Author Topic: NW Groupfighting League S2 | [Matchweek #7 13th to 18th June]  (Read 62330 times)

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Offline ~NWGFL~ FSE Official

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NW Groupfighting League S2 | [Matchweek #7 13th to 18th June]
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:35:19 am »

The Napoleonic Wars Groupfighting League is a 5v5 competition originally hosted for the first time in mid 2016.

NWGFL Season 2 Table
(More often updated than the one above)

Table Updated  every Sunday 8 pm gmt

Steam Group: FrenchTouch
FSE Thread :  FrenchTouch FSE Thread
Team Manager: Drake
Co-Manager : ExtaZz94
Team Roster (11/11):

Drake | ID : 335479
ExTaZz94 | ID : 396961
Kennedy | ID : 61268
LeBrave |ID : 62821
Tibérias | ID : 472961
Vade | ID : 63707
Maharbaal | ID : 350399
Gandalf |ID : 388558
SharZ | ID : 678082
ChichileTheNoob | ID : 1372259
Owindd | ID : 1183726

Steam Group: Slavic
FSE Thread : Slavic FSE Thread
Team Manager: DF
Co-Manager :
Team Roster (10/11) :

MarxeiL | ID: 676814
MrDixon | ID: 436876
Alex123 | ID: 1123124
ShakeR | ID: 1113049
Yoda | ID: 838879
Desant | ID: 840822
Chackiy | ID: 549920
Ben | ID: 1282828
Archangel | ID: 1193896
eXt_kill | ID: 675762

Steam Group: The Reindeers
FSE Thread : The Reindeers FSE
Team Manager: HerculesTP
Co-Manager : Unai
Team Roster (10/11) :

HerculesTP | ID: 431409
Unai | ID: 637243
Jaypegg | ID: 766333
Corey | ID: 793311
Lonedoge | ID: 1349640
Bagins | ID: 882294
Wolpi | ID: 9531
Golden | ID: 503145
Irish | ID: 1097538
MaNdar1nch1k | ID : 527035

Steam Group: 6te
FSE Thread : 6te FSE
Team Manager: Wuestenfuchs
Co-Manager :
Team Roster (11/11):

Wüstenfuchs | ID: 802674
Greenpoison | ID: 481462
Laurens | ID: 62921
Phoenix | ID: 884674
Elias | ID: 966875
Nosswill | ID: 68287
Spell | ID: 427102
Georg | ID: 464003
Jay | ID: 961539
Brot | ID: 62671
Joker | ID: 1688739.


1776 GF TEAM
Steam Group: 1776
FSE Thread : 1776 FSE Thread
Team Manager: Kore
Co-Manager :  Ledger
Team Roster: (11/11)

Ledger | ID : 340430
Fwuffy | ID : 5808
Jammo | ID : 492665
Herishey | ID : 521274
Hypno | ID : 436430
Dren | ID : 439480
Rebellious | ID : 60035
Kore | ID : 375537
Hertz | ID : 769942
Python | ID : 927368
Berkovic | ID : 279947

Steam Group: [LIE]Jaegers
FSE Thread : Jaegers FSE
Team Manager: Angel
Co-Manager :  Luke Blacktham
Team Roster (9/11) :
Angel | ID : 522835]
Blacktham | ID : 816873]
Felix | ID : 529287]
Speed | ID : 1195002]
Batman1942 | ID : 782948]
Freaki07 | ID : 1283736]
Skorpien | ID : 1202267]
Schizophrenic | ID : 956322]
Zero Night | ID : 965651]

Steam Group: ChimpZ
FSE Thread : ChimpZ FSE Thread
Team Manager: ThrowUpTheX
Co-Manager :  Movement
Team Roster (10/11) :

Hursty | ID : 1223513
ThrowUpTheX | ID : 1438606
Voluble | ID : 976879
Muha | ID : 953106
Movement | ID : 1269742
Jackie | ID : ID : 876214
Kinder | ID : 1269189
12apist | ID : 877751
Cookie | ID : 432297
Max1m | ID : 1282699

