Author Topic: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [9 Years and Going!]  (Read 117107 times)

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #765 on: November 27, 2018, 10:57:08 am »
rip na holdfast still garbage feels bad bannerlord when

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #766 on: November 27, 2018, 07:41:22 pm »
Can't wait for BCoF!

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #767 on: November 29, 2018, 06:09:57 am »
One of the dumbest things to happen in the community was people thinking Holdfast to be a successor to NW and just flat out quitting NW and moving their regiment to a different game. For the 63e to have done that shows that they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community and them moving single handedly weakened the desire for growth in this game along with the other regiments that quit NW in a time where really we were much more active then we are now and the game could still be enjoyed to a large scale.

I appreciate your opinion, however, I would disagree with your statement.

First, we haven't quit nw. We are active just not on a competitive scale. We have scheduled gfs and have an dedicated nco for that task.

Second, we have done more for the community overall than most. We put years into nw and still love and respect it. We have not only revolutionized linebattles and the way they were played, but we also created one of the most popular servers from scratch, among other achievements and participation.

Third, we hosted one of the most popular, longest running, and most regularly attended weekly events in the game. Almost all the participating regiments moved over to holdfast and some regiments still attend our events to this day.

You have no idea what motivated us to play Holdfast.
I would have rather you put more effort into investigating the nwl which took me 5 minutes to realize that it was stolen from us due to banned players boasting about playing on the opposing team in the championship match. There is also video evidence of the same team using the same tactics granting us a 10-0 victory in a previous 1v1. But to each their own...

Can't wait for BCoF!
Will you be moving over?

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #768 on: November 29, 2018, 06:21:14 am »
NW is dead

NW has been dead friend. You can see it when the likes of Vetro, NickCole, RussianFury, Risk, etc. (all you NW folk) start posting on the Holdfast boards again lol

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #769 on: November 29, 2018, 07:32:58 am »
One of the dumbest things to happen in the community was people thinking Holdfast to be a successor to NW and just flat out quitting NW and moving their regiment to a different game. For the 63e to have done that shows that they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community and them moving single handedly weakened the desire for growth in this game along with the other regiments that quit NW in a time where really we were much more active then we are now and the game could still be enjoyed to a large scale.

I appreciate your opinion, however, I would disagree with your statement.

First, we haven't quit nw. We are active just not on a competitive scale. We have scheduled gfs and have an dedicated nco for that task.

Second, we have done more for the community overall than most. We put years into nw and still love and respect it. We have not only revolutionized linebattles and the way they were played, but we also created one of the most popular servers from scratch, among other achievements and participation.

Third, we hosted one of the most popular, longest running, and most regularly attended weekly events in the game. Almost all the participating regiments moved over to holdfast and some regiments still attend our events to this day.

You have no idea what motivated us to play Holdfast.
I would have rather you put more effort into investigating the nwl which took me 5 minutes to realize that it was stolen from us due to banned players boasting about playing on the opposing team in the championship match. There is also video evidence of the same team using the same tactics granting us a 10-0 victory in a previous 1v1. But to each their own...
I appreciate your response. It was to my knowledge you had pretty much abandoned Warband when Holdfast came out not just competitively. I'm not discrediting what the regiment has done in its previous history but putting yourself to that level of growth in NW comes with its responsibilities as well. 

Revolutionized linebattles how?

You also did not create one of the most popular servers really you can credit the core of the popularity of the 63e to Diplex. The 63e being successful isn't really my point. And your third point well that's exactly it. A major influence in the community (63e) uprooted its regiment along with it's very popular events and the regiments that attended those.  I'd probably say like 80% of the NW regiments that moved to Holdfast at that time did not fare well at all and I think most ended up just disbanding.

The sway the 63e has had in this community has majorly impacted not only the casual but competitive scene of the game. You kinda brought that on yourselves, and responsibilities and judgement will come because of the regiments clout. Like it er' not.

Also for the whole NWL situation you kind of have to look at it from an unbiased standpoint because you are clearly biased there's no arguing that. At the time of the league I was the sole administrator as everyone else was inactive. It was just Cheesey and I running the league until he disbanded his regiment halfway to 3/4 through the league. Did I make some mistakes in the decision making process? Sure, maybe (no)(jk)(no). Really I was trying to be the most impartial I could in a difficult time in NWL's history where I alone was the arbitrator. There was no justifying evidence that could have incriminated the 91st and there was no way at the time I could have collected enough verifiable proof to make a public affirmation without seeming or being unbiased. It was he said she said shit, and I think I know why you think it's a 5 minute investigation. You cannot make conclusions based on assumption. I may not have no idea what motivated you to play Holdfast, but you definitely have no idea of how things were then and how the match was administered after NWL.

