in an actual meme team and still managed to reach the playoffs, something you would have been able to see if you were capable of cleaning the unbelievable amount of shit you have in front of your eyes. If you want to bring stats with someone, make sure you know who you are talking to, especially when it's with someone who has more NW experience and knowledge than you will ever do. I have won two groupfighting tournaments in NW prime (something which isn't up to the baboons of your kind to discuss btw), was one of the most impactful players in one of the most contested season of the RGL and was already partaking in tournaments while you were still trying to figure out the right click on your mouse.

The fact you have made your way in good groupfighting teams seem to make you believe that you can actually shit-talk your betters. Allow me to replace certain things in their context. When things didn't go your way on the french forum, you threatened to DDOS people in a pathetic attempt at trying to show how much of a dangerous person you were. In order to avoid getting banned, you cried a river to Tiberias in private messages and only survived through his indulgence, something you have since then shown you were nothing close of deserving. You used a hack on public servers and only got away with it, once more through more crying and fake apologies.  Realising that you wouldn't get to play with good players only through hard work, you then turned into a forum clown, reposting overused memes from a french forum which you probably spent your childhood on, in a desperate attempt at capting people's attention.

Don't talk about credibility Obelix, when it's a word which you ignore the real meaning of. Credibility is not a given or something you can appropriate yourself, but something you earn, very much like recognition. Being a troll and showing constant immature behaviour makes you nothing special. Changing your nicknames on a regular basis makes you nothing special. Trying to imitate your poor friend's behaviours in the hope of being accepted as one of them, makes you nothing special.

You are my sweet child, nothing special. But the hardest part is probably about admitting it to yourself, in order to change for the best.
Obe just take back whatever you wrote man, this is the first time im seeing Tardet pissed. :'( :'(
vegi is literally the worst of the worst in this community.