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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #75 on: August 22, 2017, 09:59:29 am »
How about increasing the melee speed back to how it was in 2012-2013?

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #76 on: August 22, 2017, 10:08:52 am »
this will be a long post, so i am going to try and keep it as short as i can.

"After a long year of golden era, the time of the end has come to the heavy cavalry. Event the mightiest, the strongest of them - the cuirassiers couldn't stand the cataclism which the patch was for them. One by one, firstly people, then whole regiments turned their cloacs and joined the hussars. Right now nobody from the elite of cavalry community doesn't even think about creating a heavy cavalry regiment. But, it may sound impossible but we can change it.

What do I want:
  • Little thing that would buff heavy vs other cav, so it'll be playable again

How can we reach it?
Well, i have few ideas, those are:

  • Realism - cuirass invulnerable to melee dmg as a one hitpoint (OMG GTFO FAG)
  • Restoring old heavy horses health
  • Nerfing hussars (OMG GTFO FAG)
  • Other buffs (speed, sword, maneuverable etc

Another thing that bothers me is magical hussar's sabre thrust, which even without bonus from speed is somehow able to kill even a cuirassier from behind. Just sain'

I was asking about patch in January 2014.. Now its 2017. Here it is with whole discussion under the main post.
  i changed a # of items, but for the most part those alone wont lead to anything major balance wise.  light cav swords now all have the same range as each other,  HC swords also all have the same range as well between each other.(HC swords are still longer just to clarify)

british bayos were also made longer, so now they are the same length as the rest.   

balance regarding cav is still up for debate, you should take it to the balance thread, where others have posted about cav.   

I haven't played NW in ages, so I'm not exactly up to date with all the current bugs. However, I've been looking at the requests for new units and factions, and came up with a quick and easy way to implement this.

Deep in the cesspits of the Skins & OSP Resources subforum, there are some wonderfully crafted skin packs that fully convert entire factions.  Raddeo's Duchy of Warsaw skin pack is the first that comes to my mind, but there are many others out there that can easily be turned into new factions. I do remember seeing a Spanish full conversion somewhere.

At the same time, you could also expand the current factions' rosters to include some individual skins. Betaknight made some really awesome skins back in the day, and so did Attila the Nun and Marks. Those are the ones I remember, at least. I haven't looked at that subforum in years.

In any case, if you guys want to add new factions or skins, you won't need to make new textures and models. Just ask these modders if you can add their stuff to the game.

((Also, shameless self promotion :)))
as of right now, we dont plan to add any units.   

fix the russian bug, the 1st unit spawns with sticks sometimes like wtf? my regiment finds it hard to play with this bug so please fix! thank you

- love from iran
  agreed.  this is top priority.  i also heard of another game breaking bug where this guy name Marks gets to play the game.   i need to fix that as well.  we cant let that stand. 

1. The IMG glitch (although this is, from my knowledge, a Warband issue)
Is that the character in admin/different chats? If so, it's definitely a Warband rather than NW issue, but because it's specific to admin chat in NW it's not a massive issue. If it's a different bug then ignore me.
Showed it to Thunder last night. Def Warband, potentially fixable though as it's related to images
from what i understand, its a warband issue that TW would have to fix.  in the mean time, only have people you trust be admins.

Hi guys,  I've been working on a few mods for our local server for a year or so now.  Most of them are for personal server use, such as an auto admin that can detect kills that are FOL or Rambo and revive the victim automatically. But there's a few things I've come across that might be useful.

First,  in the way of bugs:
Not sure if this one's a bug or an intentionally dropped feature but I noticed when I was going through some of the cannonball code (I don't remember exactly where) that certain sapper deployables were meant to have a "wall" value of 1 and not 3 but due to a bad for loop didn't actually ever gain this value. This would mean that it would take 3 planks (or what have you) to stop a cannonball instead of the current 1.
While on that topic I think you should give a "wall" value of 2 to some of the thinner destructible walls so that a cannon both damages them,  and penetrates to potentially damage people/buildings behind also.  (a value of 2 would stop the cannonball after hitting a second wall) some of the thicker fortress walls would make sense to keep the same though.

