Author Topic: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]  (Read 68622 times)

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Offline The Predurrdurr

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #675 on: January 16, 2018, 09:17:26 pm »
replace whale and aporta with matboi and glenn also i posted a while ago saying add glenn but whatever
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Offline Windflower

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #676 on: January 16, 2018, 09:24:03 pm »
replace tim* and aporta with matboi and glenn also i posted a while ago saying add glenn but whatever




NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #677 on: January 16, 2018, 09:26:27 pm »
Fse needs an age limit

1x NA Duel- Runner up |  3x 3v3- 3rd place (Seadderol Deflatriots) (Ez Money) (71st Guards + Russian) | 1x Duel League- 4th place | 1x Regimental Groupfighting- 1st place (71st)  l  1x 2v2- 3rd Place (Vortex/Theodin) | TNWL Season 2 - 1st Place l 1x 2v2- 1st Place (Theodin/Elite) l 2x NANWL-
 71st, Nr8(LG) l 1x 4v4- 1st Place (RussianFury, Waste, NickCole, Theodin) l 1x Cav Joust- 2nd Place l 1x 4v4-
 3rd Place (Theodin, AsianP, Sleek, Godfried, Lurvy) l 1x 5v5 - 1st Place (RussianFury, Yoshie, Krastinov, Jorge, Theodin - Thanos and his children)

Offline Pinoy12

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #678 on: January 16, 2018, 09:29:11 pm »

Offline The Predurrdurr

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #679 on: January 16, 2018, 09:41:02 pm »

Why are you using the British version of the spelling?

Besides even with Pretense using newgen shouldn't be an insult, and as community rep I wouldn't insult my constituents rival or not. Disappointing to say the least such a respected member of the community and the CR would isolate such a large voting bloc to say the least.

Edit: Nonetheless, signing someone the day of is bullshit
Nice google
I’m quoting Pred, it’s a big word, calm down

i read a lot bicc boi

maybe we should replay the rounds that they played someone they randomly added to their roster who wasnt accepted before the match?

ie all 20 >:)

how about i ask for the forfeit because you missed TWO deadlines?

add mattboi to our team pls
they added a guy to their roster just to 5v4 us for 7 rounds :P
Yeah, I just saw that. Thats kind of bullshit. Bad sports tbh

actually i added him before maccle even got on the server because i didnt have 5 and he said he wanted to play and since maccle agreed he could do today at this time i was under the pretence that maccle would also have 5

It's called courtesy and sportsmanship. If you were unable to bring 5, our team (and almost every other team in the league) would 4v4. And how does agreeing to do the match give you the impression he has 5 players when you didn't even have 5 yourself until you added Mattboi last minute.

Congrats on being complete cancer, wish I would've known about it sooner so I could've shown up, and you suck for not winning while having a +1 for 7 rounds, honestly, I'd uninstall.

lol Godfreid.

but seriously though...I did discuss this with Aurum at the beginning and with Windflower I believe; team/ roster changes should be done in the first week not changing last minute especially before a match. "hey they should have 5 players because it's a 5v5" is not a just reason at all. you only have 8 people on a team roster and need 5/8 to play a full 5v5. People actually have lives, work, family, etc. and can't always come. If you only had 4 you would want them to drop 1 to make it even or you would be complaining. very uncool

yes and maccle a full week to plan this which he did on sunday which he was then offline for the whole day. He said lets do it Monday so I agreed at 8 est. It then ended up being pushed back to 9 est so it's completely maccle's fault for not being able to field 5 people and if you can't get 5 people for a 5v5 league than you should just drop out since as the name suggests it's a 5v5 league and not a "however-many-people-show-up-league"
Everytime I hear Predurrdurrs voice, I nut in the shape of slashes

Offline Risk_

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #680 on: January 16, 2018, 09:54:39 pm »
replace whale and aporta with matboi and glenn also i posted a while ago saying add glenn but whatever

you can't replace people in your team when it's towards the mid to end of the league just so you have a team or players you want. it's like just because you can't bring 5 you put whoever you want on your team and move your team around every week.

When you make a team and are a captain you should know when asking people if they can come weekly to matches and if they can't then don't let them on your team at the beginning.

Offline Aurum

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #681 on: January 16, 2018, 09:56:34 pm »
Heres my stance on it and apologies for my absence

A team is allowed to 4v4 or even play as a 4v5 if need be. I think it is sometimes hard to get all 5 players on so doing this is okay, however I think it is also okay for teams to play with 5 people if the other team only has 4 because the team with the full squad is ready to play and it would be unfair to them to bring one member off. I don't like it, but it should still be allowed.

The thing is though this late into the tournament roster changes shouldn't be happening let alone right before an important match. Because of this I think the match should be redone and if neither team can schedule the match properly then it will result in a tie.

