Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 878282 times)

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #120 on: December 06, 2012, 05:48:15 pm »

The 59th Regiment of foot is actively searching for new, like-minded recruits to join our ranks. If you are interested in joining we have three steps on the road to become a part of our fantastic community.

Head over to our website HERE and go to the "Recruitment" section, have a read through the sticky threads and then when your ready to apply copy the template from the template thread and create a new thread, paste in the template then fill out the blanks and post.

Shortly after a member of the regiment will either accept or deny your application & instructions will be given to you by the regiment member if you are accepted.

Steam: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel or Lieutenant Svensson
59th FSE Thread:

Offline Menelaos

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #121 on: December 06, 2012, 05:55:09 pm »

If are looking for a mature North American regiment, then the 1tes is for you!

The 1tes is a regiment dedicated to playing Napoleonic Wars community hosted events. We aim for historical accuracy in our gameplay as we reenact how Prussian Fusiliers fought in formations. The 1tes is actively searching for active, mature, and loyal members. If you wish to join our ranks then please apply on our website, which can be found HERE. We are not just a linebattle community but we are a group of friends who play various games. Although we strive to be disciplined we also will not enforce a strict PTS or mute players; it is however up to you to keep a level of maturity. We truly want to help if you have any questions about enlistment or contacting us please contact one of our liasons for information:

[1tes] Menelaos [1tes] Cop 1tes Website

To join you must first submit an application on our website. It will be reviewed within 24 hours by myself or another admin. From there we will ask you to add us on steam and come into teamspeak.

Code of Conduct

The 3 core parts of how you should present yourself on or off the battlefield. All members are required to abide by these principles. By joining you agree that you have read these rules, failure to follow them will result in termination from the 1tes.

1. Respect - Show the highest of respect to other players and encourage teamwork. Always typing in a "GG" and saying "Good fight" are good ways to reflect the regiment. You wear our tags so keep the high standard.
2. Retaliation - Members are never to retaliate, regardless of the extremity of the offense you must never revenge teamkill or type rude or offensive chat material toward others. It's plain sloppy and is the lowest thing a member can do.
3. Discipline - Members are to remain quiet unless asked for information during a battle. We expect them to never belay officer/NCO orders and to willingly follow your comrades into death! It's the life of a Napoleonic infantryman!
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 05:56:54 pm by Menelaos »

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #122 on: December 06, 2012, 05:56:05 pm »

                        4e Grenadiers                         

Welcome there, soldier!
The 4e Grenadiers is currently looking for new members, willing to fight for the emperor! Are you one of those? Then sign up today!

What does the 4e Grenadiers offer you?
The 4e Grenadiers is an active regiment, with alot of friendly players willing to fight & play with other team members. We currently have 7 events a week, and around 25 active members to offer you a great 'battle-feeling' !

What can I expect when I joined the 4e Grenadiers?
You can expect you to be more than welcome in the team, and already get invited to events on your first day in!

Events? What is that?
The 4e Grenadiers takes part of alot of events. Such as siege events, linebattles, conquest. And ofcourse we've our own trainings!

Linebattle - In a linebattle the goal is the eliminate the enemy team, once you died you won't respawn. The 4e Grenadiers is a grenadier regiment, so we expect our men to be high disciplined, and in a good ''melee-skill condition'' because we'll often be at the front line preparing for a glorious charge!
Siege - In a siege event, one team has to defend a base and the other has to attack. We'll often work in 2 battallions in a siege event, and the commander will appoint both battallions what to do, this is a more 'less-disciplined' event. But ofcourse we dont expect you to joke around!
Conquest - A conquest is the best event to get some real war feeling! Once you died, you'll respawn in several seconds. We expect you to listen very carefully since the event is often really big, and yeah.. We want to win!
Training - At training we train our soldiers in formations, melee or shooting. After the training we've a ceremony where people will get promoted.

What does the 4e Grenadiers require from you?
The 4e Grenadiers doesn't 'require' anything in a strict form from you but we do recommend some;
- You are a mature person
- You've the time to play with an active team
- You don't troll
- You're actually interested in playing events
- You wanna join a regiment, and you've interest in the theme
- You've teamspeak 3

But... I'm not good enough to join!
No! The 4e Grenadiers has trained alot of people, and we saw alot of them going into a succesfull time in the game. You can never be 'too bad' to join a regiment!

                 Vive l'Empereur!

Signed by,

Colonel Lannes Mack,
4e Grenadiers, 1st Battallion

Lannes Mack

Proudly commanded the 4e Grenadiers for two and a halve years

Offline Johan

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #123 on: December 06, 2012, 11:03:02 pm »

5. Lützowsches Freikorps

Regiment Information

The 5. Lützowsches Freikorps is recruiting mature 14+ years old! We do enforce discipline in our ranks so we expect our members to be disciplined and mature. We'll have trainings and linebattles weekly to keep ourselves ready to fight for our beloved fatherland! We'll be using realistic ranks, tactics and formations, so alot of tactic will be discussed during a training.

