Author Topic: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]  (Read 157939 times)

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1185 on: January 17, 2018, 05:51:36 pm »
Thanks everyone for the tournament,I  was probably the most inactive referee of the tournament. Thanks for this CNC Erik,we fucked all haters,so we won. Congrats to my Spanish hermanos. Dokle I love you too <3 and thx Germany and all countries for this cool games. Ill just send our French hero when he was in Russia and his opinion about CNC:

Offline Dokletian

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1186 on: January 17, 2018, 09:04:18 pm »
Dokle I love you too <3
Shh not in public!

So, what do we all want next? A duel tournament, a 2v2 tournament, maybe even a new CNWL?

Btw, since I‘ve got many questions regardings Pickup Parties, I‘ll definitly try to improve it and organize them on a regular basis. I think the 159 group members are a good start!
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline Rastignac

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1187 on: January 17, 2018, 09:08:33 pm »
So, what do we all want next? A duel tournament, a 2v2 tournament, maybe even a new CNWL?

A moment for taking a breath. CNC stimulates the community, but in a month or two, we can see how active it can really be after this tournament that many considered to be "the last big one". It would be mistake to suddenly jump into conclusion that if CNC worked so nicely, we can have anything following it. Let's go back to our ordinary cavalrymen lives in the regiments and see... what the future... might bring... <mysterious and seductive smile enhanced by amazing lipstick by Rimmel>

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1188 on: January 17, 2018, 11:34:18 pm »
So, what do we all want next? A duel tournament, a 2v2 tournament, maybe even a new CNWL?

Btw, since I‘ve got many questions regardings Pickup Parties, I‘ll definitly try to improve it and organize them on a regular basis. I think the 159 group members are a good start!

The 4e Hussards will be 3 years old in March. I will definitely host a cavalry event for the whole cavalry community, for the occasion. I don't know what kind of tournament right now, I have some time to decide.

I could possibly host a new CNWL. We would need to see the situation of the cavalry community in a few weeks/months, and see if we could gather enough regiments to participate. Between 16 and 20, to make two leagues of 8 to 10 regiments.

But I agree with Eugène. We should give ourselves a short time without any major tournament. There is no rush, and putting one big tournament after the other is never too enjoyable in a small community such as ours.

I'm definitely looking forward to these Cavalry Pickup Parties though. If you need any help to improve them, feel free to ask me.
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fuck Erik
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Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1189 on: January 18, 2018, 12:04:00 pm »
Cavalry Pickup Parties ?  ???

Offline Azhrei

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞
« Reply #1190 on: January 18, 2018, 12:48:47 pm »
I have no voice in this, not since I left the Irish team, but fuck it.

There is a reason why lancers were not allowed, you can't do shit against them. UK, Fra and Ger loosing to mostly fucking no-names.  The people that play every god damn day on CavGF, the best of the best, getting fucked by some monkeys with sticks. Atleast let us pick up the lances to fix the unbalanced range, but no. Spain won by choosing a OP troop class for groupmatches. Allowing Lancers was the biggest mistake in the history of the CNC. Fuck Irland and Fuck this god damn rulesetting. Fuck this shit. I'm out. The last CNC, the worst CNC. Erik you fucked up.  I'm so god damn salty.

This isn't a surprising attitude. Lancers get hated on every day because some people don't know how to deal with them - it's no wonder there are no lancer regiments or groups as Erik said, because anyone who plays long enough as a lancer knows they're going to get insulted and shit on by every salty hussar out there. It's funny you mention the best of the best on CavGF shockingly losing to lancers when you know that there are a few regular lancers who play there and who usually do quite well - in all humility I include myself in that number. You can't with a straight face tell me that most hussars have no experience of lancers, don't see the regulars (like myself, Diarmuid, Naoscaire, Michi/Ironfist, etc.) doing somewhat well for ourselves in the game.