Steam Group: Alcademics
FSE Thread : Alcademics FSE Thread
Team Manager: Bever
Co-Manager : Beatz
Team Roster : (11/11)

Bever | ID : 68366
Beatz | ID : 431835
DesertEagle | ID :  290524
Bob | ID : 290270
Falk | ID : 63592
Dusan | ID : 389497
Frittentime | ID : 544432
DarkTemplar | ID : 792123
RuSh | ID : 644418
Petl | ID : 346520
Flammeus | ID :  63079


Steam Group:NineArts
FSE Thread : NineArts FSE Thread
Team Manager: Doperade
Co-Manager : Bobertini
Team Roster (11/11) :

Doperade | ID: 665307
Bobertini | ID: 634251
Maurice | ID: 477101
Chicken | ID: 539662
Pride | ID: 69342
Exotic | ID: 370971
Rommel | ID: 69933
Cazasar | ID: 794158
Nightkill | ID: 1364893
Rapez | ID: 492849
Fleeting | ID: 523501

Steam Group: 17e GFL
FSE Thread : 17e FSE Thread
Team Manager: Pieter
Co-Manager : Aximus
Team Roster (11/11) :

Pieter | ID: 350211
Aximus | ID: 426105
Rivers | ID: 936141
Ghostkiller | ID: 1152661
Wallie | ID: 673870
Ismar | ID: 653692
Fotin | ID: 956619
Cletus | ID: 501832
MightyPain | ID:1372804
Rydh | ID: 362260
Porkins | ID: 423274
Steam Group: Unsullied
FSE Thread : Unsullied FSE Thread
Manager: JeffMcbiggie
Co-Manager : Hepty
Team Roster: (10/11)

Jeff McBiggie | ID : 289116
Hepty | ID : 1138574
Patruk | ID : 1091281
Barristan | ID :  273252
Shogunai | ID : 1263052
Sleepy | ID : 930862
Strand | ID : 652977
Kreativity | ID : 776691
Pheonix | ID : 1294805
LesakJ | ID :  1161060

Steam Group: Snappers
FSE Thread : Snappers FSE Thread
Team Manager: Vortx
Co-Manager :  Gi
Team Roster (11/11) :

Vortx | ID : 374420
Gi | ID : 639367
Melsyo | ID : 892796
Zawisza | ID :  662000
Connimir | ID : 383263
Dayboul | ID : 431148
Firefly | ID : 839431
Marquez | ID : 8768
Moussolini | ID : 536029
Butler | ID : 369002
Maccle | ID : 427772

In-Game rules :
I. No shooting.
II. No other units than normal line infantry can be used.
III. Match will be best of 30
IV. Only 5 players per team allowed on the arena, the rest of both teams roster must go spectator.
V. Melee speed will be set on medium and the server will be in battle mode.
VI. Only ranker classes are allowed, meaning bayonets and fisting only.
VII. Respect your opponents and the referees/organizers.
VIII. Referees and organizers will use common sense throughout the tournament,respect their decision.
IX.You are not allowed to leave the arena while fighting.
X.If the next match is public then everyone will be allowed to be there and record,if the match is not public then only official recorders and team members will be allowed to be present
XI. The match take place on our official servers : NWGFL_1/2 , in a special map where the teams spawn on each of side an arena and must stay behind the white line until the "GO" from the referee.

XII. Before any round begins, the referee ask each team representative if they are ready.
If you are ready simply type 'Ready'. Once both leaders are ready the round will begin after the "GO" from the referee.

How to sort out attendance problem

6 minutes will be given to totally missing teams (if really no one shows up) , if the referee sees that they are partially missing (at least 1/2 player present but not 5) and that they need a bit more time  the referee will wait maximum 15 minutes from the original starting time.
after this short period of time and if they are still totally missing they'll be declared eliminated by the referee and the opponent team will win by forfeit 30-0.

if they are still partially missing (less than 5 players present) the referee will offer them to play in inferiority vs the opponent team or to give the win by forfeit.
This is a competition mean to be played 5v5 , but there can be exception in case of attendance problem. if one or both of  the  team have attendance problem they can also agreed to play with same number to sort it out nicely but they have to agreed and tell it to the referee and most importantly the team with the most amount of players present has priority exemple : both teams have attendance problem  the team with 4 players present can decide to play with 4 and then refuse to play 3vs3 vs the team with only 3 players present.