Another minor tweak that may help server and client performance that I get my regiment to use is the lowering of the strength/time of smoke output by explosions in the "make explosion at position" script. This means there isn't massive amounts of frame drops after a while bunch of explosions go off at once.

Now for mods:

One mod I made a while ago but everyone on our servers seem to enjoy is the item pickup mod. This allows any weapon item props placed by the map maker on the map to be picked up,  allowing for the creation of armories and the like for seige defence or whatever. At the moment it's just set to spawn the item where it was placed every 12 seconds or so (with an appropriate depsawn timer to avoid buildup) but could be changed to only work once or more/less frequently.
I believe I mentioned this one to Vincenzo when he visited our TS a while ago, I think that's when I was working on my naval arty mod?  IDK.

I also made a payload mod so that map makers could place down waypoint markers that an explosive cart would follow when pushed and explode at its destination. Think TF2 or overwatch.  (with a remove/addition of other props coded in to get rid of those pesky non destructible  portcullis  too or add new seige ladders for stage two of the fight,etc.)

Other than that I've had a few other little pet projects that wouldn't be for everyones tastes like:
- Option for Maps to remove player weapons on spawn so you can do jail break/alarmed camp style battles. ( used with the aforementioned item spawning mod for armories)
- naval arty.  Places small swivel cannons on the moving small boats and carronades on the larger ones.  Also makes both boats destructible with cannonball penetration (using "wall" values)
- Gatling gun.  This one just turns a cannons canister rounds into a Gatling gun that fires out a stream of 100 shots that you can stop and start.

As for the revive button: we were thinking of implementing this on our servers,  as well as a global mute button to stop chat spammers.
We were thinking of replacing the temp ban button with revive as temps are harder to clear than perms. Also because MOV_Hikkupz makes enough mistakes to warrant a revive button already and removing the option to ban someone irreversibly for an hour can only be an improvement   :P
To avoid the 30 second dead agent limit you could try using a "on agent wounded or killed" trigger to store the death details on the players slots. (I believe there's already death position slots there).

Well I think that's about it from me.  Feel free to take or leave any of that.
i might look at the planks, as they need nerfed anyways from a damage stand point. 

i think i will leave the walls alone for now. 

smoke change isnt bad, but i think i will leave that as is, and let each server modify that if they want. 

the items being picked up on the map is neat, but i think that is best left to each server. 


yea, best left to each server. 

neat, but i dont think ill be touching those. 

neat as well, but not for everyone. 

global mute on someone is a good idea.  i wrote it down on my list as well, but decided against doing it for all servers.  i used refill ammo for my revive stuff, as it was never used it on most servers.(at least the ones that use my scripts)   if you never temp ban, or want to perm ban then unban within the hour, then its not a bad way to go.   if you use refill ammo like i did, you will need to modify the presentations file to show only dead people.

yea, it might be possible to change it, but at the same time 30 seconds is long enough from what i seen.  so to me it isn't worth messing with. 

Oh,  and another thing that comes to mind is rockets...
Currently gravity isn't applied correctly to them.  They have a constant downwards acceleration programmed into them but it's applied in the local rocket props z-direction not the global z-direction. This isn't a problem for all the other arty as the ball/shell doesn't rotate in the air so the z-directions remain aligned with the ground. Not so with rockets which twist and turn in the air sometimes causing rockets that point at the sky to accelerate towards you anyway...
tbh, i actually like the random nature rockets have.

Double flag server crash

No clue what this could be.
i dont want to say how people do it.  i may have fixed it.  will require more testing. 
admin text crashing the server

I imagine this is the same exploit that is currently still working on PW and other modules. MS doesn't provide any means of validating string input so you can send what you want and crash the server. Requires WSE to fix.

