Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 878125 times)

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #690 on: July 10, 2013, 01:42:17 pm »

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee is recruiting!

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee (K-KA) is one of the longest surviving Austrian based (faction) regiment in Napoleonic Wars and is the ONLY Austrian Army. Currently it has the follow regiments under its banner:
Nr.1 (Skirmishers/Light Infantry)
Nr.4 (Cavalry)
Nr.7 (Artillery)
Nr.57 (Line Infantry)
Grenadier Hahns (Guard Infantry (NA only)

Regardless of skill the K-KA is looking for fresh members to join our ranks and indeed our community. If you wish to grow as a player and maybe a person, then the K-KA is the place for you, a place of skilled, mature players and a place where you can have some fun! We try and have a community feel and don't make our group constricted to just NW's (although it is our main focus). If you have any queries PM me on here or add me on steam : prideofni.

Apply today! Join the K-KA by visiting Our Website!

Offline Gurkha

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« Reply #691 on: July 10, 2013, 10:09:39 pm »

33rd Regiment of Foot's Website (Join Here)

33rd Regiment of Foot's Teamspeak server:

We are a British Line Infantry Regiment that has expanded into different companies such as line, light infantry and artillery. Our aim is to create a regiment that will provide a professional but enjoyable Napoleonic Wars experience for all kinds of players. Our goal is to triumph over our enemies through discipline, skill and determination. We also aim to be a disciplined regiment however this should interfere with us having fun. A high level of discipline will lead to improved trainings which in turn will lead to more enjoyable linebattles through an increase of performance and skill in the field.

We have accepted and still continue to accept members of all nationalities and have prided ourselves in having one of the most incredibly diverse roster of different nationalities in the community, with the only requirements that you speak and understand English to about an intermediate degree and the ability to meet and attend the training and event days.

The 33rd focuses on training and developing different skill sets required to be a successful and effective regiment on the battlefield such as various formation, melee and shooting and this reflects this in our regular regimental company trainings and battlefield proven tactics, but not our application process. No one will ever be denied enlistment due poor skills, lack of experience or shown little to no improvement; all we want from you three things activity, maturity and respect for fellow regiment members and other members of the community. Among our ranks we have some of the talented and most experienced players in the game who hand down their insightful knowledge of the game to the newest of recruits, who too will soon follow to become seasoned veterans of the game.

English is the universal language spoken in the regiment and is used for orders during events and trainings, but we are a very friendly and international regiment. We have a very large player base and our members come from all over Europe, to ensure our members are playing at their best in EU servers. We host promotions and demotions that happen very regularly, if a member shows a high degree of loyalty and maturity as well as a understanding of regimental tactics you will be promoted to a NCO rank. From here you will gain responsibility for maintaining formation. Also upon being promoted to NCO rank you will begin to be further taught your role and regimental tactics in a more advanced format. If you continue to show that you posses leadership skills and are growing at a respectable rate you will be potentially given a higher NCO position and possibly an officer role.

We pride ourselves in being one of the most professional and organised regiments in the community, we carefully keep track of our members and maintain an up to date regiment roster. Any inactive players among our ranks are removed from the regiment within a month, so our roster always features active members thus shows our actual numbers.

If you are interested in joining us, post a recruitment application on our website and wait for a response.

For any further information or enquires please come to our teamspeak and ask for Leonidas, Bobmalog  or Gurkha!

33rd Regiment of Foot's Teamspeak server:

Offline jtobiasm

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #692 on: July 11, 2013, 02:29:01 am »
IGN: jtobiasm
Steam: jtobiasm
Age: 18
Location: England
Experience: I've done 3 line battles with the bruhlans and played about 10 hours on EU1.

I'm looking for a Cavalry regiment, contact me on here or on steam.

Offline Mack

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« Reply #693 on: July 11, 2013, 10:21:04 am »

                        4e Grenadiers                         

Welcome there, soldier!
The 4e Grenadiers is currently looking for new members, willing to fight for the emperor! Are you one of those? Then sign up today!