3v3 is the minimum allowed type of match , incase one of the team only got 2 players or less they will have to give default win.
Finally , if both team doesn't shows up or doesn't have enough player (less than 3 player) , the match end in a draw.

Leagues rules

Special Rules/GF Board : So now that we have a GF Board , it will be required for every team who signed up to have a thread or to create one within the 10 following days.
We Strongly recommend you , to keep this league interesting, to have a record/results list of all your GF/NWGFL Matches (Win , Draw , Losses , Tournament Achievements?)
(If it's only for tournaments , you can put [Tournament Team] on the thread title so that people don't ask for gf match.)

0)The NWGFL is a groupfighting 5 player versus 5 player league competition consisting of a Regular Season and a Playoff series to determine the champion of the league
NWGFL use two servers : NWGFL_1 and NWGFL_2 password : lol

0,5) 9 players is a minimum for a team | maximum is 11

1)Set will be best of 30

1.5) About the points system: 3 points for a win, 1 points for each team if it's draw and 0 for the looser.

2)Before any match, one of the team managers has to post the future match by following the "Match Application", Who vs Who, Date, Servers (NWGFL_1/2), Referee, and whether the Match is public or private.

About whether the Match is “public or Private" you have to ask the other manager before posting it. If you both agree on one decision then its fine; but in case you don't have the same opinion, the manager who wants the match to be public has the priority, so you have the obligation to write "public". If you don't follow these rules, and if you decide to write "private" voluntary while the other manager want it public, you will be punished.

If the match is private, the referee has to kick everyone who is not a players/a members of NWGFL staff (ref/admin)/official recorders.

2.5)Only referees are allowed to post the result, if someone not referee post it then the post will be deleted, also referees have to post the result with the screenshot (in spoiler) of the scoreboards.

At end of a match, we strongly recommend to all people who played to spawn (and if possible don’t tk for 5-7 seconds) while the referee will "screenshot" the scoreboards for the statistics of the league.

3)There will be 66 matches (11 per team) during around 65 days of competition.
A match week is 5 days long.

3.5) Only one match is allowed per match week except for this following case:
If your team have some problem of lateness, then you are allowed to do multiple match in the same week (but not more as you should have done). Keep in mind that the other manager has to agree with it, he can refuse to do it and has priority over the matter. It means if he accepts to do it on one day, you have to accept this day;otherwise you wait for the next week. If you really can't deal with another manager, just contact Drake.

4)The "Mercato" is a short period of time when it's allowed to transfer/Recruit/edit your team roster.
During the league, Mercato is closed. It means that people won't be able to change team while the league is on-going (except for Mercato) or to go back into the league if they got kicked by their captain, until the next Mercato.
During mercato, a player that already played one match for a team can only change team if his team disbanded or if he has been kicked out of the official roster by his captain officialy on the fse thread before, if a leader and a player have different claim, there will be verification and final decision made by the organization and given by steam.
At mid of the season (After 6th and before 7th Matchweek), Mercato will be re-opened for a short period.

4.5) For any problem concerning the league who can't be sorted it out with your direct referee , if you want to deny a score/result , have had problem with another team and the referee doesn't want to help you with it or if you want to complaint on a referee because he is biased, partial ,  he made a controversial decision on you that you think is not deserved or because you see him not follow the rules he should enforce or whatever , contact Drake.

5)At end of the season, the 3 worst teams are relegated to the future league 2.

6)Any kinds of cheating are forbidden (auto blocks, speed hack, etc.) if you have any proof (video, something) about someone using cheats, please contact Drake.
We can permanently ban someone who cheat and punish his team with a big malus (-10 points,-15 points).

