Author Topic: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch  (Read 14726 times)

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Offline Mohawky

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2017, 09:01:42 am »
I for one would love to see a new update - but not if it breaks my maps and gameplay on the Rebirth Man vs Bots Siege server   :-[

Making bots destroy barricades automatically would certainly do that. We once tested this with a script and games ended four or five minutes after start with complete overrun of the players.
Now, if just bot sappers were able to do that, or there was some map choice system available for the designer to say which bots were allowed to do it, that would be cool.

Our biggest troll problem - One big help would be the ability of the server to ban TNT from one team or the other - not globally, by map as it stands at present. Ideally, I would like to ban the human team from having TNT (Team 1) but allow it for the Bot Commanders (Team 2)

Troop types / percentages by team, not globally
Similarly - I would like to see the proportions of troop types set per team - not globally for both teams - So Team 1 (Humans) might consist of a mix of troop types - whilst Team 2 (Bots) I can set (ideally per MAP) which troop types will spawn. For example some maps i'd like only Bot sailors and Marines, on others only Cavalry etc. This would open up gameplay and immersion possibilities quite a lot.

For testing maps - in single player etc - I want to be able to control which types of bots spawn - to abide by the percentages I set, without having a player on the team to activate them. (0 Player activation)

Nation Selection by map
Give the map maker the ability to specify which nations will be used on the map, and in which teams.

Map naming
- never understood why we have to rename maps to mconform to the existing list, and cant simply name them as we wish. Is it possible this system can be revised? Create a map, name it what you wish, set the mode, put it in the game - it plays. At the moment, I have 36 maps on server by the end of this week. I have very few options in siege map names left to use as renames. (I know, I can use Custom - but these are impossible to test in Siege mode unless on a test server - and I don't often have the time to do that)

- explosive and incendiary - both types - proper models, proper radius blast effect, both as map makers choice to activate per map, or not. And ideally, per team. There are lots of scripts around for this - adding them to the game makes sense.

Glitching defences
We have earthworks and planks disabled on the server since they were used to glitch doorways etc. The earthwork glitch of continuous digging is particularly bad. Would be nice if that was cured.

Bot Glitches
Cure the inability of bots to hit a kneeling player (PLEASE!)
Stop bots running backwards when following a bot com

Formation command additions
A proper square!
March column
Board / disembark boats (wish list - see below)
The ability of the server to disallow loose formations for line infantry (this would stop some of the problems of unit spread on servers like EUCommander)

Cannon glitches
2nd round of a game, many cannon (swivels etc) float by a couple of feet off the walls etc they were attached to - would be nice to fix.

Boats with fixed player/bot seating positions + boat swivels that work would be cool.
Wishlist - Bots able to take assigned seating positions in boats on command (see above) that a bot com would navigate.

At the moment, we construct wagons from two carts stuck together. Could we please have a period supply wagon, an ammunition wagon, a Larry Ambulance, a foot cannon limber, a horse artillery limber and a generals coach to use as map props? Plus a wagon harness wearing horse?

I have no idea if this is true or not - I was told that a lot of lag is caused, particularly in Siege and Capture the flag modes, by the game constantly checking every entities position in relation to the flag? Bots and horses included? If this is so, why? Bots and horses cant take flags, only players. If true, a fix where bots and horses are excluded from this check might lessen server lag problems.

Missing map editor models
- there are quite a few editor model sets that are missing a part that makes the set whole - for example there's a Spanish Wall Corner, A Spanish Wall gateway, but no actual Spanish Wall. Which makes their use somewhat limited. No palm trees for desert maps?
Any chance we can get additional models to cover the missing stuff? I can supply a list and pointers.

One huge bonus for mappers would be some kind of copy paste system - create a tower and contents for example, then highlight it all and save it - and be able to add and paste it again from a file folder on any map you do afterwards. This would save so much time and effort. Stocking weapon racks is a tedious task when as a server we are trying too use almost every type and have multiple armouries etc.