What does the 4e Grenadiers offer you?
The 4e Grenadiers is an active regiment, with alot of friendly players willing to fight & play with other team members. We currently have 6/7 events a week, and around 30-40 active members to offer you a great 'battle-feeling' ! We've an EU and NA company to make sure everyone can enjoy the 4e Grenadiers!

What can I expect when I joined the 4e Grenadiers?
You can expect you to be more than welcome in the team, and already get invited to events on your first day in!

Events? What is that?
The 4e Grenadiers takes part of alot of events. Such as siege events, linebattles, conquest. And ofcourse we've our own trainings!

Linebattle - In a linebattle the goal is the eliminate the enemy team, once you died you won't respawn. The 4e Grenadiers is a grenadier regiment, so we expect our men to be high disciplined, and in a good ''melee-skill condition'' because we'll often be at the front line preparing for a glorious charge!
Siege - In a siege event, one team has to defend a base and the other has to attack. We'll often work in 2 battallions in a siege event, and the commander will appoint both battallions what to do, this is a more 'less-disciplined' event. But ofcourse we dont expect you to joke around!
Conquest - A conquest is the best event to get some real war feeling! Once you died, you'll respawn in several seconds. We expect you to listen very carefully since the event is often really big, and yeah.. We want to win!
Training - At training we train our soldiers in formations, melee or shooting. After the training we've a ceremony where people will get promoted.

What does the 4e Grenadiers require from you?
The 4e Grenadiers doesn't 'require' anything in a strict form from you but we do recommend some;
- You are a mature person
- You've the time to play with an active team
- You don't troll
- You're actually interested in playing events
- You wanna join a regiment, and you've interest in the theme
- You've teamspeak 3

But... I'm not good enough to join!
No! The 4e Grenadiers has trained alot of people, and we saw alot of them going into a succesfull time in the game. You can never be 'too bad' to join a regiment!

                 Vive l'Empereur!

Signed by,

Colonel Lannes Mack,
4e Grenadiers, 1st Battallion

Lannes Mack

Proudly commanded the 4e Grenadiers for two and a halve years

Offline Von_Clausewitz

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #694 on: July 11, 2013, 12:37:07 pm »
The Régiment de Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale is Recruiting

The Grenadiers à Cheval de la Garde Impériale (in English: Horse Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard) constituted a heavy cavalry regiment in the Consular, then Imperial Guard during the French Consulate and First French Empire respectively. They were the senior "Old Guard" cavalry regiment of the Imperial Guard and from 1806 were brigaded together with the Dragoons regiment of the Imperial Guard.They were arguably the best heavy cavalry regiment of their time.
A part of the Republican Consular Guard, the Grenadiers became the senior "Old Guard" heavy cavalry regiment when the Imperial Guard was founded, in 1804. Their maximum official complement was just over 1100 officers and troopers, commanded by a general of division or a seasoned general of brigade, with some of the most famous cavalrymen of the time as commander.Rarely committed to battle during the Napoleonic Wars, they were usually kept in reserve, alongside the Emperor, during the most significant battles of 1804-1815. When sent into action, such as during the battles of Marengo, Austerlitz, Eylau, Hanau or Waterloo, as well as during a number of actions of 1814, results were usually impressive. The regiment was disbanded in 1815, after Napoleon's downfall and the second restoration of the Bourbons.

  • We're a new Heavy Cavalry regiment looking for active and mostly fun members to play with, we're less serious and we're looking for a more laid back style of playing. So if you're looking for a regiment that's not too serious, but competetive at the same time? The GaCI is the regiment for you. We're still fairly new and we want to attend as much events as possible, we'll have two trainings every week at Wednessday 7pm CET and Sunday 7pm CET and we'll try to have as many events as possible.
  • If you want to join the regiment, you can send me a friend request on Steam [GaCI]VonClausewitz or add [GaCI]MyNickname you can also leave an application on our forum thread here on FSE and follow the steps in the Teamspeak and Recruitment tab and post your application ->

See you soon on the battlefield!