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #770 on: November 29, 2018, 07:34:19 am »
NW is dead

NW has been dead friend. You can see it when the likes of Vetro, NickCole, RussianFury, Risk, etc. (all you NW folk) start posting on the Holdfast boards again lol
Just because I make 1 post every 3 months doesn't mean I'm active in trashfast. I don't even play the game and barely did when I had it installed. NA NW Comp is kinda dead but the casual scene is still going strong with every event easily getting over 150 per event and every event 15e goes to is filled up.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 07:35:53 am by WorstNANickCole »

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #771 on: November 29, 2018, 08:11:57 am »
One of the dumbest things to happen in the community was people thinking Holdfast to be a successor to NW and just flat out quitting NW and moving their regiment to a different game. For the 63e to have done that shows that they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community and them moving single handedly weakened the desire for growth in this game along with the other regiments that quit NW in a time where really we were much more active then we are now and the game could still be enjoyed to a large scale.

I appreciate your opinion, however, I would disagree with your statement.

First, we haven't quit nw. We are active just not on a competitive scale. We have scheduled gfs and have an dedicated nco for that task.

Second, we have done more for the community overall than most. We put years into nw and still love and respect it. We have not only revolutionized linebattles and the way they were played, but we also created one of the most popular servers from scratch, among other achievements and participation.

Third, we hosted one of the most popular, longest running, and most regularly attended weekly events in the game. Almost all the participating regiments moved over to holdfast and some regiments still attend our events to this day.

You have no idea what motivated us to play Holdfast.
I would have rather you put more effort into investigating the nwl which took me 5 minutes to realize that it was stolen from us due to banned players boasting about playing on the opposing team in the championship match. There is also video evidence of the same team using the same tactics granting us a 10-0 victory in a previous 1v1. But to each their own...
I appreciate your response. It was to my knowledge you had pretty much abandoned Warband when Holdfast came out not just competitively. I'm not discrediting what the regiment has done in its previous history but putting yourself to that level of growth in NW comes with its responsibilities as well. 

Revolutionized linebattles how?

You also did not create one of the most popular servers really you can credit the core of the popularity of the 63e to Diplex. The 63e being successful isn't really my point. And your third point well that's exactly it. A major influence in the community (63e) uprooted its regiment along with it's very popular events and the regiments that attended those.  I'd probably say like 80% of the NW regiments that moved to Holdfast at that time did not fare well at all and I think most ended up just disbanding.

The sway the 63e has had in this community has majorly impacted not only the casual but competitive scene of the game. You kinda brought that on yourselves, and responsibilities and judgement will come because of the regiments clout. Like it er' not.

Also for the whole NWL situation you kind of have to look at it from an unbiased standpoint because you are clearly biased there's no arguing that. At the time of the league I was the sole administrator as everyone else was inactive. It was just Cheesey and I running the league until he disbanded his regiment halfway to 3/4 through the league. Did I make some mistakes in the decision making process? Sure, maybe (no)(jk)(no). Really I was trying to be the most impartial I could in a difficult time in NWL's history where I alone was the arbitrator. There was no justifying evidence that could have incriminated the 91st and there was no way at the time I could have collected enough verifiable proof to make a public affirmation without seeming or being unbiased. It was he said she said shit, and I think I know why you think it's a 5 minute investigation. You cannot make conclusions based on assumption. I may not have no idea what motivated you to play Holdfast, but you definitely have no idea of how things were then and how the match was administered after NWL.

We were one of the last major events to stay in NW. I just find it odd you are blaming us for a large community shift. I dont know if you remember but there was a massive move to Holdfast which made it hard to sustain any event. Also I dont know if you remember but previous to our events, they were extremely unbalanced and biased admining. We changed that.

Also, Diplex had no impact on the popularity or growth of the 63e. When I started as a cadet under Karth, we had maybe 30 attendance and were considered hill campers in the community. Karth was the one who changed that (hill camping thing kinda stayed with us tho lol). Also Karth and I worked to grow our community. Karth and I worked to make the siege server as well and we both built it from scratch. Im just curious where are you getting this info from? For holding such opinions of us you have very incorrect information.