Being able to run while surrendering

Force the walk state when a player is playing the surrender animation.
yea, i will have to look into it, but it makes you go into a walking stance already.  if you push keys are the right moment, you can make it so you run and surrender.

placing building items down to fast. 

Use a serversided timer. build_timer >= 0.5
yep, a timer to prevent one person from spamming was the plan.

animation issues where on your screen you are down blocking, but on everyone elses you are side blocking as an example

No clue what could cause this I myself have never seen this. You could always debug broadcast message and see what it is sending to all the players.
it is a weird issue that has been around for a long time, at least on NW.   
Infinitely artillery ammunition with no need to take another.

Never had this happen to me. I suppose this bug lies within the NW MS system rather than the engine itself.
it is an exploit.  i believe i know how to fix it.   just a matter of getting to it and testing.
Stacking planks into the sky.

Plenty of ways to fix this, You could check the Z height of the map and limit it for props. You could make players only build when they are within a grid or the ground,...
yea, this one will take some work if i had to guess, we will see.
various scripts for scene props check for valid prop with "greater than 0", that causes some rare and random bugs from time to time, if the actual prop has the ID 0.

NW MS bug.
will have to go through and change stuff to ge-1 i think, instead of ge 0. 
Better synchronisation for doors. and cannons not reseting. making sure they go back to the correct state. 

NW MS bug.
i know of one cannon thing that doesnt fix when rounds end. 
No serverside check for naked bodyparts.

I don't know if the MS has a function like this but you can just check the body armour value I suppose. 0 meaning he is naked. If troops also have 0 you can just get the item_kind of the armour piece if it's a nullptr it means he doesn't have any on him.
i will see if i can make stuff server side when it comes to units getting items. 
Mucisians playing music when the map changes(maybe round, dont remember) and keeps playing through the next round

Only play sound if the animation is correct.
just need to add a bit when the round ends to stop music from being played. 
lancers doing up attacks on horse back  by dismounting, doing an up attack, mounting, and the game keeps the attack direction and animation

while the mounting animation plays and he has a lance check if his attack direction is an upswing if so reset it.
yep, idk if i will get around to fixing it, as it is minor, and doesnt give you anything in terms of advantages.   we will see anyways
musicians playing music while their sword is out as an example

Only play sound if the animation is correct.
yea, will have to look into this one.   people change weapons while they select a song, which means they play and fight.
I have never used MS to code something so I don't what it "can't" "can" do. You can always use WSE and code your own functions for MS to get all of the above problems fixed. However I discussed this with Vincenzo he doesn't want it implemented for NW so I highly doubt some of the issue's given above will be fixed.
some of them cant be from what it sounds like.   we shall see.  because this post is really long, i wrote in red.(hope i colored them all)

as i said above in this long post, i may have fixed the flag crashing the server.  will require more testing to confirm.  i will probably make a post regarding the test server soon. 
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #77 on: August 22, 2017, 05:26:26 pm »
How about increasing the melee speed back to how it was in 2012-2013?

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #78 on: August 22, 2017, 06:28:54 pm »
Seriously? Nobody is going to mention the game-breaking exploit that cavalry players have been using for ages? I've seen Sillywilly, Thunderstormer, IB, and multiple other known cavalry players use this and ultimately win rounds. They were able to flank by jumping through a window on the vanilla NA1 maps back when it was populated. Is there NO way to fix the horses jumping through windows?

You used to be tempbanned for doing this, iirc

An easier copy paste

Jumping through windows (horses)
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #79 on: August 22, 2017, 06:51:46 pm »
Can we at least get the melee changed slightly so the meta can change again?
Check out my YT channel where I post NW com/c/CluelessWill
god damn, Anthony is smart, he was able to get the shit AEF to tie with the best reg in the game. The tactical geniusness needed to pull off such a feat is insane. He's the Erwin Rommel of NW.
i always get an erection when i check my subscrptions and see that phresh cluelesswill vid
It won't be FSE developing it, so it will come out!