Admin Tools:
In Rebirth we try and ensure that Bot Coms whom don't/wont/cant command their bots are swapped quickly, as this ruins the games for everyone. But its quite difficult at times to know which bots belong to which players when admin is in spec. Ideally - admins should be able to see bot flags and player flags when in spec (optional setting?)

Or click on a bot com and his bots flags appear?

Admins in spec should be able to see ALL chat - both teams chat, global, spec and deadspeak
« Last Edit: August 29, 2017, 10:56:22 am by Mohawky »

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2017, 10:22:47 am »
One last thing - player nations in NW?

Some mods in the past - like the 1812 mod for North American Napoleonics added USA, Canadian and Indian units, others have added various nations unit skins and factions such as the Ottoman Turks, Spanish, Portuguese etc.

The 1812 mod also had some excellent texture additions for north American log forts etc.

Is it possible these can be included as choices in the main game?

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2017, 11:56:33 am »
I for one would love to see a new update - but not if it breaks my maps and gameplay on the Rebirth Man vs Bots Siege server   :-[
we are planning on making it compatable with teh current client.  if your server has a lot of scripts, it may be easier to just bring the changes over that you want from our files.
Making bots destroy barricades automatically would certainly do that. We once tested this with a script and games ended four or five minutes after start with complete overrun of the players.
Now, if just bot sappers were able to do that, or there was some map choice system available for the designer to say which bots were allowed to do it, that would be cool.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Our biggest troll problem - One big help would be the ability of the server to ban TNT from one team or the other - not globally, by map as it stands at present. Ideally, I would like to ban the human team from having TNT (Team 1) but allow it for the Bot Commanders (Team 2)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Troop types / percentages by team, not globally
Similarly - I would like to see the proportions of troop types set per team - not globally for both teams - So Team 1 (Humans) might consist of a mix of troop types - whilst Team 2 (Bots) I can set (ideally per MAP) which troop types will spawn. For example some maps i'd like only Bot sailors and Marines, on others only Cavalry etc. This would open up gameplay and immersion possibilities quite a lot.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
For testing maps - in single player etc - I want to be able to control which types of bots spawn - to abide by the percentages I set, without having a player on the team to activate them. (0 Player activation)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers(or client for SP), if they want to have it. 
Map naming
- never understood why we have to rename maps to mconform to the existing list, and cant simply name them as we wish. Is it possible this system can be revised? Create a map, name it what you wish, set the mode, put it in the game - it plays. At the moment, I have 36 maps on server by the end of this week. I have very few options in siege map names left to use as renames. (I know, I can use Custom - but these are impossible to test in Siege mode unless on a test server - and I don't often have the time to do that)
it requires more than just adding a new map name in the folder.  it requires changes else where in various other files including client side. 
- explosive and incendiary - both types - proper models, proper radius blast effect, both as map makers choice to activate per map, or not. And ideally, per team. There are lots of scripts around for this - adding them to the game makes sense.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Glitching defences
We have earthworks and planks disabled on the server since they were used to glitch doorways etc. The earthwork glitch of continuous digging is particularly bad. Would be nice if that was cured.
we fixed the earthworks going into the sky.   as for planks, we are not nerfing them on our end, but if you can find a way that makes you happy, go for it. 
Bot Glitches
Cure the inability of bots to hit a kneeling player (PLEASE!)
Stop bots running backwards when following a bot com
ehh ill ask vince, but idk about these 2.
Formation command additions
A proper square!
March column
Board / disembark boats (wish list - see below)
The ability of the server to disallow loose formations for line infantry (this would stop some of the problems of unit spread on servers like EUCommander)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it, if it is possible. 
Cannon glitches
2nd round of a game, many cannon (swivels etc) float by a couple of feet off the walls etc they were attached to - would be nice to fix.
i know about this, but i believe it is a prop issue.  ill talk to vince if its fixable and if it would break clients compatibility. 
Boats with fixed player/bot seating positions + boat swivels that work would be cool.
Wishlist - Bots able to take assigned seating positions in boats on command (see above) that a bot com would navigate.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it/if its possible. 
At the moment, we construct wagons from two carts stuck together. Could we please have a period supply wagon, an ammunition wagon, a Larry Ambulance, a foot cannon limber, a horse artillery limber and a generals coach to use as map props? Plus a wagon harness wearing horse?
afaik we are not adding new props 