As for some of the other teams, schedule your matches or your games will result in a tie/loss. I will be speaking to some of you about those matches.
nah windflower just tries to act cultured and edgy but hes actually just a 21yo lonely canadian who wastes all his time serving donuts to fat american tourists and trying to date underaged video game girls

Offline Risk_

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #682 on: January 16, 2018, 10:08:05 pm »
Heres my stance on it and apologies for my absence

A team is allowed to 4v4 or even play as a 4v5 if need be. I think it is sometimes hard to get all 5 players on so doing this is okay, however I think it is also okay for teams to play with 5 people if the other team only has 4 because the team with the full squad is ready to play and it would be unfair to them to bring one member off. I don't like it, but it should still be allowed.

The thing is though this late into the tournament roster changes shouldn't be happening let alone right before an important match. Because of this I think the match should be redone and if neither team can schedule the match properly then it will result in a tie.

As for some of the other teams, schedule your matches or your games will result in a tie/loss. I will be speaking to some of you about those matches.

Aurum has spoken!!

Additionally, teams need to get their matches done (rounds 7 and 8 this week) by Sunday the 21st.

here is the bracket:

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #683 on: January 16, 2018, 11:38:56 pm »

Why are you using the British version of the spelling?

Besides even with Pretense using newgen shouldn't be an insult, and as community rep I wouldn't insult my constituents rival or not. Disappointing to say the least such a respected member of the community and the CR would isolate such a large voting bloc to say the least.

Edit: Nonetheless, signing someone the day of is bullshit
Nice google
I’m quoting Pred, it’s a big word, calm down

i read a lot bicc boi

maybe we should replay the rounds that they played someone they randomly added to their roster who wasnt accepted before the match?

ie all 20 >:)

how about i ask for the forfeit because you missed TWO deadlines?

add mattboi to our team pls
they added a guy to their roster just to 5v4 us for 7 rounds :P
Yeah, I just saw that. Thats kind of bullshit. Bad sports tbh

actually i added him before maccle even got on the server because i didnt have 5 and he said he wanted to play and since maccle agreed he could do today at this time i was under the pretence that maccle would also have 5

It's called courtesy and sportsmanship. If you were unable to bring 5, our team (and almost every other team in the league) would 4v4. And how does agreeing to do the match give you the impression he has 5 players when you didn't even have 5 yourself until you added Mattboi last minute.

Congrats on being complete cancer, wish I would've known about it sooner so I could've shown up, and you suck for not winning while having a +1 for 7 rounds, honestly, I'd uninstall.

lol Godfreid.

but seriously though...I did discuss this with Aurum at the beginning and with Windflower I believe; team/ roster changes should be done in the first week not changing last minute especially before a match. "hey they should have 5 players because it's a 5v5" is not a just reason at all. you only have 8 people on a team roster and need 5/8 to play a full 5v5. People actually have lives, work, family, etc. and can't always come. If you only had 4 you would want them to drop 1 to make it even or you would be complaining. very uncool

yes and maccle a full week to plan this which he did on sunday which he was then offline for the whole day. He said lets do it Monday so I agreed at 8 est. It then ended up being pushed back to 9 est so it's completely maccle's fault for not being able to field 5 people and if you can't get 5 people for a 5v5 league than you should just drop out since as the name suggests it's a 5v5 league and not a "however-many-people-show-up-league"

Stop hiding behind "it's a 5v5 league, not my fault u couldn't get 5", you didn't have 5 either until you added mattboi to your already full roster last minute, so it should've been 4v4 anyways.

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #684 on: January 16, 2018, 11:42:10 pm »
Hey hey do I hear a redo?
8=====================D ~ ~ ~ ~

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #685 on: January 16, 2018, 11:43:44 pm »

Offline The Predurrdurr

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #686 on: January 16, 2018, 11:50:10 pm »

Why are you using the British version of the spelling?

Besides even with Pretense using newgen shouldn't be an insult, and as community rep I wouldn't insult my constituents rival or not. Disappointing to say the least such a respected member of the community and the CR would isolate such a large voting bloc to say the least.

Edit: Nonetheless, signing someone the day of is bullshit
Nice google
I’m quoting Pred, it’s a big word, calm down

i read a lot bicc boi

maybe we should replay the rounds that they played someone they randomly added to their roster who wasnt accepted before the match?

ie all 20 >:)

how about i ask for the forfeit because you missed TWO deadlines?

add mattboi to our team pls
they added a guy to their roster just to 5v4 us for 7 rounds :P
Yeah, I just saw that. Thats kind of bullshit. Bad sports tbh

actually i added him before maccle even got on the server because i didnt have 5 and he said he wanted to play and since maccle agreed he could do today at this time i was under the pretence that maccle would also have 5

It's called courtesy and sportsmanship. If you were unable to bring 5, our team (and almost every other team in the league) would 4v4. And how does agreeing to do the match give you the impression he has 5 players when you didn't even have 5 yourself until you added Mattboi last minute.