7)The Manager has 100% of the power, he can decide everything.
The Co-Manager can't contest any decision of the Manager

8 )Roleplay tags are not allowed and ID's must be given. On NWGFL_1/2 servers people must have their Steam/Community name with their tag for example: JediMaster_Melsyo is allowed JediMaster_Mace_Windu is forbidden same way with Praetoriani_Herakles, fine but Praetoriani_Achilleus is incorrect.
If someone came to the server with a roleplaying name the referee won't let the guy play.
About the ID's, to make a nice and fair competition without cheat and invite every team has to give the IDs of the roster, ID that will be regulary checked, incase we found proof of cheat/invite the guilty team will be punished with a malus (a malus which is to be decided by the organizer and referee) , a permanent ID ban of the invited player , and most likely not (depending on the gravity) but that can even end in a exclusion of the cheating team and a eternal ban for the Manager/Co-Manager from the league.

9)All of this rules only apply after the very first GO meaning after the begining of the match.
The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing.

If a player got shot, by an opponent before the rounds begin,  if one or more players survive, he will need to be healed and the referee will send a warning to the shooter(s) in admin chat but won't punish anyone unless it happen again, if one or more players die, those who killed by shooting get slayed for the actual round and the following 2 rounds, it's forbidden to replace them during these 3 rounds.

 Therefore the Team punished will play immediatly, if the opponent team can replace those who died directly on the actual round they are allowed to, otherwise the punished team will probably play even of his opponent immediatly, and then the following 2 rounds in inferiority : 4v5 (or less if several of his member shooted and killed opponent).We do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.
If both team manage to kill some opponent on the same round by shooting, the referee will only slay the shooters for one round and send warning in admin chat.
Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".

10) Only official players listed on the NWGFL Thread (with their proper community/steam name) are allowed to play in NWGFL_1/2 servers. Outside of NWGFL people can do whatever they want , but on the league play for 2 team or more  (Multiple-Team/invite) or even to invite once is forbidden , this obviously only concern official nwgfl matches , Invites/reservists are absolutely forbidden, we will check id’s to make sure it's followed by every manager. We can decide to disqualify you if you break these rules.

11) Play-off System:
Playoff can be considered as the most important confrontation of the league and as the final of the league.
It consist in a single elimination series between the best teams of the Regular Season
Edit for Season 2 : Since this new season , the winner of the playoff finals is the winner of the league ,whatever the score/record on the Regular Season , it's not more depending on points , the Regular Season is an hard and long confrontation to get your ticket on playoff.
The goal of playoff is to keep the suspense of the league until the very very end and then to have a nice end of competition with a lot of hype, it allow team to be prepared for the final confrontation in learning from the regular season ,  but the best reason to have playoff is that playoff bring the best of what the players can provide in term of performance and skill level because they know that the playoff are a dangerous path , single elimination ,  that need preparation and tactics , with this the playoff will force the teams to play their best teamplay and will elevate the average level for the love of the game.
The playoffs change from FT2 to FT3 match (bo30)

During the playoff, as to keep an advantage for those who did the best performance in regular season, the 1st confront the 4th and the 2nd confront the 3rd. The winner of those two matches get in final then the winner of this match win the Title (NWGFL Cup and Ring)

STAFF (Organizer/Referee/Youtuber/Streamer)
Organizer :

Referees (8/8) :


Broadcaster (4/4):


Streamer (1/1):
(you can ask him for regular season, but he will mainly stream for playoffs)

You can post your team without the id's for the moment.
Team Application :
Team Name:
Team Manager:
Co-Manager (no required):
Manager Steam Contact/Links:
GF Team Steam Group Link (required) :
Team Roster + ID of each one (9 min/11 max):
Do you have a logo (answer yes or no , if yes share the logo at the end of this application) ?:
(*If you don't have a logo*) do you want our graphist team to help you out with it? (Recommended):
Does your team have a thread on the GF Board ? (if not , pls do it within 10 days) :
FSE Thread Link (If you have one) :
Do you accept the rules:

Referee Application :
Community Name:
Steam Contact/Links:
Previous Experience:
Why you should be a Ref:

Match Application (it has to be done for every matches)
Who versus Who :
Date :
NWGFL_1 or 2 ? :
Referee :
Match Public or Private :
Broadcaster/Streamer :

You can let the Broadcaster empty if they all refused.
Recording is important for the league, so please play the game and contact them for all your matchs.