I have no idea if this is true or not - I was told that a lot of lag is caused, particularly in Siege and Capture the flag modes, by the game constantly checking every entities position in relation to the flag? Bots and horses included? If this is so, why? Bots and horses cant take flags, only players. If true, a fix where bots and horses are excluded from this check might lessen server lag problems.
idk if they have lag problems or not.  siege seems to be fine from the years i played on it, unless its a full server.  i dont play CTF.   and more than likely without looking this second, the game is going through checking all agents, then checking if they are a player, and if they are on horseback or not already, then seeing if they are near the flag(s) 
Missing map editor models
- there are quite a few editor model sets that are missing a part that makes the set whole - for example there's a Spanish Wall Corner, A Spanish Wall gateway, but no actual Spanish Wall. Which makes their use somewhat limited. No palm trees for desert maps?
Any chance we can get additional models to cover the missing stuff? I can supply a list and pointers.
afaik, we dont plan on adding new props. 
One huge bonus for mappers would be some kind of copy paste system - create a tower and contents for example, then highlight it all and save it - and be able to add and paste it again from a file folder on any map you do afterwards. This would save so much time and effort. Stocking weapon racks is a tedious task when as a server we are trying too use almost every type and have multiple armouries etc.
i believe that is an engine thing, but i will ask vince.   as for armories.   as a map maker myself, i would limit the amount of unnecessary props on the map.  every candle, food, barrel, weapon rack that serves no purpose(if you have it so weapons can be grabbed from the rack, that is an exception) is just another thing to download, and another thing to make it harder for people to run the game smoothly.  as a player, i don't want to spend 2 minutes downloading.   i hate even a minute of downloading.  i have been on a few siege servers where the map is small, but the download is super long because of all the unneeded crap they put down that no one will ever see, or pass on the way to the fort.  i would rather have a smooth experience than an fps hit because the map looks pretty.   there is a balance that can be had where it looks nice, but runs nice as well
Admin Tools:
In Rebirth we try and ensure that Bot Coms whom don't/wont/cant command their bots are swapped quickly, as this ruins the games for everyone. But its quite difficult at times to know which bots belong to which players when admin is in spec. Ideally - admins should be able to see bot flags and player flags when in spec (optional setting?)

Or click on a bot com and his bots flags appear?
client side thing regarding the presentations file.
Admins in spec should be able to see ALL chat - both teams chat, global, spec and deadspeak
afaik, regular team/all chat cant be fiddled with(havent really looked into it), but even if it could, that would be a server thing, not in a patch for all

One last thing - player nations in NW?

Some mods in the past - like the 1812 mod for North American Napoleonics added USA, Canadian and Indian units, others have added various nations unit skins and factions such as the Ottoman Turks, Spanish, Portuguese etc.

The 1812 mod also had some excellent texture additions for north American log forts etc.

Is it possible these can be included as choices in the main game?
we are not planning on adding any new units, factions, etc,.

well, i think i got them all.   
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2017, 11:55:39 am »
i believe we are getting near the end of work for this patch.  so with that being said, is there any bugs that haven't been mentioned already that you think are fixable?  i will probably update the server today with some of the latest changes.
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline McPero

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #19 on: September 03, 2017, 11:33:36 pm »
There's a really annoying glitch with hitboxes when an enemy is stabbed/kicked there is a certain amount of time where you can't stab him because your stab will go straight through his hitbox and into the guy behind him, probably should do something about that if it is possible to fix it. nerf s key plox

Edit: Added the example

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2017, 08:32:14 am »
A couple more

Cannon ammo boxes always auto spawn to the left of the piece a certain distance away. For some placements this is not useful. Is there any way the position can be set by a variation number - left, right, behind  ?   Also, there are separate cannon ammo box props - but they does not supply ammo - could these be activated to supply the relevant ammo for the box?