I have always said it and I always will - the best hussars will always destroy the best lancers. This has always been the case for me and all of the other regular lancers I know. When people like MrAnnoying, Caucasian, Odden and so many others I couldn't possibly name come on I know I'm in for an extremely tough fight, and more likely than not I'm going to lose. I don't rage when this happens, because as I have always believed, playing against those who are better than you is the best way to get... well, better. I've seen it happen to my opponents - people who used to have trouble against me now know how to very effectively deal with me. I'm finding my lance is getting successfully blocked more and more as time goes by, especially in the last year.

Are lancers OP? We know what the general consensus is, so it's a moot question really, but fuck it, I'll address it. I've always seen it as each class having it's own advantages and disadvantages. I'm sure it's as annoying to a hussar to play against me as it is annoying for me to play against a heavy, or indeed a hussar who uses his speed to stay away from my significant reach. The lance is a powerful weapon with a hell of a thrust, but it's also slower to move and you have no ability to defend yourself other than to stay on the attack. You cannot block. If your back is exposed, you'd better hope your slower turn and slow thrust behind you will sort out the enemy for you. A good strategy for a hussar or group of hussars especially against a lancer or lancers is to stop them. A stopped lancer is a dead lancer, 90% of the time. The hussar's sabre is faster than our lance and they are able to attack from many more angles. They, of course, can block with it. Other than the couch attack, the sabre can quite effectively block the lance.

Couching. Couching is the big issue when it comes to lancers. I don't do it myself (which you'd think would send less hate my way, but no) but as it's an integral part of the class I am against removing it, too. A compromise I would be happy with (but which other lancers wouldn't be) is to remove the couch but give the lancer's horse the same speed as a hussar's, but sadly that doesn't seem to be in the cards from FSE. Of course couching is an unblockable attack but again, hussars can just outrun it. Even dismounted and on the ground, I see people avoiding couches quite easily. Perhaps I should not be talking about this, as the only lancer I know in all these years to not use the couch. When it comes to the couch, we know there was a vote passed that forbade couching, to make things "fairer" from the hussar and heavy's perspectives.

I said it here before - either lancers are allowed to play as they, or they should not be allowed at all. Not being allowed to play would certainly please many (and annoy the few lancers in the community) but at least you wouldn't have stupid, shit statements like the above about monkeys with sticks (classy statement, Fidje. I know you're angry as you said, but I would usually expect much better of you - not that this means anything to you). I'm sad to see that people feel the need to stoop to insults, but then that's just what lancers deal with the vast majority of their time in the game.

It's incorrect to say that people don't deal with lancers in the game or even just in tournaments - CavGF's own tournament may be small but you know there is a lancer team in there. And there are a few of us scattered here and there playing in this server or that server. I think it would be better and more correct to say that many people don't know how to deal with lancers, which is the truth as I see it, coming from my daily experiences in the game. It's unfortunate that Erik has had to deal with so much drama over this...

...but then as we all know drama is what the M&B community loves best.

Congratulations to Spain (wish I could have faced you guys on the Irish team!) and to Germany as well for getting to the final.

Offline Dokletian

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1191 on: January 18, 2018, 01:58:53 pm »
Cavalry Pickup Parties ?  ???
A project I've started, before I had not enough time to actually carry it on.
Can I just say that I’m really impressed with the cav community, 10x more mature than the inf community and a lot less tolerant of the cancerous players

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1192 on: January 18, 2018, 02:06:39 pm »
Cavalry Pickup Parties ?  ???

We gather a ton of cav players from any regiments on a TS, we pick two captains, they duel, the winner chooses a guy first for his team, then the other one and so on, until two teams are formed. Then we play a match like in a 1v1.

EDIT: Dokletian beat me to it ;(


Most of your examples were about CavGF fighting, and it's extremely different in a 12v12 fight. I don't really want to relaunch the debate again, most of it has already been said by pro and anti-lancers. But as I already said, nobody denies the fact that there are people in this community who play as lancers. But that's on cavGF. There is no organized structure, like a regiment we could do 1v1s against, which would push us to train hard against groups of lancers etc.