Also the guy admitted it on the fse forums, I questioned him and he admitted to it (with no bias on our part). All in the span of 5 mins. At the time it could have been easily resolved by checking GUIDs in the logs. Which again would have taken 5 min. A whole year worth of hard work and training, dissolved because logical steps were not taken. But its split milk. I just mentioned it to get under your skin because you talking crazy lol :P

Offline Windflower

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #772 on: November 29, 2018, 08:51:44 am »
One of the dumbest things to happen in the community was people thinking Holdfast to be a successor to NW and just flat out quitting NW and moving their regiment to a different game. For the 63e to have done that shows that they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community and them moving single handedly weakened the desire for growth in this game along with the other regiments that quit NW in a time where really we were much more active then we are now and the game could still be enjoyed to a large scale.

I appreciate your opinion, however, I would disagree with your statement.

First, we haven't quit nw. We are active just not on a competitive scale. We have scheduled gfs and have an dedicated nco for that task.

Second, we have done more for the community overall than most. We put years into nw and still love and respect it. We have not only revolutionized linebattles and the way they were played, but we also created one of the most popular servers from scratch, among other achievements and participation.

Third, we hosted one of the most popular, longest running, and most regularly attended weekly events in the game. Almost all the participating regiments moved over to holdfast and some regiments still attend our events to this day.

You have no idea what motivated us to play Holdfast.
I would have rather you put more effort into investigating the nwl which took me 5 minutes to realize that it was stolen from us due to banned players boasting about playing on the opposing team in the championship match. There is also video evidence of the same team using the same tactics granting us a 10-0 victory in a previous 1v1. But to each their own...
I appreciate your response. It was to my knowledge you had pretty much abandoned Warband when Holdfast came out not just competitively. I'm not discrediting what the regiment has done in its previous history but putting yourself to that level of growth in NW comes with its responsibilities as well. 

Revolutionized linebattles how?

You also did not create one of the most popular servers really you can credit the core of the popularity of the 63e to Diplex. The 63e being successful isn't really my point. And your third point well that's exactly it. A major influence in the community (63e) uprooted its regiment along with it's very popular events and the regiments that attended those.  I'd probably say like 80% of the NW regiments that moved to Holdfast at that time did not fare well at all and I think most ended up just disbanding.

The sway the 63e has had in this community has majorly impacted not only the casual but competitive scene of the game. You kinda brought that on yourselves, and responsibilities and judgement will come because of the regiments clout. Like it er' not.

Also for the whole NWL situation you kind of have to look at it from an unbiased standpoint because you are clearly biased there's no arguing that. At the time of the league I was the sole administrator as everyone else was inactive. It was just Cheesey and I running the league until he disbanded his regiment halfway to 3/4 through the league. Did I make some mistakes in the decision making process? Sure, maybe (no)(jk)(no). Really I was trying to be the most impartial I could in a difficult time in NWL's history where I alone was the arbitrator. There was no justifying evidence that could have incriminated the 91st and there was no way at the time I could have collected enough verifiable proof to make a public affirmation without seeming or being unbiased. It was he said she said shit, and I think I know why you think it's a 5 minute investigation. You cannot make conclusions based on assumption. I may not have no idea what motivated you to play Holdfast, but you definitely have no idea of how things were then and how the match was administered after NWL.

We were one of the last major events to stay in NW. I just find it odd you are blaming us for a large community shift. I dont know if you remember but there was a massive move to Holdfast which made it hard to sustain any event. Also I dont know if you remember but previous to our events, they were extremely unbalanced and biased admining. We changed that.

Also, Diplex had no impact on the popularity or growth of the 63e. When I started as a cadet under Karth, we had maybe 30 attendance and were considered hill campers in the community. Karth was the one who changed that (hill camping thing kinda stayed with us tho lol). Also Karth and I worked to grow our community. Karth and I worked to make the siege server as well and we both built it from scratch. Im just curious where are you getting this info from? For holding such opinions of us you have very incorrect information.