My aim in this regiment is to create a disciplined, mature & realistic yet fun regiment for the community. So in general if you're looking for a disciplined regiment, the 5. Lützowsches Freikorps is for you!

History of the Freikorps
Lützow Free Corps (German: Lützowsches Freikorps) was a voluntary force of the Prussian army during the Napoleonic Wars. It was named after its commander, Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von Lützow. They were also widely known as "Lützower Jäger" or "Schwarze Jäger" (Black Jäger).

The unit was officially founded in February 1813 as Königlich Preußisches Freikorps von Lützow (Royal Prussian Free Corps von Lützow). It was alleged to have consisted mostly of students and academics from all over Germany who had volunteered to fight against Napoleon I of France. However, in reality they amounted to no more than 12% of the total force, which consisted mostly of craftsmen and labourers.

The average size of the corps was 2,900 infantry, 600 cavalry and 120 artillery, varying throughout the war. It fought in many battles, operating first independently in the rear of the French troops, later as a regular unit in the allied armies.

After the peace of 1814 the corps was dissolved, the infantry becoming the 25th Regiment, the cavalry the 6th Ulans. After Napoleon's return from Elba, both regiments fought at Ligny and Waterloo during the Hundred Days.

In 1815 The Freikorps were converted into regiment Nr 25 as regular infantrymen. Their composition of units was unique and had the impact of Lutzow still. Wearing the same black litwega and shako. The Tyrolean hunters remained unchanged along with Jagers.

Despite its relatively small size, the corps became famous after the war, as it was the only unit in the army consisting of people from all over Germany. Also, it contained academics, writers and other well known people such as Karl Theodor Körner, Friedrich Friesen, Joseph von Eichendorff and Friedrich Ludwig Jahn. The educator Friedrich Fröbel, who later developed the concept of the kindergarten, also belonged to the corps.

In addition, two women, Eleonore Prochaska and Anna Lühring, had managed to join in disguise.
As many Lützow Free Corps veterans took part in the first Wartburg festival of 1817, demanding German unity and democratic reforms, their black-red-gold uniform colour scheme became associated with republican ideals. During the Hambacher Fest of 1832 and Revolutions of 1848 in the German states, flags with these colours were used.

This combination, reminiscent of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, was selected as the official national colours of Germany, as the flag of Germany in 1919, and again in 1949.

In the aftermath of Germany's defeat in the First World War, one of the paramilitary freikorps active in Germany took the name "Freikorps Lützow." Its strong right-wing inclinations were, however, by no means a continuation of the political inclinations of members in the original 19th-century unit.

Regimental Ranking System


Hauptmann - Captain - Haupt
Premier Leutnant - First Lieutenant - PLt
Seconde Leutnant - Second Lieutenant - SLt


Feldwebel - Sergeant Major - Fw
Unteroffizier - Sergeant - Uffz
Korporal - Corporal - Kpl


Gefreiter - Regular - Gft
Gemeiner - Private - Gmnr
Cadet - Cadet - Cdt
Rekrut - Recruit - Rkt

Regimental Roster


Hauptmann. Johan



Rekrut. MajorBruno
Rekrut. Pink_Panter
Rekrut. Spudgun

Rekrut. Gunther
Rekrut. Lordgiza
Rekrut. Jaythegod


If you wish to join. You must apply on our forums.
Or add AG_163 to Steam!

Code of Conduct

Rules within this regiment:
1) No Teamkilling.
2) No spamming chat during training or linebattle.
3) Respect the CO's and NCO's.
4) Rascism will NOT be tolerated, and punishment will be either demotion or kick.
5) Be mature and disciplined in trainings and linebattles, failure will result in kick.
6) Only English during Trainings & Linebattles.


NW Server: 5thFKI_Official_Server

Offline Stefiboy

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #124 on: December 08, 2012, 03:27:05 am »

The Earl of Ross-Shire is looking for Abled-Bodied Men!:
The 78th Regiment of Foot is a Active North American and European regiment with lots of friendly players and Officers,The Regiment takes part in events such as Linebattles and Sieges,Conquests and many more. Death in the Regiment in Important Events such as Linebattles is inevitable, but hey if the good'ol'king wants you dead, then you can't do anything about it. For About 1 Shilling a Day, the Average Soldier receives mediocre training, but for 2 Shillings a day the Average Highlander receives exceptional training and does not have to eat those pesky rations! Enlist Now in the Ross-Shire Buffs!


What to Expext From the Regiment:
You Can Expect a Fine Community That goes to Numerous Events

What Are these Events?
Events are what regiments participate in, for exemple linebattles, where 1 team must destroy the enemy's team forces.