Congrats on being complete cancer, wish I would've known about it sooner so I could've shown up, and you suck for not winning while having a +1 for 7 rounds, honestly, I'd uninstall.

lol Godfreid.

but seriously though...I did discuss this with Aurum at the beginning and with Windflower I believe; team/ roster changes should be done in the first week not changing last minute especially before a match. "hey they should have 5 players because it's a 5v5" is not a just reason at all. you only have 8 people on a team roster and need 5/8 to play a full 5v5. People actually have lives, work, family, etc. and can't always come. If you only had 4 you would want them to drop 1 to make it even or you would be complaining. very uncool

yes and maccle a full week to plan this which he did on sunday which he was then offline for the whole day. He said lets do it Monday so I agreed at 8 est. It then ended up being pushed back to 9 est so it's completely maccle's fault for not being able to field 5 people and if you can't get 5 people for a 5v5 league than you should just drop out since as the name suggests it's a 5v5 league and not a "however-many-people-show-up-league"

Stop hiding behind "it's a 5v5 league, not my fault u couldn't get 5", you didn't have 5 either until you added mattboi to your already full roster last minute, so it should've been 4v4 anyways.

the thing is that maccle had pushed back the gf multiple times hence why i had to add mattboi and i thought since maccle had pushed it back multiple times he would have 5 so as a rule abiding citizen I got a 5th
Everytime I hear Predurrdurrs voice, I nut in the shape of slashes

Offline Stroke0fd34th

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #687 on: January 16, 2018, 11:52:16 pm »

Why are you using the British version of the spelling?

Besides even with Pretense using newgen shouldn't be an insult, and as community rep I wouldn't insult my constituents rival or not. Disappointing to say the least such a respected member of the community and the CR would isolate such a large voting bloc to say the least.

Edit: Nonetheless, signing someone the day of is bullshit
Nice google
I’m quoting Pred, it’s a big word, calm down

i read a lot bicc boi

maybe we should replay the rounds that they played someone they randomly added to their roster who wasnt accepted before the match?

ie all 20 >:)

how about i ask for the forfeit because you missed TWO deadlines?

add mattboi to our team pls
they added a guy to their roster just to 5v4 us for 7 rounds :P
Yeah, I just saw that. Thats kind of bullshit. Bad sports tbh

actually i added him before maccle even got on the server because i didnt have 5 and he said he wanted to play and since maccle agreed he could do today at this time i was under the pretence that maccle would also have 5

It's called courtesy and sportsmanship. If you were unable to bring 5, our team (and almost every other team in the league) would 4v4. And how does agreeing to do the match give you the impression he has 5 players when you didn't even have 5 yourself until you added Mattboi last minute.

Congrats on being complete cancer, wish I would've known about it sooner so I could've shown up, and you suck for not winning while having a +1 for 7 rounds, honestly, I'd uninstall.

lol Godfreid.

but seriously though...I did discuss this with Aurum at the beginning and with Windflower I believe; team/ roster changes should be done in the first week not changing last minute especially before a match. "hey they should have 5 players because it's a 5v5" is not a just reason at all. you only have 8 people on a team roster and need 5/8 to play a full 5v5. People actually have lives, work, family, etc. and can't always come. If you only had 4 you would want them to drop 1 to make it even or you would be complaining. very uncool

yes and maccle a full week to plan this which he did on sunday which he was then offline for the whole day. He said lets do it Monday so I agreed at 8 est. It then ended up being pushed back to 9 est so it's completely maccle's fault for not being able to field 5 people and if you can't get 5 people for a 5v5 league than you should just drop out since as the name suggests it's a 5v5 league and not a "however-many-people-show-up-league"

Stop hiding behind "it's a 5v5 league, not my fault u couldn't get 5", you didn't have 5 either until you added mattboi to your already full roster last minute, so it should've been 4v4 anyways.

the thing is that maccle had pushed back the gf multiple times hence why i had to add mattboi and i thought and since maccle had pushed it back multiple times he would have 5 so as a rule abiding citizen I got a 5th

The autism is strong in you.


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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #688 on: January 16, 2018, 11:54:26 pm »
mattboi is godfreid's kryptonite

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Re: [NA] Gold 5v5 Groupfighting League [Season 2][Started]
« Reply #689 on: January 16, 2018, 11:54:51 pm »
Anyone tryna 5v5 FIFA Pro clubs
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