Offline Von_Clausewitz

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #695 on: July 11, 2013, 12:49:14 pm »
IGN: jtobiasm
Steam: jtobiasm
Age: 18
Location: England
Experience: I've done 3 line battles with the bruhlans and played about 10 hours on EU1.

I'm looking for a Cavalry regiment, contact me on here or on steam.

Added you on Steam.

Offline Jamie1160

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #696 on: July 11, 2013, 08:57:40 pm »


                                         Roster [Work in Progress]




Lieutenant Colonel      




Second Lieutenant


Regimental Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major   



Lance Corporal      



The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers was an infantry regiment of the British Army. Originally raised in 1674 as the 5th Northumberland Regiment of Foot. 

The regiment was originally part of the Dutch service and known as the Irish Regiment, or Viscount Clare's Regiment. The regiment was transferred to the British Service on 5 June 1685, establishing its order of precedence as the 5th Regiment of the Line. Until 1751, like most other regiments, it was known successively by the names of the colonels who commanded them at the time.

    I need People to fill in my high ranking places, I will test you to see if you know how to lead

  If you are interested in joining make and application and post it in comments, add Markz1160 on steam or go to our ts server:

  In game name:

Steam Name:

 Regimental experience (include regiment names):

Why you want to join:

Do you have ts and a working microphone(mic not needed but is useful if you want a high rank):

Offline Furrnox

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« Reply #697 on: July 12, 2013, 12:55:19 pm »


We are one of the oldest regiments in the community with 8 years of Linebattles and Friendship, If you enjoy hanging with mature and great personalities while fighting in a Linebattle then by all means join The Royal Recruits!


Furrnox, Private of the Royal Recruits
Click here to apply!
If you still need help, please add,

Recruitment Officers:
LCpl. F0rce

Or alternatively an CO listed below,

Lt. Col. MPC
Maj. Macseh
Cpt. Augy
Lt. Serenissima

Teamspeak info:

Offline Althalus

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members
« Reply #698 on: July 12, 2013, 07:41:51 pm »

"I couldn`t hope for more skilled or honourable opponents!" - Colonel Cenkris

The 90th is a medium sized regiment of Highland Infantry and Artillery, led by Colonel Viktor, a Scot himself. Both artillery and Infantry are actively recruiting. Under the leadership of skilled Officers and accompanied by skilled pipers, the 90th is always the first into battle!

The Perthshire Line Infantry were raised in 1794 in the Lowlands of Perthshire by Thomas Graham (afterwards Lord Lynedoch), the hero of the brilliant victory of Barrossa in the Peninsular War. Their steady courage at Mandora in the “Abercromby” Expedition to Egypt was remarkable. The Battalion wore brass helmets, the only head-dress available on embarkation, and were bravely charged by the French horse, who mistook them for dismounted cavalry and were heavily defeated.

In 1854 the 90th proceeded to the Crimea, and were present throughout the assault of the Redan, where many fell, their bodies being afterwards found in the place which marked the farthest limit of the British advance. In the Indian Mutiny of 1857, the 90th added greatly to its reputation by the numerous acts of gallantry performed by its officers and men, and it was present at the relief of Lucknow.

In 1878 the 90th were employed in suppressing the Gaika Rebellion in the Cape Colony, and fought under the temporary command of Colonel Evelyn Wood, V.C., himself an Officer of the Regiment, and later Field-Marshal Sir Evelyn Wood, V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.

In 1899 the Boer War broke out, and the 90th - now the 2nd Battalion of The Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) - formed part of the Army under Sir Redvers Buller, which, after much exertion brought relief to their beseiged comrades at Ladysmith.