Im Sorry im bad at this game i can't join yet!
Nonsense!We accept any type of skill in this regiment wether be it bad or good or mediocre you will always have a place in the Ross-Shire Buffs! You Can Never be too Bad to join a Regiment!

Applying to the Regiment(Send me a PM)
Ingame name:
Steam name:
Past regiments:
Melee skill (scale from 1 -10)
Shooting skill (scale from 1 -10)
Will you be active?

Offline Pinball Wizard

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #125 on: December 09, 2012, 12:38:39 am »
Any cavalry regiments out there that is willing to take a volunteer that only has time on the weekend?

I prefer an NA regiment, based on the French cavalry, but I'm open to any open EU regiment. Any faction would be nice.

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #126 on: December 09, 2012, 05:30:47 am »

Hello Gentlemen, Grab your Muskets and Bayonets for the 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie are recuiting every young and able bodied man to fight for the honor and glory of the 10thBI. We are a Prussian Infantry regiment. Our goal is to be the dominating force on the battlefield by hammering down continuing musket volleys upon the enemy and end with giving them the cold steel by thrusting the bayonet into their throats. So if you looking for a well diciplined and skilled regiment entirly in North American than the 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie is the regiment for you!

Our goal is that we are the most diciplined and skilled regiment on the battlefield and all at the same time to have fun, because that is what this game is about. We want all of our members to have the best event experience they can't get anywhere else. We expect all members to be mature and if you are new to the game we will take you in a shape you into a true soldier. The 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie can't wait to see you among our ranks and give you a great regimental experience.


« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 04:55:17 am by LordJorvasker »

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

Offline Vorposten

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #127 on: December 09, 2012, 08:53:44 am »
Schill'sches Freikorps

We are recruiting soldiers from the EU, especially from Germany or another German-speaking country. So if you want to get in, you should speak German, all in all. Also you have to been at least 14 years old.

Historically, the Freikorps fought in order to defend Kolberg in 1807 and to free Germany from the French ruler ship in 1809, where our glorious leader Schill got shot in Stralsund at 31st May 1809.

If you are looking for Regiment, who playes as Light infantry you can write an application at or you contact SF_Vorposten or (SF_Inf)_Wolfgang_ at steam.

In order to represent us,
Capitain Vorposten

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 09:21:20 am by Vorposten »
69thNY_CSgt_Outpost | [DL]III_KBR_Sap_Vorposten | 3tesWaldeck_Fhr_Vorposten

Offline dhend98

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #128 on: December 09, 2012, 06:20:24 pm »
71st Regiment of Foot, Fraser's Highlanders

Brief History of Our Regiment

The71st(Highland) Regiment of Foot, Fraser's Highlanders were raised in 1775 to serve in the American Revolutionary War and became the The 71st(Highland) Regiment of Foot Highlanders who saw major action first in 1808 when they sailed to Portugal to serve under General John Moore during his advance and retreat from Spain which ended in 1809 with a victory at the Battle of Corunna. After leaving Spain in 1809 they took part in the Walcheren campaign which was an unsuccessful expedition into the Netherlands. In 1810 they were sent to Iberia then fought throughout the entire Peninsular War. Significant actions during this part of the Napoleonic wars included the Battle of Vitoria where they were told to hold the extreme right of the line and were ambushed at the amphitheatre and massacred by two French regiments, 40 surrendered and around 200 where dead or wounded. They were also present at the Battle of Waterloo as part of the 3rd Brigade in Major General Sir Henry Clinton's 2nd division. 
Ranks in Our Regiment

Enlisted Ranks:
Rec (Recruit)
Pte (Private)
Pfc (Private First Class)

Cpl (Corporal)

Sgt (Sergeant)

CSgt (Colour Sergeant)

SgM (Sergeant Major)

Ens (Ensign)

Lt (Lieutenant)

Cap (Captain)

Maj (Major)

LtCol (Lieutenant Colonel)

Col (Colonel)
Contact Info

Add either (71st)Chamberlain or Endo on steam or join our steam group
Applications will be done through steam we will ask the following questions
1.Why do you want to join the 71st
2.Will you be an active member?
3.Do you have TeamSpeak?
4.Will you be able to attend trainings and events?
5. Will you respect your higher ranking teammates
6. Do you have a mic (optional)
Training Times
Training Times will be on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00 P.M. We will discuss other event times to find out what is comfortable for the members

Offline James Grant

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #129 on: December 09, 2012, 10:55:55 pm »

The 60th Royal American Rifles regiment is on the hunt for new talented sharpshooters, much like yourself, to join our gilded ranks.
If you do take this finest of decisions simply head to our thread, HERE, take a look and fill in an application.

An officer shall see to your application forthwith and will soon see you fitted into our joyful band like....well like a joyful thing!