Match Application (it has to be done for every matches)

Who versus Who :
Date :
NWGFL_1 or 2 ? :
Referee :
Match Public or Private :
Broadcaster/Streamer :

You can let the Broadcaster empty if they all refused.
Recording is important for the league, so please play the game and contact them for all your matchs.

Made by Kore (ratings are of his personal opinion).

We still need more members on the staff

Youtuber/Streamer Application

Community Name:
Steam Contact/Links:
Previous Experience:
Link to your youtube or twitch channel :

Referee Application :

Community Name:
Steam Contact/Links:
Previous Experience:
Why you should be a Ref:

« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 11:31:59 pm by ~NWGFL~ FSE Official »

Offline ~NWGFL~ FSE Official

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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2017, 12:35:32 am »

Mercato Status

« Last Edit: March 27, 2017, 01:16:51 pm by ~NWGFL~ FSE Official »

Offline ~NWGFL~ FSE Official

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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2017, 12:35:46 am »

« Last Edit: April 10, 2017, 05:33:30 pm by ~NWGFL~ FSE Official »


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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2017, 01:00:18 am »
Team Name: FrenchTouch
Team Manager: Drake
Co-Manager (no required): ExtaZz94
Manager Steam Contact/Links: Drake,ExtaZz94
GF Team Steam Group Link (required) : FrenchTouch
Team Roster + ID of each one (9 min/11 max): TBA
Do you have a logo (answer yes or no , if yes share the logo at the end of this application) ?: yes
(*If you don't have a logo*) do you want our graphist team to help you out with it? (Recommended): already have one
Does your team have a thread on the GF Board ? (if not , pls do it within 10 days) : yes
FSE Thread Link (If you have one) :
Do you accept the rules: yes

« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 05:16:30 pm by Drake »

Offline Carolus.

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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2017, 01:54:00 am »

Team Name: FrenchTouch
Team Manager: Drake
Co-Manager (no required): ExtaZz94
Manager Steam Contact/Links: Drake,ExtaZz94
GF Team Group Steam Links (required) : FrenchTouch
Team Roster + ID of each one (9 min/11 max): TBA
Do you want our graphist team to help you out with your team logo? (Recommended): already have one.
Do you accept the rules: yes


 :P sry bad jock

Offline ~NickCole~

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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2017, 04:02:56 am »
good luck with the league!

Offline Lone

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Re: NWGFL Season 2 | Pre-Season | Feel free to sign up.
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2017, 07:04:49 am »
Referee Application :
Community Name: Lone
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: NWWC, RGL, NWGFL1, RGF, several little tournaments
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm the best
Tier Legendary Elite ++
97p Lone : By himself he's a very good duo. So he deserve a spot of his own.

Offline Kore

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  • Nick: Oubliette*******
  • Side: Neutral
Community Name: Kore
Steam Contact/Links:
Previous Experience: GFL 1, 2, NWWC, RGL, host, many more
Why you should be a Ref: exp
One of the best side blockers in the game. Often reffered as 'the Sideblock King'.