The 90th had the unique distinction of having produced three Field-Marshals and Commanders-in-Chief of our Army -Lords Hill and Wolseley, and Sir E. Wood, the third being in temporary command for a short time when Adjutant-General. (The appointment of Commander-in-Chief of the Army has now been abolished.)

It should also be mentioned that in the Boer War both militia battalions volunteered for active service and rendered much valuable aid. Nor were the Volunteer battalions of the regiment less zealous. The service-companies furnished by them joined the regiment, and shared the work and risks of their regular comrades.

At the 90th we understand that not every player can make linebattles as and when they're on. We try to be fair in all decisions, and don't expect the World from you.

If you would like to join the 90th, or would like more information, please don't hesitate to PM me or add Colonel Viktor or Lieutenant Althalus on steam.

Offline Wismar

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #699 on: July 13, 2013, 12:50:27 am »

"No-one provokes me with impunity"

The 15th Scots is a brand new line infantry detachment in the glorious 15th. The 15th has 70+ active members and events everyday of the week. Not only for NW, but for Blood & Iron aswell! The 15th is not only a NW regiment, we are also a community.
 Our members enjoy playing all types of games. When you are tired of gaming, why not join one the kareoke nights or watch a film witg the fellow members. Overall you can expect an incredible experience in a friendly and respectable enviroment with disciplined play during events. What are you waiting for? Join the 15th Scots today!

Simply add
[15th] Schwartz
on steam and tell me
 you are interested.

This is the banner we use ingame.



Cpt- Captain
Lt - Lieutenant
Ens - Ensign


SgtMaj - Sergeant Major
ClrSgt - Colour Sergeant


Sgt - Sergeant
Cpl - Corporal
LCpl - Lance Corporal
Kgm - Kingsman
Gren - Grenadier
Fus - Fusilier 
Pfc - Private First Class 
Pvt - Private
Cdt - Cadet

Offline Eazy-E

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #700 on: July 13, 2013, 12:50:57 am »
Join the 25th, please.

Offline DutchFoot

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«52nd (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) Regiment of Foot» [Recruiting][Na]
« Reply #701 on: July 13, 2013, 01:46:54 am »
52nd Oxfordshire Regiment of Foot
"The Light Bobs"



The 52nd Oxfordshire Line Infantry is a regiment for the Napoleonic Wars. The real 52nd was light Infantry, but we will represent them as line infantry. We have many tactics, and have the pleasure of  being a line. We have our own training server to use. Also we dedicate our time to equally train each member so that they know what do to do in different situations. The 52nd Was a real regiment during the Napoleonic Wars, and consisted of two battalions. Each battalion had its own officers, and men. Our goal is to create a fun, relaxed environment for all Napoleonic players to enjoy.

Regiment TS3:
(Password given when joined)

Regiment Server: 52nd_Line_Official

Regiment Colonel Steam: lort683

Regiment Lt Colonel Steam: saturnplanet13

Want to Join?
The King wants you to join the 52nd!

* Required Information

• What is your Steam name?*
• What is your Timezone?*
• Are you mature?
• How old are you?
• Regimental History?*

(Or tell officer on Steam that you are interested)

Code of Conduct
Follow the Rules men, and No one will get hurt.

- Be Respectful to Everyone
- No Trolling
- No Threatening
- No Ramboing
- No Immatureness
- Have Fun!
- Follow All Rules

All the business of war, and indeed all the business of life, is to endeavour to find out what you don't know by what you do; that's what I called 'guess what was at the other side of the hill'.
- Duke of Wellington

« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 01:50:56 am by DutchFoot »

Offline Thorpe

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #702 on: July 13, 2013, 02:58:41 am »
73rd Regiment (highlanders) of Foot

Hello Their, Lt Col Thorpe Officer commanding The 73 rd Regiment of Foot. The time has come for us to do some Recruiting, on this description i will tell you a little about the regiment, its history, what i expect from the men under my command, what we do etc.