Conditional AI mesh faces  -  some games I've worked on before that have AI meshing systems similar to M&B have a "conditional" mesh face where the face itself is linked by variance number to a prop object on the map. The linked conditional face only comes into operation (it is entirely ignored by route finding) if the prop it is linked to is destroyed - thus allowing breaches in defences that bots will ignore if prop intact - but use if prop destroyed. This is probably beyond the remit of your update, but thought i'd ask anyway, just in case.

Offline Thunderstormer

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2017, 10:25:27 am »
A couple more

Cannon ammo boxes always auto spawn to the left of the piece a certain distance away. For some placements this is not useful. Is there any way the position can be set by a variation number - left, right, behind  ?   Also, there are separate cannon ammo box props - but they does not supply ammo - could these be activated to supply the relevant ammo for the box?

Conditional AI mesh faces  -  some games I've worked on before that have AI meshing systems similar to M&B have a "conditional" mesh face where the face itself is linked by variance number to a prop object on the map. The linked conditional face only comes into operation (it is entirely ignored by route finding) if the prop it is linked to is destroyed - thus allowing breaches in defences that bots will ignore if prop intact - but use if prop destroyed. This is probably beyond the remit of your update, but thought i'd ask anyway, just in case.

you might be able to make variations, but it is something we wont do.  If the ammo is not in an ideal place, then another solution is the map maker can work to make it better. 

you could make a script that turns all those props into props you can grab ammo out of. 

eh, idk if it is possible or not with warband.   you might be able to, but that would be a lot of work.   the ai isn't the best to begin with, so testing wouldn't be easy. 
Should you need to talk to me regarding NA1 or or something regarding admining or the admins, PM me here on the forums and not on steam.  *

*This does not include Official Server Admins.

Offline Vincenzo

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2017, 01:28:41 pm »
A couple more

Cannon ammo boxes always auto spawn to the left of the piece a certain distance away. For some placements this is not useful. Is there any way the position can be set by a variation number - left, right, behind  ?   Also, there are separate cannon ammo box props - but they does not supply ammo - could these be activated to supply the relevant ammo for the box?

Conditional AI mesh faces  -  some games I've worked on before that have AI meshing systems similar to M&B have a "conditional" mesh face where the face itself is linked by variance number to a prop object on the map. The linked conditional face only comes into operation (it is entirely ignored by route finding) if the prop it is linked to is destroyed - thus allowing breaches in defences that bots will ignore if prop intact - but use if prop destroyed. This is probably beyond the remit of your update, but thought i'd ask anyway, just in case.
Good ideas, I've thought about the cannon box problems spawning.. but your idea won't work, cannons already have variation ID's that are in use, the first is the rotation limit, the second is the wall connection, meaning you can assign it to a wall so when a wall dies the cannon despawns too.

Another idea could be to allow mappers to place boxes close to cannons themselves, and a script checks them, if their very close etc, it doesent spawn a box on the default location but instead on the place where the mapper placed it.. Can't promise we will make that though.

About AI, I'ts all pretty much in-engine stuff which we have no access to... so.. I would say you can drop it in the suggestion box for the new Mount & blade and hope for the best.

There's a really annoying glitch with hitboxes when an enemy is stabbed/kicked there is a certain amount of time where you can't stab him because your stab will go straight through his hitbox and into the guy behind him, probably should do something about that if it is possible to fix it. nerf s key plox

Edit: Added the example
13:23 - Daegoth_TW: yup seen it. fixing this might cause other things to change as well
13:25 - Daegoth_TW: it is closely related with horse charges, and i wouldn't want to change anything related to that area. it might change some of the combat styles completely
13:29 - FSE_Vincenzo: alright too bad.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2017, 01:32:53 pm by Vincenzo »

Offline shadow770

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2017, 12:49:01 am »
this thread is embaressing
you seriously want to patch a game which has been out for 5 years
its base game for 7 years
that lost most of its cult following years ago
and that the sequel bcof should have been out years ago for it?
honestly, your patching this game?
like who gives a flying you know what about nw anymore