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #80 on: August 22, 2017, 11:32:11 pm »
Jumping through windows (horses)

As much as I love this glitch, I have to agree it should be gotten rid of.
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #81 on: August 23, 2017, 12:10:41 am »
Seriously? Nobody is going to mention the game-breaking exploit that cavalry players have been using for ages? I've seen Sillywilly, Thunderstormer, IB, and multiple other known cavalry players use this and ultimately win rounds. They were able to flank by jumping through a window on the vanilla NA1 maps back when it was populated. Is there NO way to fix the horses jumping through windows?

You used to be tempbanned for doing this, iirc

An easier copy paste

Jumping through windows (horses)
lol.  in the 5 years i have played NA1 and 4 that i admined, i dont recall seeing seen one person banned for doing it, or threatened with a ban.  Before i was a senior admin, LG who was(still is) the/a senior admin approved of it.     

The only advantage you get with it is surprise.  After that, you are in a confined space, with little room to move, running over tables, chairs, etc,.  so at any time you can be stopped, or have your horse change height throwing off your aim while your horse can still be stabbed.  Your head is already up near the ceiling, making it harder to see.  In some buildings you cant see at all.  going into first person may not help either.(not to mention the disadvantages of going into first person)   you are easy prey for infantry with a bayonet, or any weapon in general.   if they know what they are doing.  it tends to be fairly obvious as well if a cav will jump through a window.(know your enemies)  you can stab them on the way through.   if they fail, which happens a lot, stab them when they are bucked by the window. 

I will point out there are plenty of windows that infantry can jump in and out of as well, which were a common occurrence on NA1 even on vanilla maps.  i noticed you failed to mention that. 

anyways, no, it is not really fixable.  at least not with what we are doing here.  It would require changing the cav/inf hitboxes and the window hitboxes.  or possibly changing the props themselves.   if you really don't like it, put barriers in the window to keep people from getting in that way.  (cav can still go through doors on a lot of buildings)

Can we at least get the melee changed slightly so the meta can change again?
i wont be changing the melee speed of weapons, or range of this and that that would effect the meta.   you or others are free to do that on your servers though.   
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 01:46:54 am by Thunderstormer »
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #82 on: August 23, 2017, 02:30:17 pm »
i plan on making a post later today about the test server.   it will have the name, the stuff to be tested, a format to post about a bug our fixes may of caused.   if it is a bug unrelated, post it here instead. 

there are some things i cant test myself like the possible fix to invis banner(if you know how to make it so you dont have a banner, send me a pm, so i can test it myself as well).  same goes for the possible spyglass fix  where you do an animation without having a spyglass. 

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #83 on: August 24, 2017, 09:49:06 am »
As mentioned above, adding invisible barriers while mapping is enough to "fix" the problem where people can jump through windows. Bullets can easily go through in and out, but not players or horses.

I honestly like the fact we can jump through windows. I have yet to see a horse do the same, as it's a quite rare thing anyways.

I personally wouldn't call this an exploit, and I have yet to see cav doing that suicide charge. You'll end up trapped in a building, most likely dead. Cav wouldn't even be able to hit the players, as they wouldn't be able to swing their weapons.

I would however recommend testing around with the the anti cav position of bayonets while crouched (crouching while cav charges at you to take the horse down). Perhaps add slightly more range to it.

But this has nothing to do with bug fixes.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 09:52:13 am by Eternal »

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #84 on: August 24, 2017, 12:28:34 pm »
Test server is up, you can find the thread about it here.

As mentioned above, adding invisible barriers while mapping is enough to "fix" the problem where people can jump through windows. Bullets can easily go through in and out, but not players or horses.

I honestly like the fact we can jump through windows. I have yet to see a horse do the same, as it's a quite rare thing anyways.