Many Thanks,

James Grant, Adjutant of the 60th.

Offline PrideofNi

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #130 on: December 09, 2012, 10:58:32 pm »

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee is recruiting!

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee (K-KA) is one of the longest surviving Austrian based (faction) regiment in Napoleonic Wars and is the ONLY Austrian Army. Currently it has the follow regiments under its banner:
Nr.4 (Cavalry)
Nr.7 (Artillery)
Nr.9 (Skirmishers)
Nr.18 (Grenzers)
Nr.57 (Line Infantry)

Regardless of skill the K-KA is looking for fresh members to join our ranks and indeed our community. If you wish to grow as a player and maybe a person, then the K-KA is the place for you, a place of skilled, mature players and a place where you can have some fun! We try and have a community feel and don't make our group constricted to just NW's (although it is our main focus). If you have any queries PM me on taleworlds or add me on steam : prideofni.

Apply today! Join the K-KA by visiting Our Website!

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #131 on: December 10, 2012, 06:32:18 am »
Ill keep it simple.

63e is currently recruiting EU/NA players.  We are a decent sized regiment that has been around for nearly 6 months.  We enjoy having linebattles/sieges and other custom events and are welcome to any member, that does not exhibit being a troll, to join. 

If interested please add [63e] Colonel Karth to steam. 
And apply on this thread:

Offline JohannesVonG

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #132 on: December 11, 2012, 03:48:41 am »
7-й Лейбъ-Гвардіи Преображенскій Полкъ
7y Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhensky Polk

The 7y Leib is a Russian foot-guard regiment for Mount and Blade: Warband: Napoleonic Wars based in the United States and Canada. We primarily fight with line infantry tactics and our members have extensive knowledge and experience in a variety of maneuvers that can be quickly executed under enemy fire. MM veterans will benefit from our dependable schedule and dedicated leaders, while new players will also be given an environment of friendliness and encouragement in which to master the game, including structured training on formation marching, marksmanship and melee fighting with bayonet. 7y also maintains detachments for skirmishers, cavalry, and artillery, for the times when we are permitted to deploy them in a line-battle. These individuals, while being specialists, are still trained extensively as line-infantry and play primarily in that role.

The historical Preobrazhenskiy Regiment was raised by Tsar Peter I in 1691 from servants and personal friends, and barracked them in the Moscow neighbourhood of Preobrazhenskoe where he and his mother lived. As the Tsar matured, so did the regiment and the various war-games it conducted. This regiment, alongside its sister-regiment Semenovskiy, formed the nucleus of the new westernized army Peter was creating (and displaced the hereditary Streltsy forces in the process). In 1700, before the battle of Narva against Sweden, he officially ordained both regiments to be "Leib-Gvardii," from the German for "body" and the Italian for "guard," thus marking their exception from the rank-and-file. In peace they protected the Romanov family and their property, while in war they could be deployed as a shock-troop to bolster the regiments of the line in times of dire need. They were the premier regiment of the guard, and therefore the premier regiment of the entire army, and the Emperors held the title of Colonel-in-Chief of the regiment at all times, though they were always commanded in battle by someone else. They were also a political weapon within the court: whomever had the support of the Preobrazhenskiy and Semenovskiy regiments could take the Imperial throne. Serving through the entire 18th and 19th centuries, the Preobrazhensky would last be deployed in the First World War before disbanding in 1917 with the abdication of Nicholas II and the dissolution of the empire.

The Napoleonic Era saw the Leib-Gvardii Preobrazhenskiy fighting in the Finnish campaign (1788-89), at Austerlitz (1805), Guttland-Deppen (1807), Friedland (1807), Borodino (1812), Lützen (1813), Bautzen (1813), Kulm (1813) (where they earned the ribbon of St. George for their banners), Leipzig (1813), and Paris (1814).



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Offline Menelaos

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #134 on: December 11, 2012, 04:49:41 am »

If are looking for a mature North American regiment, then the 1tes is for you!

The 1tes is a regiment dedicated to playing Napoleonic Wars community hosted events. We aim for historical accuracy in our gameplay as we reenact how Prussian Fusiliers fought in formations. The 1tes is actively searching for active, mature, and loyal members. If you wish to join our ranks then please apply on our website, which can be found HERE. We are not just a linebattle community but we are a group of friends who play various games. Although we strive to be disciplined we also will not enforce a strict PTS or mute players; it is however up to you to keep a level of maturity. We truly want to help if you have any questions about enlistment or contacting us please contact one of our liasons for information:

[1tes] Menelaos [1tes] Cop 1tes Website

To join you must first submit an application on our website. It will be reviewed within 24 hours by myself or another admin. From there we will ask you to add us on steam and come into teamspeak.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 01:56:25 pm by Menelaos »