Offline shadow770

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2017, 12:56:07 am »
I for one would love to see a new update - but not if it breaks my maps and gameplay on the Rebirth Man vs Bots Siege server   :-[
we are planning on making it compatable with teh current client.  if your server has a lot of scripts, it may be easier to just bring the changes over that you want from our files.
Making bots destroy barricades automatically would certainly do that. We once tested this with a script and games ended four or five minutes after start with complete overrun of the players.
Now, if just bot sappers were able to do that, or there was some map choice system available for the designer to say which bots were allowed to do it, that would be cool.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Our biggest troll problem - One big help would be the ability of the server to ban TNT from one team or the other - not globally, by map as it stands at present. Ideally, I would like to ban the human team from having TNT (Team 1) but allow it for the Bot Commanders (Team 2)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Troop types / percentages by team, not globally
Similarly - I would like to see the proportions of troop types set per team - not globally for both teams - So Team 1 (Humans) might consist of a mix of troop types - whilst Team 2 (Bots) I can set (ideally per MAP) which troop types will spawn. For example some maps i'd like only Bot sailors and Marines, on others only Cavalry etc. This would open up gameplay and immersion possibilities quite a lot.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
For testing maps - in single player etc - I want to be able to control which types of bots spawn - to abide by the percentages I set, without having a player on the team to activate them. (0 Player activation)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers(or client for SP), if they want to have it. 
Map naming
- never understood why we have to rename maps to mconform to the existing list, and cant simply name them as we wish. Is it possible this system can be revised? Create a map, name it what you wish, set the mode, put it in the game - it plays. At the moment, I have 36 maps on server by the end of this week. I have very few options in siege map names left to use as renames. (I know, I can use Custom - but these are impossible to test in Siege mode unless on a test server - and I don't often have the time to do that)
it requires more than just adding a new map name in the folder.  it requires changes else where in various other files including client side. 
- explosive and incendiary - both types - proper models, proper radius blast effect, both as map makers choice to activate per map, or not. And ideally, per team. There are lots of scripts around for this - adding them to the game makes sense.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Glitching defences
We have earthworks and planks disabled on the server since they were used to glitch doorways etc. The earthwork glitch of continuous digging is particularly bad. Would be nice if that was cured.
we fixed the earthworks going into the sky.   as for planks, we are not nerfing them on our end, but if you can find a way that makes you happy, go for it. 
Bot Glitches
Cure the inability of bots to hit a kneeling player (PLEASE!)
Stop bots running backwards when following a bot com
ehh ill ask vince, but idk about these 2.
Formation command additions
A proper square!
March column
Board / disembark boats (wish list - see below)
The ability of the server to disallow loose formations for line infantry (this would stop some of the problems of unit spread on servers like EUCommander)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it, if it is possible. 
Cannon glitches
2nd round of a game, many cannon (swivels etc) float by a couple of feet off the walls etc they were attached to - would be nice to fix.
i know about this, but i believe it is a prop issue.  ill talk to vince if its fixable and if it would break clients compatibility. 
Boats with fixed player/bot seating positions + boat swivels that work would be cool.
Wishlist - Bots able to take assigned seating positions in boats on command (see above) that a bot com would navigate.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it/if its possible. 
At the moment, we construct wagons from two carts stuck together. Could we please have a period supply wagon, an ammunition wagon, a Larry Ambulance, a foot cannon limber, a horse artillery limber and a generals coach to use as map props? Plus a wagon harness wearing horse?
afaik we are not adding new props 

