Author Topic: Looking for a regiment or members? Then post here!  (Read 878179 times)

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Offline Audiate

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #105 on: December 03, 2012, 01:02:18 am »
 How often does 10th have to post here, exactly? Every page? :P

Offline PrideofNi

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #106 on: December 03, 2012, 01:09:55 am »

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee is recruiting!

The Kaiserlich-Konigliche Armee (K-KA) is one of the longest surviving Austrian based (faction) regiment in Napoleonic Wars and is the ONLY Austrian Army. Currently it has the follow regiments under its banner:
Nr.4 (Cavalry)
Nr.7 (Artillery)
Nr.9 (Skirmishers)
Nr.18 (Grenzers)
Nr.57 (Line Infantry)

Regardless of skill the K-KA is looking for fresh members to join our ranks and indeed our community. If you wish to grow as a player and maybe a person, then the K-KA is the place for you, a place of skilled, mature players and a place where you can have some fun! We try and have a community feel and don't make our group constricted to just NW's (although it is our main focus). If you have any queries PM me on taleworlds or add me on steam : prideofni.

Apply today! Join the K-KA by visiting Our Website!

Offline Menelaos

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #107 on: December 03, 2012, 03:03:30 am »

If are looking for a mature North American regiment, then the 1tes is for you!

The 1tes is a regiment dedicated to playing Napoleonic Wars community hosted events. We aim for historical accuracy in our gameplay as we reenact how Prussian Fusiliers fought in formations. The 1tes is actively searching for active, mature, and loyal members. If you wish to join our ranks then please apply on our website, which can be found HERE. We are not just a linebattle community but we are a group of friends who play various games. Although we strive to be disciplined we also will not enforce a strict PTS or mute players; it is however up to you to keep a level of maturity. We truly want to If you have any questions about enlistment please contact one of our liasons for recruitment:

Offline Mack

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #108 on: December 03, 2012, 07:39:02 am »

                        4e Grenadiers                         

Welcome there, soldier!
The 4e Grenadiers is currently looking for new members, willing to fight for the emperor! Are you one of those? Then sign up today!

What does the 4e Grenadiers offer you?
The 4e Grenadiers is an active regiment, with alot of friendly players willing to fight & play with other team members. We currently have 7 events a week, and around 25 active members to offer you a great 'battle-feeling' !

What can I expect when I joined the 4e Grenadiers?
You can expect you to be more than welcome in the team, and already get invited to events on your first day in!

Events? What is that?
The 4e Grenadiers takes part of alot of events. Such as siege events, linebattles, conquest. And ofcourse we've our own trainings!

Linebattle - In a linebattle the goal is the eliminate the enemy team, once you died you won't respawn. The 4e Grenadiers is a grenadier regiment, so we expect our men to be high disciplined, and in a good ''melee-skill condition'' because we'll often be at the front line preparing for a glorious charge!
Siege - In a siege event, one team has to defend a base and the other has to attack. We'll often work in 2 battallions in a siege event, and the commander will appoint both battallions what to do, this is a more 'less-disciplined' event. But ofcourse we dont expect you to joke around!
Conquest - A conquest is the best event to get some real war feeling! Once you died, you'll respawn in several seconds. We expect you to listen very carefully since the event is often really big, and yeah.. We want to win!
Training - At training we train our soldiers in formations, melee or shooting. After the training we've a ceremony where people will get promoted.

What does the 4e Grenadiers require from you?
The 4e Grenadiers doesn't 'require' anything in a strict form from you but we do recommend some;
- You are a mature person
- You've the time to play with an active team
- You don't troll
- You're actually interested in playing events
- You wanna join a regiment, and you've interest in the theme
- You've teamspeak 3

But... I'm not good enough to join!
No! The 4e Grenadiers has trained alot of people, and we saw alot of them going into a succesfull time in the game. You can never be 'too bad' to join a regiment!

                 Vive l'Empereur!