You do have fair points, not denying it. But there already have been 4 or 5 pages of debating/arguing about that, I'm not sure it's quite necessary to restart it all.
What some of the German team players said after the match was said in a state of anger, an anger I can understand, it's never pleasing to lose a match, even more a final. I'm not giving them an excuse, but there is no need to keep reminding them that they went too far. It happens to people, and most of them apologized anyway.
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
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Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
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Quote from: Ciiges
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Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik

Offline Rastignac

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞
« Reply #1193 on: January 18, 2018, 02:19:43 pm »
I have no voice in this, not since I left the Irish team, but fuck it.

There is a reason why lancers were not allowed, you can't do shit against them. UK, Fra and Ger loosing to mostly fucking no-names.  The people that play every god damn day on CavGF, the best of the best, getting fucked by some monkeys with sticks. Atleast let us pick up the lances to fix the unbalanced range, but no. Spain won by choosing a OP troop class for groupmatches. Allowing Lancers was the biggest mistake in the history of the CNC. Fuck Irland and Fuck this god damn rulesetting. Fuck this shit. I'm out. The last CNC, the worst CNC. Erik you fucked up.  I'm so god damn salty.

This isn't a surprising attitude. Lancers get hated on every day because some people don't know how to deal with them - it's no wonder there are no lancer regiments or groups as Erik said, because anyone who plays long enough as a lancer knows they're going to get insulted and shit on by every salty hussar out there. It's funny you mention the best of the best on CavGF shockingly losing to lancers when you know that there are a few regular lancers who play there and who usually do quite well - in all humility I include myself in that number. You can't with a straight face tell me that most hussars have no experience of lancers, don't see the regulars (like myself, Diarmuid, Naoscaire, Michi/Ironfist, etc.) doing somewhat well for ourselves in the game.

I have always said it and I always will - the best hussars will always destroy the best lancers. This has always been the case for me and all of the other regular lancers I know. When people like MrAnnoying, Caucasian, Odden and so many others I couldn't possibly name come on I know I'm in for an extremely tough fight, and more likely than not I'm going to lose. I don't rage when this happens, because as I have always believed, playing against those who are better than you is the best way to get... well, better. I've seen it happen to my opponents - people who used to have trouble against me now know how to very effectively deal with me. I'm finding my lance is getting successfully blocked more and more as time goes by, especially in the last year.

Are lancers OP? We know what the general consensus is, so it's a moot question really, but fuck it, I'll address it. I've always seen it as each class having it's own advantages and disadvantages. I'm sure it's as annoying to a hussar to play against me as it is annoying for me to play against a heavy, or indeed a hussar who uses his speed to stay away from my significant reach. The lance is a powerful weapon with a hell of a thrust, but it's also slower to move and you have no ability to defend yourself other than to stay on the attack. You cannot block. If your back is exposed, you'd better hope your slower turn and slow thrust behind you will sort out the enemy for you. A good strategy for a hussar or group of hussars especially against a lancer or lancers is to stop them. A stopped lancer is a dead lancer, 90% of the time. The hussar's sabre is faster than our lance and they are able to attack from many more angles. They, of course, can block with it. Other than the couch attack, the sabre can quite effectively block the lance.

Couching. Couching is the big issue when it comes to lancers. I don't do it myself (which you'd think would send less hate my way, but no) but as it's an integral part of the class I am against removing it, too. A compromise I would be happy with (but which other lancers wouldn't be) is to remove the couch but give the lancer's horse the same speed as a hussar's, but sadly that doesn't seem to be in the cards from FSE. Of course couching is an unblockable attack but again, hussars can just outrun it. Even dismounted and on the ground, I see people avoiding couches quite easily. Perhaps I should not be talking about this, as the only lancer I know in all these years to not use the couch. When it comes to the couch, we know there was a vote passed that forbade couching, to make things "fairer" from the hussar and heavy's perspectives.