I have no idea if this is true or not - I was told that a lot of lag is caused, particularly in Siege and Capture the flag modes, by the game constantly checking every entities position in relation to the flag? Bots and horses included? If this is so, why? Bots and horses cant take flags, only players. If true, a fix where bots and horses are excluded from this check might lessen server lag problems.
idk if they have lag problems or not.  siege seems to be fine from the years i played on it, unless its a full server.  i dont play CTF.   and more than likely without looking this second, the game is going through checking all agents, then checking if they are a player, and if they are on horseback or not already, then seeing if they are near the flag(s) 
Missing map editor models
- there are quite a few editor model sets that are missing a part that makes the set whole - for example there's a Spanish Wall Corner, A Spanish Wall gateway, but no actual Spanish Wall. Which makes their use somewhat limited. No palm trees for desert maps?
Any chance we can get additional models to cover the missing stuff? I can supply a list and pointers.
afaik, we dont plan on adding new props. 
One huge bonus for mappers would be some kind of copy paste system - create a tower and contents for example, then highlight it all and save it - and be able to add and paste it again from a file folder on any map you do afterwards. This would save so much time and effort. Stocking weapon racks is a tedious task when as a server we are trying too use almost every type and have multiple armouries etc.
i believe that is an engine thing, but i will ask vince.   as for armories.   as a map maker myself, i would limit the amount of unnecessary props on the map.  every candle, food, barrel, weapon rack that serves no purpose(if you have it so weapons can be grabbed from the rack, that is an exception) is just another thing to download, and another thing to make it harder for people to run the game smoothly.  as a player, i don't want to spend 2 minutes downloading.   i hate even a minute of downloading.  i have been on a few siege servers where the map is small, but the download is super long because of all the unneeded crap they put down that no one will ever see, or pass on the way to the fort.  i would rather have a smooth experience than an fps hit because the map looks pretty.   there is a balance that can be had where it looks nice, but runs nice as well
Admin Tools:
In Rebirth we try and ensure that Bot Coms whom don't/wont/cant command their bots are swapped quickly, as this ruins the games for everyone. But its quite difficult at times to know which bots belong to which players when admin is in spec. Ideally - admins should be able to see bot flags and player flags when in spec (optional setting?)

Or click on a bot com and his bots flags appear?
client side thing regarding the presentations file.
Admins in spec should be able to see ALL chat - both teams chat, global, spec and deadspeak
afaik, regular team/all chat cant be fiddled with(havent really looked into it), but even if it could, that would be a server thing, not in a patch for all

One last thing - player nations in NW?

Some mods in the past - like the 1812 mod for North American Napoleonics added USA, Canadian and Indian units, others have added various nations unit skins and factions such as the Ottoman Turks, Spanish, Portuguese etc.

The 1812 mod also had some excellent texture additions for north American log forts etc.

Is it possible these can be included as choices in the main game?
we are not planning on adding any new units, factions, etc,.

well, i think i got them all.

i read this and facepalm
to think of all this indepth thought your having about a game thats FIVE YEARS OLD and nobody gives a monkey about anymore

please.. let it die...

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2017, 01:45:24 am »
Haven't heard about class limits on commander battle game modes. Can that be implemented?