Signed by,

Colonel Lannes Mack,
4e Grenadiers, 1st Battallion

Lannes Mack

Proudly commanded the 4e Grenadiers for two and a halve years

Offline Svensson

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #109 on: December 03, 2012, 04:17:13 pm »

The 59th Regiment of foot is actively searching for new, like-minded recruits to join our ranks. If you are interested in joining we have three steps on the road to become a part of our fantastic community.

Head over to our website HERE and go to the "Recruitment" section, have a read through the sticky threads and then when your ready to apply copy the template from the template thread and create a new thread, paste in the template then fill out the blanks and post.

Shortly after a member of the regiment will either accept or deny your application & instructions will be given to you by the regiment member if you are accepted.

Steam: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel or Lieutenant Svensson
59th FSE Thread:

Offline James Grant

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #110 on: December 03, 2012, 10:45:32 pm »

The 60th Royal American Rifles regiment is on the hunt for new talented sharpshooters, much like yourself, to join our gilded ranks.
If you do take this finest of decisions simply head to our thread, HERE, take a look and fill in an application.

An officer shall see to your application forthwith and will soon see you fitted into our joyful band like....well like a joyful thing!

Many Thanks,

James Grant, Adjutant of the 60th.

Offline Jorvasker

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #111 on: December 04, 2012, 04:45:38 am »

Hello Gentlemen, Grab your Muskets and Bayonets for the 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie are recuiting every young and able bodied man to fight for the honor and glory of the 10thBI. We are a Prussian Infantry regiment. Our goal is to be the dominating force on the battlefield by hammering down continuing musket volleys upon the enemy and end with giving them the cold steel by thrusting the bayonet into their throats. So if you looking for a well diciplined and skilled regiment entirly in North American than the 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie is the regiment for you!

Our goal is that we are the most diciplined and skilled regiment on the battlefield and all at the same time to have fun, because that is what this game is about. We want all of our members to have the best event experience they can't get anywhere else. We expect all members to be mature and if you are new to the game we will take you in a shape you into a true soldier. The 10th Brandenburgische Infanterie can't wait to see you among our ranks and give you a great regimental experience.

Teamspeak 3:

« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 01:24:39 am by LordJorvasker »

Regiment History:
Filthy Casual Publorde from May 2011 - Mid July 2012 / Early Services from July - November 2012, including 33rd, 63e, 1stCI / 1stFKI - November 2012 - April 2013 / Break from April 2013 - July 2013, with a short return to 63e from June until July / 1stEPI - July 2013 - January 2016 (Retired from game)

Offline Venom

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #112 on: December 04, 2012, 07:15:33 am »
49th Regiment of Foot  

Hello Gentlemen, Grab your Muskets and fix your bayonets, the 49th Hertfordshire Regiment of foot is recruiting young men willing to fight the evil Napoleon!
Enlist today and fight the evil foe, and bring glory to the 49th and to yourself. We are a English speaking Infantry regiment, who are looking for mature EU and NA players who are willing to risk their lives for glory and honour!
We fight with the fire of true english blood, with cold steel and the flash of muskets. We cut down our enemies and show no mercy. 'If you have blood on your bayonet you have fought well.'
If you think you have what it takes add me on steam- tommyjb

We are a fun and friendly regiment. We pride ourselve's on being a disciplined active regiment who's members are happy and enjoy their line-battle's and training's. To find out how to join the regiment look below a the recruitment section or if you want to find out about the regiment's history or rank system.
If you have any questions about the regiment send me a message or reply to the thread.

How to Join!

We are currently recruit EU and NA players it does not matter if you are new to the game or a seasoned veteren. All you have to do is one of the following;

.Reply to this thread saying;
.Steam ID
.EU or Na
.Whats you are best at on the game

.You can add me on steam- tommyjb

.Join our steam group

.It does not matter how old you are (we do expect all players to be mature no matter their age).

.You will get extra credit if you get a friend or friends to join the reg!