Offline Moussolini

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Referee Application:
Community Name: Moussolini
Steam Contact/Links: I believe you have me
Previous Experience: I was ref last season of this, also ref in other things like RGL, NLC and NWL before.
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm competent

Offline Walker

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  • Nick: NightKill
  • Side: Confederacy
Community Name: NightKill
Steam Contact/Links:
Previous Experience: Reffed a few tournaments
Why you should be a Ref: I enjoy watching the NWGFL matches when I have the time and I'll gladly help out.
delet this

Offline MarxeiL

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9)The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing. If a player got shot by an opponent before the rounds begin, those who shoot get slayed for the following 2 rounds and it's forbidden to replace him. Therefore the Team punished will play 4v5 during 2 rounds, we do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".
nice rule

Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: russian tournaments (memes)
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm better than Lone
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |

Offline Herishey

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9)The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing. If a player got shot by an opponent before the rounds begin, those who shoot get slayed for the following 2 rounds and it's forbidden to replace him. Therefore the Team punished will play 4v5 during 2 rounds, we do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".
nice rule

Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: russian tournaments (memes)
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm better than Lone
Seems like a rule so ref's can be lazy, it's pretty stupid if I'm honest.  ;D
I won lots of things, I came 2nd and 3rd in lots of things, I guess I did some other shit too........ I'm also an FSE legend, probably most commonly described as a cunt. If the shit I do doesn't make sense in your head, well fuck you because it makes sense in mine.

Which i did, against known and reputed player, some of them considered legend, such as, Mandarin, Ledger, Tiberias, Herishey, Hokej, Troister, Axiom, Evanovic, Stark, Eddie, Jammo, Bagins, Freddie, Python. I didn't had a good relationship with most of them, but i congratulate them for what they did, and i had pleasure facing them.

Offline Kore

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  • Nick: Oubliette*******
  • Side: Neutral
9)The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing. If a player got shot by an opponent before the rounds begin, those who shoot get slayed for the following 2 rounds and it's forbidden to replace him. Therefore the Team punished will play 4v5 during 2 rounds, we do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".
nice rule

Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: russian tournaments (memes)
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm better than Lone
Seems like a rule so ref's can be lazy, it's pretty stupid if I'm honest.  ;D

I sorta agree with the rule, if you or your members are too slow to switch from spec to game it's your fault ;D
Though we can expect a long discussion about this matter
One of the best side blockers in the game. Often reffered as 'the Sideblock King'.


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9)The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing. If a player got shot by an opponent before the rounds begin, those who shoot get slayed for the following 2 rounds and it's forbidden to replace him. Therefore the Team punished will play 4v5 during 2 rounds, we do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".
nice rule

Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: russian tournaments (memes)
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm better than Lone
it's pretty stupid if I'm honest  ;D
i don't worry about , on sait que t'es souvent dans le camp des escrocs  :P

Offline MarxeiL

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  • Cvet nastroenija - serij, samij skuchnij
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  • Nick: 13e | CCCP
  • Side: Neutral
9)The referees won't reset a match if someone gets team killed by a teammate before the round begins, also when the match begins (only after the starting of the entire match, so basically after the first "go") if someone is too late to spawn (for a replacement for example) the game is still not going to reset. We recommend you to anticipate any replacement to avoid any problem of timing. If a player got shot by an opponent before the rounds begin, those who shoot get slayed for the following 2 rounds and it's forbidden to replace him. Therefore the Team punished will play 4v5 during 2 rounds, we do this because we want to keep the scoreboard as clean as possible.Manager & Co-Manager have the responsibility to keep their members "calm".
nice rule

Community Name: MarxeiL
Steam Contact/Links: You have me
Previous Experience: russian tournaments (memes)
Why you should be a Ref: Because I'm better than Lone
it's pretty stupid if I'm honest  ;D
i don't worry about , on sait que t'es souvent dans le camp des escrocs  :P

best of 30 rounds and best of 3 matches in playoffs is very good idea btw
looking forward
| 1x 10v10 Winner | 2x 9v9 Winner | 2x 8v8 Winner | 1x 7v7 Winner | 1x 6v6 Winner | 2x 5v5 Winner | 1x 4v4 Winner | 1x 3v3 Winner |
| 1x TDT Winner | 1x NWL (2nd L) Winner | 1x NWL (1st L) Winner | 1x RGT Winner | 2x RGL Winner |
| 1x TDT Runner-up | 1x 8v8 Runner-up | 1x 7v7 Runner-up | 1x NWFL Runner-up | 1x EIC Runner-up | 1x 2v2 Runner-up |