Offline Mohawky

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #26 on: September 07, 2017, 10:55:26 am »
I for one would love to see a new update - but not if it breaks my maps and gameplay on the Rebirth Man vs Bots Siege server   :-[
we are planning on making it compatable with teh current client.  if your server has a lot of scripts, it may be easier to just bring the changes over that you want from our files.
Making bots destroy barricades automatically would certainly do that. We once tested this with a script and games ended four or five minutes after start with complete overrun of the players.
Now, if just bot sappers were able to do that, or there was some map choice system available for the designer to say which bots were allowed to do it, that would be cool.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Our biggest troll problem - One big help would be the ability of the server to ban TNT from one team or the other - not globally, by map as it stands at present. Ideally, I would like to ban the human team from having TNT (Team 1) but allow it for the Bot Commanders (Team 2)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Troop types / percentages by team, not globally
Similarly - I would like to see the proportions of troop types set per team - not globally for both teams - So Team 1 (Humans) might consist of a mix of troop types - whilst Team 2 (Bots) I can set (ideally per MAP) which troop types will spawn. For example some maps i'd like only Bot sailors and Marines, on others only Cavalry etc. This would open up gameplay and immersion possibilities quite a lot.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
For testing maps - in single player etc - I want to be able to control which types of bots spawn - to abide by the percentages I set, without having a player on the team to activate them. (0 Player activation)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers(or client for SP), if they want to have it. 
Map naming
- never understood why we have to rename maps to mconform to the existing list, and cant simply name them as we wish. Is it possible this system can be revised? Create a map, name it what you wish, set the mode, put it in the game - it plays. At the moment, I have 36 maps on server by the end of this week. I have very few options in siege map names left to use as renames. (I know, I can use Custom - but these are impossible to test in Siege mode unless on a test server - and I don't often have the time to do that)
it requires more than just adding a new map name in the folder.  it requires changes else where in various other files including client side. 
- explosive and incendiary - both types - proper models, proper radius blast effect, both as map makers choice to activate per map, or not. And ideally, per team. There are lots of scripts around for this - adding them to the game makes sense.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it. 
Glitching defences
We have earthworks and planks disabled on the server since they were used to glitch doorways etc. The earthwork glitch of continuous digging is particularly bad. Would be nice if that was cured.
we fixed the earthworks going into the sky.   as for planks, we are not nerfing them on our end, but if you can find a way that makes you happy, go for it. 
Bot Glitches
Cure the inability of bots to hit a kneeling player (PLEASE!)
Stop bots running backwards when following a bot com
ehh ill ask vince, but idk about these 2.
Formation command additions
A proper square!
March column
Board / disembark boats (wish list - see below)
The ability of the server to disallow loose formations for line infantry (this would stop some of the problems of unit spread on servers like EUCommander)
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it, if it is possible. 
Cannon glitches
2nd round of a game, many cannon (swivels etc) float by a couple of feet off the walls etc they were attached to - would be nice to fix.
i know about this, but i believe it is a prop issue.  ill talk to vince if its fixable and if it would break clients compatibility. 
Boats with fixed player/bot seating positions + boat swivels that work would be cool.
Wishlist - Bots able to take assigned seating positions in boats on command (see above) that a bot com would navigate.
we are not putting this in.  that is something people can make for their own servers, if they want to have it/if its possible. 
At the moment, we construct wagons from two carts stuck together. Could we please have a period supply wagon, an ammunition wagon, a Larry Ambulance, a foot cannon limber, a horse artillery limber and a generals coach to use as map props? Plus a wagon harness wearing horse?
afaik we are not adding new props 

I have no idea if this is true or not - I was told that a lot of lag is caused, particularly in Siege and Capture the flag modes, by the game constantly checking every entities position in relation to the flag? Bots and horses included? If this is so, why? Bots and horses cant take flags, only players. If true, a fix where bots and horses are excluded from this check might lessen server lag problems.
idk if they have lag problems or not.  siege seems to be fine from the years i played on it, unless its a full server.  i dont play CTF.   and more than likely without looking this second, the game is going through checking all agents, then checking if they are a player, and if they are on horseback or not already, then seeing if they are near the flag(s) 
Missing map editor models
- there are quite a few editor model sets that are missing a part that makes the set whole - for example there's a Spanish Wall Corner, A Spanish Wall gateway, but no actual Spanish Wall. Which makes their use somewhat limited. No palm trees for desert maps?
Any chance we can get additional models to cover the missing stuff? I can supply a list and pointers.
afaik, we dont plan on adding new props. 
One huge bonus for mappers would be some kind of copy paste system - create a tower and contents for example, then highlight it all and save it - and be able to add and paste it again from a file folder on any map you do afterwards. This would save so much time and effort. Stocking weapon racks is a tedious task when as a server we are trying too use almost every type and have multiple armouries etc.
i believe that is an engine thing, but i will ask vince.   as for armories.   as a map maker myself, i would limit the amount of unnecessary props on the map.  every candle, food, barrel, weapon rack that serves no purpose(if you have it so weapons can be grabbed from the rack, that is an exception) is just another thing to download, and another thing to make it harder for people to run the game smoothly.  as a player, i don't want to spend 2 minutes downloading.   i hate even a minute of downloading.  i have been on a few siege servers where the map is small, but the download is super long because of all the unneeded crap they put down that no one will ever see, or pass on the way to the fort.  i would rather have a smooth experience than an fps hit because the map looks pretty.   there is a balance that can be had where it looks nice, but runs nice as well
Admin Tools:
In Rebirth we try and ensure that Bot Coms whom don't/wont/cant command their bots are swapped quickly, as this ruins the games for everyone. But its quite difficult at times to know which bots belong to which players when admin is in spec. Ideally - admins should be able to see bot flags and player flags when in spec (optional setting?)