.Your tags will be 49th_Rec_yourname

Lt.Col Venom

Cpl- Crumpets

Rec- Chab
Rec- Marcus

History of the 49th

1743 Raising of the 49th Regiment of Foot
A Marine regiment from the 6th Regiment of Marines in the early 19th century; this Regiment became the 49th Regiment of Foot. On 1 June 1744 an order was given for the amalgamation of the eight independent companies garrisoning Jamaica into a single Regiment. The Army lists 1744-1748 show them as the '49th or 6th Marine Regiment'. The establishment was backdated to 25 December 1743 and was a result of the lobbying of the Governor, Edward Trelawney who, although he had no previous military experience, was appointed Colonel. Due to the time lag in communications between Britain and Jamaica it was not until March 1745 that the order was received and the Regiment was actually formed. It was called Trelawney’s Regiment as it was the fashion at the time to name Regiments after their Colonel. This Regiment was at first numbered 63rd but after the re-organisation of 1748 it became the 49th Regiment of Foot. In 1782 Regiments were given county titles to assist in recruiting. The 49th Regiment then became known as the 49th (Hertfordshire) Regiment.

American War of Independance 1777

The Regiment remained in Jamaica until 1764 then moved to Ireland. The American War of Independence brought the Regiment's first major action when it took part in the occupation of Philadelphia in 1777 and the battle at nearby Brandywine Creek. Under cover of a rain storm the 49th's Light Company, who formed part of the 2nd Battalion Light Infantry, made a night attack at nearby Paoli with bayonets. A force of 1500 Americans encamped in a wood were taken completely by surprise, some 300 being killed or wounded with minor loss to the 49th. Humiliated, the Americans accused the British of killing the wounded (a charge proved to be totally unfounded) and vowed to give no quarter to the units involved when they met in later battles. The Light Companies reacted to this threat by dyeing their distinguishing green feathers red so that they should be easily recognised.
This action continued to be commemorated by the wearing of the red Brandywine Flash behind the cap badge by the Royal Berkshire Regiment, the Duke of Edinburgh's Royal Regiment and the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment.

When the French entered the war in 1778 a force including the 49th was sent to defend the West Indies. Seizing the island of St Lucia a few days before the French arrived, the British managed to defeat a French attack, earning the Regiment its first Battle Honour "St Lucia", although this was not officially sanctioned until 1909.

A 49th Light Infantary Ranker

1801 – 1812 General Sir Isaac Brock

In 1801 the 49th, under the command of Colonel Isaac Brock, sailed as part of Admiral Parker's fleet (whose second in command was Nelson) to engage the Danish fleet at Copenhagen. In commemoration of its services the Regiment received the Battle Honour 'Copenhagen', and its band was permitted to play Rule Britannia after the Regimental March.

From 1802 to 1814 the 49th served in Canada where it was engaged in frontier warfare with the Americans. One of its finest actions was at Queenstown in October 1812, but this involved the tragic loss of General Sir Isaac Brock.

He had previously commanded the Regiment with great distinction and in 1810 was appointed Commander in Chief in Upper Canada and later Governor of the province. His administration, both civil and military, and the able way in which he established friendly relations with Chief Tecumseh and his Indians meant that long before his death he was recognised as the saviour of Canada.

The place where he died and was later buried is today marked by an impressive monument. The Depot of the Royal Berkshire Regiment, which was created in Reading in 1881, was later named "Brock Barracks" in his memory.

1812 The Battle of Queenstown Heights, Canada

The American General Van Renselaar had assembled a force of 6,000men and on 13 October 1812 the invasion of Canada began. Crossing in boats at early dawn the Americans suceeded in gaining a foothold on Queenstown Heights, which was defended by 300 men of the 49th and York Militia with a few heavy guns. General Sir Isaac Brock was at Fort George when he heard the sound of firing and galloped of to Queenstown. He ordered reinforcements from Fort George but, without waiting for their arrival, placed himself at the head of the Light Company of the 49th and advanced to the attack. After one attack had been beaten off he led the second advance and again the Americans opened fire, and Brock conspicuous by his height and uniform, was struck in the right breast by a bullet and fell mortally wounded. He survived but a few minutes. Almost his last words were 'Push on the York Volunteers' alluding to a force of corps now arriving on the scene.