Also the guy admitted it on the fse forums, I questioned him and he admitted to it (with no bias on our part). All in the span of 5 mins. At the time it could have been easily resolved by checking GUIDs in the logs. Which again would have taken 5 min. A whole year worth of hard work and training, dissolved because logical steps were not taken. But its split milk. I just mentioned it to get under your skin because you talking crazy lol :P
I'm not blaming you for a large community shift. The community shifted but I'm saying you had influence. 30 attendance was still considered decent too.

Which of my information is incorrect other than your Diplex point? Most of it is opinionated discussion. You were known as campers in mostly the comp. community so it's not like you were at a disadvantage lol if that's what you're implying.

You're not really talking about the topic you're kinda just talking yourself and your regiment up so I think this is where the talk ends.

Also anybody can say anything, having an untrustworthy person admit something isn't necessarily conclusive. I don't remember the server itself or even if the logs were recorded or retrievable. Would have been hard to be matched to a player since nobody knew each others GUIDs then. A whole year worth of being an online video game clan, spilt water droplets more like. And nah we just having a discussion, someone insignificant in my life like you can't get under my skin. You just callin' me crazy because I'm being very serious, I pity the foo'

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #773 on: November 29, 2018, 08:53:07 am »
I'll play BCoF if it has a competent skill system

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Offline Windflower

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #774 on: November 29, 2018, 08:54:27 am »
I'll play BCoF if it has a competent skill system
bruh its gonna be NW 2.0
NW but better if you will

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #775 on: November 29, 2018, 10:40:30 am »
I'll play BCoF if it has a competent skill system
bruh its gonna be NW 2.0
NW but better if you will
Where have I heard that before

"I may never make a list, and I may never make the hall of fame, but by God, I made the competitive mailing list" - Undisclosed Gamer

Offline Windflower

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #776 on: November 29, 2018, 05:03:59 pm »
I'll play BCoF if it has a competent skill system
bruh its gonna be NW 2.0
NW but better if you will
Where have I heard that before
uhhhh NOT holdfast or war of rights  pff

NAPL season 1 saw the greatest regiment winning
ribbit 🐸 cute? 😳 im not cute 😓 i mean my parents 👨‍👩‍👧 call me cute ☺️ but honestly 👉👈 ive never ❌ heard it 👂 from someone else 🗣 before 🥰 thanks i guess? 😳

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #777 on: December 03, 2018, 09:56:09 pm »
TB Groupfight vs 59th (3/12/18), cheeky win ;) :


they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community

Is this the lovely community that chatted (and evidently still chats) unrelenting shit about us on the forums, attempted to boycott our events because they were salty and would've relished at the idea of us disbanding?
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 10:02:30 pm by Munj »

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #778 on: December 03, 2018, 10:05:39 pm »
One of the dumbest things to happen in the community was people thinking Holdfast to be a successor to NW and just flat out quitting NW and moving their regiment to a different game. For the 63e to have done that shows that they did not give an inkling of a fuck about the community and them moving single handedly weakened the desire for growth in this game along with the other regiments that quit NW in a time where really we were much more active then we are now and the game could still be enjoyed to a large scale.

I appreciate your opinion, however, I would disagree with your statement.

First, we haven't quit nw. We are active just not on a competitive scale. We have scheduled gfs and have an dedicated nco for that task.

Second, we have done more for the community overall than most. We put years into nw and still love and respect it. We have not only revolutionized linebattles and the way they were played, but we also created one of the most popular servers from scratch, among other achievements and participation.

Third, we hosted one of the most popular, longest running, and most regularly attended weekly events in the game. Almost all the participating regiments moved over to holdfast and some regiments still attend our events to this day.

You have no idea what motivated us to play Holdfast.
I would have rather you put more effort into investigating the nwl which took me 5 minutes to realize that it was stolen from us due to banned players boasting about playing on the opposing team in the championship match. There is also video evidence of the same team using the same tactics granting us a 10-0 victory in a previous 1v1. But to each their own...
I appreciate your response. It was to my knowledge you had pretty much abandoned Warband when Holdfast came out not just competitively. I'm not discrediting what the regiment has done in its previous history but putting yourself to that level of growth in NW comes with its responsibilities as well. 

Revolutionized linebattles how?

You also did not create one of the most popular servers really you can credit the core of the popularity of the 63e to Diplex. The 63e being successful isn't really my point. And your third point well that's exactly it. A major influence in the community (63e) uprooted its regiment along with it's very popular events and the regiments that attended those.  I'd probably say like 80% of the NW regiments that moved to Holdfast at that time did not fare well at all and I think most ended up just disbanding.