Or click on a bot com and his bots flags appear?
client side thing regarding the presentations file.
Admins in spec should be able to see ALL chat - both teams chat, global, spec and deadspeak
afaik, regular team/all chat cant be fiddled with(havent really looked into it), but even if it could, that would be a server thing, not in a patch for all

One last thing - player nations in NW?

Some mods in the past - like the 1812 mod for North American Napoleonics added USA, Canadian and Indian units, others have added various nations unit skins and factions such as the Ottoman Turks, Spanish, Portuguese etc.

The 1812 mod also had some excellent texture additions for north American log forts etc.

Is it possible these can be included as choices in the main game?
we are not planning on adding any new units, factions, etc,.

well, i think i got them all.

i read this and facepalm
to think of all this indepth thought your having about a game thats FIVE YEARS OLD and nobody gives a monkey about anymore

please.. let it die...

I read this and facepalmed several times in fact, firstly over why someone who thinks a game is dead is haunting its forums still, like a ghost of Christmas past, secondly over why they would make a brand new account to post about it, and thirdly over the absolutely "butthurt troll who was recently banned on our server" style of posting.

Yep, five years old it may be, but we have a server that's frequently maxed out at its 85 cap limit - running an average session of between 30 to 60 people most of the time. Last week 673 separate GUID's played on it, and that's a quiet week. We have 28 admin all of whom participate and most of whom are long term. So for a game nobody gives a monkey about, its still pretty popular. Whilst it is, we will continue to provide a server for people to enjoy, irrespective of your entirely irrelevant opinion.

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2017, 10:57:49 am »
Yep, five years old it may be, but we have a server that's frequently maxed out at its 85 cap limit - running an average session of between 30 to 60 people most of the time. Last week 673 separate GUID's played on it, and that's a quiet week. We have 28 admin all of whom participate and most of whom are long term. So for a game nobody gives a monkey about, its still pretty popular. Whilst it is, we will continue to provide a server for people to enjoy, irrespective of your entirely irrelevant opinion.
Thank you for running your server, thank you for your continued support and i hope we can continue to make the game fun to play.

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2017, 11:12:11 am »
Probably someone's dupe account anyway.
Probably one of the very few old-timers here who hasn't been a regimental leader.

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Re: Help wanted for upcoming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2017, 08:55:20 am »
Yep, five years old it may be, but we have a server that's frequently maxed out at its 85 cap limit - running an average session of between 30 to 60 people most of the time. Last week 673 separate GUID's played on it, and that's a quiet week. We have 28 admin all of whom participate and most of whom are long term. So for a game nobody gives a monkey about, its still pretty popular. Whilst it is, we will continue to provide a server for people to enjoy, irrespective of your entirely irrelevant opinion.
Thank you for running your server, thank you for your continued support and i hope we can continue to make the game fun to play.

Thanks for the reply. Looking at the replies throughout the thread to the various requests and suggestions, it seems you are extremely limited in what you can do, or wish to do to support non-reg-line battle modes of play, or able to correct so many prop / editor flaws and omissions, and especially bot and AI flaws. Tinkering around the edges with the minutiae of the melee system isn't going to make a blind bit of difference to new players or their retention, nor will it bring back old players that have already given up on it. You need to refresh the game, but most of the stuff that would do that you've said no to, especially in the game mode we support. Which leads me to the conclusion our server probably has maybe six months left. Its been fun, but time I think, to put our effort into something elsewhere that will get some support.