1813 The Battle of Chrysler Farm

On 11 November 1813, the British force, which included the 49th, defeated an American force four times its strength.This battle was the turning point of the American War of 1812-14, and made sure Canada remained Independent. Eye witness accounts recorded how the steady platoon volleys, coming in deafening crashes at regular intervals, contrasted with the ragged pop-popping of the American fire. It was the 49th’s last serious action on the war. The regiment was reduced to barely 100 men. Among the casualties was young Ensign Richmond, true to the grim tradition that the officer who bore the 49th Regimental Colour was always hit.

1815 Title "Princess Charlotte of Wales's Regiment"
The 49th Regiment returned to England from Canada in 1815 to be stationed at Weymouth. Here they discarded their battered campaign clothing and were issued with new scarlet coats, white breeches, black shakos and gaiters before taking over the duties of guarding those members of the Royal family in residence. So affected was the young Princess Charlotte by the sight of these pipe clayed and polished soldiers that she begged that the 49th might be 'her' Regiment. The request was approved and later that year the title "Princess Charlotte of Wales’s Regiment" was granted.

1840 The Wars in China
In 1840 the 49th was sent from India to take part in the "Opium War" with China, spending two years in China fighting in six major battles at Canton, Amoy, Chusan, Chinhae, Chapoo and the Heights of Chin Keang Foo. On 18 May 1842 the 49th took part in a joint atack with the 18th Regiment on Joss House, Chapu, which was defended by a large number of Tartars. The commander, Colonel Tomlinson was killed. Every man who attempted to enter the Joss House was killed or wounded. It was evetually entered and captured after the wall was blown in. The Regiment’s casualties this day were the heaviest of the campaign with two officers and eleven other ranks killed and six officers and forty-five men wounded. In consequence of the distinguished conduct and gallantry displayed by all ranks during the campaign the Regiment was awarded, as a badge, the dragon super-scribed "China". It was the China Dragon that later became the cap badge of the Royal Berkshire Regiment and formed the centre piece of the Regimental badge of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiment and the buttons of the Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiment.

1854 - 1856 The Crimean War
The 49th Regiment was part of the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division of the British Expeditionary Force, the Brigade being commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel W H Adams of the 49th. Landing on the west coast of the Crimea in September 1854 the 49th took part in the battles of The Alma, Inkerman and the siege of Sevastopol (all three later awarded as battle honours) enduring two harsh Crimean winters.

1860 The Final Years
After service in the West Indies, England, Ireland and India the Regiment was back in England in time for the reorganisation under the Cardwell Scheme which eventually led to its amalgamation with the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment of Foot in 1881.

So as you can see the regiment has quite a long, glorious history.


We currently have two companys- Line and Light.
Line company is for players who can hold their own in melee and are an average shot. (Unlimited Members)
Light Infantary is for players who are good shots and prefer not to engage in melee. (Limited Members)

How to join a company

When you join the regiment of will be in line company but once you are promoted to a private you can try out for light company.

In the future we hope to get a grenadier company and an arty company!

Rank Structure


Leiutenant Colonel


Regimental Sarjeant Major
Company Sarjeant Major
Lance Corporal



Please note some of our ranks our not historicaly accurate and also that these ranks are for line comp but i will get light comp ranks up later on :).


.Have Fun!

.Do not Troll

.Respect all players and members!


.We will give everyone one chance if they troll, but if they troll a second time they will be kicked from the training, if it is more serious they will also not be allowed to attend the days line battles. We do understand if you had a bad day and you where really annoyed but if that is the case dont come into the server until you are ready to.
Also if you do troll it can damage your image and make it harder for you to get NCO or officer ranks!

.listen to your officers in trainings and line battles and follow orders.