The regiment:
 The battalion was raised in 1780 as the 2nd Battalion, 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, with eight officers from the 1st Battalion being detached to help raise the new battalion. In 1781 the they were sent to India where in 1782 they saw action in the Second Anglo-Mysore War . The 2nd/42nd Highlanders were still in India when the battalion received regimental status as the 73rd (Highland) Regiment of Foot. The regiment fought on in India seeing action in the Third Anglo-Mysore War, at the Battle of Pondicherry in 1793 and in the Second Anglo-Maratha War in 1803. The regiment returned to Britain in 1808. We have carried on The Regiments heritage under this basis.

A little about what i expect from you:
1. no massive trolling.
2. activity, no playing other games when we should be doing trainings etc.
3. TS3, its not essential that you speak, but it is essential that you can listen to commands.
4. no disobeying the orders given to you by officers or n.c.o's i do not tolerate this.
5. no racism or bullying.
and that's pretty much it. if you wish to become and officer or n.c.o, I'm looking for people with an aptitude to be able to do it, which encompasses all 5 rules, plus i expect you all to be able to have some tactical knowledge, plus being cool under pressure.

What we do:
we currently do 3 line-battle's, these would be on a Wednesday, Saturday and a Sunday at 7pm GMT. Training is on a Tuesday at 7pm GMT where we have a 50 man server, although i may increase this as the regiment grows to allow us to do regiment battles.

Current roster is as follows:

Lieutenant  Colonel Thorpe
Major Jakey
Captain Dirty Flame
Lieutenant Rex
Ensign MammothCheese
Colour Sergeant NubNinja69
Sergeant (currently vacant. prove to me you deserve it and its yours.)
Corporal (currently vacant. prove to me you deserve it and its yours.)
Lance Corporal Jabor
Private Goldfish
Private TabascoMan
Private Sean 
Private Dexter
Private Sandez
Private  MAXIMO
Recruit TalibanNexus
Recruit Potshot Pirate

If you are interested in joining, please add myself on steam ([73rd]Thorpe) for more details.
TS3 Address:
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 03:03:32 am by Thorpe »
retreat? i will not sir. we will beat them here, or die trying.

Offline Stjef

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #703 on: July 13, 2013, 06:28:34 am »

Offline Super

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Re: Looking for a regiment or members? Than post here!
« Reply #704 on: July 13, 2013, 08:14:38 am »

Who are the 75th?
We are a multi-company regiment, both NA and EU, who participate in Napoleonic Wars events every day of the week. Meaning there is always a chance for action. We average 60-70 members per event, spread over a variety of companies in each event.

What companies are there and how can I join them?
The 75th features Line, Rifles, Artillery, Light Infantry and Cavalry companies. Meaning you will always be able to play the class suited to you. Upon joining the regiment, you will be able to apply for one of the companies after 1-2 weeks of being with us. There will be a short test to ensure you are capable of the company you desire to join, after which you will likely be accepted and play with your chosen company at events.

What kind of events will I be attending?
We predominantly play Line battle events, giving all of our companies a chance to be fielded. However we also attend 2 Sieges weekly, as they are an equally enjoyable event type.

When are the events?
Events start every day at 7pm BST (British Summer Time). Before each event we have a 1/2 hour training, if you wish to join the event, it is best to be at the training too.

How can I get promoted?
When you join the regiment, it will be at the rank of Recruit, as with every new member. After a short time in the regiment (3-4 events) to ensure you intend to remain active, you will be promoted to cadet. From Cadet, you will have to prove yourself to the acting head of the Cadet Corps in order to be promoted to private. Which on average takes a further week. From there we will be looking for personal skill and leadership qualities for further promotions.

What will be required of me?
The 75th only asks that you refrain from trolling at all times, remain as active as possible, and have a care for your personal skill level.

Where can I join?
Simply go to the top of this post, and click one of the Links provided. Or just click Here!

A drawing of The Companies of the 75th in Dress Uniform on parade.