I personally wouldn't call this an exploit, and I have yet to see cav doing that suicide charge. You'll end up trapped in a building, most likely dead. Cav wouldn't even be able to hit the players, as they wouldn't be able to swing their weapons.

I would however recommend testing around with the the anti cav position of bayonets while crouched (crouching while cav charges at you to take the horse down). Perhaps add slightly more range to it.

But this has nothing to do with bug fixes.
i wouldn't mind buffing bracing by letting you turn a bit more before it stops it.  idk if its possible to just increase a braced bayos range but not the actual weapon.
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #85 on: August 24, 2017, 04:42:15 pm »
The object "mm_sp_crate_explosive" levitates after the explosion. This should be fixed.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 04:45:10 pm by Mikimak »

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #86 on: August 24, 2017, 05:01:56 pm »
There's a glitch someone showed me, but I don't know how to do it, where if an arty ranker gets a flag, and posts it right behind the cannon and then grabs the cannon to shoot, they are infinitely thrown backwards gaining speed every second, and then eventually going so fast they teleport, and usually die from fall damage at some point.

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #87 on: August 24, 2017, 05:02:47 pm »
Also from my other post, I guess you have multiple threads.

I might add more posts or edit this as I think of more, not sure which would be better.

1. Class limits enabled effect commander battle - i.e. can set the percentage of players that can choose cav

2. Specifically for NW - this coming from a bot server supplier - that bots would act more like native bots and not try to reload and shoot from 10m away. Maybe they can increase the distance the bots switch from reloading/shooting to melee

3. Also that bots would destroy defenses like in for example - Full Invasion. I know one of the creators usnavy30 still floats around on this forum and taleworlds.

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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #88 on: August 25, 2017, 08:13:11 am »
The object "mm_sp_crate_explosive" levitates after the explosion. This should be fixed.
it does?   are you able to recreate that?    are you referring to some millisecond where a crate may float in the air when it explodes before it disappears?(which idk if it does)   

or are you referring to a stack of crates that blow up, but the top one doesn't right away?

Also from my other post, I guess you have multiple threads.

I might add more posts or edit this as I think of more, not sure which would be better.

1. Class limits enabled effect commander battle - i.e. can set the percentage of players that can choose cav

2. Specifically for NW - this coming from a bot server supplier - that bots would act more like native bots and not try to reload and shoot from 10m away. Maybe they can increase the distance the bots switch from reloading/shooting to melee

3. Also that bots would destroy defenses like in for example - Full Invasion. I know one of the creators usnavy30 still floats around on this forum and taleworlds.
seen this in the other thread.   i did put them down in the list of suggestions.  the first one is something i want to look into, just not sure where to check.(haven't looked into it yet)   

the other 2 while being good suggestions, i don't think it is worth my time to focus on those right now while i still have bugs to fix.  you would probably be better off going to someone that has worked on the AI before and seeing if they can help you with some custom scripts.  they would do a better job than i, if i had to guess.  and you would probably get them sooner. 

There's a glitch someone showed me, but I don't know how to do it, where if an arty ranker gets a flag, and posts it right behind the cannon and then grabs the cannon to shoot, they are infinitely thrown backwards gaining speed every second, and then eventually going so fast they teleport, and usually die from fall damage at some point.
spent a few minutes trying to recreate it with no luck.   if you find a more reliable way of recreating it, let me know.   

i do know there is a bug, a very rare one, that would make you run backwards at high speeds randomly after picking up ammo.   i never seen anyone reliably recreate it.  I probably seen it happen a few times a year on average.  i usually saw it around steam sale times, where more people were  playing.(pub play or events)  having them drop the ammo would fix the issue.   
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Re: Help wanted for upcomming Napoleonic Wars patch
« Reply #89 on: August 25, 2017, 09:59:17 am »
Probably not possible, but I've seen a suggestion to have customised patches or something, like the logo of a reg (the player-created kind) on a shoulder or backpack or whatever.
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