Offline Odysseus

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #113 on: December 04, 2012, 01:54:38 pm »
44ste Hollandse Mariniers

The 44ste Hollandse Marines is a regiment to the Napoleonic Wars community, it's home being in AMTGS. This regiment is a place for both casual and active NA players to come together and participate in Linebattles and other events, aswell as make new friends and enjoy Napoleonic Wars. This regiment still has rules however, and those rules are simple. Also, since the Dutch aren't actually in the game, we have no set faction. So we'll play whatever we are assigned to, and hopefully with glee.

•No trolling
•Respect your officers
•Respect one another
•Have fun

If at any point rules 1-3 are broken, you are liable to be kicked. Rule 4 (If broken) simply means this is not the place for you, and in that case, that is still very OK. This is just not the regiment for you then, this regiment will hold no ill regards towards those who leave.

Does This All Sound Great, Then The 44ste Is Right For You!
All You Need To DO To Join Is Fill Out The Following Applictation
[b]How old are you?*
How mature are you on a scale of 1-10?
What are your past regimental experiences?*
Do you accept the rules and guidelines explained in the description of the regiment?
Will you follow and respect orders given by officers?
Why do you want to join the Marines?*[/b]
In A Forums Private Message To Me Or Windbusche (Leader), Or You Can Just Fill Out The Application In A Reply On This Thread
Once That Is Completed Simply Wait For A Reply & Further Instruction From Your Recruitment Contact!

Offline Delta901

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #114 on: December 04, 2012, 02:01:55 pm »
44ste Hollandse Mariniers

The 44ste Hollandse Marines is a regiment to the Napoleonic Wars community, it's home being in AMTGS. This regiment is a place for both casual and active NA players to come together and participate in Linebattles and other events, aswell as make new friends and enjoy Napoleonic Wars. This regiment still has rules however, and those rules are simple. Also, since the Dutch aren't actually in the game, we have no set faction. So we'll play whatever we are assigned to, and hopefully with glee.

•No trolling
•Respect your officers
•Respect one another
•Have fun

If at any point rules 1-3 are broken, you are liable to be kicked. Rule 4 (If broken) simply means this is not the place for you, and in that case, that is still very OK. This is just not the regiment for you then, this regiment will hold no ill regards towards those who leave.

Does This All Sound Great, Then The 44ste Is Right For You!
All You Need To DO To Join Is Fill Out The Following Applictation
[b]How old are you?*
How mature are you on a scale of 1-10?
What are your past regimental experiences?*
Do you accept the rules and guidelines explained in the description of the regiment?
Will you follow and respect orders given by officers?
Why do you want to join the Marines?*[/b]
In A Forums Private Message To Me Or Windbusche (Leader), Or You Can Just Fill Out The Application In A Reply On This Thread
Once That Is Completed Simply Wait For A Reply & Further Instruction From Your Recruitment Contact!
Nice. Only problem when you click me its brings me to my profile.You may want to fix that

Offline Odysseus

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #115 on: December 04, 2012, 02:46:18 pm »

Offline Menelaos

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #116 on: December 04, 2012, 02:49:02 pm »

Offline Odysseus

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #117 on: December 04, 2012, 03:14:12 pm »
Give a unique profile code.
Hm, did'nt mean to and i don't see where the problem is, i'll have to fix that.

Offline Branok

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #118 on: December 06, 2012, 04:42:23 am »

The Armee der Oder offers a player to choose whether he or she wants to play in either a Line Infantry regiment or a Cavalry Regiment. We are also adding more regiments soon so stay in touch if interested in joining a artillery battery or a Skirmisher Regiment.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 04:36:27 am by Branok »

Offline Marsh

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Re: Post here if you are looking for a regiment or members.
« Reply #119 on: December 06, 2012, 04:35:23 pm »