The sway the 63e has had in this community has majorly impacted not only the casual but competitive scene of the game. You kinda brought that on yourselves, and responsibilities and judgement will come because of the regiments clout. Like it er' not.

Also for the whole NWL situation you kind of have to look at it from an unbiased standpoint because you are clearly biased there's no arguing that. At the time of the league I was the sole administrator as everyone else was inactive. It was just Cheesey and I running the league until he disbanded his regiment halfway to 3/4 through the league. Did I make some mistakes in the decision making process? Sure, maybe (no)(jk)(no). Really I was trying to be the most impartial I could in a difficult time in NWL's history where I alone was the arbitrator. There was no justifying evidence that could have incriminated the 91st and there was no way at the time I could have collected enough verifiable proof to make a public affirmation without seeming or being unbiased. It was he said she said shit, and I think I know why you think it's a 5 minute investigation. You cannot make conclusions based on assumption. I may not have no idea what motivated you to play Holdfast, but you definitely have no idea of how things were then and how the match was administered after NWL.

We were one of the last major events to stay in NW. I just find it odd you are blaming us for a large community shift. I dont know if you remember but there was a massive move to Holdfast which made it hard to sustain any event. Also I dont know if you remember but previous to our events, they were extremely unbalanced and biased admining. We changed that.

Also, Diplex had no impact on the popularity or growth of the 63e. When I started as a cadet under Karth, we had maybe 30 attendance and were considered hill campers in the community. Karth was the one who changed that (hill camping thing kinda stayed with us tho lol). Also Karth and I worked to grow our community. Karth and I worked to make the siege server as well and we both built it from scratch. Im just curious where are you getting this info from? For holding such opinions of us you have very incorrect information.

Also the guy admitted it on the fse forums, I questioned him and he admitted to it (with no bias on our part). All in the span of 5 mins. At the time it could have been easily resolved by checking GUIDs in the logs. Which again would have taken 5 min. A whole year worth of hard work and training, dissolved because logical steps were not taken. But its split milk. I just mentioned it to get under your skin because you talking crazy lol :P
I'm not blaming you for a large community shift. The community shifted but I'm saying you had influence. 30 attendance was still considered decent too.

Which of my information is incorrect other than your Diplex point? Most of it is opinionated discussion. You were known as campers in mostly the comp. community so it's not like you were at a disadvantage lol if that's what you're implying.

You're not really talking about the topic you're kinda just talking yourself and your regiment up so I think this is where the talk ends.

Also anybody can say anything, having an untrustworthy person admit something isn't necessarily conclusive. I don't remember the server itself or even if the logs were recorded or retrievable. Would have been hard to be matched to a player since nobody knew each others GUIDs then. A whole year worth of being an online video game clan, spilt water droplets more like. And nah we just having a discussion, someone insignificant in my life like you can't get under my skin. You just callin' me crazy because I'm being very serious [windflower the type of person to take a meme seriously ;D ;D ;D], I pity the foo'

Listen Windflower, I'm not here to banter back and forth. We had influence is not a reason to start flaming our thread. In fact, it was the community who influenced us in our shift. We were one of the last influencial regiments to shift as we continued our NW events months after the release of Holdfast.

As for the NWL, yes I agree. Anyone can say anything, but there was questions regarding the admining of the match, as well as the fact that there were accusations of banned players playing in a match. The servers hold 7 days worth of logs allowing you a week to take a few minutes to check the GUIDs and verify the players. A basic and most logicial action was not taken. There were many instances that we felt should have been addressed, and the Championship match should have been an actual investigation, split decision, or at the very least rounds replayed.

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Re: 63ème Régiment d'Infanterie de Ligne [6 Years and Going!]
« Reply #779 on: December 03, 2018, 10:20:01 pm »
How is holdfast doing? I heard it’s just as dead as NW
1st NWPC S2(21st)|(1st) 5v5 Draft~NA GroupFighting Tournament  |1st♕Rex's 6v6 Tournament | 1st TNWL S2(71st) | 1st NWL S5 (58e) | 3rd place Sleeks 5v5 (Highschoole DxD)
You are by far the best average player to touch this game.
Quote from: Risk
The BEST average player of all time