I said it here before - either lancers are allowed to play as they, or they should not be allowed at all. Not being allowed to play would certainly please many (and annoy the few lancers in the community) but at least you wouldn't have stupid, shit statements like the above about monkeys with sticks (classy statement, Fidje. I know you're angry as you said, but I would usually expect much better of you - not that this means anything to you). I'm sad to see that people feel the need to stoop to insults, but then that's just what lancers deal with the vast majority of their time in the game.

It's incorrect to say that people don't deal with lancers in the game or even just in tournaments - CavGF's own tournament may be small but you know there is a lancer team in there. And there are a few of us scattered here and there playing in this server or that server. I think it would be better and more correct to say that many people don't know how to deal with lancers, which is the truth as I see it, coming from my daily experiences in the game. It's unfortunate that Erik has had to deal with so much drama over this...

...but then as we all know drama is what the M&B community loves best.

Congratulations to Spain (wish I could have faced you guys on the Irish team!) and to Germany as well for getting to the final.


Offline Azhrei

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1194 on: January 18, 2018, 02:29:00 pm »
Most of your examples were about CavGF fighting, and it's extremely different in a 12v12 fight. I don't really want to relaunch the debate again, most of it has already been said by pro and anti-lancers. But as I already said, nobody denies the fact that there are people in this community who play as lancers. But that's on cavGF. There is no organized structure, like a regiment we could do 1v1s against, which would push us to train hard against groups of lancers etc.

Agreed, and most of my cavalry experience does come from CavGF. There was an effort for a while to get a lancer regiment going, around just before CNC started, but CNC itself and everything that happened in it including our unfortunate withdrawal for the tournament has probably put the kibosh on that one (though, who knows). I know we as a team were looking for people to play against and iirc only one team was willing to do it.

You do have fair points, not denying it. But there already have been 4 or 5 pages of debating/arguing about that, I'm not sure it's quite necessary to restart it all.

Quite true. I just can't help myself :)

What some of the German team players said after the match was said in a state of anger, an anger I can understand, it's never pleasing to lose a match, even more a final. I'm not giving them an excuse, but there is no need to keep reminding them that they went too far. It happens to people, and most of them apologized anyway.

Yeah, that's fair enough. We all lose it sometimes, and I know just how much the German team wanted to win.

Offline Rastignac

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1195 on: January 18, 2018, 11:52:42 pm »
Found a photorelation of the Spaniards celebrating their CNC victory, in the Spanish press:

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1196 on: January 18, 2018, 11:56:37 pm »
Found a photorelation of the Spaniards celebrating their CNC victory, in the Spanish press:

Don't be jealous Rasti

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1197 on: January 19, 2018, 12:00:26 am »
Found a photorelation of the Spaniards celebrating their CNC victory, in the Spanish press:

Regardless of your bad CNC-meme, this is fucking beautiful.
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
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Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
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fuck Erik

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1198 on: January 22, 2018, 10:15:07 pm »
Finally got a chance to upload the UK v Poland match;

I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Erik le Rouge

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Re: ♞ Napoleonic Wars Cavalry Nations Cup 2017 ♞ [ESP 1st ; GER 2nd, POL 3rd]
« Reply #1199 on: January 23, 2018, 09:55:00 am »
Finally got a chance to upload the UK v Poland match;


Thank you for that Herishey! I will probably post a reply on this thread soon in which I'll gather all the videos you guys have recorded during this CNC.
Quote from: Treiz35
fuck erik
Quote from: Dokletian
fuck erik
Quote from: Sinjide
yeah fuck erik
Quote from: Aless
fuck erik
Quote from: Michnicki 1
fuck Erik
Quote from: Charles la Valette
i love erik
Quote from: TxM
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Quote from: FreyrDS
fuck Erik
Quote from: Termito
fuck erik.
Quote from: Ciiges
fuck erik
Quote from: Remao
fuck Erik