* * *

The History of the Buffs

The Regiment originated from The Trained Bands of London which were reviewed by Queen Elizabeth 1st in Greenwich Park on 1st May 1572. After the review Captain Thomas Morgan selected 300 men to form a company which he took to the Netherlands where they and their descendants continued to fight for the next 76 years until the power of Spain was broken.
After the defeat of Spain, England and Holland began to quarrel and in 1665 the Dutch called on the English units still in Holland to renounce their allegiance to the King of England. With few exceptions both officers and men refused to swear allegiance to Holland and they were at once discharged and faced a life of almost certain ruin and destitution in a foreign country.
The British Ambassador at his own expense arranged for the men to be returned to England and on the 31st May 1665 King Charles the second instructed that they be formed into a regiment to be known as ‘The Holland Regiment’ and appointed Lieutenant Colonel Robert Sydney, a man from Kent, to be its first colonel. This regiment took its place as the fourth in the order of precedence behind The Royal Scots (1st), Queen’s (2nd) and Lord High Admiral’s Regiment (3rd). Originally designated, together with Lord High Admiral’s Regiment, as a “Maritime” regiment and as such took part in several naval actions. In 1667 the regiment became a land regiment. The uniform at that time consisted of a red tunic with buff lining, and the breeches, waistcoat and stockings were also buff.
In 1672, exactly one hundred years after Queen Elizabeth had reviewed the trained bands the regiment was given a Royal Warrant allowing it to raise volunteers ‘by beat of drum’ in the City of London. In those days recruiting parties carried a colour, and this is the origin of the privilege, which allowed The Buffs to march through the City of London with drums beating, bayonets fixed and colours flying.
In 1689 the Lord High Admiral’s Regiment (of which Prince George of Denmark was honorary colonel) was disbanded, and the Holland Regiment took its place as 3rd Regiment of Foot with Prince George of Denmark as its honorary colonel.
The regiment discarded the name of the Holland Regiment and thenceforth became known as Prince George of Denmark’s Regiment. In 1708 Prince George died and for a short time the regiment was known as Argyle’s Regiment after its then colonel. At this time the regiment still wore buff facings to their uniforms with buff breeches, waistcoats and stockings and were officially named the Buffs.
In 1782 there was a further alteration to the name of the regiment, the title East Kent Regiment being added to that of the Buffs and the regiment was ordered to recruit in the county of Kent. Thus began the official connection of the regiment with the County.
Over the centuries the regiment has fought in many countries but it is from the Peninsular War that the regiment chose to celebrate a particular battle in which they were to earn great fame and honour.
On 16th May 1811 the Buffs were ordered to re-capture a hill at Albuera from the French. Finding that they could not shake the enemy by fire, they advanced with the bayonet, but were suddenly attacked in the rear by no less than four regiments of French Hussars and Polish Lancers. A dreadful massacre followed, the Buffs fought bravely but the ranks were soon broken by the charging cavalry. Ensign Thomas, who carried the Regimental colour, was called on to surrender, after his escort had been cut down. Crying “Only with my life” he was himself cut down and mortally wounded and the colour captured.
Ensign Walsh, carrying the King’s colour was wounded and captured but Lieutenant Latham rushed forward and seized the colour. Defending it with heroic gallantry he refused to yield. A French Hussar seized the flag-staff and struck at Latham with his sabre severing one side of his face and nose. Latham still continued to struggle to protect the colour. A second stroke severed his left arm but dropping his sword he seized the staff and refused to yield, continuing to fight until he was thrown down and trampled on and pierced with lances. At this moment the British cavalry arrived and the French fled. Latham was later found, so badly wounded he was unrecognizable, with the colour, which he had torn from the staff, inside his tunic. In spite of the severity of his wounds Lieutenant Latham recovered and lived for many years to wear the gold medal presented to him by his brother officers.
The losses of the regiment at Albuera were 4 officers and 212 rank and file were killed, 13 officers and 234 wounded and 3 officers and 178 missing, a total of 644.
The Buffs then served throughout the rest of the Peninsula fighting at Vittoria, Pyrenees and Toulouse among others gaining these as battle honours. In June 1814 they were sent to Canada where they took part in the last actions on American soil leading the assault on Plattsburg. They were recalled with Napoleon Bonaparte’s return from Elba and missed, but only just the battle of Waterloo instead joining the army on route to Paris remaining there for the occupation.

Colours of the Regiment

King's Colour

Regimental Colour
